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[Orgmode] How I run org-agenda -csv to create data for my ListPro progra

From: Charles Cave
Subject: [Orgmode] How I run org-agenda -csv to create data for my ListPro program
Date: Sat, 29 Sep 2007 18:33:07 +1000
User-agent: Thunderbird (Windows/20070728)

I wanted to show how I use the org-batch-agenda-csv command
to create a file to import into the ListPro program
that I run on my Palm M515 handheld.
ListPro is from http://www.iliumsoft.com

In my .emacs file I have this helper function:

  (defun org-csv-agenda ()
     (org-batch-agenda-csv "H")

The H refers to a prestored command:

       ("H" "Home NA Lists"
          (tags-todo "HOME")
          (tags-todo "COMPUTER")
          (tags-todo "OFFICE")
          (tags-todo "DVD")
          (tags-todo "READING")))))

I run a Perl script "agen2lpro.pl" that runs the helper function,
captures the comma-separated output into a file, then processes
this file to create a tab-delimited file for importing into ListPro.

I manage my lists on the Palm and synchronise back to my Windows Machine. The ListPro list can be exported to a tab delimited
and processed with another Perl script, but I don't attempt to
do any updating of the original org-mode file marking completed
items, but that is planned for the future.

Here is the Perl script

use strict;
use warnings;

my $emacs_exe = "\"D:\\Program Files\\emacs_22\\emacs-22.1\\bin\\emacs.exe\"";
my $work_file = "agenwork.txt";

print "Create CSV file using Emacs\n";
my $cmd = system("$emacs_exe --batch -l c:/homes/charles/.emacs -f org-csv-agenda > $work_file");
print "$work_file (workfile) Created.\nProcessing ...\n";

# The output of this script is a tab delimited file to import
# into ListPro. The fields are
# Description
# Category (OFFICE, HOME, DVD, or READING)
# Date - Either the scheduled date or blank.
# DateLoaded - Todays date in month and day format in order to
#      identify Listpro items that originated from org-mode

my $listpro = "listpro.txt";

open (my $fv, "<", $work_file) or die "Could not open $work_file: $!\n";
open (my $of, ">", $listpro)   or die "Could not create $listpro: $!\n";

my @ltime = localtime();
my $datestring = sprintf("%d%d" , $ltime[4] + 1, $ltime[3] );
print "Version string $datestring\n";

my ($category, $headline, $type, $todo, $tags, $date, $time, $extra,
    $priority_l, $priority_n);

while(<$fv>) {
   ($category, $headline, $type, $todo, $tags, $date, $time, $extra,
               $priority_l, $priority_n) = split(/,/);
   if ($tags =~ m/^([A-Za-z]+):/) {
       $tags = $1;
   $tags = uc($tags);
   if ( ($type eq "scheduled") or ($type eq "typestamp") ) {
       my @d = split(/-/, $date);    # orgmode used YYYY-M-DD format
       my $newdate = $d[2]."/".$d[1]."/".$d[0];
       print $of "$headline\t$tags\t$newdate\t$datestring\n";
   if ( $type eq "tagsmatch" ) {
       print $of "$headline\t$tags\t\t$datestring\n";
print "Finished! Now load the file $listpro into Listpro\n";

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