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[elpa] 02/02: * packages/vlf: Version 1.6. Automatically tune batch size

From: Andrey Kotlarski
Subject: [elpa] 02/02: * packages/vlf: Version 1.6. Automatically tune batch size to improve user experience and performance for batch operations.
Date: Sat, 20 Sep 2014 16:08:06 +0000

m00natic pushed a commit to branch master
in repository elpa.

commit 9c4e6a53214392f76aac93e20bfc9d6671d5b070
Author: Andrey Kotlarski <address@hidden>
Date:   Sat Sep 20 19:06:29 2014 +0300

        * packages/vlf: Version 1.6.  Automatically tune batch size to
        improve user experience and performance for batch operations.
        * vlf-tune.el: New profile and tune module.
        * vlf.el (vlf-next-batch, vlf-prev-batch, vlf-set-batch-size)
        (vlf-beginning-of-file, vlf-end-of-file, vlf-jump-to-chunk): Auto
        tune batch size.
        * vlf-write.el (vlf-write): Profile, tune batch size and time
        save when adjusting file content.
        (vlf-file-shift-back, vlf-shift-batch, vlf-file-shift-forward)
        (vlf-shift-batches): Profile and tune batch size.
        * vlf-search.el (vlf-re-search): Auto tune batch size and
        use outside progress reporter if provided.
        (vlf-goto-match): Time search.
        (vlf-re-search-forward, vlf-re-search-backward): Minimize search
        overlap and restore batch size if search failed.
        (vlf-goto-line): Profile operations, tune batch size and time
        whole search.
        * vlf-occur.el (vlf-occur-visit): Profile hexl operations.
        (vlf-occur-other-buffer): New function.
        (vlf-occur): Auto tune batch size.
        (vlf-build-occur): Auto tune batch size and time whole occur.
        * vlf-base.el (vlf-move-to-chunk-1, vlf-move-to-chunk-2)
        (vlf-insert-file-contents-1, vlf-delete-region): Profile primitive
        (vlf-shift-undo-list): Ignore null undo list.
 packages/vlf/vlf-base.el   |   38 ++---
 packages/vlf/vlf-occur.el  |  141 ++++++++++-----
 packages/vlf/vlf-search.el |  118 ++++++++-----
 packages/vlf/vlf-tune.el   |  423 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 packages/vlf/vlf-write.el  |   97 ++++++----
 packages/vlf/vlf.el        |   27 +++-
 6 files changed, 682 insertions(+), 162 deletions(-)

diff --git a/packages/vlf/vlf-base.el b/packages/vlf/vlf-base.el
index 30e9b27..f568202 100644
--- a/packages/vlf/vlf-base.el
+++ b/packages/vlf/vlf-base.el
@@ -27,10 +27,7 @@
 ;;; Code:
-(defcustom vlf-batch-size 1000000
-  "Defines how large each batch of file data initially is (in bytes)."
-  :group 'vlf :type 'integer)
-(put 'vlf-batch-size 'permanent-local t)
+(require 'vlf-tune)
 (defcustom vlf-before-chunk-update nil
   "Hook that runs before chunk update."
@@ -50,10 +47,6 @@
 (make-variable-buffer-local 'vlf-end-pos)
 (put 'vlf-end-pos 'permanent-local t)
-(defvar vlf-file-size 0 "Total size of presented file.")
-(make-variable-buffer-local 'vlf-file-size)
-(put 'vlf-file-size 'permanent-local t)
 (defconst vlf-sample-size 24
   "Minimal number of bytes that can be properly decoded.")
@@ -133,11 +126,10 @@ bytes added to the end."
                            (setq restore-hexl t
                                  hexl-undo-list buffer-undo-list
                                  buffer-undo-list t)
-                           (hexl-mode-exit))
+                           (vlf-tune-dehexlify))
                          (+ vlf-start-pos
-                            (length (encode-coding-region
-                                     (point-min) (point-max)
-                                     buffer-file-coding-system t))))
+                            (vlf-tune-encode-length (point-min)
+                                                    (point-max))))
@@ -161,7 +153,7 @@ bytes added to the end."
             (when (and hexl (not restore-hexl))
               (if (consp buffer-undo-list)
                   (setq buffer-undo-list nil))
-              (hexl-mode-exit))
+              (vlf-tune-dehexlify))
             (let ((shift-start 0)
                   (shift-end 0))
               (let ((pos (+ (position-bytes (point)) vlf-start-pos))
@@ -224,12 +216,12 @@ bytes added to the end."
               (set-buffer-modified-p modified)
               (when hexl
-                (hexl-mode)
+                (vlf-tune-hexlify)
                 (setq restore-hexl nil))
               (run-hooks 'vlf-after-chunk-update)
               (cons shift-start shift-end))))))
     (when restore-hexl
-      (hexl-mode)
+      (vlf-tune-hexlify)
       (setq buffer-undo-list hexl-undo-list))
@@ -252,7 +244,7 @@ bytes added to the end."
                                                 vlf-end-pos t t)
                vlf-start-pos (- vlf-start-pos (car shifts))
                vlf-end-pos (+ vlf-end-pos (cdr shifts)))
-         (if hexl (hexl-mode)))
+         (if hexl (vlf-tune-hexlify)))
        (goto-char (or (byte-to-position (+ pos (car shifts)))
     (set-buffer-modified-p nil)
@@ -293,7 +285,7 @@ bytes added to the end."
 (defun vlf-insert-file-contents-1 (start end)
   "Extract decoded file bytes START to END."
-  (insert-file-contents buffer-file-name nil start end))
+  (vlf-tune-insert-file-contents start end))
 (defun vlf-adjust-start (start end position adjust-end)
   "Adjust chunk beginning at absolute START to END till content can\
@@ -345,12 +337,10 @@ which deletion was performed."
                               (eq encode-direction 'end)
                             (< (- end border) (- border start))))
          (dist (if encode-from-end
-                   (- end (length (encode-coding-region
-                                   cut-point (point-max)
-                                   buffer-file-coding-system t)))
-                 (+ start (length (encode-coding-region
-                                   position cut-point
-                                   buffer-file-coding-system t)))))
+                   (- end (vlf-tune-encode-length cut-point
+                                                  (point-max)))
+                 (+ start (vlf-tune-encode-length position
+                                                  cut-point))))
          (len 0))
     (if (< border dist)
         (while (< border dist)
@@ -378,7 +368,7 @@ which deletion was performed."
 (defun vlf-shift-undo-list (n)
   "Shift undo list element regions by N."
-  (or (eq buffer-undo-list t)
+  (or (null buffer-undo-list) (eq buffer-undo-list t)
       (setq buffer-undo-list
              (let ((min (point-min))
diff --git a/packages/vlf/vlf-occur.el b/packages/vlf/vlf-occur.el
index 2dac4a4..a41f448 100644
--- a/packages/vlf/vlf-occur.el
+++ b/packages/vlf/vlf-occur.el
@@ -124,7 +124,7 @@ EVENT may hold details of the invocation."
           (cond (current-prefix-arg
                  (setq vlf-buffer (vlf file t))
-                 (or not-hexl (hexl-mode))
+                 (or not-hexl (vlf-tune-hexlify))
                  (switch-to-buffer occur-buffer))
                 ((not (buffer-live-p vlf-buffer))
                  (unless (catch 'found
@@ -137,72 +137,109 @@ EVENT may hold details of the invocation."
                                   (setq vlf-buffer buf)
                                   (throw 'found t))))
                    (setq vlf-buffer (vlf file t))
-                   (or not-hexl (hexl-mode)))
+                   (or not-hexl (vlf-tune-hexlify)))
                  (switch-to-buffer occur-buffer)
                  (setq vlf-occur-vlf-buffer vlf-buffer)))
           (pop-to-buffer vlf-buffer)
           (vlf-move-to-chunk chunk-start chunk-end)
           (goto-char match-pos)))))
+(defun vlf-occur-other-buffer (regexp)
+  "Make whole file occur style index for REGEXP branching to new buffer.
+Prematurely ending indexing will still show what's found so far."
+  (let ((vlf-buffer (current-buffer))
+        (file buffer-file-name)
+        (batch-size vlf-batch-size)
+        (is-hexl (derived-mode-p 'hexl-mode))
+        (insert-bps vlf-tune-insert-bps)
+        (encode-bps vlf-tune-encode-bps)
+        (hexl-bps vlf-tune-hexl-bps)
+        (dehexlify-bps vlf-tune-dehexlify-bps))
+    (with-temp-buffer
+      (setq buffer-file-name file
+            buffer-file-truename file
+            buffer-undo-list t)
+      (set-buffer-modified-p nil)
+      (set (make-local-variable 'vlf-batch-size) batch-size)
+      (when vlf-tune-enabled
+        (setq vlf-tune-insert-bps insert-bps
+              vlf-tune-encode-bps encode-bps)
+        (if is-hexl
+            (progn (setq vlf-tune-hexl-bps hexl-bps
+                         vlf-tune-dehexlify-bps dehexlify-bps)
+                   (vlf-tune-batch '(:hexl :dehexlify :insert :encode)))
+          (vlf-tune-batch '(:insert :encode))))
+      (vlf-mode 1)
+      (if is-hexl (vlf-tune-hexlify))
+      (goto-char (point-min))
+      (vlf-with-undo-disabled
+       (vlf-build-occur regexp vlf-buffer))
+      (when vlf-tune-enabled
+        (setq insert-bps vlf-tune-insert-bps
+              encode-bps vlf-tune-encode-bps)
+        (if is-hexl
+            (setq insert-bps vlf-tune-insert-bps
+                  encode-bps vlf-tune-encode-bps))))
+    (when vlf-tune-enabled              ;merge back tune measurements
+      (setq vlf-tune-insert-bps insert-bps
+            vlf-tune-encode-bps encode-bps)
+      (if is-hexl
+          (setq vlf-tune-insert-bps insert-bps
+                vlf-tune-encode-bps encode-bps)))))
 (defun vlf-occur (regexp)
   "Make whole file occur style index for REGEXP.
 Prematurely ending indexing will still show what's found so far."
   (interactive (list (read-regexp "List lines matching regexp"
                                   (if regexp-history
                                       (car regexp-history)))))
-  (if (buffer-modified-p) ;use temporary buffer not to interfere with 
-      (let ((vlf-buffer (current-buffer))
-            (file buffer-file-name)
-            (batch-size vlf-batch-size)
-            (is-hexl (derived-mode-p 'hexl-mode)))
-        (with-temp-buffer
-          (setq buffer-file-name file
-                buffer-file-truename file
-                buffer-undo-list t)
-          (set-buffer-modified-p nil)
-          (set (make-local-variable 'vlf-batch-size) batch-size)
-          (vlf-mode 1)
-          (if is-hexl
-              (hexl-mode))
-          (run-hook-with-args 'vlf-before-batch-functions 'occur)
-          (goto-char (point-min))
-          (vlf-with-undo-disabled
-           (vlf-build-occur regexp vlf-buffer))
-          (run-hook-with-args 'vlf-after-batch-functions 'occur)))
-    (run-hook-with-args 'vlf-before-batch-functions 'occur)
+  (run-hook-with-args 'vlf-before-batch-functions 'occur)
+  (if (or (buffer-modified-p)
+          (< vlf-batch-size vlf-start-pos))
+      (vlf-occur-other-buffer regexp)
     (let ((start-pos vlf-start-pos)
           (end-pos vlf-end-pos)
-          (pos (point)))
+          (pos (point))
+          (batch-size vlf-batch-size)
+          (is-hexl (derived-mode-p 'hexl-mode)))
+      (vlf-tune-batch (if (derived-mode-p 'hexl-mode)
+                          '(:hexl :dehexlify :insert :encode)
+                        '(:insert :encode)))
-       (vlf-beginning-of-file)
+       (vlf-move-to-batch 0)
        (goto-char (point-min))
        (unwind-protect (vlf-build-occur regexp (current-buffer))
          (vlf-move-to-chunk start-pos end-pos)
-         (goto-char pos))))
-    (run-hook-with-args 'vlf-after-batch-functions 'occur)))
+         (if is-hexl (vlf-tune-hexlify))
+         (goto-char pos)
+         (setq vlf-batch-size batch-size)))))
+  (run-hook-with-args 'vlf-after-batch-functions 'occur))
 (defun vlf-build-occur (regexp vlf-buffer)
   "Build occur style index for REGEXP over VLF-BUFFER."
-  (let ((tramp-verbose (if (boundp 'tramp-verbose)
-                           (min tramp-verbose 2)))
-        (case-fold-search t)
-        (line 1)
-        (last-match-line 0)
-        (last-line-pos (point-min))
-        (total-matches 0)
-        (match-end-pos (+ vlf-start-pos (position-bytes (point))))
-        (occur-buffer (generate-new-buffer
-                       (concat "*VLF-occur " (file-name-nondirectory
-                                              buffer-file-name)
-                               "*")))
-        (line-regexp (concat "\\(?5:[\n\C-m]\\)\\|\\(?10:"
-                             regexp "\\)"))
-        (batch-step (/ vlf-batch-size 8))
-        (is-hexl (derived-mode-p 'hexl-mode))
-        (end-of-file nil)
-        (reporter (make-progress-reporter
-                   (concat "Building index for " regexp "...")
-                   vlf-start-pos vlf-file-size)))
+  (let* ((tramp-verbose (if (boundp 'tramp-verbose)
+                            (min tramp-verbose 2)))
+         (case-fold-search t)
+         (line 1)
+         (last-match-line 0)
+         (last-line-pos (point-min))
+         (total-matches 0)
+         (match-end-pos (+ vlf-start-pos (position-bytes (point))))
+         (occur-buffer (generate-new-buffer
+                        (concat "*VLF-occur " (file-name-nondirectory
+                                               buffer-file-name)
+                                "*")))
+         (line-regexp (concat "\\(?5:[\n\C-m]\\)\\|\\(?10:"
+                              regexp "\\)"))
+         (batch-step (min 1024 (/ vlf-batch-size 8)))
+         (is-hexl (derived-mode-p 'hexl-mode))
+         (end-of-file nil)
+         (time (float-time))
+         (tune-types (if is-hexl '(:hexl :dehexlify :insert :encode)
+                       '(:insert :encode)))
+         (reporter (make-progress-reporter
+                    (concat "Building index for " regexp "...")
+                    vlf-start-pos vlf-file-size)))
     (with-current-buffer occur-buffer
       (setq buffer-undo-list t))
@@ -255,6 +292,7 @@ Prematurely ending indexing will still show what's found so 
               (setq end-of-file (= vlf-end-pos vlf-file-size))
               (unless end-of-file
+                (vlf-tune-batch tune-types)
                 (let ((batch-move (- vlf-end-pos batch-step)))
                   (vlf-move-to-batch (if (or is-hexl
                                              (< match-end-pos
@@ -274,7 +312,8 @@ Prematurely ending indexing will still show what's found so 
       (set-buffer-modified-p nil)
       (if (zerop total-matches)
           (progn (kill-buffer occur-buffer)
-                 (message "No matches for \"%s\"" regexp))
+                 (message "No matches for \"%s\" (%f secs)"
+                          regexp (- (float-time) time)))
         (let ((file buffer-file-name)
               (dir default-directory))
           (with-current-buffer occur-buffer
@@ -292,10 +331,12 @@ in file: %s" total-matches line regexp file)
                   vlf-occur-regexp regexp
                   vlf-occur-hexl is-hexl
                   vlf-occur-lines line)))
-        (display-buffer occur-buffer)))))
+        (display-buffer occur-buffer)
+        (message "Occur finished for \"%s\" (%f secs)"
+                 regexp (- (float-time) time))))))
-;; save, load vlf-occur data
+;;; save, load vlf-occur data
 (defun vlf-occur-save (file)
   "Serialize `vlf-occur' results to FILE which can later be reloaded."
diff --git a/packages/vlf/vlf-search.el b/packages/vlf/vlf-search.el
index 3b81d57..33dcc42 100644
--- a/packages/vlf/vlf-search.el
+++ b/packages/vlf/vlf-search.el
@@ -29,12 +29,22 @@
 (require 'vlf)
-(defun vlf-re-search (regexp count backward batch-step)
+(defun vlf-re-search (regexp count backward batch-step
+                             &optional reporter time)
   "Search for REGEXP COUNT number of times forward or BACKWARD.
-BATCH-STEP is amount of overlap between successive chunks."
+BATCH-STEP is amount of overlap between successive chunks.
+Use existing REPORTER and start TIME if given.
+Return t if search has been at least partially successful."
   (if (<= count 0)
       (error "Count must be positive"))
   (run-hook-with-args 'vlf-before-batch-functions 'search)
+  (or reporter (setq reporter (make-progress-reporter
+                               (concat "Searching for " regexp "...")
+                               (if backward
+                                   (- vlf-file-size vlf-end-pos)
+                                 vlf-start-pos)
+                               vlf-file-size)))
+  (or time (setq time (float-time)))
   (let* ((tramp-verbose (if (boundp 'tramp-verbose)
                             (min tramp-verbose 2)))
          (case-fold-search t)
@@ -44,13 +54,9 @@ BATCH-STEP is amount of overlap between successive chunks."
          (match-end-pos match-start-pos)
          (to-find count)
          (is-hexl (derived-mode-p 'hexl-mode))
-         (font-lock font-lock-mode)
-         (reporter (make-progress-reporter
-                    (concat "Searching for " regexp "...")
-                    (if backward
-                        (- vlf-file-size vlf-end-pos)
-                      vlf-start-pos)
-                    vlf-file-size)))
+         (tune-types (if is-hexl '(:hexl :dehexlify :insert :encode)
+                       '(:insert :encode)))
+         (font-lock font-lock-mode))
     (font-lock-mode 0)
@@ -69,7 +75,8 @@ BATCH-STEP is amount of overlap between successive chunks."
                                                 (match-end 0)))))
                        ((zerop vlf-start-pos)
                         (throw 'end-of-file nil))
-                       (t (let ((batch-move (- vlf-start-pos
+                       (t (vlf-tune-batch tune-types)
+                          (let ((batch-move (- vlf-start-pos
                                                (- vlf-batch-size
@@ -82,9 +89,9 @@ BATCH-STEP is amount of overlap between successive chunks."
                                        (or (byte-to-position
-                                              (- match-start-pos
-                                                 vlf-start-pos))
-                                             (point-max))))
+                                            (- match-start-pos
+                                               vlf-start-pos))
+                                           (point-max))))
                            reporter (- vlf-file-size
@@ -101,7 +108,8 @@ BATCH-STEP is amount of overlap between successive chunks."
                                               (match-end 0)))))
                      ((= vlf-end-pos vlf-file-size)
                       (throw 'end-of-file nil))
-                     (t (let ((batch-move (- vlf-end-pos batch-step)))
+                     (t (vlf-tune-batch tune-types)
+                        (let ((batch-move (- vlf-end-pos batch-step)))
                            (if (or is-hexl
                                    (< match-end-pos batch-move))
@@ -111,42 +119,49 @@ BATCH-STEP is amount of overlap between successive 
                                            (<= match-end-pos vlf-start-pos))
                                      (or (byte-to-position
-                                            (- match-end-pos
-                                               vlf-start-pos))
-                                           (point-min))))
+                                          (- match-end-pos
+                                             vlf-start-pos))
+                                         (point-min))))
                         (progress-reporter-update reporter
            (progress-reporter-done reporter))
        (set-buffer-modified-p nil)
+       (if is-hexl (vlf-tune-hexlify))
        (if font-lock (font-lock-mode 1))
-       (if backward
-           (vlf-goto-match match-chunk-start match-chunk-end
-                           match-end-pos match-start-pos
-                           count to-find)
-         (vlf-goto-match match-chunk-start match-chunk-end
-                         match-start-pos match-end-pos
-                         count to-find))
-       (run-hook-with-args 'vlf-after-batch-functions 'search)))))
+       (let ((result
+              (if backward
+                  (vlf-goto-match match-chunk-start match-chunk-end
+                                  match-end-pos match-start-pos
+                                  count to-find time)
+                (vlf-goto-match match-chunk-start match-chunk-end
+                                match-start-pos match-end-pos
+                                count to-find time))))
+         (run-hook-with-args 'vlf-after-batch-functions 'search)
+         result)))))
 (defun vlf-goto-match (match-chunk-start match-chunk-end
-                                         match-pos-start
-                                         match-pos-end
-                                         count to-find)
+                                         match-pos-start match-pos-end
+                                         count to-find time)
   "Move to MATCH-CHUNK-START MATCH-CHUNK-END surrounding\
 According to COUNT and left TO-FIND, show if search has been
-successful.  Return nil if nothing found."
+successful.  Use start TIME to report how much it took.
+Return nil if nothing found."
   (if (= count to-find)
       (progn (vlf-move-to-chunk match-chunk-start match-chunk-end)
              (goto-char (or (byte-to-position (- match-pos-start
-             (message "Not found")
+             (message "Not found (%f secs)" (- (float-time) time))
     (let ((success (zerop to-find)))
       (if success
         (vlf-move-to-chunk match-chunk-start match-chunk-end))
+      (setq vlf-batch-size (vlf-tune-optimal-load
+                            (if (derived-mode-p 'hexl-mode)
+                                '(:hexl :dehexlify :insert :encode)
+                              '(:insert :encode))))
       (let* ((match-end (or (byte-to-position (- match-pos-end
@@ -155,10 +170,11 @@ successful.  Return nil if nothing found."
         (overlay-put overlay 'face 'match)
-        (unless success
+        (if success
+            (message "Match found (%f secs)" (- (float-time) time))
           (goto-char match-end)
-          (message "Moved to the %d match which is last"
-                   (- count to-find)))
+          (message "Moved to the %d match which is last (%f secs)"
+                   (- count to-find) (- (float-time) time)))
         (unwind-protect (sit-for 3)
           (delete-overlay overlay))
@@ -171,7 +187,9 @@ Search is performed chunk by chunk in `vlf-batch-size' 
                                       (if regexp-history
                                           (car regexp-history)))
                          (or current-prefix-arg 1))))
-  (vlf-re-search regexp count nil (/ vlf-batch-size 8)))
+  (let ((batch-size vlf-batch-size))
+    (or (vlf-re-search regexp count nil (min 1024 (/ vlf-batch-size 8)))
+        (setq vlf-batch-size batch-size))))
 (defun vlf-re-search-backward (regexp count)
   "Search backward for REGEXP prefix COUNT number of times.
@@ -181,7 +199,9 @@ Search is performed chunk by chunk in `vlf-batch-size' 
                                       (if regexp-history
                                           (car regexp-history)))
                          (or current-prefix-arg 1))))
-  (vlf-re-search regexp count t (/ vlf-batch-size 8)))
+  (let ((batch-size vlf-batch-size))
+    (or (vlf-re-search regexp count t (min 1024 (/ vlf-batch-size 8)))
+        (setq vlf-batch-size batch-size))))
 (defun vlf-goto-line (n)
   "Go to line N.  If N is negative, count from the end of file."
@@ -193,11 +213,14 @@ Search is performed chunk by chunk in `vlf-batch-size' 
                            (min tramp-verbose 2)))
         (start-pos vlf-start-pos)
         (end-pos vlf-end-pos)
+        (batch-size vlf-batch-size)
         (pos (point))
         (is-hexl (derived-mode-p 'hexl-mode))
         (font-lock font-lock-mode)
+        (time (float-time))
         (success nil))
     (font-lock-mode 0)
+    (vlf-tune-batch '(:raw))
         (if (< 0 n)
             (let ((start 0)
@@ -213,20 +236,24 @@ Search is performed chunk by chunk in `vlf-batch-size' 
                    (while (and (< (- end start) n)
                                (< n (- vlf-file-size start)))
-                     (insert-file-contents-literally buffer-file-name
-                                                     nil start end)
+                     (vlf-tune-insert-file-contents-literally start end)
                      (goto-char (point-min))
                      (while (re-search-forward "[\n\C-m]" nil t)
                        (setq n (1- n)))
+                     (vlf-tune-batch '(:raw))
                      (setq start end
                            end (min vlf-file-size
                                     (+ start vlf-batch-size)))
                      (progress-reporter-update reporter start)))
                (when (< n (- vlf-file-size end))
-                 (vlf-move-to-chunk-2 start end)
+                 (vlf-tune-batch (if is-hexl
+                                     '(:hexl :dehexlify :insert :encode)
+                                   '(:insert :encode)))
+                 (vlf-move-to-chunk-2 start (+ start vlf-batch-size))
                  (goto-char (point-min))
-                 (setq success (vlf-re-search "[\n\C-m]" n nil 0)))))
+                 (setq success (vlf-re-search "[\n\C-m]" n nil 0
+                                              reporter time)))))
           (let ((start (max 0 (- vlf-file-size vlf-batch-size)))
                 (end vlf-file-size)
                 (reporter (make-progress-reporter
@@ -239,25 +266,30 @@ Search is performed chunk by chunk in `vlf-batch-size' 
              (or is-hexl
                  (while (and (< (- end start) n) (< n end))
-                   (insert-file-contents-literally buffer-file-name
-                                                   nil start end)
+                   (vlf-tune-insert-file-contents-literally start end)
                    (goto-char (point-max))
                    (while (re-search-backward "[\n\C-m]" nil t)
                      (setq n (1- n)))
+                   (vlf-tune-batch '(:raw))
                    (setq end start
                          start (max 0 (- end vlf-batch-size)))
                    (progress-reporter-update reporter
                                              (- vlf-file-size end))))
              (when (< n end)
-               (vlf-move-to-chunk-2 start end)
+               (vlf-tune-batch (if is-hexl
+                                   '(:hexl :dehexlify :insert :encode)
+                                 '(:insert :encode)))
+               (vlf-move-to-chunk-2 (- end vlf-batch-size) end)
                (goto-char (point-max))
-               (setq success (vlf-re-search "[\n\C-m]" n t 0))))))
+               (setq success (vlf-re-search "[\n\C-m]" n t 0
+                                            reporter time))))))
       (if font-lock (font-lock-mode 1))
       (unless success
          (vlf-move-to-chunk-2 start-pos end-pos))
         (goto-char pos)
+        (setq vlf-batch-size batch-size)
         (message "Unable to find line"))
       (run-hook-with-args 'vlf-after-batch-functions 'goto-line))))
diff --git a/packages/vlf/vlf-tune.el b/packages/vlf/vlf-tune.el
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..adf8468
--- /dev/null
+++ b/packages/vlf/vlf-tune.el
@@ -0,0 +1,423 @@
+;;; vlf-tune.el --- VLF tuning operations  -*- lexical-binding: t -*-
+;; Copyright (C) 2014 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+;; Keywords: large files, batch size, performance
+;; Author: Andrey Kotlarski <address@hidden>
+;; URL: https://github.com/m00natic/vlfi
+;; This file is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+;; the Free Software Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option)
+;; any later version.
+;; This file is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+;; GNU General Public License for more details.
+;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+;; along with GNU Emacs; see the file COPYING.  If not, write to
+;; the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330,
+;; Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
+;;; Commentary:
+;; This package provides wrappers for basic chunk operations that add
+;; profiling and automatic tuning of `vlf-batch-size'.
+;;; Code:
+(defgroup vlf nil "View Large Files in Emacs."
+  :prefix "vlf-" :group 'files)
+(defcustom vlf-batch-size 1000000
+  "Defines how large each batch of file data initially is (in bytes)."
+  :group 'vlf :type 'integer)
+(put 'vlf-batch-size 'permanent-local t)
+(defcustom vlf-tune-enabled t
+  "Whether to allow automatic change of batch size.
+If nil, completely disable.  If `stats', maintain measure statistics,
+but don't change batch size.  If t, measure and change."
+  :group 'vlf :type '(choice (const :tag "Enabled" t)
+                             (const :tag "Just statistics" stats)
+                             (const :tag "Disabled" nil)))
+(defvar vlf-file-size 0 "Total size in bytes of presented file.")
+(make-variable-buffer-local 'vlf-file-size)
+(put 'vlf-file-size 'permanent-local t)
+(defun vlf-tune-ram-size ()
+  "Try to determine RAM size in bytes."
+  (if (executable-find "free")
+      (let* ((free (shell-command-to-string "free"))
+             (match-from (string-match "[[:digit:]]+" free)))
+        (if match-from
+            (* 1000 (string-to-number (substring free match-from
+                                                 (match-end 0))))))))
+(defcustom vlf-tune-max (let ((ram-size (vlf-tune-ram-size)))
+                          (if ram-size
+                              (/ ram-size 20)
+                            large-file-warning-threshold))
+  "Maximum batch size in bytes when auto tuning."
+  :group 'vlf :type 'integer)
+(defcustom vlf-tune-step (/ vlf-tune-max 1000)
+  "Step used for tuning in bytes."
+  :group 'vlf :type 'integer)
+(defcustom vlf-tune-load-time 1.0
+  "How many seconds should batch take to load for best user experience."
+  :group 'vlf :type 'float)
+(defvar vlf-tune-insert-bps nil
+  "Vector of bytes per second insert measurements.")
+(make-variable-buffer-local 'vlf-tune-insert-bps)
+(put 'vlf-tune-insert-bps 'permanent-local t)
+(defvar vlf-tune-insert-raw-bps nil
+  "Vector of bytes per second non-decode insert measurements.")
+(make-variable-buffer-local 'vlf-tune-insert-raw-bps)
+(put 'vlf-tune-insert-raw-bps 'permanent-local t)
+(defvar vlf-tune-encode-bps nil
+  "Vector of bytes per second encode measurements.")
+(make-variable-buffer-local 'vlf-tune-encode-bps)
+(put 'vlf-tune-encode-bps 'permanent-local t)
+(defvar vlf-tune-write-bps nil
+  "Vector of bytes per second write measurements.")
+(make-variable-buffer-local 'vlf-tune-write-bps)
+(put 'vlf-tune-write-bps 'permanent-local t)
+(defvar vlf-tune-hexl-bps nil
+  "Vector of bytes per second hexlify measurements.")
+(make-variable-buffer-local 'vlf-tune-hexl-bps)
+(put 'vlf-tune-hexl-bps 'permanent-local t)
+(defvar vlf-tune-dehexlify-bps nil
+  "Vector of bytes per second dehexlify measurements.")
+(make-variable-buffer-local 'vlf-tune-dehexlify-bps)
+(put 'vlf-tune-dehexlify-bps 'permanent-local t)
+(defun vlf-tune-closest-index (size)
+  "Get closest measurement index corresponding to SIZE."
+  (let ((step (float vlf-tune-step)))
+    (max 0 (1- (min (round size step) (round vlf-tune-max step))))))
+;;; profiling
+(defun vlf-tune-initialize-measurement ()
+  "Initialize measurement vector."
+  (make-local-variable 'vlf-tune-max)
+  (make-local-variable 'vlf-tune-step)
+  (make-vector (/ vlf-tune-max vlf-tune-step) nil))
+(defmacro vlf-tune-add-measurement (vec size time)
+  "Add at an appropriate position in VEC new SIZE TIME measurement.
+VEC is a vector of (mean time . count) elements ordered by size."
+  `(when (and vlf-tune-enabled (not (zerop ,size)))
+     (or ,vec (setq ,vec (vlf-tune-initialize-measurement)))
+     (let* ((idx (vlf-tune-closest-index ,size))
+            (existing (aref ,vec idx)))
+       (aset ,vec idx (if (consp existing)
+                          (let ((count (1+ (cdr existing)))) ;recalculate mean
+                            (cons (/ (+ (* (1- count) (car existing))
+                                        (/ ,size ,time))
+                                     count)
+                                  count))
+                        (cons (/ ,size ,time) 1))))))
+(defmacro vlf-time (&rest body)
+  "Get timing consed with result of BODY execution."
+  `(if vlf-tune-enabled
+       (let* ((time (float-time))
+              (result (progn ,@body)))
+         (cons (- (float-time) time) result))
+     (let ((result (progn ,@body)))
+       (cons nil result))))
+(defun vlf-tune-insert-file-contents (start end)
+  "Extract decoded file bytes START to END and save time it takes."
+  (let ((result (vlf-time (insert-file-contents buffer-file-name
+                                                nil start end))))
+    (vlf-tune-add-measurement vlf-tune-insert-bps
+                              (- end start) (car result))
+    (cdr result)))
+(defun vlf-tune-insert-file-contents-literally (start end)
+  "Insert raw file bytes START to END and save time it takes."
+  (let ((result (vlf-time (insert-file-contents-literally
+                           buffer-file-name nil start end))))
+    (vlf-tune-add-measurement vlf-tune-insert-raw-bps
+                              (- end start) (car result))
+    (cdr result)))
+(defun vlf-tune-encode-length (start end)
+  "Get length of encoded region START to END and save time it takes."
+  (let ((result (vlf-time (length (encode-coding-region
+                                   start end
+                                   buffer-file-coding-system t)))))
+    (vlf-tune-add-measurement vlf-tune-encode-bps
+                              (cdr result) (car result))
+    (cdr result)))
+(defun vlf-tune-write (start end append visit size)
+  "Save buffer and save time it takes.
+START, END, APPEND, VISIT have same meaning as in `write-region'.
+SIZE is number of bytes that are saved."
+  (let ((time (car (vlf-time (write-region start end buffer-file-name
+                                           append visit)))))
+    (vlf-tune-add-measurement vlf-tune-write-bps size time)))
+(defun vlf-tune-hexlify ()
+  "Activate `hexl-mode' and save time it takes."
+  (or (derived-mode-p 'hexl-mode)
+      (let ((time (car (vlf-time (hexl-mode)))))
+        (vlf-tune-add-measurement vlf-tune-hexl-bps
+                                  hexl-max-address time))))
+(defun vlf-tune-dehexlify ()
+  "Exit `hexl-mode' and save time it takes."
+  (if (derived-mode-p 'hexl-mode)
+      (let ((time (car (vlf-time (hexl-mode-exit)))))
+        (vlf-tune-add-measurement vlf-tune-dehexlify-bps
+                                  hexl-max-address time))))
+;;; tuning
+(defun vlf-tune-approximate-nearby (vec index)
+  "VEC has value for INDEX, approximate to closest available."
+  (let ((val 0)
+        (left-idx (1- index))
+        (right-idx (1+ index))
+        (min-idx (max 0 (- index 5)))
+        (max-idx (min (+ index 6)
+                      (1- (/ (min vlf-tune-max
+                                  (/ (1+ vlf-file-size) 2))
+                             vlf-tune-step)))))
+    (while (and (zerop val) (or (<= min-idx left-idx)
+                                (< right-idx max-idx)))
+      (if (<= min-idx left-idx)
+          (let ((left (aref vec left-idx)))
+            (cond ((consp left) (setq val (car left)))
+                  ((numberp left) (setq val left)))))
+      (if (< right-idx max-idx)
+          (let ((right (aref vec right-idx)))
+            (if (consp right)
+                (setq right (car right)))
+            (and (numberp right) (not (zerop right))
+                 (setq val (if (zerop val)
+                               right
+                             (/ (+ val right) 2))))))
+      (setq left-idx (1- left-idx)
+            right-idx (1+ right-idx)))
+    val))
+(defmacro vlf-tune-get-value (vec index &optional dont-approximate)
+  "Get value from VEC for INDEX.
+If missing, approximate from nearby measurement,
+unless DONT-APPROXIMATE is t."
+  `(if ,vec
+       (let ((val (aref ,vec ,index)))
+         (cond ((consp val) (car val))
+               ((null val)
+                ,(if dont-approximate
+                     `(aset ,vec ,index 0)
+                   `(vlf-tune-approximate-nearby ,vec ,index)))
+               ((zerop val) ;index has been tried before, yet still no value
+                ,(if dont-approximate
+                     `(aset ,vec ,index
+                            (vlf-tune-approximate-nearby ,vec ,index))
+                   `(vlf-tune-approximate-nearby ,vec ,index)))
+               (t val)))))
+(defmacro vlf-tune-get-vector (key)
+  "Get vlf-tune vector corresponding to KEY."
+  `(cond ((eq ,key :insert) vlf-tune-insert-bps)
+         ((eq ,key :raw) vlf-tune-insert-raw-bps)
+         ((eq ,key :encode) vlf-tune-encode-bps)
+         ((eq ,key :write) vlf-tune-write-bps)
+         ((eq ,key :hexl) vlf-tune-hexl-bps)
+         ((eq ,key :dehexlify) vlf-tune-dehexlify-bps)))
+(defun vlf-tune-assess (type coef index &optional approximate)
+  "Get measurement value according to TYPE, COEF and INDEX.
+If APPROXIMATE is t, do approximation for missing values."
+  (* coef (or (if approximate
+                  (vlf-tune-get-value (vlf-tune-get-vector type)
+                                      index)
+                (vlf-tune-get-value (vlf-tune-get-vector type)
+                                    index t))
+              0)))
+(defun vlf-tune-score (types index &optional approximate time-max)
+  "Calculate cumulative speed over TYPES for INDEX.
+If APPROXIMATE is t, do approximation for missing values.
+If TIME-MAX is non nil, return cumulative time instead of speed.
+If it is number, stop as soon as cumulative time gets equal or above."
+  (catch 'result
+    (let ((time 0)
+          (size (* (1+ index) vlf-tune-step))
+          (cut-time (numberp time-max)))
+      (dolist (el types (if time-max time
+                          (/ size time)))
+        (let ((bps (if (consp el)
+                       (vlf-tune-assess (car el) (cadr el) index
+                                        approximate)
+                     (vlf-tune-assess el 1 index approximate))))
+          (if (zerop bps)
+              (throw 'result nil)
+            (setq time (+ time (/ size bps)))
+            (and cut-time (<= time-max time)
+                 (throw 'result nil))))))))
+(defun vlf-tune-conservative (types &optional index)
+  "Adjust `vlf-batch-size' to best nearby value over TYPES.
+INDEX if given, specifies search independent of current batch size."
+  (if (eq vlf-tune-enabled t)
+      (let* ((half-max (/ (1+ vlf-file-size) 2))
+             (idx (or index (vlf-tune-closest-index vlf-batch-size)))
+             (curr (if (< half-max (* idx vlf-tune-step)) t
+                     (vlf-tune-score types idx))))
+        (if curr
+            (let ((prev (if (zerop idx) t
+                          (vlf-tune-score types (1- idx)))))
+              (if prev
+                  (let ((next (if (or (eq curr t)
+                                      (< half-max (* (1+ idx)
+                                                     vlf-tune-step)))
+                                  t
+                                (vlf-tune-score types (1+ idx)))))
+                    (cond ((null next)
+                           (setq vlf-batch-size (* (+ 2 idx)
+                                                   vlf-tune-step)))
+                          ((eq curr t)
+                           (or (eq prev t)
+                               (setq vlf-batch-size
+                                     (* idx vlf-tune-step))))
+                          (t (let ((best-idx idx))
+                               (and (numberp prev) (< curr prev)
+                                    (setq curr prev
+                                          best-idx (1- idx)))
+                               (and (numberp next) (< curr next)
+                                    (setq best-idx (1+ idx)))
+                               (setq vlf-batch-size
+                                     (* (1+ best-idx)
+                                        vlf-tune-step))))))
+                (setq vlf-batch-size (* idx vlf-tune-step))))
+          (setq vlf-batch-size (* (1+ idx) vlf-tune-step))))))
+(defun vlf-tune-binary (types min max)
+  "Adjust `vlf-batch-size' to optimal value using binary search, \
+optimizing over TYPES.
+MIN and MAX specify interval of indexes to search."
+  (let ((sum (+ min max)))
+    (if (< (- max min) 3)
+        (vlf-tune-conservative types (/ sum 2))
+      (let* ((left-idx (round (+ sum (* 2 min)) 4))
+             (left (vlf-tune-score types left-idx)))
+        (if left
+            (let* ((right-idx (round (+ sum (* 2 max)) 4))
+                   (right (vlf-tune-score types right-idx)))
+              (cond ((null right)
+                     (setq vlf-batch-size (* (1+ right-idx)
+                                             vlf-tune-step)))
+                    ((< left right)
+                     (vlf-tune-binary types (/ (1+ sum) 2) max))
+                    (t (vlf-tune-binary types min (/ sum 2)))))
+          (setq vlf-batch-size (* (1+ left-idx) vlf-tune-step)))))))
+(defun vlf-tune-linear (types max-idx)
+  "Adjust `vlf-batch-size' to optimal value using linear search, \
+optimizing over TYPES up to MAX-IDX."
+  (let ((best-idx 0)
+        (best-bps 0)
+        (idx 0)
+        (none-missing t))
+    (while (and none-missing (< idx max-idx))
+      (let ((bps (vlf-tune-score types idx)))
+        (cond ((null bps)
+               (setq vlf-batch-size (* (1+ idx) vlf-tune-step)
+                     none-missing nil))
+              ((< best-bps bps) (setq best-idx idx
+                                      best-bps bps))))
+      (setq idx (1+ idx)))
+    (or (not none-missing)
+        (setq vlf-batch-size (* (1+ best-idx) vlf-tune-step)))))
+(defun vlf-tune-batch (types &optional linear)
+  "Adjust `vlf-batch-size' to optimal value optimizing on TYPES.
+TYPES is alist of elements that may be of form (type coef) or
+non list values in which case coeficient is assumed 1.
+Types can be :insert, :raw, :encode, :write, :hexl or :dehexlify.
+If LINEAR is non nil, use brute-force.  In case requested measurement
+is missing, stop search and set `vlf-batch-size' to this value.
+Suitable for multiple batch operations."
+  (if (eq vlf-tune-enabled t)
+      (let ((max-idx (1- (/ (min vlf-tune-max
+                                 (/ (1+ vlf-file-size) 2))
+                            vlf-tune-step))))
+        (cond (linear (vlf-tune-linear types max-idx))
+              ((file-remote-p buffer-file-name)
+               (vlf-tune-conservative types))
+              ((<= 1 max-idx)
+               (if (< max-idx 3)
+                   (vlf-tune-conservative types (/ max-idx 2))
+                 (vlf-tune-binary types 0 max-idx)))))))
+(defun vlf-tune-optimal-load (types &optional min-idx max-idx)
+  "Get best batch size according to existing measurements over TYPES.
+Best considered where primitive operations total is closest to
+`vlf-tune-load-time'.  If MIN-IDX and MAX-IDX are given,
+confine search to this region."
+  (if vlf-tune-enabled
+      (progn
+        (setq max-idx (min (or max-idx vlf-tune-max)
+                           (1- (/ (min vlf-tune-max
+                                       (/ (1+ vlf-file-size) 2))
+                                  vlf-tune-step))))
+        (let* ((idx (max 0 (or min-idx 0)))
+               (best-idx idx)
+               (best-time-diff vlf-tune-load-time)
+               (all-less t)
+               (all-more t))
+          (while (and (not (zerop best-time-diff)) (< idx max-idx))
+            (let ((time-diff (vlf-tune-score types idx t
+                                             (+ vlf-tune-load-time
+                                                best-time-diff))))
+              (if time-diff
+                  (progn
+                    (setq time-diff (if (< vlf-tune-load-time time-diff)
+                                        (progn (setq all-less nil)
+                                               (- time-diff
+                                                  vlf-tune-load-time))
+                                      (setq all-more nil)
+                                      (- vlf-tune-load-time time-diff)))
+                    (if (< time-diff best-time-diff)
+                        (setq best-idx idx
+                              best-time-diff time-diff)))
+                (setq all-less nil)))
+            (setq idx (1+ idx)))
+          (* vlf-tune-step (1+ (cond ((or (zerop best-time-diff)
+                                          (eq all-less all-more))
+                                      best-idx)
+                                     (all-less max-idx)
+                                     (t min-idx))))))
+    vlf-batch-size))
+(defun vlf-tune-load (types &optional region)
+  "Adjust `vlf-batch-size' slightly to better load time.
+Optimize on TYPES on the nearby REGION.  Use 2 if REGION is nil."
+  (when (eq vlf-tune-enabled t)
+    (or region (setq region 2))
+    (let ((idx (vlf-tune-closest-index vlf-batch-size)))
+      (setq vlf-batch-size (vlf-tune-optimal-load types (- idx region)
+                                                  (+ idx 1 region))))))
+(provide 'vlf-tune)
+;;; vlf-tune.el ends here
diff --git a/packages/vlf/vlf-write.el b/packages/vlf/vlf-write.el
index 5c94113..a29e1a9 100644
--- a/packages/vlf/vlf-write.el
+++ b/packages/vlf/vlf-write.el
@@ -43,43 +43,50 @@ If changing size of chunk, shift remaining file content."
       (when hexl
         (if (consp buffer-undo-list)
             (setq buffer-undo-list nil))
-        (hexl-mode-exit))
+        (vlf-tune-dehexlify))
       (if (zerop vlf-file-size)           ;new file
-          (progn (write-region nil nil buffer-file-name vlf-start-pos t)
+          (progn (vlf-tune-write nil nil vlf-start-pos t
+                                 (vlf-tune-encode-length (point-min)
+                                                         (point-max)))
                  (setq vlf-file-size (vlf-get-file-size
                        vlf-end-pos vlf-file-size)
-        (let* ((region-length (length (encode-coding-region
-                                       (point-min) (point-max)
-                                       buffer-file-coding-system t)))
+        (let* ((region-length (vlf-tune-encode-length (point-min)
+                                                      (point-max)))
                (size-change (- vlf-end-pos vlf-start-pos
           (if (zerop size-change)
-              (write-region nil nil buffer-file-name vlf-start-pos t)
+              (vlf-tune-write nil nil vlf-start-pos t
+                              (- vlf-end-pos vlf-start-pos))
             (let ((tramp-verbose (if (boundp 'tramp-verbose)
                                      (min tramp-verbose 2)))
                   (pos (point))
                   (font-lock font-lock-mode))
               (font-lock-mode 0)
-              (if (< 0 size-change)
-                  (vlf-file-shift-back size-change)
-                (vlf-file-shift-forward (- size-change)))
-              (if font-lock (font-lock-mode 1))
-              (vlf-move-to-chunk-2 vlf-start-pos
-                                   (if (< (- vlf-end-pos vlf-start-pos)
-                                          vlf-batch-size)
-                                       (+ vlf-start-pos vlf-batch-size)
-                                     vlf-end-pos))
-              (vlf-update-buffer-name)
-              (goto-char pos)))))
-      (if hexl (hexl-mode)))
+              (let ((batch-size vlf-batch-size)
+                    (time (float-time)))
+                (if (< 0 size-change)
+                    (vlf-file-shift-back size-change region-length)
+                  (vlf-file-shift-forward (- size-change) region-length))
+                (if font-lock (font-lock-mode 1))
+                (setq vlf-batch-size batch-size)
+                (vlf-move-to-chunk-2 vlf-start-pos
+                                     (if (< (- vlf-end-pos vlf-start-pos)
+                                            vlf-batch-size)
+                                         (+ vlf-start-pos vlf-batch-size)
+                                       vlf-end-pos))
+                (vlf-update-buffer-name)
+                (goto-char pos)
+                (message "Save took %f seconds" (- (float-time) time)))))))
+      (if hexl (vlf-tune-hexlify)))
     (run-hook-with-args 'vlf-after-batch-functions 'write))
-(defun vlf-file-shift-back (size-change)
-  "Shift file contents SIZE-CHANGE bytes back."
-  (write-region nil nil buffer-file-name vlf-start-pos t)
+(defun vlf-file-shift-back (size-change write-size)
+  "Shift file contents SIZE-CHANGE bytes back.
+WRITE-SIZE is byte length of saved chunk."
+  (vlf-tune-write nil nil vlf-start-pos t write-size)
   (let ((read-start-pos vlf-end-pos)
         (coding-system-for-write 'no-conversion)
         (reporter (make-progress-reporter "Adjusting file content..."
@@ -94,8 +101,8 @@ If changing size of chunk, shift remaining file content."
      (vlf-verify-size t)
      (insert-char 32 size-change))
-    (write-region nil nil buffer-file-name (- vlf-file-size
-                                              size-change) t)
+    (vlf-tune-write nil nil (- vlf-file-size size-change)
+                    t size-change)
     (progress-reporter-done reporter)))
 (defun vlf-shift-batch (read-pos write-pos)
@@ -103,37 +110,48 @@ If changing size of chunk, shift remaining file content."
 back at WRITE-POS.  Return nil if EOF is reached, t otherwise."
   (vlf-verify-size t)
-  (let ((read-end (+ read-pos vlf-batch-size)))
-    (insert-file-contents-literally buffer-file-name nil
-                                    read-pos
-                                    (min vlf-file-size read-end))
-    (write-region nil nil buffer-file-name write-pos 0)
+  (vlf-tune-batch '(:raw :write))
+  (let ((read-end (min (+ read-pos vlf-batch-size) vlf-file-size)))
+    (vlf-tune-insert-file-contents-literally read-pos read-end)
+    (vlf-tune-write nil nil write-pos 0 (- read-end read-pos))
     (< read-end vlf-file-size)))
-(defun vlf-file-shift-forward (size-change)
+(defun vlf-file-shift-forward (size-change write-size)
   "Shift file contents SIZE-CHANGE bytes forward.
+WRITE-SIZE is byte length of saved chunk.
 Done by saving content up front and then writing previous batch."
-  (let ((read-size (max (/ vlf-batch-size 2) size-change))
+  (vlf-tune-batch '(:raw :write))
+  (let ((read-size (max vlf-batch-size size-change))
         (read-pos vlf-end-pos)
         (write-pos vlf-start-pos)
         (reporter (make-progress-reporter "Adjusting file content..."
-     (when (vlf-shift-batches read-size read-pos write-pos t)
+     (when (vlf-shift-batches read-size read-pos write-pos
+                              write-size t)
+       (vlf-tune-batch '(:raw :write))
        (setq write-pos (+ read-pos size-change)
-             read-pos (+ read-pos read-size))
+             read-pos (+ read-pos read-size)
+             write-size read-size
+             read-size (max vlf-batch-size size-change))
        (progress-reporter-update reporter write-pos)
        (let ((coding-system-for-write 'no-conversion))
-         (while (vlf-shift-batches read-size read-pos write-pos nil)
+         (while (vlf-shift-batches read-size read-pos write-pos
+                                   write-size nil)
+           (vlf-tune-batch '(:raw :write))
            (setq write-pos (+ read-pos size-change)
-                 read-pos (+ read-pos read-size))
+                 read-pos (+ read-pos read-size)
+                 write-size read-size
+                 read-size (max vlf-batch-size size-change))
            (progress-reporter-update reporter write-pos)))))
     (progress-reporter-done reporter)))
-(defun vlf-shift-batches (read-size read-pos write-pos hide-read)
+(defun vlf-shift-batches (read-size read-pos write-pos write-size
+                                    hide-read)
   "Append READ-SIZE bytes of file starting at READ-POS.
 Then write initial buffer content to file at WRITE-POS.
+WRITE-SIZE is byte length of saved chunk.
 If HIDE-READ is non nil, temporarily hide literal read content.
 Return nil if EOF is reached, t otherwise."
   (vlf-verify-size t)
@@ -142,14 +160,13 @@ Return nil if EOF is reached, t otherwise."
         (end-write-pos (point-max)))
     (when read-more
       (goto-char end-write-pos)
-      (insert-file-contents-literally buffer-file-name nil read-pos
-                                      (min vlf-file-size
-                                           (+ read-pos read-size))))
+      (vlf-tune-insert-file-contents-literally
+       read-pos (min vlf-file-size (+ read-pos read-size))))
     ;; write
     (if hide-read ; hide literal region if user has to choose encoding
         (narrow-to-region start-write-pos end-write-pos))
-    (write-region start-write-pos end-write-pos
-                  buffer-file-name write-pos 0)
+    (vlf-tune-write start-write-pos end-write-pos write-pos
+                    (or (not read-more) 0) write-size)
     (delete-region start-write-pos end-write-pos)
     (if hide-read (widen))
diff --git a/packages/vlf/vlf.el b/packages/vlf/vlf.el
index 8eb2a4c..45a6d47 100644
--- a/packages/vlf/vlf.el
+++ b/packages/vlf/vlf.el
@@ -39,8 +39,7 @@
 ;;; Code:
-(defgroup vlf nil "View Large Files in Emacs."
-  :prefix "vlf-" :group 'files)
+(require 'vlf-base)
 (defcustom vlf-before-batch-functions nil
   "Hook that runs before multiple batch operations.
@@ -54,8 +53,6 @@ One argument is supplied that specifies current action.  
 values are: `write', `ediff', `occur', `search', `goto-line'."
   :group 'vlf :type 'hook)
-(require 'vlf-base)
 (autoload 'vlf-write "vlf-write" "Write current chunk to file." t)
 (autoload 'vlf-re-search-forward "vlf-search"
   "Search forward for REGEXP prefix COUNT number of times." t)
@@ -172,6 +169,9 @@ When prefix argument is negative
  append next APPEND number of batches to the existing buffer."
   (interactive "p")
+  (vlf-tune-load (if (derived-mode-p 'hexl-mode)
+                     '(:hexl :dehexlify :insert :encode)
+                   '(:insert :encode)))
   (let* ((end (min (+ vlf-end-pos (* vlf-batch-size (abs append)))
          (start (if (< append 0)
@@ -188,6 +188,9 @@ When prefix argument is negative
   (interactive "p")
   (if (zerop vlf-start-pos)
       (error "Already at BOF"))
+  (vlf-tune-load (if (derived-mode-p 'hexl-mode)
+                     '(:hexl :dehexlify :insert :encode)
+                   '(:insert :encode)))
   (let* ((start (max 0 (- vlf-start-pos (* vlf-batch-size (abs prepend)))))
          (end (if (< prepend 0)
@@ -253,19 +256,30 @@ with the prefix argument DECREASE it is halved."
 (defun vlf-set-batch-size (size)
   "Set batch to SIZE bytes and update chunk."
-  (interactive (list (read-number "Size in bytes: " vlf-batch-size)))
+  (interactive
+   (list (read-number "Size in bytes: "
+                      (vlf-tune-optimal-load
+                       (if (derived-mode-p 'hexl-mode)
+                           '(:hexl :dehexlify :insert :encode)
+                         '(:insert :encode))))))
   (setq vlf-batch-size size)
   (vlf-move-to-batch vlf-start-pos))
 (defun vlf-beginning-of-file ()
   "Jump to beginning of file content."
+  (vlf-tune-load (if (derived-mode-p 'hexl-mode)
+                     '(:hexl :dehexlify :insert :encode)
+                   '(:insert :encode)))
   (vlf-move-to-batch 0))
 (defun vlf-end-of-file ()
   "Jump to end of file content."
+  (vlf-tune-load (if (derived-mode-p 'hexl-mode)
+                     '(:hexl :dehexlify :insert :encode)
+                   '(:insert :encode)))
   (vlf-move-to-batch vlf-file-size))
 (defun vlf-revert (&optional _auto noconfirm)
@@ -281,6 +295,9 @@ Ask for confirmation if NOCONFIRM is nil."
 (defun vlf-jump-to-chunk (n)
   "Go to to chunk N."
   (interactive "nGoto to chunk: ")
+  (vlf-tune-load (if (derived-mode-p 'hexl-mode)
+                     '(:hexl :dehexlify :insert :encode)
+                   '(:insert :encode)))
   (vlf-move-to-batch (* (1- n) vlf-batch-size)))
 (defun vlf-no-modifications ()

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