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[Emacs-diffs] Changes to emacs/lisp/server.el,v

From: Miles Bader
Subject: [Emacs-diffs] Changes to emacs/lisp/server.el,v
Date: Wed, 29 Aug 2007 05:28:43 +0000

CVSROOT:        /cvsroot/emacs
Module name:    emacs
Changes by:     Miles Bader <miles>     07/08/29 05:28:10

Index: lisp/server.el
RCS file: /cvsroot/emacs/emacs/lisp/server.el,v
retrieving revision 1.131
retrieving revision 1.132
diff -u -b -r1.131 -r1.132
--- lisp/server.el      3 Aug 2007 05:49:54 -0000       1.131
+++ lisp/server.el      29 Aug 2007 05:28:04 -0000      1.132
@@ -8,6 +8,7 @@
 ;; Keywords: processes
 ;; Changes by address@hidden and by rms.
+;; Overhaul by Karoly Lorentey <address@hidden> for multi-tty support.
 ;; This file is part of GNU Emacs.
@@ -41,7 +42,7 @@
 ;; This program transmits the file names to Emacs through
 ;; the server subprocess, and Emacs visits them and lets you edit them.
-;; Note that any number of clients may dispatch files to emacs to be edited.
+;; Note that any number of clients may dispatch files to Emacs to be edited.
 ;; When you finish editing a Server buffer, again call server-edit
 ;; to mark that buffer as done for the client and switch to the next
@@ -138,12 +139,11 @@
 (defvar server-clients nil
   "List of current server clients.
-Each element is (CLIENTID BUFFERS...) where CLIENTID is a string
-that can be given to the server process to identify a client.
-When a buffer is marked as \"done\", it is removed from this list.")
+Each element is (PROC PROPERTIES...) where PROC is a process object,
+and PROPERTIES is an association list of client properties.")
 (defvar server-buffer-clients nil
-  "List of client ids for clients requesting editing of current buffer.")
+  "List of client processes requesting editing of current buffer.")
 (make-variable-buffer-local 'server-buffer-clients)
 ;; Changing major modes should not erase this local.
 (put 'server-buffer-clients 'permanent-local t)
@@ -198,34 +198,166 @@
 (defvar server-name "server")
-(defvar server-socket-dir
-  (format "/tmp/emacs%d" (user-uid)))
+(defvar server-socket-dir nil
+  "The directory in which to place the server socket.
+Initialized by `server-start'.")
+(defun server-client (proc)
+  "Return the Emacs client corresponding to PROC.
+PROC must be a process object.
+The car of the result is PROC; the cdr is an association list.
+See `server-client-get' and `server-client-set'."
+  (assq proc server-clients))
+(defun server-client-get (client property)
+  "Get the value of PROPERTY in CLIENT.
+CLIENT may be a process object, or a client returned by `server-client'.
+Return nil if CLIENT has no such property."
+  (or (listp client) (setq client (server-client client)))
+  (cdr (assq property (cdr client))))
+(defun server-client-set (client property value)
+  "Set the PROPERTY to VALUE in CLIENT, and return VALUE.
+CLIENT may be a process object, or a client returned by `server-client'."
+  (let (p proc)
+    (if (listp client)
+       (setq proc (car client))
+      (setq proc client
+           client (server-client client)))
+    (setq p (assq property client))
+    (cond
+     (p (setcdr p value))
+     (client (setcdr client (cons (cons property value) (cdr client))))
+     (t (setq server-clients
+             `((,proc (,property . ,value)) . ,server-clients))))
+    value))
+(defun server-clients-with (property value)
+  "Return a list of clients with PROPERTY set to VALUE."
+  (let (result)
+    (dolist (client server-clients result)
+      (when (equal value (server-client-get client property))
+       (setq result (cons (car client) result))))))
+(defun server-add-client (proc)
+  "Create a client for process PROC, if it doesn't already have one.
+New clients have no properties."
+  (unless (server-client proc)
+    (setq server-clients (cons (cons proc nil)
+                              server-clients))))
+(defun server-getenv-from (env variable)
+  "Get the value of VARIABLE in ENV.
+VARIABLE should be a string.  Value is nil if VARIABLE is
+undefined in ENV.  Otherwise, value is a string.
+ENV should be in the same format as `process-environment'."
+  (let (entry result)
+    (while (and env (null result))
+      (setq entry (car env)
+           env (cdr env))
+      (if (and (> (length entry) (length variable))
+              (eq ?= (aref entry (length variable)))
+              (equal variable (substring entry 0 (length variable))))
+         (setq result (substring entry (+ (length variable) 1)))))
+    result))
+(defmacro server-with-environment (env vars &rest body)
+  "Evaluate BODY with environment variables VARS set to those in ENV.
+The environment variables are then restored to their previous values.
+VARS should be a list of strings.
+ENV should be in the same format as `process-environment'."
+  (declare (indent 2))
+  (let ((old-env (make-symbol "old-env"))
+       (var (make-symbol "var"))
+       (value (make-symbol "value"))
+       (pair (make-symbol "pair")))
+    `(let ((,old-env process-environment))
+       (dolist (,var ,vars)
+        (let ((,value (server-getenv-from ,env ,var)))
+          (setq process-environment
+                (cons (if (null ,value)
+                          ,var
+                        (concat ,var "=" ,value))
+                      process-environment))))
+       (unwind-protect
+          (progn ,@body)
+        (setq process-environment ,old-env)))))
+(defun server-delete-client (client &optional noframe)
+  "Delete CLIENT, including its buffers, terminals and frames.
+If NOFRAME is non-nil, let the frames live.  (To be used from
+  (server-log (concat "server-delete-client" (if noframe " noframe"))
+             client)
+  ;; Force a new lookup of client (prevents infinite recursion).
+  (setq client (server-client
+               (if (listp client) (car client) client)))
+  (let ((proc (car client))
+       (buffers (server-client-get client 'buffers)))
+    (when client
+      ;; Kill the client's buffers.
+      (dolist (buf buffers)
+       (when (buffer-live-p buf)
+         (with-current-buffer buf
+           ;; Kill the buffer if necessary.
+           (when (and (equal server-buffer-clients
+                             (list proc))
+                      (or (and server-kill-new-buffers
+                               (not server-existing-buffer))
+                          (server-temp-file-p))
+                      (not (buffer-modified-p)))
+             (let (flag)
+               (unwind-protect
+                   (progn (setq server-buffer-clients nil)
+                          (kill-buffer (current-buffer))
+                          (setq flag t))
+                 (unless flag
+                   ;; Restore clients if user pressed C-g in `kill-buffer'.
+                   (setq server-buffer-clients (list proc)))))))))
+      ;; Delete the client's frames.
+      (unless noframe
+       (dolist (frame (frame-list))
+         (when (and (frame-live-p frame)
+                    (equal proc (frame-parameter frame 'client)))
+           ;; Prevent `server-handle-delete-frame' from calling us
+           ;; recursively.
+           (set-frame-parameter frame 'client nil)
+           (delete-frame frame))))
+      (setq server-clients (delq client server-clients))
+      ;; Delete the client's tty.
+      (let ((terminal (server-client-get client 'terminal)))
+       (when (eq (terminal-live-p terminal) t)
+         (delete-terminal terminal)))
+      ;; Delete the client's process.
+      (if (eq (process-status (car client)) 'open)
+         (delete-process (car client)))
+      (server-log "Deleted" proc))))
 (defun server-log (string &optional client)
-  "If a *server* buffer exists, write STRING to it for logging purposes."
+  "If a *server* buffer exists, write STRING to it for logging purposes.
+If CLIENT is non-nil, add a description of it to the logged
   (when (get-buffer "*server*")
     (with-current-buffer "*server*"
       (goto-char (point-max))
       (insert (current-time-string)
-             (if client (format " %s:" client) " ")
+             (cond
+              ((null client) " ")
+              ((listp client) (format " %s: " (car client)))
+              (t (format " %s: " client)))
       (or (bolp) (newline)))))
 (defun server-sentinel (proc msg)
-  (let ((client (assq proc server-clients)))
-    ;; Remove PROC from the list of clients.
-    (when client
-      (setq server-clients (delq client server-clients))
-      (dolist (buf (cdr client))
-       (with-current-buffer buf
-         ;; Remove PROC from the clients of each buffer.
-         (setq server-buffer-clients (delq proc server-buffer-clients))
-         ;; Kill the buffer if necessary.
-         (when (and (null server-buffer-clients)
-                    (or (and server-kill-new-buffers
-                             (not server-existing-buffer))
-                        (server-temp-file-p)))
-           (kill-buffer (current-buffer)))))))
+  "The process sentinel for Emacs server connections."
   ;; If this is a new client process, set the query-on-exit flag to nil
   ;; for this process (it isn't inherited from the server process).
   (when (and (eq (process-status proc) 'open)
@@ -237,47 +369,34 @@
   ;; (and (process-contact proc :server)
   ;;      (eq (process-status proc) 'closed)
   ;;      (ignore-errors (delete-file (process-get proc :server-file))))
-  (server-log (format "Status changed to %s" (process-status proc)) proc))
+  (server-log (format "Status changed to %s: %s" (process-status proc) msg) 
+  (server-delete-client proc))
-(defun server-select-display (display)
-  ;; If the current frame is on `display' we're all set.
-  (unless (equal (frame-parameter (selected-frame) 'display) display)
-    ;; Otherwise, look for an existing frame there and select it.
-    (dolist (frame (frame-list))
-      (when (equal (frame-parameter frame 'display) display)
-       (select-frame frame)))
-    ;; If there's no frame on that display yet, create and select one.
-    (unless (equal (frame-parameter (selected-frame) 'display) display)
-      (let* ((buffer (generate-new-buffer " *server-dummy*"))
-             (frame (make-frame-on-display
-                     display
-                     ;; Make it display (and remember) some dummy buffer, so
-                     ;; we can detect later if the frame is in use or not.
-                     `((server-dummmy-buffer . ,buffer)
-                       ;; This frame may be deleted later (see
-                       ;; server-unselect-display) so we want it to be as
-                       ;; unobtrusive as possible.
-                       (visibility . nil)))))
-        (select-frame frame)
-        (set-window-buffer (selected-window) buffer)))))
-(defun server-unselect-display (frame)
-  ;; If the temporary frame is in use (displays something real), make it
-  ;; visible.  If not (which can happen if the user's customizations call
-  ;; pop-to-buffer etc.), delete it to avoid preserving the connection after
-  ;; the last real frame is deleted.
-  (if (and (eq (frame-first-window frame)
-               (next-window (frame-first-window frame) 'nomini))
-           (eq (window-buffer (frame-first-window frame))
-               (frame-parameter frame 'server-dummy-buffer)))
-      ;; The temp frame still only shows one buffer, and that is the
-      ;; internal temp buffer.
-      (delete-frame frame)
-    (set-frame-parameter frame 'visibility t))
-  (kill-buffer (frame-parameter frame 'server-dummy-buffer))
-  (set-frame-parameter frame 'server-dummy-buffer nil))
+(defun server-handle-delete-frame (frame)
+  "Delete the client connection when the emacsclient frame is deleted."
+  (let ((proc (frame-parameter frame 'client)))
+    (when (and (frame-live-p frame)
+              proc
+              ;; See if this is the last frame for this client.
+              (>= 1 (let ((frame-num 0))
+                     (dolist (f (frame-list))
+                       (when (eq proc (frame-parameter f 'client))
+                         (setq frame-num (1+ frame-num))))
+                     frame-num)))
+      (server-log (format "server-handle-delete-frame, frame %s" frame) proc)
+      (server-delete-client proc 'noframe)))) ; Let delete-frame delete the 
frame later.
+(defun server-handle-suspend-tty (terminal)
+  "Notify the emacsclient process to suspend itself when its tty device is 
+  (dolist (proc (server-clients-with 'terminal terminal))
+    (server-log (format "server-handle-suspend-tty, terminal %s" terminal) 
+    (condition-case err
+       (server-send-string proc "-suspend \n")
+      (file-error (condition-case nil (server-delete-client proc) (error 
 (defun server-unquote-arg (arg)
+  "Remove &-quotation from ARG.
+See `server-quote-arg' and `server-process-filter'."
    "&." (lambda (s)
          (case (aref s 1)
@@ -287,6 +406,26 @@
            (t " ")))
    arg t t))
+(defun server-quote-arg (arg)
+  "In ARG, insert a & before each &, each space, each newline, and -.
+Change spaces to underscores, too, so that the return value never
+contains a space.
+See `server-unquote-arg' and `server-process-filter'."
+  (replace-regexp-in-string
+   "[-&\n ]" (lambda (s)
+              (case (aref s 0)
+                (?& "&&")
+                (?- "&-")
+                (?\n "&n")
+                (?\s "&_")))
+   arg t t))
+(defun server-send-string (proc string)
+  "A wrapper around `proc-send-string' for logging."
+  (server-log (concat "Sent " string) proc)
+  (process-send-string proc string))
 (defun server-ensure-safe-dir (dir)
   "Make sure DIR is a directory with no race-condition issues.
 Creates the directory if necessary and makes sure:
@@ -308,22 +447,35 @@
 (defun server-start (&optional leave-dead)
   "Allow this Emacs process to be a server for client processes.
 This starts a server communications subprocess through which
-client \"editors\" can send your editing commands to this Emacs job.
-To use the server, set up the program `emacsclient' in the
+client \"editors\" can send your editing commands to this Emacs
+job.  To use the server, set up the program `emacsclient' in the
 Emacs distribution as your standard \"editor\".
 Optional argument LEAVE-DEAD (interactively, a prefix arg) means just
 kill any existing server communications subprocess."
   (interactive "P")
+  (when (or
+        (not server-clients)
+        (yes-or-no-p
+         "The current server still has clients; delete them? "))
+    ;; It is safe to get the user id now.
+    (setq server-socket-dir (or server-socket-dir
+                               (format "/tmp/emacs%d" (user-uid))))
   (when server-process
     ;; kill it dead!
     (ignore-errors (delete-process server-process)))
+    ;; Delete the socket files made by previous server invocations.
+    (condition-case ()
+       (delete-file (expand-file-name server-name server-socket-dir))
+      (error nil))
   ;; If this Emacs already had a server, clear out associated status.
   (while server-clients
-    (let ((buffer (nth 1 (car server-clients))))
-      (server-buffer-done buffer)))
+      (server-delete-client (car server-clients)))
   ;; Now any previous server is properly stopped.
-  (unless leave-dead
+    (if leave-dead
+       (progn
+         (server-log (message "Server stopped"))
+         (setq server-process nil))
     (let* ((server-dir (if server-use-tcp server-auth-dir server-socket-dir))
            (server-file (expand-file-name server-name server-dir)))
       ;; Make sure there is a safe directory in which to place the socket.
@@ -333,6 +485,10 @@
       (when server-process
         (server-log (message "Restarting server")))
       (letf (((default-file-modes) ?\700))
+         (add-hook 'suspend-tty-functions 'server-handle-suspend-tty)
+         (add-hook 'delete-frame-functions 'server-handle-delete-frame)
+         (add-hook 'kill-buffer-query-functions 
+         (add-hook 'kill-emacs-query-functions 
         (setq server-process
               (apply #'make-network-process
                      :name server-name
@@ -369,7 +525,7 @@
               (insert (format-network-address
                        (process-contact server-process :local))
                       " " (int-to-string (emacs-pid))
-                      "\n" auth-key))))))))
+                       "\n" auth-key)))))))))
 (define-minor-mode server-mode
@@ -386,7 +542,109 @@
 (defun* server-process-filter (proc string)
   "Process a request from the server to edit some files.
-PROC is the server process.  Format of STRING is \"PATH PATH PATH... \\n\"."
+PROC is the server process.  STRING consists of a sequence of
+commands prefixed by a dash.  Some commands have arguments; these
+are &-quoted and need to be decoded by `server-unquote-arg'.  The
+filter parses and executes these commands.
+To illustrate the protocol, here is an example command that
+emacsclient sends to create a new X frame (note that the whole
+sequence is sent on a single line):
+       -version 21.3.50 xterm
+       -env HOME /home/lorentey
+       -env DISPLAY :0.0
+       ... lots of other -env commands
+       -display :0.0
+       -window-system
+The server normally sends back the single command `-good-version'
+as a response.
+The following commands are accepted by the server:
+`-auth AUTH-STRING'
+  Authenticate the client using the secret authentication string
+`-version CLIENT-VERSION'
+  Check version numbers between server and client, and signal an
+  error if there is a mismatch.  The server replies with
+  `-good-version' to confirm the match.
+`-env NAME=VALUE'
+  An environment variable on the client side.
+`-dir DIRNAME'
+  The current working directory of the client process.
+  Forbid the creation of new frames.
+  Request that the next frame created should not be
+  associated with this client.
+`-display DISPLAY'
+  Set the display name to open X frames on.
+`-position LINE[:COLUMN]'
+  Go to the given line and column number
+  in the next file opened.
+`-file FILENAME'
+  Load the given file in the current frame.
+`-eval EXPR'
+  Evaluate EXPR as a Lisp expression and return the
+  result in -print commands.
+  Open a new X frame.
+  Open a new tty frame at the client.
+  Suspend this tty frame.  The client sends this string in
+  response to SIGTSTP and SIGTTOU.  The server must cease all I/O
+  on this tty until it gets a -resume command.
+  Resume this tty frame. The client sends this string when it
+  gets the SIGCONT signal and it is the foreground process on its
+  controlling tty.
+`-ignore COMMENT'
+  Do nothing, but put the comment in the server
+  log.  Useful for debugging.
+The following commands are accepted by the client:
+  Signals a version match between the client and the server.
+`-emacs-pid PID'
+  Describes the process id of the Emacs process;
+  used to forward window change signals to it.
+  Signals that the server does not
+  support creating X frames; the client must try again with a tty
+  frame.
+`-print STRING'
+  Print STRING on stdout.  Used to send values
+  returned by -eval.
+  Signal an error (but continue processing).
+  Suspend this terminal, i.e., stop the client process.  Sent
+  when the user presses C-z."
+  (server-log (concat "Received " string) proc)
   ;; First things first: let's check the authentication
   (unless (process-get proc :authenticated)
     (if (and (string-match "-auth \\(.*?\\)\n" string)
@@ -396,15 +654,11 @@
           (process-put proc :authenticated t)
           (server-log "Authentication successful" proc))
       (server-log "Authentication failed" proc)
-      (process-send-string proc "Authentication failed")
+      (server-send-string
+       proc (concat "-error " (server-quote-arg "Authentication failed")))
       (delete-process proc)
       ;; We return immediately
       (return-from server-process-filter)))
-  (server-log string proc)
-  (let ((prev (process-get proc :previous-string)))
-    (when prev
-      (setq string (concat prev string))
-      (process-put proc :previous-string nil)))
   (when (> (recursion-depth) 0)
     ;; We're inside a minibuffer already, so if the emacs-client is trying
     ;; to open a frame on a new display, we might end up with an unusable
@@ -425,6 +679,13 @@
     ;; Signaled by isearch-cancel
     (quit (message nil)))
+  (let ((prev (process-get proc 'previous-string)))
+    (when prev
+      (setq string (concat prev string))
+      (process-put proc 'previous-string nil)))
+  (condition-case err
+      (progn
+       (server-add-client proc)
   ;; If the input is multiple lines,
   ;; process each line individually.
   (while (string-match "\n" string)
@@ -432,95 +693,282 @@
          (coding-system (and default-enable-multibyte-characters
                              (or file-name-coding-system
-         client nowait eval
+               (client (server-client proc))
+               current-frame
+               nowait ; t if emacsclient does not want to wait for us.
+               frame ; The frame that was opened for the client (if any).
+               display              ; Open the frame on this display.
+               dontkill       ; t if the client should not be killed.
+               env
+               dir
          (files nil)
          (lineno 1)
-         (tmp-frame nil) ;; Sometimes used to embody the selected display.
          (columnno 0))
       ;; Remove this line from STRING.
       (setq string (substring string (match-end 0)))
-      (setq client (cons proc nil))
-      (while (string-match "[^ ]* " request)
+           (while (string-match " *[^ ]* " request)
        (let ((arg (substring request (match-beginning 0) (1- (match-end 0)))))
          (setq request (substring request (match-end 0)))
+                ;; -version CLIENT-VERSION:
+                ;; Check version numbers, signal an error if there is a 
+                ((and (equal "-version" arg)
+                      (string-match "\\([0-9.]+\\) " request))
+                 (let* ((client-version (match-string 1 request))
+                        (truncated-emacs-version
+                         (substring emacs-version 0 (length client-version))))
+                   (setq request (substring request (match-end 0)))
+                   (if (equal client-version truncated-emacs-version)
+                       (progn
+                         (server-send-string proc "-good-version \n")
+                         (server-client-set client 'version client-version))
+                     (error (concat "Version mismatch: Emacs is "
+                                    truncated-emacs-version
+                                    ", emacsclient is " client-version)))))
+                ;; -nowait:  Emacsclient won't wait for a result.
             ((equal "-nowait" arg) (setq nowait t))
-            ((equal "-eval" arg) (setq eval t))
+                ;; -current-frame:  Don't create frames.
+                ((equal "-current-frame" arg) (setq current-frame t))
+                ;; -display DISPLAY:
+                ;; Open X frames on the given display instead of the default.
             ((and (equal "-display" arg) (string-match "\\([^ ]*\\) " request))
-             (let ((display (server-unquote-arg (match-string 1 request))))
+                 (setq display (match-string 1 request)
+                       request (substring request (match-end 0))))
+                ;; -window-system:  Open a new X frame.
+                ((equal "-window-system" arg)
+                 (unless (server-client-get client 'version)
+                   (error "Protocol error; make sure to use the correct 
version of emacsclient"))
+                 (unless current-frame
+                   (if (fboundp 'x-create-frame)
+                       (let ((params (if nowait
+                                         ;; Flag frame as client-created, but 
use a dummy client.
+                                         ;; This will prevent the frame from 
being deleted when
+                                         ;; emacsclient quits while also 
+                                         ;; 
`server-save-buffers-kill-terminal' from unexpectedly
+                                         ;; killing emacs on that frame.
+                                         (list (cons 'client 'nowait) (cons 
'environment env))
+                                       (list (cons 'client proc) (cons 
'environment env)))))
+                         (setq frame (make-frame-on-display
+                                      (or display
+                                          (frame-parameter nil 'display)
+                                          (getenv "DISPLAY")
+                                          (error "Please specify display"))
+                                      params))
+                         (server-log (format "%s created" frame) proc)
+                         ;; XXX We need to ensure the parameters are
+                         ;; really set because Emacs forgets unhandled
+                         ;; initialization parameters for X frames at
+                         ;; the moment.
+                         (modify-frame-parameters frame params)
+                         (set-frame-parameter frame 
+                                              (server-getenv-from env 
+                         (set-frame-parameter frame 'term-environment-variable 
+                                              (server-getenv-from env "TERM"))
+                         (select-frame frame)
+                         (server-client-set client 'frame frame)
+                         (server-client-set client 'terminal (frame-terminal 
+                         ;; Display *scratch* by default.
+                         (switch-to-buffer (get-buffer-create "*scratch*") 
+                         (setq dontkill t))
+                     ;; This emacs does not support X.
+                     (server-log "Window system unsupported" proc)
+                     (server-send-string proc "-window-system-unsupported \n")
+                     (setq dontkill t))))
+                ;; -resume:  Resume a suspended tty frame.
+                ((equal "-resume" arg)
+                 (let ((terminal (server-client-get client 'terminal)))
+                   (setq dontkill t)
+                   (when (eq (terminal-live-p terminal) t)
+                     (resume-tty terminal))))
+                ;; -suspend:  Suspend the client's frame.  (In case we
+                ;; get out of sync, and a C-z sends a SIGTSTP to
+                ;; emacsclient.)
+                ((equal "-suspend" arg)
+                 (let ((terminal (server-client-get client 'terminal)))
+                   (setq dontkill t)
+                   (when (eq (terminal-live-p terminal) t)
+                     (suspend-tty terminal))))
+                ;; -ignore COMMENT:  Noop; useful for debugging emacsclient.
+                ;; (The given comment appears in the server log.)
+                ((and (equal "-ignore" arg) (string-match "\\([^ ]*\\) " 
+                 (setq dontkill t
+                       request (substring request (match-end 0))))
+                ;; -tty DEVICE-NAME TYPE:  Open a new tty frame at the client.
+                ((and (equal "-tty" arg) (string-match "\\([^ ]*\\) \\([^ 
]*\\) " request))
+                 (let ((tty (server-unquote-arg (match-string 1 request)))
+                       (type (server-unquote-arg (match-string 2 request))))
                (setq request (substring request (match-end 0)))
-               (condition-case err
-                   (setq tmp-frame (server-select-display display))
-                 (error (process-send-string proc (nth 1 err))
-                        (setq request "")))))
-            ;; ARG is a line number option.
-            ((string-match "\\`\\+[0-9]+\\'" arg)
-             (setq lineno (string-to-number (substring arg 1))))
-            ;; ARG is line number:column option.
-            ((string-match "\\`+\\([0-9]+\\):\\([0-9]+\\)\\'" arg)
-             (setq lineno (string-to-number (match-string 1 arg))
-                   columnno (string-to-number (match-string 2 arg))))
-            (t
-             ;; Undo the quoting that emacsclient does
-             ;; for certain special characters.
-             (setq arg (server-unquote-arg arg))
-             ;; Now decode the file name if necessary.
-             (when coding-system
-               (setq arg (decode-coding-string arg coding-system)))
-             (if eval
-                 (let* (errorp
-                        (v (condition-case errobj
-                               (eval (car (read-from-string arg)))
-                             (error (setq errorp t) errobj))))
-                   (when v
+                   (unless (server-client-get client 'version)
+                     (error "Protocol error; make sure you use the correct 
version of emacsclient"))
+                   (unless current-frame
+                     (server-with-environment env
+                         '("LANG" "LC_CTYPE" "LC_ALL"
+                           ;; For tgetent(3); list according to ncurses(3).
+                           "BAUDRATE" "COLUMNS" "ESCDELAY" "HOME" "LINES"
+                           "NCURSES_ASSUMED_COLORS" "NCURSES_NO_PADDING"
+                           "NCURSES_NO_SETBUF" "TERM" "TERMCAP" "TERMINFO"
+                           "TERMINFO_DIRS" "TERMPATH" 
+                           ;; rxvt wants these
+                           "COLORFGBG" "COLORTERM")
+                       (setq frame (make-frame-on-tty tty type
+                                                      ;; Ignore nowait here; 
we always need to clean
+                                                      ;; up opened ttys when 
the client dies.
+                                                      `((client . ,proc)
+                                                        (environment . 
+                     (set-frame-parameter frame 'display-environment-variable 
+                                          (server-getenv-from env "DISPLAY"))
+                     (set-frame-parameter frame 'term-environment-variable 
+                                          (server-getenv-from env "TERM"))
+                     (select-frame frame)
+                     (server-client-set client 'frame frame)
+                     (server-client-set client 'tty (terminal-name frame))
+                     (server-client-set client 'terminal (frame-terminal 
+                     ;; Display *scratch* by default.
+                     (switch-to-buffer (get-buffer-create "*scratch*") 
+                     ;; Reply with our pid.
+                     (server-send-string proc (concat "-emacs-pid " 
(number-to-string (emacs-pid)) "\n"))
+                     (setq dontkill t))))
+                ;; -position LINE:  Go to the given line in the next file.
+                ((and (equal "-position" arg) (string-match "\\(\\+[0-9]+\\) " 
+                 (setq lineno (string-to-number (substring (match-string 1 
request) 1))
+                       request (substring request (match-end 0))))
+                ;; -position LINE:COLUMN:  Set point to the given position in 
the next file.
+                ((and (equal "-position" arg) (string-match 
"\\+\\([0-9]+\\):\\([0-9]+\\) " request))
+                 (setq lineno (string-to-number (match-string 1 request))
+                       columnno (string-to-number (match-string 2 request))
+                       request (substring request (match-end 0))))
+                ;; -file FILENAME:  Load the given file.
+                ((and (equal "-file" arg) (string-match "\\([^ ]+\\) " 
+                 (let ((file (server-unquote-arg (match-string 1 request))))
+                   (setq request (substring request (match-end 0)))
+                   (if coding-system
+                       (setq file (decode-coding-string file coding-system)))
+                   (setq file (command-line-normalize-file-name file))
+                   (push (list file lineno columnno) files)
+                   (server-log (format "New file: %s (%d:%d)" file lineno 
columnno) proc))
+                 (setq lineno 1
+                       columnno 0))
+                ;; -eval EXPR:  Evaluate a Lisp expression.
+                ((and (equal "-eval" arg) (string-match "\\([^ ]+\\) " 
+                 (let ((expr (server-unquote-arg (match-string 1 request))))
+                   (setq request (substring request (match-end 0)))
+                   (if coding-system
+                       (setq expr (decode-coding-string expr coding-system)))
+                   (let ((v (eval (car (read-from-string expr)))))
+                     (when (and (not frame) v)
                        (let ((standard-output (current-buffer)))
-                         (when errorp (princ "error: "))
                          (pp v)
-                         (ignore-errors
-                           (process-send-region proc (point-min) (point-max)))
-                         ))))
-               ;; ARG is a file name.
-               ;; Collapse multiple slashes to single slashes.
-               (setq arg (command-line-normalize-file-name arg))
-               (push (list arg lineno columnno) files))
-             (setq lineno 1)
-             (setq columnno 0)))))
+                           (server-send-string
+                            proc (format "-print %s\n"
+                                         (server-quote-arg
+                                          (buffer-substring-no-properties 
+                   (setq lineno 1
+                         columnno 0)))
+                ;; -env NAME=VALUE:  An environment variable.
+                ((and (equal "-env" arg) (string-match "\\([^ ]+\\) " request))
+                 (let ((var (server-unquote-arg (match-string 1 request))))
+                   ;; XXX Variables should be encoded as in getenv/setenv.
+                   (setq request (substring request (match-end 0)))
+                   (setq env (cons var env))))
+                ;; -dir DIRNAME:  The cwd of the emacsclient process.
+                ((and (equal "-dir" arg) (string-match "\\([^ ]+\\) " request))
+                 (setq dir (server-unquote-arg (match-string 1 request)))
+                 (setq request (substring request (match-end 0)))
+                 (if coding-system
+                     (setq dir (decode-coding-string dir coding-system)))
+                 (setq dir (command-line-normalize-file-name dir)))
+                ;; Unknown command.
+                (t (error "Unknown command: %s" arg)))))
+           (let (buffers)
       (when files
        (run-hooks 'pre-command-hook)
-       (server-visit-files files client nowait)
+               (setq buffers (server-visit-files files client nowait))
        (run-hooks 'post-command-hook))
-      ;; CLIENT is now a list (CLIENTNUM BUFFERS...)
-      (if (null (cdr client))
+             (when frame
+               (with-selected-frame frame
+                 (display-startup-echo-area-message)
+                 (unless inhibit-splash-screen
+                   (condition-case err
+                       ;; This looks scary because `fancy-splash-screens'
+                       ;; will call `recursive-edit' from a process filter.
+                       ;; However, that should be safe to do now.
+                       (display-splash-screen t)
+                     ;; `recursive-edit' will throw an error if Emacs is
+                     ;; already doing a recursive edit elsewhere.  Catch it
+                     ;; here so that we can finish normally.
+                     (error nil)))))
+             ;; Delete the client if necessary.
+             (cond
+              (nowait
+               ;; Client requested nowait; return immediately.
+               (server-log "Close nowait client" proc)
+               (server-delete-client proc))
+              ((and (not dontkill) (null buffers))
          ;; This client is empty; get rid of it immediately.
-         (progn
-           (delete-process proc)
-           (server-log "Close empty client" proc))
-       ;; We visited some buffer for this client.
-       (or nowait (push client server-clients))
-       (unless (or isearch-mode (minibufferp))
-         (server-switch-buffer (nth 1 client))
+               (server-log "Close empty client" proc)
+               (server-delete-client proc)))
+             (cond
+              ((or isearch-mode (minibufferp))
+               nil)
+              ((and frame (null buffers))
+               (message "%s" (substitute-command-keys
+                              "When done with this frame, type 
+              ((not (null buffers))
+               (server-switch-buffer (car buffers))
          (run-hooks 'server-switch-hook)
          (unless nowait
            (message "%s" (substitute-command-keys
-                           "When done with a buffer, type \\[server-edit]")))))
-      (when (frame-live-p tmp-frame)
-        ;; Delete tmp-frame or make it visible depending on whether it's
-        ;; been used or not.
-        (server-unselect-display tmp-frame))))
+                                "When done with a buffer, type 
   ;; Save for later any partial line that remains.
   (when (> (length string) 0)
-    (process-put proc :previous-string string)))
+         (process-put proc 'previous-string string)))
+    ;; condition-case
+    (error (ignore-errors
+            (server-send-string
+             proc (concat "-error " (server-quote-arg (error-message-string 
+            (setq string "")
+            (server-log (error-message-string err) proc)
+            (delete-process proc)))))
 (defun server-goto-line-column (file-line-col)
+  "Move point to the position indicated in FILE-LINE-COL.
+FILE-LINE-COL should be a three-element list as described in
   (goto-line (nth 1 file-line-col))
   (let ((column-number (nth 2 file-line-col)))
-    (when (> column-number 0)
+    (if (> column-number 0)
       (move-to-column (1- column-number)))))
 (defun server-visit-files (files client &optional nowait)
-  "Find FILES and return the list CLIENT with the buffers nconc'd.
+  "Find FILES and return a list of buffers created.
 FILES is an alist whose elements are (FILENAME LINENUMBER COLUMNNUMBER).
+CLIENT is the client that requested this operation.
 NOWAIT non-nil means this client is not waiting for the results,
 so don't mark these buffers specially, just visit them normally."
   ;; Bind last-nonmenu-event to force use of keyboard, not mouse, for queries.
@@ -545,11 +993,11 @@
                          (revert-buffer t nil)))
                       (when (y-or-n-p
-                              (concat "File no longer exists: "
-                                      filen
+                             (concat "File no longer exists: " filen
                                       ", write buffer to file? "))
                          (write-file filen))))
-               (setq server-existing-buffer t)
+               (unless server-buffer-clients
+                 (setq server-existing-buffer t))
                (server-goto-line-column file))
            (set-buffer (find-file-noselect filen))
            (server-goto-line-column file)
@@ -559,7 +1007,11 @@
          (add-hook 'kill-buffer-hook 'server-kill-buffer nil t)
          (push (car client) server-buffer-clients))
        (push (current-buffer) client-record)))
-    (nconc client client-record)))
+    (unless nowait
+      (server-client-set
+       client 'buffers
+       (nconc (server-client-get client 'buffers) client-record)))
+    client-record))
 (defun server-buffer-done (buffer &optional for-killing)
   "Mark BUFFER as \"done\" for its client(s).
@@ -569,27 +1021,24 @@
 a temp file).
 FOR-KILLING if non-nil indicates that we are called from `kill-buffer'."
   (let ((next-buffer nil)
-       (killed nil)
-       (old-clients server-clients))
-    (while old-clients
-      (let ((client (car old-clients)))
+       (killed nil))
+    (dolist (client server-clients)
+      (let ((buffers (server-client-get client 'buffers)))
        (or next-buffer
-           (setq next-buffer (nth 1 (memq buffer client))))
-       (delq buffer client)
+           (setq next-buffer (nth 1 (memq buffer buffers))))
+       (when buffers                   ; Ignore bufferless clients.
+         (setq buffers (delq buffer buffers))
        ;; Delete all dead buffers from CLIENT.
-       (let ((tail client))
-         (while tail
-           (and (bufferp (car tail))
-                (null (buffer-name (car tail)))
-                (delq (car tail) client))
-           (setq tail (cdr tail))))
+         (dolist (b buffers)
+           (and (bufferp b)
+                (not (buffer-live-p b))
+                (setq buffers (delq b buffers))))
+         (server-client-set client 'buffers buffers)
        ;; If client now has no pending buffers,
        ;; tell it that it is done, and forget it entirely.
-       (unless (cdr client)
-         (delete-process (car client))
-         (server-log "Close" (car client))
-         (setq server-clients (delq client server-clients))))
-      (setq old-clients (cdr old-clients)))
+         (unless buffers
+           (server-log "Close" client)
+           (server-delete-client client)))))
     (when (and (bufferp buffer) (buffer-name buffer))
       ;; We may or may not kill this buffer;
       ;; if we do, do not call server-buffer-done recursively
@@ -654,30 +1103,32 @@
 ;; but I think that is dangerous--the client would proceed
 ;; using whatever is on disk in that file. -- rms.
 (defun server-kill-buffer-query-function ()
+  "Ask before killing a server buffer."
   (or (not server-buffer-clients)
+      (let ((res t))
+       (dolist (proc server-buffer-clients res)
+         (let ((client (server-client proc)))
+           (when (and client (eq (process-status proc) 'open))
+             (setq res nil)))))
       (yes-or-no-p (format "Buffer `%s' still has clients; kill it? "
                           (buffer-name (current-buffer))))))
-(add-hook 'kill-buffer-query-functions
-         'server-kill-buffer-query-function)
 (defun server-kill-emacs-query-function ()
-  (let (live-client
-       (tail server-clients))
-    ;; See if any clients have any buffers that are still alive.
-    (while tail
-      (when (memq t (mapcar 'stringp (mapcar 'buffer-name (cdr (car tail)))))
-       (setq live-client t))
-      (setq tail (cdr tail)))
-    (or (not live-client)
-       (yes-or-no-p "Server buffers still have clients; exit anyway? "))))
-(add-hook 'kill-emacs-query-functions 'server-kill-emacs-query-function)
+  "Ask before exiting Emacs it has live clients."
+  (or (not server-clients)
+      (let (live-client)
+       (dolist (client server-clients live-client)
+         (when (memq t (mapcar 'buffer-live-p (server-client-get
+                                               client 'buffers)))
+           (setq live-client t))))
+      (yes-or-no-p "This Emacs session has clients; exit anyway? ")))
 (defvar server-kill-buffer-running nil
   "Non-nil while `server-kill-buffer' or `server-buffer-done' is running.")
 (defun server-kill-buffer ()
+  "Remove the current buffer from its clients' buffer list.
+Designed to be added to `kill-buffer-hook'."
   ;; Prevent infinite recursion if user has made server-done-hook
   ;; call kill-buffer.
   (or server-kill-buffer-running
@@ -711,18 +1162,26 @@
 (defun server-switch-buffer (&optional next-buffer killed-one)
   "Switch to another buffer, preferably one that has a client.
-Arg NEXT-BUFFER is a suggestion; if it is a live buffer, use it."
-  ;; KILLED-ONE is t in a recursive call
-  ;; if we have already killed one temp-file server buffer.
-  ;; This means we should avoid the final "switch to some other buffer"
-  ;; since we've already effectively done that.
+Arg NEXT-BUFFER is a suggestion; if it is a live buffer, use it.
+KILLED-ONE is t in a recursive call if we have already killed one
+temp-file server buffer.  This means we should avoid the final
+\"switch to some other buffer\" since we've already effectively
+done that."
   (if (null next-buffer)
-      (if server-clients
-         (server-switch-buffer (nth 1 (car server-clients)) killed-one)
-       (unless (or killed-one (window-dedicated-p (selected-window)))
-         (switch-to-buffer (other-buffer))
+      (progn
+       (let ((rest server-clients))
+         (while (and rest (not next-buffer))
+           (let ((client (car rest)))
+             ;; Only look at frameless clients.
+             (when (not (server-client-get client 'frame))
+               (setq next-buffer (car (server-client-get client 'buffers))))
+             (setq rest (cdr rest)))))
+       (and next-buffer (server-switch-buffer next-buffer killed-one))
+       (unless (or next-buffer killed-one (window-dedicated-p 
+         ;; (switch-to-buffer (other-buffer))
          (message "No server buffers remain to edit")))
-    (if (not (buffer-name next-buffer))
+    (if (not (buffer-live-p next-buffer))
        ;; If NEXT-BUFFER is a dead buffer, remove the server records for it
        ;; and try the next surviving server buffer.
        (apply 'server-switch-buffer (server-buffer-done next-buffer))
@@ -750,8 +1209,8 @@
                (lambda (w)
                  (and (not (window-dedicated-p w))
-                      (equal (frame-parameter (window-frame w) 'display)
-                             (frame-parameter (selected-frame) 'display))))
+                      (equal (frame-terminal (window-frame w))
+                             (frame-terminal (selected-frame)))))
                'nomini 'visible (selected-window))))
            (condition-case nil
                (switch-to-buffer next-buffer)
@@ -761,10 +1220,31 @@
     (when server-raise-frame
       (select-frame-set-input-focus (window-frame (selected-window))))))
+(defun server-save-buffers-kill-terminal (proc &optional arg)
+  "Offer to save each buffer, then kill PROC.
+With prefix arg, silently save all file-visiting buffers, then kill.
+If emacsclient was started with a list of filenames to edit, then
+only these files will be asked to be saved."
+  (let ((buffers (server-client-get proc 'buffers)))
+    ;; If client is bufferless, emulate a normal Emacs session
+    ;; exit and offer to save all buffers.  Otherwise, offer to
+    ;; save only the buffers belonging to the client.
+    (save-some-buffers arg
+                      (if buffers
+                          (lambda () (memq (current-buffer) buffers))
+                        t))
+    (server-delete-client proc)))
 (define-key ctl-x-map "#" 'server-edit)
 (defun server-unload-hook ()
+  "Unload the server library."
   (server-mode -1)
+  (remove-hook 'suspend-tty-functions 'server-handle-suspend-tty)
+  (remove-hook 'delete-frame-functions 'server-handle-delete-frame)
   (remove-hook 'kill-buffer-query-functions 'server-kill-buffer-query-function)
   (remove-hook 'kill-emacs-query-functions 'server-kill-emacs-query-function)
   (remove-hook 'kill-buffer-hook 'server-kill-buffer))

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