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[Emacs-diffs] master 5ed5f54: * lisp/gnus/message.el: Tweak header font-

From: Stefan Monnier
Subject: [Emacs-diffs] master 5ed5f54: * lisp/gnus/message.el: Tweak header font-lock and ecomplete completion
Date: Tue, 23 Jan 2018 13:55:42 -0500 (EST)

branch: master
commit 5ed5f548aaa1f3fa7941895d48f97ad970b38ff1
Author: Stefan Monnier <address@hidden>
Commit: Stefan Monnier <address@hidden>

    * lisp/gnus/message.el: Tweak header font-lock and ecomplete completion
    (message-font-lock-make-header-matcher): Delete.
    (message-match-to-eoh): New function to replace it.
    (message-font-lock-keywords): Use it.
    (message-strip-forbidden-properties): Remove redundant binding.
    (message-goto-body): Avoid called-interactively-p, only use
    push-mark when called interactively.
    (message-goto-body-1): Merge into message-goto-body.  Redefine as alias.
    (message-goto-eoh): Call message-goto-body interactively.
    (message--in-tocc-p): New function, extracted from message-display-abbrev.
    (message-ecomplete-capf): New function.
 lisp/gnus/message.el | 148 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-----------------------
 1 file changed, 82 insertions(+), 66 deletions(-)

diff --git a/lisp/gnus/message.el b/lisp/gnus/message.el
index 93b897b..a0adcce 100644
--- a/lisp/gnus/message.el
+++ b/lisp/gnus/message.el
@@ -1544,50 +1544,49 @@ starting with `not' and followed by regexps."
   "Face used for displaying MML."
   :group 'message-faces)
-(defun message-font-lock-make-header-matcher (regexp)
-  (let ((form
-        `(lambda (limit)
-           (let ((start (point)))
-             (save-restriction
-               (widen)
-               (goto-char (point-min))
-               (if (re-search-forward
-                    (concat "^" (regexp-quote mail-header-separator) "$")
-                    nil t)
-                   (setq limit (min limit (match-beginning 0))))
-               (goto-char start))
-             (and (< start limit)
-                  (re-search-forward ,regexp limit t))))))
-    (if (featurep 'bytecomp)
-       (byte-compile form)
-      form)))
+(defun message-match-to-eoh (_limit)
+  (let ((start (point)))
+    (rfc822-goto-eoh)
+    ;; Typical situation: some temporary change causes the header to be
+    ;; incorrect, so EOH comes earlier than intended: the last lines of the
+    ;; intended headers are now not considered part of the header any more,
+    ;; so they don't have the multiline property set.  When the change is
+    ;; completed and the header has its correct shape again, the lack of the
+    ;; multiline property means we won't rehighlight the last lines of
+    ;; the header.
+    (if (< (point) start)
+        nil                             ;No header within start..limit.
+      ;; Here we disregard LIMIT so that we may extend the area again.
+      (set-match-data (list start (point)))
+      (point))))
 (defvar message-font-lock-keywords
   (let ((content "[ \t]*\\(.+\\(\n[ \t].*\\)*\\)\n?"))
-    `((,(message-font-lock-make-header-matcher
-        (concat "^\\([Tt]o:\\)" content))
-       (1 'message-header-name)
-       (2 'message-header-to nil t))
-      (,(message-font-lock-make-header-matcher
-        (concat "^\\(^[GBF]?[Cc][Cc]:\\|^[Rr]eply-[Tt]o:\\)" content))
-       (1 'message-header-name)
-       (2 'message-header-cc nil t))
-      (,(message-font-lock-make-header-matcher
-        (concat "^\\([Ss]ubject:\\)" content))
-       (1 'message-header-name)
-       (2 'message-header-subject nil t))
-      (,(message-font-lock-make-header-matcher
-        (concat "^\\([Nn]ewsgroups:\\|Followup-[Tt]o:\\)" content))
-       (1 'message-header-name)
-       (2 'message-header-newsgroups nil t))
-      (,(message-font-lock-make-header-matcher
-        (concat "^\\(X-[A-Za-z0-9-]+:\\|In-Reply-To:\\)" content))
-       (1 'message-header-name)
-       (2 'message-header-xheader))
-      (,(message-font-lock-make-header-matcher
-        (concat "^\\([A-Z][^: \n\t]+:\\)" content))
-       (1 'message-header-name)
-       (2 'message-header-other nil t))
+    `((message-match-to-eoh
+       (,(concat "^\\([Tt]o:\\)" content)
+       (progn (goto-char (match-beginning 0)) (match-end 0)) nil
+       (1 'message-header-name)
+       (2 'message-header-to nil t))
+       (,(concat "^\\(^[GBF]?[Cc][Cc]:\\|^[Rr]eply-[Tt]o:\\)" content)
+       (progn (goto-char (match-beginning 0)) (match-end 0)) nil
+       (1 'message-header-name)
+       (2 'message-header-cc nil t))
+       (,(concat "^\\([Ss]ubject:\\)" content)
+       (progn (goto-char (match-beginning 0)) (match-end 0)) nil
+       (1 'message-header-name)
+       (2 'message-header-subject nil t))
+       (,(concat "^\\([Nn]ewsgroups:\\|Followup-[Tt]o:\\)" content)
+       (progn (goto-char (match-beginning 0)) (match-end 0)) nil
+       (1 'message-header-name)
+       (2 'message-header-newsgroups nil t))
+       (,(concat "^\\(X-[A-Za-z0-9-]+:\\|In-Reply-To:\\)" content)
+       (progn (goto-char (match-beginning 0)) (match-end 0)) nil
+       (1 'message-header-name)
+       (2 'message-header-xheader))
+       (,(concat "^\\([A-Z][^: \n\t]+:\\)" content)
+       (progn (goto-char (match-beginning 0)) (match-end 0)) nil
+        (1 'message-header-name)
+        (2 'message-header-other nil t)))
       ,@(if (and mail-header-separator
                 (not (equal mail-header-separator "")))
            `((,(concat "^\\(" (regexp-quote mail-header-separator) "\\)$")
@@ -2821,8 +2820,7 @@ See also `message-forbidden-properties'."
   (when (and message-strip-special-text-properties
             (message-tamago-not-in-use-p begin))
-    (let ((buffer-read-only nil)
-         (inhibit-read-only t))
+    (let ((inhibit-read-only t))
       (remove-text-properties begin end message-forbidden-properties))))
 (defvar message-smileys '(":-)" ":)"
@@ -2929,7 +2927,7 @@ M-RET    `message-newline-and-reformat' (break the line 
and reformat)."
   (easy-menu-add message-mode-menu message-mode-map)
   (easy-menu-add message-mode-field-menu message-mode-map)
   ;; Mmmm... Forbidden properties...
-  (add-hook 'after-change-functions 'message-strip-forbidden-properties
+  (add-hook 'after-change-functions #'message-strip-forbidden-properties
            nil 'local)
   ;; Allow mail alias things.
@@ -2937,7 +2935,9 @@ M-RET    `message-newline-and-reformat' (break the line 
and reformat)."
    ((message-mail-alias-type-p 'ecomplete)
-  (add-hook 'completion-at-point-functions 'message-completion-function nil t)
+  ;; FIXME: merge the completion tables from ecomplete/bbdb/...?
+  ;;(add-hook 'completion-at-point-functions #'message-ecomplete-capf nil t)
+  (add-hook 'completion-at-point-functions #'message-completion-function nil t)
   (unless buffer-file-name
   (unless (buffer-base-buffer)
@@ -3071,17 +3071,15 @@ M-RET    `message-newline-and-reformat' (break the line 
and reformat)."
   (message-position-on-field "Summary" "Subject"))
-(defun message-goto-body ()
-  "Move point to the beginning of the message body."
-  (interactive)
-  (when (and (called-interactively-p 'any)
-            (looking-at "[ \t]*\n"))
+(define-obsolete-function-alias 'message-goto-body-1 'message-goto-body "27.1")
+(defun message-goto-body (&optional interactive)
+  "Move point to the beginning of the message body.
+Returns point."
+  (interactive "p")
+  (when interactive
+    (when (looking-at "[ \t]*\n")
-  (push-mark)
-  (message-goto-body-1))
-(defun message-goto-body-1 ()
-  "Go to the body and return point."
+    (push-mark))
   (goto-char (point-min))
   (or (search-forward (concat "\n" mail-header-separator "\n") nil t)
       ;; If the message is mangled, find the end of the headers the
@@ -3100,12 +3098,12 @@ M-RET    `message-newline-and-reformat' (break the line 
and reformat)."
   "Return t if point is in the message body."
   (>= (point)
-       (message-goto-body-1))))
+       (message-goto-body))))
-(defun message-goto-eoh ()
+(defun message-goto-eoh (&optional interactive)
   "Move point to the end of the headers."
-  (interactive)
-  (message-goto-body)
+  (interactive "p")
+  (message-goto-body interactive)
   (forward-line -1))
 (defun message-goto-signature ()
@@ -7882,6 +7880,7 @@ When FORCE, rebuild the tool bar."
   :type 'regexp)
 (defcustom message-completion-alist
+  ;; FIXME: Make it possible to use the standard completion UI.
   (list (cons message-newgroups-header-regexp 'message-expand-group)
        '("^\\(Resent-\\)?\\(To\\|B?Cc\\):" . message-expand-name)
@@ -8206,16 +8205,19 @@ From headers in the original article."
 (autoload 'ecomplete-display-matches "ecomplete")
+(defun message--in-tocc-p ()
+  (and (memq (char-after (point-at-bol)) '(?C ?T ?\t ? ))
+       (message-point-in-header-p)
+       (save-excursion
+        (beginning-of-line)
+        (while (and (memq (char-after) '(?\t ? ))
+                    (zerop (forward-line -1))))
+        (looking-at "To:\\|Cc:"))))
 (defun message-display-abbrev (&optional choose)
   "Display the next possible abbrev for the text before point."
   (interactive (list t))
-  (when (and (memq (char-after (point-at-bol)) '(?C ?T ?\t ? ))
-            (message-point-in-header-p)
-            (save-excursion
-              (beginning-of-line)
-              (while (and (memq (char-after) '(?\t ? ))
-                          (zerop (forward-line -1))))
-              (looking-at "To:\\|Cc:")))
+  (when (message--in-tocc-p)
     (let* ((end (point))
           (start (save-excursion
                    (and (re-search-backward "[\n\t ]" nil t)
@@ -8228,6 +8230,20 @@ From headers in the original article."
        (delete-region start end)
        (insert match)))))
+(defun message-ecomplete-capf ()
+  "Return completion data for email addresses in Ecomplete.
+Meant for use on `completion-at-point-functions'."
+  (when (and (bound-and-true-p ecomplete-database)
+             (fboundp 'ecomplete-completion-table)
+             (message--in-tocc-p))
+    (let ((end (save-excursion
+                 (skip-chars-forward "^, \t\n")
+                 (point)))
+         (start (save-excursion
+                   (skip-chars-backward "^, \t\n")
+                   (point))))
+      `(,start ,end ,(apply-partially #'ecomplete-completion-table 'mail)))))
 ;; To send pre-formatted letters like the example below, you can use
 ;; `message-send-form-letter':
 ;; --8<---------------cut here---------------start------------->8---

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