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[elpa] 05/07: Doc and indentation fix

From: Leo Liu
Subject: [elpa] 05/07: Doc and indentation fix
Date: Tue, 06 May 2014 06:34:19 +0000

leoliu pushed a commit to branch master
in repository elpa.

commit ae048d5dde75ccee315967f7b65f6942f864c1b7
Author: Leo Liu <address@hidden>
Date:   Thu Apr 24 10:58:02 2014 +0800

    Doc and indentation fix
    Fix indentation for cl-labels and ggtags-with-current-project.
    Fix FORMAT arg to with-demoted-errors.
 README.rst |    2 +-
 ggtags.el  |  182 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++------------------------------
 2 files changed, 93 insertions(+), 91 deletions(-)

diff --git a/README.rst b/README.rst
index c911254..22099eb 100644
--- a/README.rst
+++ b/README.rst
@@ -274,7 +274,7 @@ Integration with other packages
 * company
   ``company`` can use ``ggtags`` as completion source via
-  ``company-capf`` (enabled by default in emacs 24.4).
+  ``company-capf`` which is enabled by default.
 * helm
diff --git a/ggtags.el b/ggtags.el
index 9218a98..6e005e4 100644
--- a/ggtags.el
+++ b/ggtags.el
@@ -398,19 +398,20 @@ properly update `ggtags-mode-map'."
              (when rtags-size
                (and (or (> rtags-size (* 32 1024))
-                        (with-demoted-errors
+                        (with-demoted-errors "ggtags-make-project: %S"
                           (not (equal "" (ggtags-process-string "global" 
             ;; http://thread.gmane.org/gmane.comp.gnu.global.bugs/1518
-             (with-demoted-errors       ; in case `global' not found
+             (with-demoted-errors "ggtags-make-project: %S"
+               ;; in case `global' not found
                (and (zerop (process-file (ggtags-program-path "global")
                                          nil nil nil
                                          "--path-style" "shorter" "--help"))
             ;; http://thread.gmane.org/gmane.comp.gnu.global.bugs/1542
-             (with-demoted-errors
+             (with-demoted-errors "ggtags-make-project: %S"
                (and (zerop (process-file (ggtags-program-path "global")
                                          nil nil nil
                                          "--color" "--help"))
@@ -612,8 +613,8 @@ Value is new modtime if updated."
   (when (ggtags-find-project)
-       (process-file (ggtags-program-path "global") nil t nil
-                     "-vP" (concat "^" (ggtags-project-relative-file file) 
+        (process-file (ggtags-program-path "global") nil t nil
+                      "-vP" (concat "^" (ggtags-project-relative-file file) 
       (goto-char (point-min))
       (not (re-search-forward "^file not found" nil t)))))
@@ -632,28 +633,28 @@ source trees. See Info node `(global)gtags' for details."
                           (directory-file-name (file-name-as-directory 
-     (let ((conf (and ggtags-use-project-gtagsconf
-                      (cl-loop for name in '(".globalrc" "gtags.conf")
-                               for full = (expand-file-name name root)
-                               thereis (and (file-exists-p full) full)))))
-       (unless (or conf (getenv "GTAGSLABEL")
-                   (not (yes-or-no-p "Use `ctags' backend? ")))
-         (setenv "GTAGSLABEL" "ctags"))
-       (ggtags-with-temp-message "`gtags' in progress..."
-         (let ((default-directory (file-name-as-directory root))
-               (args (cl-remove-if #'null
-                                   (list (and ggtags-use-idutils "--idutils")
-                                         (and conf "--gtagsconf")
-                                         (and conf (ggtags-ensure-localname 
-           (condition-case err
-               (apply #'ggtags-process-string "gtags" args)
-             (error (if (and ggtags-use-idutils
-                             (stringp (cadr err))
-                             (string-match-p "mkid not found" (cadr err)))
-                        ;; Retry without mkid
-                        (apply #'ggtags-process-string
-                               "gtags" (cl-remove "--idutils" args))
-                      (signal (car err) (cdr err)))))))))
+      (let ((conf (and ggtags-use-project-gtagsconf
+                       (cl-loop for name in '(".globalrc" "gtags.conf")
+                                for full = (expand-file-name name root)
+                                thereis (and (file-exists-p full) full)))))
+        (unless (or conf (getenv "GTAGSLABEL")
+                    (not (yes-or-no-p "Use `ctags' backend? ")))
+          (setenv "GTAGSLABEL" "ctags"))
+        (ggtags-with-temp-message "`gtags' in progress..."
+          (let ((default-directory (file-name-as-directory root))
+                (args (cl-remove-if #'null
+                                    (list (and ggtags-use-idutils "--idutils")
+                                          (and conf "--gtagsconf")
+                                          (and conf (ggtags-ensure-localname 
+            (condition-case err
+                (apply #'ggtags-process-string "gtags" args)
+              (error (if (and ggtags-use-idutils
+                              (stringp (cadr err))
+                              (string-match-p "mkid not found" (cadr err)))
+                         ;; Retry without mkid
+                         (apply #'ggtags-process-string
+                                "gtags" (cl-remove "--idutils" args))
+                       (signal (car err) (cdr err)))))))))
     (message "GTAGS generated in `%s'" root)
@@ -669,16 +670,16 @@ Do nothing if GTAGS exceeds the oversize limit unless 
                        (not (ggtags-project-oversize-p))
                        (ggtags-project-dirty-p (ggtags-find-project))))
-     (ggtags-with-temp-message "`global -u' in progress..."
-       (ggtags-process-string "global" "-u")
-       (setf (ggtags-project-dirty-p (ggtags-find-project)) nil)
-       (setf (ggtags-project-mtime (ggtags-find-project)) (float-time))))))
+      (ggtags-with-temp-message "`global -u' in progress..."
+        (ggtags-process-string "global" "-u")
+        (setf (ggtags-project-dirty-p (ggtags-find-project)) nil)
+        (setf (ggtags-project-mtime (ggtags-find-project)) (float-time))))))
 (defun ggtags-update-tags-single (file &optional nowait)
   (cl-check-type file string)
-   (process-file (ggtags-program-path "global") nil (and nowait 0) nil
-                 "--single-update" (ggtags-project-relative-file file))))
+    (process-file (ggtags-program-path "global") nil (and nowait 0) nil
+                  "--single-update" (ggtags-project-relative-file file))))
 (defun ggtags-delete-tags ()
   "Delete file GTAGS, GRTAGS, GPATH, ID etc. generated by gtags."
@@ -724,13 +725,13 @@ Do nothing if GTAGS exceeds the oversize limit unless 
                        ;; May throw global: only name char is allowed
                        ;; with -c option.
-                        (split-string
-                         (apply #'ggtags-process-string
-                                "global"
-                                (append (and completion-ignore-case 
-                                        ;; Note -c alone returns only 
-                                        (list (concat "-c" 
ggtags-completion-flag) prefix)))
-                         "\n" t)))))))
+                         (split-string
+                          (apply #'ggtags-process-string
+                                 "global"
+                                 (append (and completion-ignore-case 
+                                         ;; Note -c alone returns only 
+                                         (list (concat "-c" 
ggtags-completion-flag) prefix)))
+                          "\n" t)))))))
      (cdr ggtags-completion-cache))))
 (defun ggtags-completion-at-point ()
@@ -813,10 +814,10 @@ Do nothing if GTAGS exceeds the oversize limit unless 
     (ggtags-navigation-mode +1)
-     (with-current-buffer (with-display-buffer-no-window
-                            (compilation-start command 'ggtags-global-mode))
-       (setq-local ggtags-process-environment env)
-       (setq ggtags-global-last-buffer (current-buffer))))))
+      (with-current-buffer (with-display-buffer-no-window
+                             (compilation-start command 'ggtags-global-mode))
+        (setq-local ggtags-process-environment env)
+        (setq ggtags-global-last-buffer (current-buffer))))))
 (defun ggtags-find-tag-continue ()
@@ -881,16 +882,16 @@ definition tags."
   (pcase (ggtags-get-libpath)
     ((and libs (guard libs))
      (cl-labels ((cont (buf how)
-                       (pcase ggtags-global-exit-info
-                         (`(0 0 ,_)
-                          (with-temp-buffer
-                            (setq default-directory
-                                  (file-name-as-directory (pop libs)))
-                            (and libs (setq ggtags-global-continuation #'cont))
-                            (if (ggtags-find-project)
-                                (ggtags-find-tag type (shell-quote-argument 
-                              (cont buf how))))
-                         (_ (ggtags-global-handle-exit buf how)))))
+                   (pcase ggtags-global-exit-info
+                     (`(0 0 ,_)
+                      (with-temp-buffer
+                        (setq default-directory
+                              (file-name-as-directory (pop libs)))
+                        (and libs (setq ggtags-global-continuation #'cont))
+                        (if (ggtags-find-project)
+                            (ggtags-find-tag type (shell-quote-argument name))
+                          (cont buf how))))
+                     (_ (ggtags-global-handle-exit buf how)))))
        (setq ggtags-global-continuation #'cont)))))
 (defun ggtags-find-reference (name)
@@ -1014,26 +1015,26 @@ Global and Emacs."
 (defvar ggtags-global-rerun-search-map
       ((save ()
-             (setq ggtags-global-rerun-search-last
-                   (ewoc-data (ewoc-locate ggtags-global-search-ewoc))))
+         (setq ggtags-global-rerun-search-last
+               (ewoc-data (ewoc-locate ggtags-global-search-ewoc))))
        (next (arg)
-             (interactive "p")
-             (ewoc-goto-next ggtags-global-search-ewoc arg)
-             (save))
+         (interactive "p")
+         (ewoc-goto-next ggtags-global-search-ewoc arg)
+         (save))
        (prev (arg)
-             (interactive "p")
-             (ewoc-goto-prev ggtags-global-search-ewoc arg)
-             (save))
+         (interactive "p")
+         (ewoc-goto-prev ggtags-global-search-ewoc arg)
+         (save))
        (quit ()
-             (interactive)
-             (quit-windows-on (ewoc-buffer ggtags-global-search-ewoc) t))
+         (interactive)
+         (quit-windows-on (ewoc-buffer ggtags-global-search-ewoc) t))
        (done ()
-             (interactive)
-             (let ((node (ewoc-locate ggtags-global-search-ewoc)))
-               (when node
-                 (save)
-                 (quit)
-                 (ggtags-global-rerun-search-1 (cdr (ewoc-data node)))))))
+         (interactive)
+         (let ((node (ewoc-locate ggtags-global-search-ewoc)))
+           (when node
+             (save)
+             (quit)
+             (ggtags-global-rerun-search-1 (cdr (ewoc-data node)))))))
     (let ((m (make-sparse-keymap)))
       (set-keymap-parent m special-mode-map)
       (define-key m "p"    #'prev)
@@ -1062,15 +1063,16 @@ Global and Emacs."
     (setq-local ggtags-enable-navigation-keys nil)
     (setq-local bookmark-make-record-function #'ggtags-make-bookmark-record)
     (setq truncate-lines t)
-    (cl-labels ((prop (s) (propertize s 'face 'minibuffer-prompt))
+    (cl-labels ((prop (s)
+                  (propertize s 'face 'minibuffer-prompt))
                 (pp (data)
-                    (pcase data
-                      (`(,_id ,cmd ,dir ,_env ,line ,text)
-                       (insert (prop " cmd: ") cmd "\n"
-                               (prop " dir: ") dir "\n"
-                               (prop "line: ") (number-to-string line) "\n"
-                               (prop "text: ") text "\n"
-                               (propertize (make-string 32 ?-) 'face 
+                  (pcase data
+                    (`(,_id ,cmd ,dir ,_env ,line ,text)
+                     (insert (prop " cmd: ") cmd "\n"
+                             (prop " dir: ") dir "\n"
+                             (prop "line: ") (number-to-string line) "\n"
+                             (prop "text: ") text "\n"
+                             (propertize (make-string 32 ?-) 'face 
       (setq ggtags-global-search-ewoc
             (ewoc-create #'pp "Global search history keys:  n:next  p:prev  
r:register  RET:choose\n")))
     (dolist (data ggtags-global-search-history)
@@ -1087,10 +1089,10 @@ Global and Emacs."
 Use \\[jump-to-register] to restore the search session."
   (interactive (list (register-read-with-preview "Save search to register: ")))
   (cl-labels ((prn (data)
-                   (pcase data
-                     (`(,command ,root ,_env ,line ,_)
-                      (princ (format "a ggtags search session `%s' in 
directory `%s' at line %d."
-                                     command root line))))))
+                (pcase data
+                  (`(,command ,root ,_env ,line ,_)
+                   (princ (format "a ggtags search session `%s' in directory 
`%s' at line %d."
+                                  command root line))))))
     (set-register r (registerv-make
                      (if ggtags-global-search-ewoc
                          (cdr (ewoc-data (ewoc-locate 
@@ -1784,11 +1786,11 @@ When finished invoke CALLBACK in BUFFER with process 
exit status."
                    (with-current-buffer current
                      (funcall print-fn (funcall get-fn defs)))))))
-     (ggtags-global-output
-      buffer
-      (list (ggtags-program-path "global")
-            "--result=grep" "--path-style=absolute" name)
-      show 100))))
+      (ggtags-global-output
+       buffer
+       (list (ggtags-program-path "global")
+             "--result=grep" "--path-style=absolute" name)
+       show 100))))
 (defvar ggtags-mode-prefix-map
   (let ((m (make-sparse-keymap)))
@@ -2025,10 +2027,10 @@ to nil disables displaying this information.")
   "A function suitable for `imenu-create-index-function'."
   (let ((file (and buffer-file-name (file-relative-name buffer-file-name))))
     (and file (with-temp-buffer
-                (when (with-demoted-errors
+                (when (with-demoted-errors "ggtags-build-imenu-index: %S"
                         (zerop (ggtags-with-current-project
-                                (process-file (ggtags-program-path "global")
-                                              nil t nil "-x" "-f" file))))
+                                 (process-file (ggtags-program-path "global")
+                                               nil t nil "-x" "-f" file))))
                   (goto-char (point-min))
                   (cl-loop while (re-search-forward
                                   "^\\([^ \t]+\\)[ \t]+\\([0-9]+\\)" nil t)

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