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[elpa] externals/ebdb 13c0a38 216/350: Tweaks to testing macros, more te

From: Eric Abrahamsen
Subject: [elpa] externals/ebdb 13c0a38 216/350: Tweaks to testing macros, more tests
Date: Mon, 14 Aug 2017 11:46:39 -0400 (EDT)

branch: externals/ebdb
commit 13c0a38ff9f1ba4d1d7322c2ca35d2e8051bc46a
Author: Eric Abrahamsen <address@hidden>
Commit: Eric Abrahamsen <address@hidden>

    Tweaks to testing macros, more tests
    * ebdb-test.el (ebdb-test-with-database, ebdb-test-with-records):
      These macros didn't need to be so complicated. Plain `let' was
    * ebdb-test.el (ebdb-address-decompose): Add tests for the
      `ebdb-decompose-ebdb-address' function.  Split out name and mail
      parsing tests.
    * ebdb.el (ebdb-decompose-ebdb-address): Fix bugs found in test.
      (ebdb-parse): Turns out notes fields were missing an `ebdb-parse'
 ebdb-test.el | 204 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++------------
 ebdb.el      |  17 ++++-
 2 files changed, 178 insertions(+), 43 deletions(-)

diff --git a/ebdb-test.el b/ebdb-test.el
index 5467663..5a560ee 100644
--- a/ebdb-test.el
+++ b/ebdb-test.el
@@ -31,37 +31,31 @@
 (defmacro ebdb-test-with-database (db-and-filename &rest body)
   "Macro providing a temporary database to work with."
-  (declare (indent 1) (debug t))
-  `(ebdb-test-save-vars
-     (let ((,(car db-and-filename) (make-instance 'ebdb-db-file
-                                                 :file ,(nth 1 db-and-filename)
-                                                 :dirty t)))
-       (ebdb-db-save ,(car db-and-filename))
-       (unwind-protect
-          (progn
-            ,@body)
-        (delete-file ,(nth 1 db-and-filename))))))
-(defmacro ebdb-test-save-vars (&rest body)
-  "Don't let EBDB tests pollute `ebdb-record-tracker' and
+  (declare (indent 1) (debug ((symbolp symbolp) body)))
+  `(let ((,(car db-and-filename) (make-instance 'ebdb-db-file
+                                               :file ,(nth 1 db-and-filename)
+                                               :dirty t))
+        ebdb-db-list)
+     ;; Save sets sync-time.
+     (ebdb-db-save ,(car db-and-filename))
+     ;; Load adds to `ebdb-db-list'.
+     (ebdb-db-load db)
+     (unwind-protect
+        (progn
+          ,@body)
+       (delete-file ,(nth 1 db-and-filename)))))
+(defmacro ebdb-test-with-records (&rest body)
+  "Don't let EBDB tests pollute `ebdb-record-tracker'."
   (declare (indent 0) (debug t))
-  (let ((old-record-tracker (cl-gensym))
-       (old-db-list (cl-gensym)))
-    `(let ((,old-record-tracker ebdb-record-tracker)
-          (,old-db-list ebdb-db-list)
-          (ebdb-record-tracker nil)
-          (ebdb-db-list nil))
-       (unwind-protect
-          (progn
-            ,@body)
-        (setq ebdb-record-tracker ,old-record-tracker
-              ebdb-db-list ,old-db-list)))))
+  `(let ((ebdb-hashtable (make-hash-table :test 'equal))
+        ebdb-record-tracker)
+     ,@body))
 ;; Test database file name.
 (defvar ebdb-test-database-1 (make-temp-name
-                              "ebdb-test-db-1-"
+                              "emacs-ebdb-test-db-1-"
 (ert-deftest ebdb-make-database ()
@@ -89,32 +83,89 @@
     (should (ebdb-db-unsynced db))))
 (ert-deftest ebdb-make-record ()
-  (ebdb-test-save-vars
+  (ebdb-test-with-records
    (let ((rec (make-instance ebdb-default-record-class)))
      (should (object-of-class-p rec 'ebdb-record)))))
 (ert-deftest ebdb-add-record ()
   "Create a record, add it to DB, and make sure it has a UUID."
-  (ebdb-test-save-vars
+  (ebdb-test-with-records
     (ebdb-test-with-database (db ebdb-test-database-1)
       (let ((rec (make-instance 'ebdb-record-person)))
        (should (null (ebdb-record-uuid rec)))
        (ebdb-db-add-record db rec)
        (should (stringp (ebdb-record-uuid rec)))))))
-;; Very basic sanity tests for field instances.
+;; Field instance parse tests.
+;; Test `ebdb-decompose-ebdb-address'
+(ert-deftest ebdb-address-decompose ()
+  "Test `ebdb-decompose-ebdb-address'."
+  (should (equal '("Charles Lamb" "address@hidden")
+                (ebdb-decompose-ebdb-address
+                 "Charles Lamb <address@hidden>")))
+  (should (equal '("Charles Lamb" "address@hidden")
+                (ebdb-decompose-ebdb-address
+                 "Charles Lamb mailto:address@hidden";)))
+  (should (equal '("Charles Lamb" "address@hidden")
+                (ebdb-decompose-ebdb-address
+                 "\"Charles Lamb\" address@hidden")))
+  (should (equal '("Charles Lamb" "address@hidden")
+                (ebdb-decompose-ebdb-address
+                 "address@hidden (Charles Lamb)")))
+  (should (equal '(nil "address@hidden")
+                (ebdb-decompose-ebdb-address
+                 "\"address@hidden" address@hidden")))
+  (should (equal '(nil "address@hidden")
+                (ebdb-decompose-ebdb-address
+                 "<address@hidden>")))
-(ert-deftest ebdb-parse-mail-and-name ()
-  "Go through some basic field classes and ensure that a string
-  run through `ebdb-parse' and `ebdb-string' remains the same."
-  (let ((pairs
-        '((ebdb-field-mail "address@hidden")
-          (ebdb-field-mail "Eric Abrahamsen <address@hidden>")
-          (ebdb-field-name "Eric Abrahamsen")
-          (ebdb-field-name "Eric P. Abrahamsen, III"))))
-    (dolist (p pairs)
-      (should (equal (ebdb-string (ebdb-parse (car p) (nth 1 p)))
-                    (nth 1 p))))))
+  (should (equal '(nil "address@hidden")
+                (ebdb-decompose-ebdb-address
+                 "address@hidden <address@hidden>")))
+  (should (equal '("Charles Lamb" nil)
+                (ebdb-decompose-ebdb-address
+                 "Charles Lamb"))))
+(ert-deftest ebdb-parse-mail ()
+  "Parse various strings as mail fields."
+  (should (equal
+          (slot-value
+           (ebdb-parse 'ebdb-field-mail "William Hazlitt <address@hidden>")
+           'aka)
+          "William Hazlitt"))
+  (should (equal
+          (slot-value
+           (ebdb-parse 'ebdb-field-mail "William Hazlitt <address@hidden>")
+           'mail)
+          "address@hidden"))
+  (should-error (ebdb-parse 'ebdb-field-mail "William Hazlitt")
+               :type 'ebdb-unparseable))
+(ert-deftest ebdb-parse-name ()
+  "Parse various strings as name fields."
+  (should (equal
+          (slot-value
+           (ebdb-parse 'ebdb-field-name-complex "Eric Abrahamsen")
+           'surname)
+          "Abrahamsen"))
+  (should (equal
+          (slot-value
+           (ebdb-parse 'ebdb-field-name-complex "Eric P. Abrahamsen")
+           'given-names)
+          '("Eric" "P.")))
+  (should (equal
+          (slot-value
+           (ebdb-parse 'ebdb-field-name-complex "Eric Abrahamsen, III")
+           'suffix)
+          "III")))
 ;; Snarf testing.
@@ -140,5 +191,78 @@
          (_ (ert-fail (list (format "Parsing \"%s\" resulted in %s"
                                     text result)))))))))
+;; Search testing.
+(ert-deftest ebdb-message-search ()
+  "Test the `ebdb-message-search' function."
+  (ebdb-test-with-records
+   (ebdb-test-with-database (db ebdb-test-database-1)
+     (let ((rec (make-instance
+                'ebdb-record-person
+                :name (ebdb-parse 'ebdb-field-name-complex "Spongebob 
+                :mail (list (ebdb-parse 'ebdb-field-mail "address@hidden")))))
+       (ebdb-db-add-record db rec)
+       ;; Must init in order to get the record hashed,
+       ;; `ebdb-message-search' relies on that.
+       (ebdb-init-record rec)
+       (should (equal (car (ebdb-message-search "Spongebob Squarepants" nil))
+                     rec))
+       (should (equal (car (ebdb-message-search nil "address@hidden"))
+                     rec))
+       (should (null (ebdb-message-search "Spongebob" nil)))
+       (should (null (ebdb-message-search nil "thepants.com")))
+       (ebdb-delete-record rec)))))
+(ert-deftest ebdb-general-search ()
+  "Test some of the general search functions."
+  (ebdb-test-with-records
+    (ebdb-test-with-database (db ebdb-test-database-1)
+      (let ((rec (make-instance
+                 'ebdb-record-person
+                 :name (ebdb-parse 'ebdb-field-name-complex
+                                   "Spongebob Squarepants")
+                 :mail (list (ebdb-parse 'ebdb-field-mail
+                                         "address@hidden"))
+                 :notes (ebdb-parse 'ebdb-field-notes
+                                    "World's greatest cartoon."))))
+       (ebdb-db-add-record db rec)
+       (ebdb-init-record rec)
+       ;; Name is name.
+       (should (equal (car
+                       (ebdb-search
+                        (ebdb-records)
+                        '((ebdb-field-name "Squarepants"))))
+                      rec))
+       ;; Mail is mail.
+       (should (equal (car
+                       (ebdb-search
+                        (ebdb-records)
+                        '((ebdb-field-mail "thepants.com"))))
+                      rec))
+       ;; Mail is not notes.
+       (should (null (car
+                       (ebdb-search
+                        (ebdb-records)
+                        '((ebdb-field-notes "thepants.com"))))))
+       ;; Notes are notes.
+       (should (equal (car
+                       (ebdb-search
+                        (ebdb-records)
+                        '((ebdb-field-notes "cartoon"))))
+                      rec))
+       ;; Notes inverted are not notes.
+       (should (null (car
+                       (ebdb-search
+                        (ebdb-records)
+                        '((ebdb-field-notes "cartoon"))
+                        t))))
+       ;; Not notes inverted are.
+       (should (equal (car
+                       (ebdb-search
+                        (ebdb-records)
+                        '((ebdb-field-notes "carton"))
+                        t))
+                      rec))))))
 (provide 'ebdb-test)
 ;;; ebdb-test.el ends here
diff --git a/ebdb.el b/ebdb.el
index b542ceb..75614f9 100644
--- a/ebdb.el
+++ b/ebdb.el
@@ -1454,6 +1454,11 @@ first one."
                         (plist-put slots :notes (ebdb-read-string "Notes: " 
+(cl-defmethod ebdb-parse ((class (subclass ebdb-field-notes))
+                         (str string)
+                         &optional slots)
+  (cl-call-next-method class str (plist-put slots :notes str)))
 ;;; Timestamp field
 ;; For both these fields, I'd actually prefer to store
@@ -4018,12 +4023,12 @@ and canonical addresses in the mail field of EBDB 
           ;; correctly.
           (string-match "<\\([^@ \t<>address@hidden@ \t<>]+\\)>" mail)
           (setq address (match-string 1 mail)))
-         ((string-match "\\b[^@ \t<>address@hidden@ \t<>]+\\b" mail)
+         ((string-match "address@hidden" \t<>address@hidden@\" \t<>]+\\b" mail)
           (setq address (match-string 0 mail))))
     ;; Then check whether the `name <address>' format is used.
     (and address
         ;; Linear white space is not required.
-        (string-match (concat "[ \t]*<?" (regexp-quote address) ">?") mail)
+        (string-match (concat "[ \t]*<?" (regexp-quote address) ">?\\'") mail)
         (setq name (substring mail 0 (match-beginning 0)))
          ;; Strip any quotes mail the name.
          (string-match "^\".*\"$" name)
@@ -4032,7 +4037,13 @@ and canonical addresses in the mail field of EBDB 
     (or name
        (and (string-match "(\\([^)]+\\))" mail)
             (setq name (match-string 1 mail))))
-    (list (if (equal name "") nil name) (or address mail))))
+    (list (if (null address)
+             mail
+           (unless
+               (or (equal name "")
+                   (equal name address))
+             name))
+         address)))
 ;;; Massage of mail addresses

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