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[Emacs-diffs] Changes to emacs/lisp/gnus/rfc2231.el

From: Miles Bader
Subject: [Emacs-diffs] Changes to emacs/lisp/gnus/rfc2231.el
Date: Wed, 08 Feb 2006 04:36:00 +0000

Index: emacs/lisp/gnus/rfc2231.el
diff -u emacs/lisp/gnus/rfc2231.el:1.12 emacs/lisp/gnus/rfc2231.el:1.13
--- emacs/lisp/gnus/rfc2231.el:1.12     Sat Feb  4 00:58:23 2006
+++ emacs/lisp/gnus/rfc2231.el  Wed Feb  8 04:35:58 2006
@@ -41,10 +41,13 @@
 N.B.  This is in violation with RFC2047, but it seem to be in common use."
   (rfc2231-parse-string (rfc2047-decode-string string)))
-(defun rfc2231-parse-string (string)
+(defun rfc2231-parse-string (string &optional signal-error)
   "Parse STRING and return a list.
 The list will be on the form
- `(name (attribute . value) (attribute . value)...)"
+ `(name (attribute . value) (attribute . value)...)'.
+If the optional SIGNAL-ERROR is non-nil, signal an error when this
+function fails in parsing of parameters."
     (let ((ttoken (ietf-drums-token-to-list ietf-drums-text-token))
          (stoken (ietf-drums-token-to-list ietf-drums-tspecials))
@@ -74,63 +77,68 @@
        (setq type (downcase (buffer-substring
                              (point) (progn (forward-sexp 1) (point)))))
        ;; Do the params
-       (while (not (eobp))
-         (setq c (char-after))
-         (unless (eq c ?\;)
-           (error "Invalid header: %s" string))
-         (forward-char 1)
-         ;; If c in nil, then this is an invalid header, but
-         ;; since elm generates invalid headers on this form,
-         ;; we allow it.
-         (when (setq c (char-after))
-           (if (and (memq c ttoken)
-                    (not (memq c stoken)))
-               (setq attribute
-                     (intern
-                      (downcase
-                       (buffer-substring
-                        (point) (progn (forward-sexp 1) (point))))))
-             (error "Invalid header: %s" string))
-           (setq c (char-after))
-           (when (eq c ?*)
-             (forward-char 1)
-             (setq c (char-after))
-             (if (not (memq c ntoken))
-                 (setq encoded t
-                       number nil)
-               (setq number
-                     (string-to-number
-                      (buffer-substring
-                       (point) (progn (forward-sexp 1) (point)))))
+       (condition-case err
+           (progn
+             (while (not (eobp))
                (setq c (char-after))
-               (when (eq c ?*)
-                 (setq encoded t)
+               (unless (eq c ?\;)
+                 (error "Invalid header: %s" string))
+               (forward-char 1)
+               ;; If c in nil, then this is an invalid header, but
+               ;; since elm generates invalid headers on this form,
+               ;; we allow it.
+               (when (setq c (char-after))
+                 (if (and (memq c ttoken)
+                          (not (memq c stoken)))
+                     (setq attribute
+                           (intern
+                            (downcase
+                             (buffer-substring
+                              (point) (progn (forward-sexp 1) (point))))))
+                   (error "Invalid header: %s" string))
+                 (setq c (char-after))
+                 (when (eq c ?*)
+                   (forward-char 1)
+                   (setq c (char-after))
+                   (if (not (memq c ntoken))
+                       (setq encoded t
+                             number nil)
+                     (setq number
+                           (string-to-number
+                            (buffer-substring
+                             (point) (progn (forward-sexp 1) (point)))))
+                     (setq c (char-after))
+                     (when (eq c ?*)
+                       (setq encoded t)
+                       (forward-char 1)
+                       (setq c (char-after)))))
+                 ;; See if we have any previous continuations.
+                 (when (and prev-attribute
+                            (not (eq prev-attribute attribute)))
+                   (push (cons prev-attribute
+                               (if prev-encoded
+                                   (rfc2231-decode-encoded-string prev-value)
+                                 prev-value))
+                         parameters)
+                   (setq prev-attribute nil
+                         prev-value ""
+                         prev-encoded nil))
+                 (unless (eq c ?=)
+                   (error "Invalid header: %s" string))
                  (forward-char 1)
-                 (setq c (char-after)))))
-           ;; See if we have any previous continuations.
-           (when (and prev-attribute
-                      (not (eq prev-attribute attribute)))
-             (push (cons prev-attribute
-                         (if prev-encoded
-                             (rfc2231-decode-encoded-string prev-value)
-                           prev-value))
-                   parameters)
-             (setq prev-attribute nil
-                   prev-value ""
-                   prev-encoded nil))
-           (unless (eq c ?=)
-             (error "Invalid header: %s" string))
-           (forward-char 1)
-           (setq c (char-after))
-           (cond
-            ((eq c ?\")
-             (setq value
-                   (buffer-substring (1+ (point))
-                                     (progn (forward-sexp 1) (1- (point))))))
-            ((and (or (memq c ttoken)
-                      (> c ?\177)) ;; EXTENSION: Support non-ascii chars.
-                  (not (memq c stoken)))
-             (setq value (buffer-substring
+                 (setq c (char-after))
+                 (cond
+                  ((eq c ?\")
+                   (setq value (buffer-substring (1+ (point))
+                                                 (progn
+                                                   (forward-sexp 1)
+                                                   (1- (point))))))
+                  ((and (or (memq c ttoken)
+                            ;; EXTENSION: Support non-ascii chars.
+                            (> c ?\177))
+                        (not (memq c stoken)))
+                   (setq value
+                         (buffer-substring
@@ -142,25 +150,31 @@
                               (forward-char 1)
-            (t
-             (error "Invalid header: %s" string)))
-           (if number
-               (setq prev-attribute attribute
-                     prev-value (concat prev-value value)
-                     prev-encoded encoded)
-             (push (cons attribute
-                         (if encoded
-                             (rfc2231-decode-encoded-string value)
-                           value))
-                   parameters))))
-       ;; Take care of any final continuations.
-       (when prev-attribute
-         (push (cons prev-attribute
-                     (if prev-encoded
-                         (rfc2231-decode-encoded-string prev-value)
-                       prev-value))
-               parameters))
+                  (t
+                   (error "Invalid header: %s" string)))
+                 (if number
+                     (setq prev-attribute attribute
+                           prev-value (concat prev-value value)
+                           prev-encoded encoded)
+                   (push (cons attribute
+                               (if encoded
+                                   (rfc2231-decode-encoded-string value)
+                                 value))
+                         parameters))))
+             ;; Take care of any final continuations.
+             (when prev-attribute
+               (push (cons prev-attribute
+                           (if prev-encoded
+                               (rfc2231-decode-encoded-string prev-value)
+                             prev-value))
+                     parameters)))
+         (error
+          (setq parameters nil)
+          (if signal-error
+              (signal (car err) (cdr err))
+            ;;(message "%s" (error-message-string err))
+            )))
        (when type
          `(,type ,@(nreverse parameters)))))))
@@ -189,12 +203,15 @@
 (defun rfc2231-encode-string (param value)
-  "Return and PARAM=VALUE string encoded according to RFC2231."
+  "Return and PARAM=VALUE string encoded according to RFC2231.
+Use `mml-insert-parameter' or `mml-insert-parameter-string' to insert
+the result of this function."
   (let ((control (ietf-drums-token-to-list ietf-drums-no-ws-ctl-token))
        (tspecial (ietf-drums-token-to-list ietf-drums-tspecials))
        (special (ietf-drums-token-to-list "*'%\n\t"))
        (ascii (ietf-drums-token-to-list ietf-drums-text-token))
        (num -1)
+       ;; Don't make lines exceeding 76 column.
        (limit (- 74 (length param)))
        spacep encodep charsetp charset broken)
@@ -241,7 +258,7 @@
        (if (not broken)
            (insert param "*=")
          (while (not (eobp))
-           (insert (if (>= num 0) " " "\n ")
+           (insert (if (>= num 0) " " "")
                    param "*" (format "%d" (incf num)) "*=")
            (forward-line 1))))

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