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[Emacs-diffs] Changes to emacs/lisp/gnus/mm-util.el

From: Miles Bader
Subject: [Emacs-diffs] Changes to emacs/lisp/gnus/mm-util.el
Date: Fri, 17 Feb 2006 00:24:05 +0000

Index: emacs/lisp/gnus/mm-util.el
diff -u emacs/lisp/gnus/mm-util.el:1.46 emacs/lisp/gnus/mm-util.el:1.47
--- emacs/lisp/gnus/mm-util.el:1.46     Sun Feb  5 13:56:44 2006
+++ emacs/lisp/gnus/mm-util.el  Fri Feb 17 00:24:04 2006
@@ -99,16 +99,6 @@
           (lambda (ch) (mm-string-as-multibyte (char-to-string ch)))
           string "")))
      (multibyte-string-p . ignore)
-     ;; It is not a MIME function, but some MIME functions use it.
-     (make-temp-file . (lambda (prefix &optional dir-flag)
-                        (let ((file (expand-file-name
-                                     (make-temp-name prefix)
-                                     (if (fboundp 'temp-directory)
-                                         (temp-directory)
-                                       temporary-file-directory))))
-                          (if dir-flag
-                              (make-directory file))
-                          file)))
      (insert-byte . insert-char)
      (multibyte-char-to-unibyte . identity))))
@@ -971,6 +961,77 @@
     (write-region start end filename append visit lockname)))
+;; It is not a MIME function, but some MIME functions use it.
+(if (and (fboundp 'make-temp-file)
+        (ignore-errors
+          (let ((def (symbol-function 'make-temp-file)))
+            (and (byte-code-function-p def)
+                 (setq def (if (fboundp 'compiled-function-arglist)
+                               ;; XEmacs
+                               (eval (list 'compiled-function-arglist def))
+                             (aref def 0)))
+                 (>= (length def) 4)
+                 (eq (nth 3 def) 'suffix)))))
+    (defalias 'mm-make-temp-file 'make-temp-file)
+  ;; Stolen (and modified for Emacs 20 and XEmacs) from Emacs 22.
+  (defun mm-make-temp-file (prefix &optional dir-flag suffix)
+    "Create a temporary file.
+The returned file name (created by appending some random characters at the end
+of PREFIX, and expanding against `temporary-file-directory' if necessary),
+is guaranteed to point to a newly created empty file.
+You can then use `write-region' to write new data into the file.
+If DIR-FLAG is non-nil, create a new empty directory instead of a file.
+If SUFFIX is non-nil, add that at the end of the file name."
+    (let ((umask (default-file-modes))
+         file)
+      (unwind-protect
+         (progn
+           ;; Create temp files with strict access rights.  It's easy to
+           ;; loosen them later, whereas it's impossible to close the
+           ;; time-window of loose permissions otherwise.
+           (set-default-file-modes 448)
+           (while (condition-case err
+                      (progn
+                        (setq file
+                              (make-temp-name
+                               (expand-file-name
+                                prefix
+                                (if (fboundp 'temp-directory)
+                                    ;; XEmacs
+                                    (temp-directory)
+                                  temporary-file-directory))))
+                        (if suffix
+                            (setq file (concat file suffix)))
+                        (if dir-flag
+                            (make-directory file)
+                          (if (or (featurep 'xemacs)
+                                  (= emacs-major-version 20))
+                              ;; NOTE: This is unsafe if Emacs 20
+                              ;; users and XEmacs users don't use
+                              ;; a secure temp directory.
+                              (if (file-exists-p file)
+                                  (signal 'file-already-exists
+                                          (list "File exists" file))
+                                (write-region "" nil file nil 'silent))
+                            (write-region "" nil file nil 'silent
+                                          nil 'excl)))
+                        nil)
+                    (file-already-exists t)
+                    ;; The Emacs 20 and XEmacs versions of
+                    ;; `make-directory' issue `file-error'.
+                    (file-error (or (and (or (featurep 'xemacs)
+                                             (= emacs-major-version 20))
+                                         (file-exists-p file))
+                                    (signal (car err) (cdr err)))))
+             ;; the file was somehow created by someone else between
+             ;; `make-temp-name' and `write-region', let's try again.
+             nil)
+           file)
+       ;; Reset the umask.
+       (set-default-file-modes umask)))))
 (defun mm-image-load-path (&optional package)
   (let (dir result)
     (dolist (path load-path (nreverse result))

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