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[elpa] externals/ebdb eea0abf 165/350: VCard export is good enough

From: Eric Abrahamsen
Subject: [elpa] externals/ebdb eea0abf 165/350: VCard export is good enough
Date: Mon, 14 Aug 2017 11:46:28 -0400 (EDT)

branch: externals/ebdb
commit eea0abf11e35b1243c3bc1024c762035cb8a9acb
Author: Eric Abrahamsen <address@hidden>
Commit: Eric Abrahamsen <address@hidden>

    VCard export is good enough
    Fixes #1, or at least close enough for now.
    * ebdb-vcard.el (ebdb-vcard-default-30-formatter,
      ebdb-vcard-default-40-formatter): Split out these options, you'll
      want to export to different formats at different times, and it's
      good to start out with one of each.
      (ebdb-fmt-process-fields): New method.  The sole purpose of this is
      to figure out what to do about role fields.  Our current solutions
      is to attempt to link all related properties with the TYPE
      parameter, which is guaranteed to screw something up somewhere.
      Anyway, this basically works; wait for bug reports.
      (ebdb-fmt-record): Use the above function.
      (ebdb-fmt-record-header): Add the SORT-AS parameter to names.
      (ebdb-fmt-field-label): Handle all different priorities of mail
      (ebdb-fmt-field-label, ebdb-fmt-field): Add methods for the Org tags
      fields.  We'll probably need autoloads here.
    * ebdb.org: Mention formatting in manual.
 ebdb-vcard.el | 116 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-----------
 ebdb.org      |  18 +++++++++
 2 files changed, 113 insertions(+), 21 deletions(-)

diff --git a/ebdb-vcard.el b/ebdb-vcard.el
index 08fa2bb..ad90658 100644
--- a/ebdb-vcard.el
+++ b/ebdb-vcard.el
@@ -21,7 +21,9 @@
 ;; This file contains formatting and parsing functions used to export
 ;; EBDB contacts to vcard format, and to create contacts from vcard
-;; files.
+;; files.  It only supports VCard versions 3.0 and 4.0.
+;; https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc6350
 ;;; Code:
@@ -49,39 +51,101 @@
   "Customization options for EBDB Vcard support."
   :group 'ebdb)
-(defcustom ebdb-vcard-default-formatter
+(defcustom ebdb-vcard-default-40-formatter
   (make-instance 'ebdb-formatter-vcard-40
-                :object-name "VCard 4.0"
+                :object-name "VCard 4.0 (default)"
+                :combine nil
+                :collapse nil
+                :include '(ebdb-field-uuid
+                           ebdb-field-timestamp
+                           ebdb-field-mail
+                           ebdb-field-name
+                           ebdb-field-url
+                           ebdb-field-role
+                           ebdb-field-anniversary
+                           ebdb-field-relation
+                           ebdb-field-phone
+                           ebdb-field-notes
+                           ebdb-org-field-tags)
+                :header nil)
+  "The default formatter for VCard 4.0 exportation."
+  :group 'ebdb-vcard
+  :type 'ebdb-formatter-vcard)
+(defcustom ebdb-vcard-default-30-formatter
+  (make-instance 'ebdb-formatter-vcard-30
+                :object-name "VCard 3.0 (default)"
                 :combine nil
                 :collapse nil
                 :include '(ebdb-field-uuid
+                           ebdb-field-name
+                           ebdb-field-role
-                           ebdb-field-notes)
+                           ebdb-field-notes
+                           ebdb-org-field-tags)
                 :header nil)
-  "The default formatter for vcard exportation."
+  "The default formatter for VCard 3.0 exportation."
   :group 'ebdb-vcard
   :type 'ebdb-formatter-vcard)
+(cl-defmethod ebdb-fmt-process-fields ((fmt ebdb-formatter-vcard)
+                                      (record ebdb-record)
+                                      field-list)
+  "Process fields in FIELD-LIST.
+All this does is split role instances into multiple fields."
+  (let (org out-list)
+    (dolist (f field-list)
+      (if (object-of-class-p f 'ebdb-field-role)
+         ;; Split it apart.
+         (with-slots (org-uuid mail fields defunct) f
+           (unless defunct
+             (setq org (ebdb-gethash org-uuid 'uuid))
+             ;; Store the name of the organization in the TYPE
+             ;; parameter of the various properties.  I'd rather
+             ;; stick a UUID somewhere, but haven't immediately
+             ;; figured out how that would be done.
+             (push (cons "ORG"
+                         (ebdb-record-name org))
+                   out-list)
+             (push (cons (format "TITLE;TYPE=\"%s\"" (ebdb-record-name org))
+                         (slot-value f 'object-name))
+                   out-list)
+             (when (or mail fields)
+               (dolist (elt (cons mail fields))
+                 (push (cons
+                        (format "%s;%s"
+                                (ebdb-fmt-field-label fmt elt 'normal record)
+                                (format "TYPE=\"%s\"" (ebdb-record-name org)))
+                        (ebdb-fmt-field fmt elt 'normal record))
+                       out-list)))))
+       (push f out-list)))
+    out-list))
 (cl-defmethod ebdb-fmt-record ((f ebdb-formatter-vcard)
                               (r ebdb-record))
   "Format a single record R in VCARD format."
   ;; Because of the simplicity of the VCARD format, we only collect
   ;; the fields, there's no need to sort or "process" them.
-  (let ((fields (ebdb-fmt-collect-fields f r))
+  (let ((fields (ebdb-fmt-process-fields
+                f r
+                (ebdb-fmt-collect-fields f r)))
        header-fields body-fields)
     (setq header-fields
          (list (slot-value r 'name))
           (lambda (fld)
-            (cons (ebdb-fmt-field-label f fld 'normal r)
-                  (ebdb-fmt-field f fld 'normal r)))
+            ;; This is a silly hack, but...
+            (if (consp fld)
+                fld
+              (cons (ebdb-fmt-field-label f fld 'normal r)
+                    (ebdb-fmt-field f fld 'normal r))))
      (format "BEGIN:VCARD\nVERSION:%s\n"
@@ -100,11 +164,12 @@ method is just responsible for formatting the record 
   (let ((name (car fields)))
     (format "FN:%s\n" (ebdb-string name))
-    (format "N:%s\n"
+    (format "N;SORT-AS=\"%s\":%s\n"
+           (ebdb-record-sortkey r)
            (ebdb-fmt-field f name 'normal r)))))
 (cl-defmethod ebdb-fmt-record-body ((f ebdb-formatter-vcard)
-                                   (r ebdb-record)
+                                   (_r ebdb-record)
                                    (fields list))
    (lambda (f)
@@ -132,12 +197,6 @@ method is just responsible for formatting the record name."
   (ebdb-string field))
 (cl-defmethod ebdb-fmt-field-label ((f ebdb-formatter-vcard)
-                                   (field ebdb-field)
-                                   style
-                                   record)
-  (upcase (cl-call-next-method f field style record)))
-(cl-defmethod ebdb-fmt-field-label ((f ebdb-formatter-vcard)
                                    (field ebdb-field-timestamp)
@@ -160,11 +219,12 @@ method is just responsible for formatting the record 
   (slot-value mail 'mail))
 (cl-defmethod ebdb-fmt-field ((_f ebdb-formatter-vcard)
                              (ts ebdb-field-timestamp)
-  (format-time-string ":%Y%m%dT%H%M%S%z" (slot-value ts 'timestamp) t))
+  (format-time-string "%Y%m%dT%H%M%S%z" (slot-value ts 'timestamp) t))
 (cl-defmethod ebdb-fmt-field ((f ebdb-formatter-vcard)
                              (name ebdb-field-name-complex)
@@ -190,10 +250,12 @@ method is just responsible for formatting the record 
   (with-slots (priority) mail
-     (if (eql priority 'primary)
-        ";PREF=1"
-       ""))))
+     "EMAIL%s"
+     (cl-case priority
+       ('primary ";PREF=1")
+       ('normal ";PREF=10")
+       ('defunct ";PREF=100")
+       (t "")))))
 (cl-defmethod ebdb-fmt-field-label ((f ebdb-formatter-vcard)
                                    (phone ebdb-field-phone)
@@ -219,6 +281,18 @@ method is just responsible for formatting the record name."
   (format "urn:uuid:%s" (slot-value rel 'rel-uuid)))
+(cl-defmethod ebdb-fmt-field-label ((_f ebdb-formatter-vcard)
+                                   (_tags ebdb-org-field-tags)
+                                   _style
+                                   _record)
+(cl-defmethod ebdb-fmt-field ((_f ebdb-formatter-vcard)
+                             (tags ebdb-org-field-tags)
+                             _style
+                             _record)
+  (ebdb-concat "," (slot-value tags 'tags)))
 (cl-defmethod ebdb-fmt-field-label ((f ebdb-formatter-vcard)
                                    (ann ebdb-field-anniversary)
diff --git a/ebdb.org b/ebdb.org
index 8bd1a14..7d56c58 100644
--- a/ebdb.org
+++ b/ebdb.org
@@ -379,6 +379,24 @@ the mark of the record under point.  "M-#" will toggle the 
marks of
 all the records in the buffer, and "C-#" will unmark all records in
 the buffer.  Many editing commands can act on multiple marked
+** Exporting/Formatting
+It is possible to export (referred to as "formatting") records in
+various ways.  The most common is simply the format of the {{{ebuf}}}
+buffers themselves, but other formats are possible.
+At present, the only other supported format is VCard, and support is
+imperfect: not all fields can be exported correctly.  VCard version
+2.1 is unsupported: the only options are version 3.0 and 4.0.
+- "f" ebdb-format-to-tmp-buffer
+  This command prompts for a formatter, and formats the record under
+  point to a temporary buffer.  Use marking to format multiple
+  records.
+- "F" ebdb-format-all-records
+  Export all records in the database (not only those displayed) to a
+  different format.
+Formatters for HTML and LaTeX are planned.
 * Snarfing
 "Snarfing" refers to scanning free-form text and extracting
 information related to EBDB records from it.  Snarfing is a work in

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