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[elpa] master 2a904e0 057/110: Implement object literal rest/spread (...

From: Dmitry Gutov
Subject: [elpa] master 2a904e0 057/110: Implement object literal rest/spread (...)
Date: Thu, 23 Jun 2016 01:12:57 +0000 (UTC)

branch: master
commit 2a904e08fe3e009409ccfb8f928fab43f7efaeed
Author: David Greenspan <address@hidden>
Commit: David Greenspan <address@hidden>

    Implement object literal rest/spread (...)
    As discussed in #245, this syntax is not part of ES6/2015, but it is
    a stage 2 proposal, meaning the committee expects it to be included
    in the standard.  It's already seeing heavy use by e.g. the React
    This change causes `...expr` in an object literal to be parsed as a
    unary-node element of an object-node, and modifies places where an
    element of an object-node is expected to be an infix-node.  Note that
    only weak typing assumptions are made already about object-node elems.
    In addition, this change implements proper name extraction in
    object literal destructuring.  The cases are:
    1. `let {a} = x;`
    2. `let {a: b} = x;` (should define `b`)
    3. `let {a = b} = x;` (should define `a`)
    4. `let {...a} = x;` (should define `a`)
    This change fixes case (2), which was broken, and adds case (4).
 js2-mode.el     |   85 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++----------------------
 tests/parser.el |    6 ++++
 2 files changed, 57 insertions(+), 34 deletions(-)

diff --git a/js2-mode.el b/js2-mode.el
index 4ad9c6a..22442b9 100644
--- a/js2-mode.el
+++ b/js2-mode.el
@@ -7445,22 +7445,23 @@ We do a depth-first traversal of NODE.  For any 
functions we find,
 we append the property name to QNAME, then call `js2-record-imenu-entry'."
   (let (right)
     (dolist (e (js2-object-node-elems node))  ; e is a `js2-object-prop-node'
-      (let ((left (js2-infix-node-left e))
-            ;; Element positions are relative to the parent position.
-            (pos (+ pos (js2-node-pos e))))
-        (cond
-         ;; foo: function() {...}
-         ((js2-function-node-p (setq right (js2-infix-node-right e)))
-          (when (js2-prop-node-name left)
-            ;; As a policy decision, we record the position of the property,
-            ;; not the position of the `function' keyword, since the property
-            ;; is effectively the name of the function.
-            (js2-record-imenu-entry right (append qname (list left)) pos)))
-         ;; foo: {object-literal} -- add foo to qname, offset position, and 
-         ((js2-object-node-p right)
-          (js2-record-object-literal right
-                                     (append qname (list (js2-infix-node-left 
-                                     (+ pos (js2-node-pos right)))))))))
+      (when (js2-infix-node-p e)
+        (let ((left (js2-infix-node-left e))
+              ;; Element positions are relative to the parent position.
+              (pos (+ pos (js2-node-pos e))))
+          (cond
+           ;; foo: function() {...}
+           ((js2-function-node-p (setq right (js2-infix-node-right e)))
+            (when (js2-prop-node-name left)
+              ;; As a policy decision, we record the position of the property,
+              ;; not the position of the `function' keyword, since the property
+              ;; is effectively the name of the function.
+              (js2-record-imenu-entry right (append qname (list left)) pos)))
+           ;; foo: {object-literal} -- add foo to qname, offset position, and 
+           ((js2-object-node-p right)
+            (js2-record-object-literal right
+                                       (append qname (list 
(js2-infix-node-left e)))
+                                       (+ pos (js2-node-pos right))))))))))
 (defun js2-node-top-level-decl-p (node)
   "Return t if NODE's name is defined in the top-level scope.
@@ -8068,13 +8069,20 @@ declared; probably to check them for errors."
         (list node)))
      ((js2-object-node-p node)
       (dolist (elem (js2-object-node-elems node))
-        ;; js2-infix-node-p catches both object prop node and initialized
-        ;; binding element (which is directly an infix node).
-        (when (js2-infix-node-p elem)
-          (push (js2-define-destruct-symbols
-                 (js2-infix-node-left elem)
-                 decl-type face ignore-not-in-block)
-                name-nodes)))
+        (let ((subexpr (cond
+                        ((and (js2-infix-node-p elem)
+                              (= js2-ASSIGN (js2-infix-node-type elem)))
+                         (js2-infix-node-left elem))
+                        ((and (js2-infix-node-p elem)
+                              (= js2-COLON (js2-infix-node-type elem)))
+                         (js2-infix-node-right elem))
+                        ((and (js2-unary-node-p elem)
+                              (= js2-TRIPLEDOT (js2-unary-node-type elem)))
+                         (js2-unary-node-operand elem)))))
+          (when subexpr
+            (push (js2-define-destruct-symbols
+                   subexpr decl-type face ignore-not-in-block)
+                  name-nodes))))
       (apply #'append (nreverse name-nodes)))
      ((js2-array-node-p node)
       (dolist (elem (js2-array-node-elems node))
@@ -10700,16 +10708,19 @@ If ONLY-OF-P is non-nil, only the 'for (foo of bar)' 
form is allowed."
 `js2-method-node') as a string, or nil if it can't be
 represented as a string (e.g., the key is computed by an
-  (let ((key (js2-infix-node-left property-node)))
-    (when (js2-computed-prop-name-node-p key)
-      (setq key (js2-computed-prop-name-node-expr key)))
-    (cond
-     ((js2-name-node-p key)
-      (js2-name-node-name key))
-     ((js2-string-node-p key)
-      (js2-string-node-value key))
-     ((js2-number-node-p key)
-      (js2-number-node-value key)))))
+  (cond
+   ((js2-unary-node-p property-node) nil) ;; {...foo}
+   (t
+    (let ((key (js2-infix-node-left property-node)))
+      (when (js2-computed-prop-name-node-p key)
+        (setq key (js2-computed-prop-name-node-expr key)))
+      (cond
+       ((js2-name-node-p key)
+        (js2-name-node-name key))
+       ((js2-string-node-p key)
+        (js2-string-node-value key))
+       ((js2-number-node-p key)
+        (js2-number-node-value key)))))))
 (defun js2-parse-object-literal-elems (&optional class-p)
   (let ((pos (js2-current-token-beg))
@@ -10744,7 +10755,13 @@ expression)."
           (setq previous-token (js2-current-token)
                 tt (js2-get-prop-name-token))))
-       ;; Found a property (of any sort)
+       ;; Rest/spread (...expr)
+       ((and (>= js2-language-version 200)
+             (not class-p) (not static) (not previous-token)
+             (= js2-TRIPLEDOT tt))
+        (setq after-comma nil
+              elem (js2-make-unary js2-TRIPLEDOT 'js2-parse-assign-expr)))
+       ;; Found a key/value property (of any sort)
        ((member tt (list js2-NAME js2-STRING js2-NUMBER js2-LB))
         (setq after-comma nil
               elem (js2-parse-named-prop tt pos previous-token))
diff --git a/tests/parser.el b/tests/parser.el
index 5e19c5b..ea3584a 100644
--- a/tests/parser.el
+++ b/tests/parser.el
@@ -368,6 +368,12 @@ the test."
 (js2-deftest-parse array-destructure-expr-default
   "let [[x] = [3]] = y;")
+(js2-deftest-parse spread-in-object-literal
+  "f({x, y, ...z});")
+(js2-deftest-parse rest-in-object-literal
+  "const {x, y, ...z} = f();")
 ;;; Arrow functions
 (js2-deftest-parse arrow-function-with-empty-args-and-no-curlies

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