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[Emacs-diffs] emacs-25 6d11f6e: Allow to invoke original M-TAB binding i

From: Eli Zaretskii
Subject: [Emacs-diffs] emacs-25 6d11f6e: Allow to invoke original M-TAB binding in 'flyspell-prog-mode'
Date: Thu, 31 Dec 2015 15:44:21 +0000

branch: emacs-25
commit 6d11f6ed9a1afa6f3903fffeb58159beedeb1d14
Author: Eli Zaretskii <address@hidden>
Commit: Eli Zaretskii <address@hidden>

    Allow to invoke original M-TAB binding in 'flyspell-prog-mode'
    * lisp/textmodes/flyspell.el (flyspell-prog-mode): Record the
    original M-TAB binding in a buffer-local variable.
    (flyspell-auto-correct-word): Invoke the original binding of M-TAB
    if that is recorded, when point is in a place where flyspell
    should not be active (e.g., because the user turned on
    'flyspell-prog-mode').  (Bug#18533)
 lisp/textmodes/flyspell.el |  210 +++++++++++++++++++++++---------------------
 1 files changed, 111 insertions(+), 99 deletions(-)

diff --git a/lisp/textmodes/flyspell.el b/lisp/textmodes/flyspell.el
index 6c4a731..8d13aa1 100644
--- a/lisp/textmodes/flyspell.el
+++ b/lisp/textmodes/flyspell.el
@@ -399,6 +399,9 @@ like <img alt=\"Some thing.\">."
   (setq flyspell-generic-check-word-predicate
+  (setq-local flyspell--prev-meta-tab-binding
+              (or (local-key-binding "\M-\t" t)
+                  (global-key-binding "\M-\t" t)))
   (flyspell-mode 1)
   (run-hooks 'flyspell-prog-mode-hook))
@@ -1904,105 +1907,114 @@ before point that's highlighted as misspelled."
   "Correct the current word.
 This command proposes various successive corrections for the current word."
-  (let ((pos     (point))
-       (old-max (point-max)))
-    ;; Use the correct dictionary.
-    (flyspell-accept-buffer-local-defs)
-    (if (and (eq flyspell-auto-correct-pos pos)
-            (consp flyspell-auto-correct-region))
-       ;; We have already been using the function at the same location.
-       (let* ((start (car flyspell-auto-correct-region))
-              (len   (cdr flyspell-auto-correct-region)))
-         (flyspell-unhighlight-at start)
-         (delete-region start (+ start len))
-         (setq flyspell-auto-correct-ring (cdr flyspell-auto-correct-ring))
-         (let* ((word (car flyspell-auto-correct-ring))
-                (len  (length word)))
-           (rplacd flyspell-auto-correct-region len)
-           (goto-char start)
-           (if flyspell-abbrev-p
-               (if (flyspell-already-abbrevp (flyspell-abbrev-table)
-                                             flyspell-auto-correct-word)
-                   (flyspell-change-abbrev (flyspell-abbrev-table)
-                                           flyspell-auto-correct-word
-                                           word)
-                 (flyspell-define-abbrev flyspell-auto-correct-word word)))
-           (funcall flyspell-insert-function word)
-           (flyspell-word)
-           (flyspell-display-next-corrections flyspell-auto-correct-ring))
-         (flyspell-ajust-cursor-point pos (point) old-max)
-         (setq flyspell-auto-correct-pos (point)))
-      ;; Fetch the word to be checked.
-      (let ((word (flyspell-get-word)))
-       (if (consp word)
-           (let ((start (car (cdr word)))
-                 (end (car (cdr (cdr word))))
-                 (word (car word))
-                 poss ispell-filter)
-             (setq flyspell-auto-correct-word word)
-             ;; Now check spelling of word..
-             (ispell-send-string "%\n") ;Put in verbose mode.
-             (ispell-send-string (concat "^" word "\n"))
-              ;; Wait until ispell has processed word.
-              (while (progn
-                       (accept-process-output ispell-process)
-                       (not (string= "" (car ispell-filter)))))
-             ;; Remove leading empty element.
-             (setq ispell-filter (cdr ispell-filter))
-             ;; Ispell process should return something after word is sent.
-             ;; Tag word as valid (i.e., skip) otherwise.
-             (or ispell-filter
-                 (setq ispell-filter '(*)))
-             (if (consp ispell-filter)
-                 (setq poss (ispell-parse-output (car ispell-filter))))
-             (cond
-              ((or (eq poss t) (stringp poss))
-               ;; Don't correct word.
-               t)
-              ((null poss)
-               ;; Ispell error.
-               (error "Ispell: error in Ispell process"))
-              (t
-               ;; The word is incorrect, we have to propose a replacement.
-               (let ((replacements (if flyspell-sort-corrections
-                                       (sort (car (cdr (cdr poss))) 'string<)
-                                     (car (cdr (cdr poss))))))
-                 (setq flyspell-auto-correct-region nil)
-                 (if (consp replacements)
-                     (progn
-                       (let ((replace (car replacements)))
-                         (let ((new-word replace))
-                           (if (not (equal new-word (car poss)))
-                               (progn
-                                 ;; the save the current replacements
-                                 (setq flyspell-auto-correct-region
-                                       (cons start (length new-word)))
-                                 (let ((l replacements))
-                                   (while (consp (cdr l))
-                                     (setq l (cdr l)))
-                                   (rplacd l (cons (car poss) replacements)))
-                                 (setq flyspell-auto-correct-ring
-                                       replacements)
-                                 (flyspell-unhighlight-at start)
-                                 (delete-region start end)
-                                 (funcall flyspell-insert-function new-word)
-                                 (if flyspell-abbrev-p
-                                     (if (flyspell-already-abbrevp
-                                          (flyspell-abbrev-table) word)
-                                         (flyspell-change-abbrev
-                                          (flyspell-abbrev-table)
-                                          word
-                                          new-word)
-                                       (flyspell-define-abbrev word
-                                                               new-word)))
-                                 (flyspell-word)
-                                 (flyspell-display-next-corrections
-                                  (cons new-word flyspell-auto-correct-ring))
-                                 (flyspell-ajust-cursor-point pos
-                                                              (point)
-                                                              old-max))))))))))
-             (setq flyspell-auto-correct-pos (point))
-             (ispell-pdict-save t)))))))
+  ;; If we are not in the construct where flyspell should be active,
+  ;; invoke the original binding of M-TAB, if that was recorded.
+  (if (and (local-variable-p 'flyspell--prev-meta-tab-binding)
+           (commandp flyspell--prev-meta-tab-binding t)
+           (fboundp flyspell-generic-check-word-predicate)
+           (not (funcall flyspell-generic-check-word-predicate))
+           (equal (where-is-internal 'flyspell-auto-correct-word nil t)
+                  [?\M-\t]))
+      (call-interactively flyspell--prev-meta-tab-binding)
+    (let ((pos     (point))
+          (old-max (point-max)))
+      ;; Use the correct dictionary.
+      (flyspell-accept-buffer-local-defs)
+      (if (and (eq flyspell-auto-correct-pos pos)
+               (consp flyspell-auto-correct-region))
+          ;; We have already been using the function at the same location.
+          (let* ((start (car flyspell-auto-correct-region))
+                 (len   (cdr flyspell-auto-correct-region)))
+            (flyspell-unhighlight-at start)
+            (delete-region start (+ start len))
+            (setq flyspell-auto-correct-ring (cdr flyspell-auto-correct-ring))
+            (let* ((word (car flyspell-auto-correct-ring))
+                   (len  (length word)))
+              (rplacd flyspell-auto-correct-region len)
+              (goto-char start)
+              (if flyspell-abbrev-p
+                  (if (flyspell-already-abbrevp (flyspell-abbrev-table)
+                                                flyspell-auto-correct-word)
+                      (flyspell-change-abbrev (flyspell-abbrev-table)
+                                              flyspell-auto-correct-word
+                                              word)
+                    (flyspell-define-abbrev flyspell-auto-correct-word word)))
+              (funcall flyspell-insert-function word)
+              (flyspell-word)
+              (flyspell-display-next-corrections flyspell-auto-correct-ring))
+            (flyspell-ajust-cursor-point pos (point) old-max)
+            (setq flyspell-auto-correct-pos (point)))
+        ;; Fetch the word to be checked.
+        (let ((word (flyspell-get-word)))
+          (if (consp word)
+              (let ((start (car (cdr word)))
+                    (end (car (cdr (cdr word))))
+                    (word (car word))
+                    poss ispell-filter)
+                (setq flyspell-auto-correct-word word)
+                ;; Now check spelling of word..
+                (ispell-send-string "%\n") ;Put in verbose mode.
+                (ispell-send-string (concat "^" word "\n"))
+                ;; Wait until ispell has processed word.
+                (while (progn
+                         (accept-process-output ispell-process)
+                         (not (string= "" (car ispell-filter)))))
+                ;; Remove leading empty element.
+                (setq ispell-filter (cdr ispell-filter))
+                ;; Ispell process should return something after word is sent.
+                ;; Tag word as valid (i.e., skip) otherwise.
+                (or ispell-filter
+                    (setq ispell-filter '(*)))
+                (if (consp ispell-filter)
+                    (setq poss (ispell-parse-output (car ispell-filter))))
+                (cond
+                 ((or (eq poss t) (stringp poss))
+                  ;; Don't correct word.
+                  t)
+                 ((null poss)
+                  ;; Ispell error.
+                  (error "Ispell: error in Ispell process"))
+                 (t
+                  ;; The word is incorrect, we have to propose a replacement.
+                  (let ((replacements (if flyspell-sort-corrections
+                                          (sort (car (cdr (cdr poss))) 
+                                        (car (cdr (cdr poss))))))
+                    (setq flyspell-auto-correct-region nil)
+                    (if (consp replacements)
+                        (progn
+                          (let ((replace (car replacements)))
+                            (let ((new-word replace))
+                              (if (not (equal new-word (car poss)))
+                                  (progn
+                                    ;; the save the current replacements
+                                    (setq flyspell-auto-correct-region
+                                          (cons start (length new-word)))
+                                    (let ((l replacements))
+                                      (while (consp (cdr l))
+                                        (setq l (cdr l)))
+                                      (rplacd l (cons (car poss) 
+                                    (setq flyspell-auto-correct-ring
+                                          replacements)
+                                    (flyspell-unhighlight-at start)
+                                    (delete-region start end)
+                                    (funcall flyspell-insert-function new-word)
+                                    (if flyspell-abbrev-p
+                                        (if (flyspell-already-abbrevp
+                                             (flyspell-abbrev-table) word)
+                                            (flyspell-change-abbrev
+                                             (flyspell-abbrev-table)
+                                             word
+                                             new-word)
+                                          (flyspell-define-abbrev word
+                                                                  new-word)))
+                                    (flyspell-word)
+                                    (flyspell-display-next-corrections
+                                     (cons new-word 
+                                    (flyspell-ajust-cursor-point pos
+                                                                 (point)
+                (setq flyspell-auto-correct-pos (point))
+                (ispell-pdict-save t))))))))
 ;;*    flyspell-auto-correct-previous-pos ...                           */

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