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[Orgmode] Re: Gnus link BUGS

From: Leo
Subject: [Orgmode] Re: Gnus link BUGS
Date: Sat, 23 Dec 2006 18:23:16 +0000
User-agent: Gnus v5.11, Emacs/ (20061218), Fedora 6 gnu/linux

Please try this one.

It handles the case when article number is invalid.

--- org.el      2006/12/23 14:59:06     1.1
+++ org.el      2006/12/23 18:20:40
@@ -9041,19 +9041,21 @@
           (Info-find-node (match-string 1 name) "Top")))
     (message (concat "Could not open: " name))))
+(defvar org-gnus-group-articles 10
+  "Number of articles to retrieve for Gnus group.")
 (defun org-follow-gnus-link (&optional group article)
   "Follow a Gnus link to GROUP and ARTICLE."
   (require 'gnus)
   (funcall (cdr (assq 'gnus org-link-frame-setup)))
   (if gnus-other-frame-object (select-frame gnus-other-frame-object))
-  (if group (gnus-fetch-group group))
-  (if article
-      (or (gnus-summary-goto-article article nil 'force)
-         (if (fboundp 'gnus-summary-insert-cached-articles)
-             (progn
-               (gnus-summary-insert-cached-articles)
-               (gnus-summary-goto-article article nil 'force))
-           (message "Message could not be found.")))))
+  (when group
+    (gnus-fetch-group group org-gnus-group-articles)
+    (when article
+      (if (stringp article)
+         (setq article (string-to-number article)))
+      (and (gnus-summary-goto-article article nil t)
+          (gnus-summary-limit (list article))))))
 (defun org-follow-vm-link (&optional folder article readonly)
   "Follow a VM link to FOLDER and ARTICLE."

Leo <sdl.web AT gmail.com>                         (GPG Key: 9283AA3F)

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