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[Orgmode] Re: PocketMod for org-mode

From: Christian Egli
Subject: [Orgmode] Re: PocketMod for org-mode
Date: Thu, 25 Oct 2007 22:29:22 +0200
User-agent: Gnus/5.11 (Gnus v5.11) Emacs/23.0.60 (gnu/linux)

Christian Egli <address@hidden> writes:

> I haven't sent out a updated version. I have some updates sitting on my hard
> drive at home. On top of that I'd like to get some nice LaTeX export of the
> agenda included in the printout. I sent a proposal for the LaTeX to Bastien 
> and
> hope that he'll manage to integrate it in org-latex.el.
> I'll send out an updated version of the Makefile tonight.

Attached is an updated version of org2pocketMod. As before you need to
have the pdfjam tools installed. Also you might want to add (setq
cal-tex-diary t) to your .emacs, so diary entries actually show up in
your printout.

The Makefile now does some changes on the LaTeX produced by
cal-tex. This will quote @, and change some of the font sizes. 


# org2pocketMod - a small utility to generate pocketMod style printouts from 
org mode 
# Copyright (C) 2007  Christian Egli
# Version: 0.2
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.

EMACS = emacs -batch -l ~/.emacs
LATEX = latex

hipsterFiles =  weekCalendar.pdf yearCalendar.pdf monthCalendar3.pdf 
monthCalendar2.pdf monthCalendar1.pdf
pocketModFiles =  weekCalendar.pdf yearCalendar-rotated.pdf \
        monthCalendar3-rotated.pdf monthCalendar2-rotated.pdf 

all: pocketMod.pdf hipsterPDA.pdf

%.dvi: %.tex
        # Quick hack to massage the LaTeX produced by cal-tex
        # quote '@', then increase font size of week calendars and 
        # finaly increase font of diary entries in moth calendar
        sed     -e 's/\\verb|@|/\@/g' \
                -e 's/documentclass\[11pt\]/documentclass[12pt]/g' \
                -e 's/{\\tiny \\raggedright #3}/{\\small \\raggedright #3}/g' \
                < $< > /tmp/temp-org-file.$$$$; mv /tmp/temp-org-file.$$$$ $<
        $(LATEX) $^

%.pdf: %.dvi
        dvipdf $^

%-rotated.pdf: %.pdf
        cp $^ $@
        for n in 1 2 3; do \
                pdf90 --outfile tmp.pdf $@; mv tmp.pdf $@; \

weekCalendar.tex: ~/diary
        $(EMACS) -eval "(progn (calendar) (cal-tex-cursor-week-iso 4) 
(with-current-buffer cal-tex-buffer (write-file \"address@hidden")))"

monthCalendar1.tex: ~/diary
         $(EMACS) -eval "(progn (calendar) (cal-tex-cursor-month-landscape 1) 
(with-current-buffer cal-tex-buffer (write-file \"address@hidden")))"

monthCalendar2.tex: ~/diary
         $(EMACS) -eval "(progn (calendar) (calendar-forward-month 1) 
(cal-tex-cursor-month-landscape 1) (with-current-buffer cal-tex-buffer 
(write-file \"address@hidden")))"

monthCalendar3.tex: ~/diary
         $(EMACS) -eval "(progn (calendar) (calendar-forward-month 2) 
(cal-tex-cursor-month-landscape 1) (with-current-buffer cal-tex-buffer 
(write-file \"address@hidden")))"

yearCalendar.tex: ~/diary
         $(EMACS) -eval "(progn (calendar) (calendar-forward-month 2) 
(cal-tex-cursor-year-landscape 1) (with-current-buffer cal-tex-buffer 
(write-file \"address@hidden")))"

pocketMod.pdf: $(pocketModFiles)
        pdfjoin --outfile tmp.pdf $^
        pdfnup tmp.pdf --outfile $@ --nup 4x2 --frame true

hipsterPDA.pdf: $(hipsterFiles)
        pdfnup weekCalendar.pdf --outfile page1.pdf --nup 2x2 --frame true
        pdfjoin --outfile tmp.pdf monthCalendar[1-3]-rotated.pdf 
        pdfnup tmp.pdf --outfile page2.pdf --nup 2x2 --frame true
        pdfjoin --outfile $@ page1.pdf page2.pdf

        rm -rf *.aux *.dvi *.tex *.log *.pdf

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