;;; blorg.el --- export a blog from an org file (defconst blorg-version "0.75c" "`blorg' version.") ;; Copyright 2006 Bastien Guerry ;; ;; Author: Bastien Guerry ;; Version: $Id: blorg.el,v 0.67 2008/01/29 14:08:13 guerry Exp guerry $ ;; Keywords: org-mode blog publishing html feed atom rss ;; X-URL: ;; ;; This file is not part of GNU Emacs. ;; ;; This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or ;; modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as ;; published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at ;; your option) any later version. ;; ;; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but ;; WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ;; MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU ;; General Public License for more details. ;; ;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License ;; along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software ;; Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. ;;; Commentary: ;; blorg creates a blog from an org file. Just edit your `org-mode' ;; buffer then do M-x `blorg-publish'. This is bound to C-c ". ;; ;; Here is the list of pages created by `blorg': ;; ;; - index page ;; - atom/rss feed for index page ;; - tags pages ;; - atom/rss feeds for tags pages ;; - months pages ;; - posts pages ;; ;; Each page is rendered with a specific HTML layout. You can change ;; the layout of all theses pages (and of the post itself) by using ;; templates. Have a look at M-x customize-group `blorg-templates'. ;; ;; If a post or a tag-page already exists, `blorg' won't overwrite it. ;; To force publishing of all the pages, add a prefix: C-u M-x ;; `blorg-publish'. ;; ;; `blorg' will only publish posts marked with the "DONE" todo ;; keyword. You can use another string either by explicitely adding ;; the #+DONE_STRING: option at the beginning of the file or by ;; changing the last keyword in `org-todo-keywords'. This TODO ;; keywords are also set by #+SEQ_TODO: in the buffer. ;; ;; If the heading of an entry is followed by a CLOSED keyword, ;; `blorg' will use this date as the publication date. ;; ;; If the heading if followed by tags, `blorg' will publish a tag ;; page for each one of them. ;; ;; You can set up a few options, either by customizing the variable ;; `blorg-default-options' (for all your Org) files or by adding ;; options at the beginning of the file: ;; ;; Main informations: ;; #+TITLE : the title of your blog ;; #+SUBTITLE : the subtitle of your blog ;; #+AUTHOR : the author of the blog ;; #+EMAIL : the author's e-mail address ;; #+LANGUAGE : language of the blog ;; ;; Publishing options: ;; #+BLOG_URL : the full url of the blog ;; #+PUBLISH_DIR : absolute directory name (where to publish files) ;; #+UPLOAD_DIR : relative upload directory name ;; #+IMAGES_DIR : relative images directory name ;; #+CONFIG_FILE : elisp config file for this blog ;; ;; Other informations:: ;; #+CREATED : <%Y-%m-%d> ;; #+KEYWORDS : global keywords for this blog ;; #+HOMEPAGE : the author's homepage (not her blog)OB ;; #+ENCODING : encoding of the blog ;; #+HTML_CSS : stylesheet URL for html pages ;; #+XML_CSS : stylesheet URL for xml feeds ;; #+FEED_TYPE : atom or rss (which is rss 2.0 by default) ;; #+DONE_STRING : (maybe special) DONE string ;; ;; See M-x `customize-group' RET `blorg' for further details. ;; ;; Warning: you should better run `blorg' with the latest ;; `org-mode' - at least org-mode v4.53. You can get org-mode from ;; here : ;; Put this file into your load-path and the following into your ;; ~/.emacs: (require 'blorg) ;;; Todo: ;; See ;;; Notes: ;;; History: ;; ;; First released <2006-06-09 lun> ;; Started <2006-05-01 lun> ;;; Code: ;;; Requirements (provide 'blorg) (require 'org) (require 'calendar) (require 'time-stamp) (require 'eshell) (require 'esh-maint) (require 'em-unix) ;; Not necessary since emacs 22 (when (< (string-to-number (substring emacs-version 0 2)) 22) (require 'regexp-opt)) ;; XEmacs prior to 21.5 is not dumped with replace-regexp-in-string. In ;; those cases it can be found in the xemacs-base package. (eval-and-compile (unless (and (fboundp 'replace-regexp-in-string) (not (featurep 'xemacs))) (require 'easy-mmode)) (require 'cl)) ;;; Make the compiler quiet ;;; Don't mess around with namespaces (defvar blorgv-time-stamp-formats nil) (defvar blorgv-publish-index-only nil) (defvar blorgv-tagstotal nil) (defvar blorgv-tagsaverage nil) (defvar blorgv-encoding nil) (defvar blorgv-header nil) (defvar blorgv-feed-type nil) (defvar blorgv-feed-file-name nil) (defvar blorgv-blog-title nil) (defvar blorgv-post-title nil) (defvar blorgv-post-rel-url nil) (defvar blorgv-xml-css nil) (defvar blorgv-created "") (defvar blorgv-created-row "") (defvar blorgv-created-rfc3339 "") (defvar blorgv-created-rfc822 "") (defvar blorgv-modified "") (defvar blorgv-modified-row "") (defvar blorgv-modified-rfc3339 "") (defvar blorgv-modified-rfc822 "") (defvar blorgv-updated "") (defvar blorgv-published nil) (defvar blorgv-content nil) (defvar blorgv-subtitle "") (defvar blorgv-blog-url "") (defvar blorgv-done-string "") (defvar blorgv-keywords "") (defvar blorgv-language "") (defvar blorgv-author "") (defvar blorgv-homepage "") (defvar blorgv-email "") (defvar blorgv-ins-full nil) (defvar blorgv-tags-links nil) (defvar blorgv-publish-d "~/public_html/") (defvar blorgv-images-d "upload/") (defvar blorgv-upload-d "images/") ;;; Set aliases, keys, constants, advicest (define-key org-mode-map "\C-c\"" 'blorg-publish) (defconst blorg-generator-url "http://www.cognition.ens.fr/~guerry/u/blorg.el" "`blorg' permanent URL.") (defconst blorg-generated-by-string (concat "Done with blorg " blorg-version " -- org-mode " org-version " and GNU Emacs " emacs-version)) ;; see org-infile-export-plist ? (defconst blorg-options-regexps-alist '((:blog-title "^#\\+TITLE:[ \t]+\\(.+\\)$") (:subtitle "^#\\+SUBTITLE:[ \t]+\\(.+\\)$") (:author "^#\\+AUTHOR:[ \t]+\\(.+\\)$") (:email "^#\\+EMAIL:[ \t]+\\(.+\\)$") (:created "^#\\+CREATED:[ \t]+<\\([^>]+\\)>$") (:modified "^#\\+Time-stamp:[ \t]+<\\([^>]+\\)>$") (:blog-url "^#\\+BLOG_URL:[ \t]+\\(.+\\)$") (:homepage "^#\\+HOMEPAGE:[ \t]+\\(.+\\)$") (:language "^#\\+LANGUAGE:[ \t]+\\(.+\\)$") (:encoding "^#\\+ENCODING:[ \t]+\\(.+\\)$") (:keywords "^#\\+KEYWORDS:[ \t]+\\(.+\\)$") (:html-css "^#\\+HTML_CSS:[ \t]+\\(.+\\)$") (:xml-css "^#\\+XML_CSS:[ \t]+\\(.+\\)$") (:feed-type "^#\\+FEED_TYPE:[ \t]+\\(.+\\)$") ;; (:seq-todo "^#\\+SEQ_TODO:[ \t]+\\(.+\\)$") (:done-string "^#\\+DONE_STRING:[ \t]+\\(.+\\)$") (:publish-dir "^#\\+PUBLISH_DIR:[ \t]+\\(.+\\)$") (:upload-dir "^#\\+UPLOAD_DIR:[ \t]+\\(.+\\)$") (:images-dir "^#\\+IMAGES_DIR:[ \t]+\\(.+\\)$") (:config-file "^#\\+CONFIG_FILE:[ \t]+\\(.+\\)$")) "Alist of options and matching regexps.") (defun blorg-version nil "Display blorg version." (interactive) (message "blorg version %s" blorg-version)) ;; FIXME: Is it the right place for it? (defadvice Footnote-add-footnote (before narrow-to-level) "Narrow to current level when adding a footnote in `org-mode'." (when (equal mode-name "Org") (org-narrow-to-subtree))) (defadvice Footnote-add-footnote (after widen) "Widen after editing a footnote in `org-mode'." (when (equal mode-name "Org") (widen))) (ad-activate 'Footnote-add-footnote) ;;; Customize groups (defgroup blorg nil "Export an `org-mode' buffer into a blog." :group 'org) ;; Put convert options for medium and small thumbnail ;; (defgroup blorg-images nil ;; "Handle images for `blorg'." ;; :group 'blorg) (defgroup blorg-templates-for-pages nil "HTML templates for `blorg'." :group 'blorg) (defgroup blorg-templates-for-posts nil "HTML templates for `blorg'." :group 'blorg) ;;; Customize variables ;; (defcustom blorg-use-registry nil ;; "Non-nil means blorg will keep a registry for each blog." ;; :type 'boolean ;; :group 'blorg) (defcustom blorg-config-file "" "Customization file for blorg." :type 'file :group 'blorg) (defcustom blorg-submit-post-string "Submit this post" "A string for the title of social bookmarking links." :type '(string) :group 'blorg) (defcustom blorg-strings `(:index-page-name "index" :page-extension ".html" :feed-extension ".xml" :meta-robots "index,follow" :read-more "Read more" :time-format "%A, %B %d %Y @ %R %z" :title-separator " - ") "A list of default strings." :type '(plist) :group 'blorg) (defcustom blorg-default-options `(:blog-title "[No_title]" :subtitle "[No_subtitle]" :author ,user-full-name :email ,user-mail-address :created ,(format-time-string (car org-time-stamp-formats)) :modified ,(format-time-string time-stamp-format) :blog-url "./" :homepage "[No_homepage]" :language ,(if (getenv "LANG") (substring (getenv "LANG") 0 2) "en") :encoding "UTF-8" :keywords "" :html-css "index.css" :xml-css "http://www.blogger.com/styles/atom.css" :feed-type "atom" ;; :seq-todo ,org-todo-keywords :done-string "DONE" :number-of-posts "12" :publish-dir "~/public_html/" :upload-dir "upload/" :images-dir "images/") "A list of default options. Changes in this list will apply globally to every `blorg' call. These options are overriden by their equivalent in the header of a file." :type '(plist) :group 'blorg) (defcustom blorg-post-number-per-page '((index . 10) (feed . 10) (tag . 10) (month . 10)) "Set how many posts you want to be displayed on each page." :type '(list (cons (const :tag "Index page" :value index) (integer :tag "Number")) (cons (const :tag "Feeds" :value feed) (integer :tag "Number")) (cons (const :tag "Tag page" :value tag) (integer :tag "Number")) (cons (const :tag "Month page" :value month) (integer :tag "Number"))) :group 'blorg) (defcustom blorg-publish-page-type '(feed tag month post) "Defines the blog structure. Allowed symbols are: feed tag month post. If `blorg-publish-page-type' is nil or '(feed), the blog consists in one single index page, without any tag or month page. In this case `blorg-publish' will ignore `blorg-put-full-post' and always put full posts in the index." :type '(repeat (symbol :tag "Page: ")) :group 'blorg) (defcustom blorg-reverse-posts-order nil "Non-nil means reverse order of posts publication." :type 'boolean :group 'blorg) (defcustom blorg-previous-posts-number 12 "Number of previous posts to display." :type 'number :group 'blorg) (defcustom blorg-publish-feed '(index tag) "Publish feed for these pages. Allowed symbols are: index tag." :type '(repeat (symbol :tag "Feed for: ")) :group 'blorg) ;; (defcustom blorg-previous-posts-with-picture nil ;; "Insert small thumbnails within previous posts list." ;; :type 'boolean ;; :group 'blorg-images) (defcustom blorg-parg-in-headlines 1 "Number of paragraphs in the short version of a post." :type 'number :group 'blorg) (defcustom blorg-tags-sort 'alphabetical "Sort tags by importance or by alphabetical order." :type '(radio (const :tag "Importance" importance) (const :tag "Alphabetical" alphabetical)) :group 'blorg) ;;; Templates (defcustom blorg-index-template "
" "Template of the index page. Here is the list of defuns that you can insert in this template: (blorg-insert-index-url) : the URL of the index page (blorg-insert-homepage) : the URL of the author's homepage (blorg-insert-page-title) : the page title (blorg-insert-page-subtitle) : the page subtitle (blorg-insert-mailto-email) : mailto:address@hidden (blorg-insert-email) : address@hidden (blorg-insert-author) : author's name (blorg-insert-previous-posts) : a list of previous posts (blorg-insert-tags-as-cloud) : a cloud of tags (blorg-insert-tags-as-list) : a list of tags (blorg-insert-archives) : a list of months (blorg-insert-content) : the main content" :type 'string :group 'blorg-templates-for-pages) (defcustom blorg-tag-page-template "
" "Template for the tag pages. Here is the list of defuns that you can insert in this template: (blorg-insert-index-url) : the URL of the index page (blorg-insert-homepage) : the URL of the author's homepage (blorg-insert-page-title) : the page title (blorg-insert-page-subtitle) : the page subtitle (blorg-insert-mailto-email) : mailto:address@hidden (blorg-insert-email) : address@hidden (blorg-insert-author) : author's name (blorg-insert-previous-posts) : a list of previous posts (blorg-insert-tags-as-cloud) : a list of tags (blorg-insert-tags-as-list) : a list of tags (blorg-insert-archives) : a list of months (blorg-insert-content) : the main content" :type 'string :group 'blorg-templates-for-pages) (defcustom blorg-month-page-template "
" "Template for the month pages. Here is the list of defuns that you can insert in this template: (blorg-insert-index-url) : the URL of the index page (blorg-insert-homepage) : the URL of the author's homepage (blorg-insert-page-title) : the page title (blorg-insert-page-subtitle) : the page subtitle (blorg-insert-mailto-email) : mailto:address@hidden (blorg-insert-email) : address@hidden (blorg-insert-author) : author's name (blorg-insert-previous-posts) : a list of previous posts (blorg-insert-tags-as-cloud) : a cloud of tags (blorg-insert-tags-as-list) : a list of tags (blorg-insert-archives) : a list of months (blorg-insert-content) : the main content" :type 'string :group 'blorg-templates-for-pages) (defcustom blorg-post-page-template "
" "Template for the post pages. Here is the list of defuns that you can insert in this template: (blorg-insert-index-url) : the URL of the index page (blorg-insert-homepage) : the URL of the author's homepage (blorg-insert-page-title) : the page title (blorg-insert-page-subtitle) : the page subtitle (blorg-insert-mailto-email) : mailto:address@hidden (blorg-insert-email) : address@hidden (blorg-insert-author) : author's name (blorg-insert-previous-posts) : a list of previous posts (blorg-insert-tags-as-cloud) : a cloud of tags (blorg-insert-tags-as-list) : a list of tags (blorg-insert-archives) : a list of months (blorg-insert-content) : the main content" :type 'string :group 'blorg-templates-for-pages) (defcustom blorg-post-template "
(blorg-insert-post-author) (blorg-insert-post-dates) (blorg-insert-post-tags)
" "Template for each post. Here is the list of defuns that you can insert in this template: (blorg-insert-post-url) : the URL of the post (blorg-insert-post-title) : the title of the post (blorg-insert-post-author) : the author of the post (blorg-insert-post-dates) : the publication and modification dates (blorg-insert-post-tags) : the tags for this post (blorg-insert-post-echos) : the \"Submit this post\" links (blorg-insert-post-content) : the main content of the post" :type 'string :group 'blorg-templates-for-posts) (defcustom blorg-post-author-template "

Author: (blorg-insert-author)

" "Template for the (blorg-insert-post-author) defun." :type 'string :group 'blorg-templates-for-posts) (defcustom blorg-post-dates-template "


" ;;

Updated: (blorg-insert-post-modification-date)

"Template for the (blorg-insert-post-dates) defun." :type 'string :group 'blorg-templates-for-posts) (defcustom blorg-post-tags-template "

Tags: (blorg-insert-this-post-tags)

" ;;

Technorati: (blorg-insert-this-post-tags-to-technorati)

" "Template for the (blorg-insert-post-tags) defun." :type 'string :group 'blorg-templates-for-posts) (defcustom blorg-put-full-post '(index post) "Pages in which posts will appear as full posts. Posts in other pages are summarized. This list can include the following symbols: - index - feed - post - tag - month" :type '(repeat (symbol :tag "Page: ")) :group 'blorg-templates-for-posts) (defcustom blorg-put-author-in-post '(post tag) "Put author's name in posts when publishing these pages. See `blorg-put-full-post' for the list of available pages." :type '(repeat (symbol :tag "Page: ")) :group 'blorg-templates-for-posts) (defcustom blorg-put-echos-in-post '(post tag month) "Put \"echos\" in posts when publishing these pages. See `blorg-put-full-post' for the list of available pages." :type '(repeat (symbol :tag "Page: ")) :group 'blorg-templates-for-posts) (defcustom blorg-put-dates-in-post '(index post tag month) "Put dates in posts when publishing these pages. See `blorg-put-full-post' for the list of available pages." :type '(repeat (symbol :tag "Page: ")) :group 'blorg-templates-for-posts) (defcustom blorg-put-tags-in-post '(index post tag month) "Put tags in posts when publishing these pages. See `blorg-put-full-post' for the list of available pages." :type '(repeat (symbol :tag "Page: ")) :group 'blorg-templates-for-posts) ;;; make this an alist var with ("foramt string" post-url post-title) (defcustom blorg-echos-alist '(("\"Submit" post-abs-url blorgv-post-title post-tags blorg-submit-post-string blorg-submit-post-string) ("\"Submit" post-abs-url blorgv-post-title blorg-submit-post-string blorg-submit-post-string) ("\"Submit" post-abs-url blorgv-post-title post-tags blorg-submit-post-string blorg-submit-post-string) ("\"Submit" post-abs-url blorgv-post-title post-tags blorg-submit-post-string blorg-submit-post-string) ("\"Submit" post-abs-url blorgv-post-title post-tags blorg-submit-post-string blorg-submit-post-string) ("\"Submit" post-abs-url blorgv-post-title post-tags blorg-submit-post-string blorg-submit-post-string) ("\"Submit" post-abs-url blorgv-post-title post-tags blorg-submit-post-string blorg-submit-post-string) ("\"Submit" post-abs-url blorgv-post-title blorg-submit-post-string blorg-submit-post-string) ("\"Submit" post-abs-url blorgv-post-title post-tags blorg-submit-post-string blorg-submit-post-string) ("\"Submit" post-abs-url post-tags blorg-submit-post-string blorg-submit-post-string) ("\"Submit" post-abs-url blorgv-post-title post-tags blorg-submit-post-string blorg-submit-post-string)) "A alist of links to publish as \"echos\" of the post. Each cell in this list is a list of the form: \"[Formatting string] strings...\"" :type '(alist :key-type (string) :value-type (repeat symbol)) :group 'blorg-templates-for-posts) ;;; Main code (defvar blorg-set-header-done "" "Non-nil means header has been already parsed in this session.") (defun blorg-set-header (&optional force) "Set the header if it's not set and maybe FORCE the setting." (when (or (not (equal blorg-set-header-done (buffer-name))) force) (setq blorgv-header (blorg-parse-header) blorg-set-header-done (buffer-name)) (blorg-set-header-vars))) (defun blorg-set-header-vars nil "Set each var from the header." (setq blorgv-publish-index-only (not (and (memq 'tag blorg-publish-page-type) (memq 'month blorg-publish-page-type) (memq 'post blorg-publish-page-type))) blorgv-blog-url (plist-get blorgv-header :blog-url) blorgv-author (plist-get blorgv-header :author) blorgv-email (plist-get blorgv-header :email) blorgv-blog-title (plist-get blorgv-header :blog-title) blorgv-subtitle (plist-get blorgv-header :subtitle) blorgv-encoding (plist-get blorgv-header :encoding) blorgv-language (plist-get blorgv-header :language) blorgv-homepage (plist-get blorgv-header :homepage) blorgv-xml-css (plist-get blorgv-header :xml-css) blorgv-created-row (blorg-encode-time (plist-get blorgv-header :created) "\\([0-9]+\\)-\\([0-9]+\\)-\\([0-9]+\\)") blorgv-created (blorg-timestamp-to-readable blorgv-created-row) blorgv-created-rfc822 (blorg-timestamp-to-rfc822 blorgv-created-row) blorgv-created-rfc3339 (blorg-timestamp-to-rfc3339 blorgv-created-row) blorgv-modified-row (blorg-encode-time (plist-get blorgv-header :modified) "\\([0-9]+\\)-\\([0-9]+\\)-\\([0-9]+\\)") blorgv-modified (blorg-timestamp-to-readable blorgv-modified-row) blorgv-modified-rfc822 (blorg-timestamp-to-rfc822 blorgv-modified-row) blorgv-modified-rfc3339 (blorg-timestamp-to-rfc3339 blorgv-modified-row) blorgv-done-string (or (plist-get blorgv-header :done-string) "DONE") ;; (car (reverse (split-string (plist-get blorgv-header :seq-todo))))) blorgv-publish-d (plist-get blorgv-header :publish-dir) blorgv-upload-d (plist-get blorgv-header :upload-dir) blorgv-images-d (plist-get blorgv-header :images-dir) blorgv-keywords (plist-get blorgv-header :keywords) blorgv-feed-type (plist-get blorgv-header :feed-type))) (defun blorg-set-time-formats nil "Set time formats." (if org-display-custom-times (setq blorgv-time-stamp-formats org-time-stamp-custom-formats) (setq blorgv-time-stamp-formats org-time-stamp-formats))) ;;;###autoload (defun blorg-publish (&optional all) "Publish an `org-mode' file as a blog. If ALL is non-nil, force re-publication of each post." (interactive "P") (unless (eq major-mode 'org-mode) (error "Not in an org buffer")) (blorg-set-time-formats) (blorg-set-header all) (let* ((blorgv-content (blorg-parse-content blorgv-done-string blorg-reverse-posts-order all)) (tags (blorg-parse-tags)) (blorgv-tagstotal (blorg-count-tags-total tags)) (blorgv-tagsaverage (if tags (/ blorgv-tagstotal (length tags)) 1)) (new-tags (blorg-parse-new-tags blorgv-content)) (last-month (blorg-make-arch-month-list (format-time-string "%Y-%m-%d") blorgv-content)) (months-list (blorg-make-arch-month-list (progn (string-match ;;org-ts-regexp-both "[0-9]\\{4\\}-[0-9]\\{2\\}-[0-9]\\{2\\}" (plist-get blorgv-header :created)) ;; (substring (match-string-no-properties 0 (plist-get blorgv-header :created))); 0 10)) blorgv-content))) (when (not blorgv-content) (error "No headline suitable for publication")) ;;; Load config file (unless (or (equal blorg-config-file "") (not (file-exists-p blorg-config-file))) (load-file blorg-config-file) (message "Blorg config file loaded")) (when (plist-get blorgv-header :config-file) (load-file (plist-get blorgv-header :config-file)) (message "Blorg local config file loaded")) ;;; Create directories (blorg-maybe-create-directories blorgv-publish-d blorgv-images-d blorgv-upload-d) ;; Maybe clean orphan files ;; (blorg-maybe-clean-orphan-files blorgv-content) (save-window-excursion (save-excursion ;; always publish index (blorg-render-index tags blorgv-content) (when (memq 'index blorg-publish-feed) (blorg-render-feed blorgv-content)) (when (memq 'tag blorg-publish-page-type) (blorg-render-tags-pages tags blorgv-content months-list (unless all new-tags) all)) (when (memq 'month blorg-publish-page-type) (blorg-render-month-pages tags blorgv-content (if all months-list last-month))) (when (memq 'month blorg-publish-page-type) (blorg-render-posts-html tags (blorg-limit-content-to-plist blorgv-content :post-force)))))) (when (get-buffer "*blorg feed output*") (kill-buffer "*blorg feed output*"))) ;;; TO BE TESTED ;; (defun blorg-maybe-clean-orphan-files (blorgv-content) ;; "Delete all html and xml files but those which won't be republished." ;; (let ((existing-files ;; (directory-files blorgv-publish-d nil "\..+ml")) ;; (posts-files (mapcar ;; (lambda (post) ;; (blorg-make-post-url ;; (plist-get post :post-title))) ;; blorgv-content))) ;; (dolist (file (cddr existing-files)) ;; (when (not (member file posts-files)) ;; (delete-file (concat blorgv-publish-d file)))))) (defun blorg-parse-new-tags (blorgv-content) "Parse BLORGV-CONTENT and look for new tags." (let (tags-list) (dolist (post blorgv-content) (mapcar (lambda (tag) (add-to-list 'tags-list tag)) (delete "" (split-string (plist-get post :post-tags) ":")))) (mapcar (lambda (tag) (cons tag 1)) tags-list))) (defun blorg-maybe-create-directories (pub-d img-d upl-d) "Maybe create PUB-D IMG-D and UPL-D directories." (unless (file-exists-p pub-d) (when (yes-or-no-p (format "Create this new directory : %s ? " pub-d)) (eshell/mkdir pub-d) (message "%s directory created" pub-d))) (unless (file-exists-p (concat pub-d img-d)) (when (yes-or-no-p (format "Create this new directory : %s ? " (concat pub-d img-d))) (eshell/mkdir (concat pub-d img-d)) (message "%s%s directory created" pub-d img-d))) (unless (file-exists-p (concat pub-d upl-d)) (when (yes-or-no-p (format "Create this new directory : %s ? " (concat pub-d upl-d))) (eshell/mkdir (concat pub-d upl-d)) (message "%s%s directory created" pub-d upl-d)))) ;;; Parsing (defun blorg-set-header-region nil "Return a cons defining the region of the blorgv-header." (save-excursion (goto-char (point-min)) (let (start end) (while (re-search-forward "^#\\+.+$" nil t) (if (match-string 0) (setq end (match-end 0)) (setq end (point-max)))) (cons (point-min) end)))) (defun blorg-parse-tags () "Make a sorted list of all tags from buffer. Each element of the list is a cons: (\"tag-name\" . number)." (let (alltags) (save-excursion (goto-char (point-min)) (while (and (re-search-forward ":\\(address@hidden):" nil t) (blorg-check-done)) (unless (assoc (match-string-no-properties 1) alltags) (let ((cnt 0)) (save-excursion (goto-char (point-min)) (while (and (re-search-forward (concat ":\\(" (regexp-quote (match-string-no-properties 1)) "\\):") nil t) (blorg-check-done)) (setq cnt (1+ cnt)))) (setq alltags (add-to-list 'alltags (cons (match-string-no-properties 1) cnt))))) (backward-char 1))) (blorg-sort-tags alltags blorg-tags-sort))) (defun blorg-parse-header nil "Create a plist containing blorgv-header options." (let* ((region (blorg-set-header-region)) (start (car region)) (end (cdr region)) (blorgv-header nil)) (dolist (opt blorg-options-regexps-alist) (add-to-list 'blorgv-header (car opt) t) (add-to-list 'blorgv-header (blorg-get-option start end opt) t)) blorgv-header)) (defun blorg-count-tags-total (taglist) "Count total number of tags in taglist." (let ((total 0)) (dolist (tag taglist) (setq total (+ total (cdr tag)))) total)) (defun blorg-get-option (start end option) "Look from START to END for OPTION and return it." (save-excursion (goto-char start) (cond ((and (re-search-forward (cadr option) end t) (match-string-no-properties 1)) (if (or ; Add blorgv-homepage ? (eq (car option) :blog-url) (eq (car option) :publish-dir) (eq (car option) :images-dir) (eq (car option) :upload-dir)) (file-name-as-directory (blorg-strip-trailing-spaces (match-string-no-properties 1))) (blorg-strip-trailing-spaces (match-string-no-properties 1)))) (t (plist-get blorg-default-options (car option)))))) (defun blorg-parse-content (blorgv-done-string reverse all) "Parse blorgv-content of an `org-mode' buffer. Check the presence of BLORGV-DONE-STRING in each post. REVERSE posts order is necessary. Maybe parse ALL posts." (let (posts (cnt 0)) (save-excursion (goto-char (point-min)) ;; match DONE and [#A] DONE as well (while (re-search-forward (concat "^\\* " blorgv-done-string " \\([^:\r\n]+\\)[ \t]*\\(:address@hidden:]+\\)?[ \t]*$") nil t) (let* ((ttle (match-string-no-properties 1)) (tgs (or (match-string-no-properties 2) "")) (dte (blorg-encode-time (or (progn (save-excursion (re-search-forward org-ts-regexp-both (save-excursion (re-search-forward "^\\* " nil t)) t)) (match-string-no-properties 1)) (format-time-string (car blorgv-time-stamp-formats))) "\\([0-9]+\\)-\\([0-9]+\\)-\\([0-9]+\\)")) (post-exists (file-exists-p (concat blorgv-publish-d (blorg-make-post-url ttle))))) (add-to-list 'posts (blorg-parse-post cnt ttle tgs dte (if (save-excursion (re-search-forward "^\\* " nil t)) (match-beginning 0) (point-max)) post-exists all) t) (setq cnt (1+ cnt))))) (if reverse (reverse posts) posts))) (defun blorg-parse-post (number title tags dte end exists force) "Parse post NUMBER with TITLE and TAGS from DATE ending at END." `(:post-number ,number :post-title ,(blorg-strip-trailing-spaces title) :post-tags ,tags :post-exists ,exists :post-force ,(blorg-check-post-force force number exists) :post-closed ,dte :post-updated ,(current-time) :post-content ,(blorg-get-post-content end))) (defun blorg-check-post-force (force number exists) "Check whether post should be published depending on FORCE." (cond ((not exists) t) ((null force) nil) ((listp force) t) ((numberp force) (< number force)))) (defun blorg-get-post-content (end) "Get the blorgv-content of the post before END." (save-excursion (beginning-of-line) (while (or (looking-at (concat "[ \t]*" org-closed-string " ")) (looking-at (concat "[ \t]*" org-scheduled-string " ")) (looking-at "\\* ")) (forward-line 1)) (buffer-substring (point) end))) (defun blorg-check-done () "Check if the line begins with the DONE string. Also match \"* DONE [#A] ...\" and the likes." (save-excursion (save-match-data (beginning-of-line) (looking-at (concat "^\\*.+" (or (plist-get blorgv-header :done-string) "DONE")))))) ;; (car (reverse (split-string (plist-get blorgv-header :seq-todo)))))))))) (defun blorg-limit-content-to-number (lst num &optional rest) "Make a sublist of LST with the first NUM elements. If REST is non-nil, return the lst minus its first NUM elements." (if (< num (length lst)) (if rest (nthcdr num lst) (reverse (nthcdr (- (length lst) num) (reverse lst)))) (if (and rest (length lst)) nil lst))) (defun blorg-sort-tags (tags order) "Return a sorted alist of TAGS depending on ORDER. ORDER is either alphabetical-based or importance-based." (if (eq order 'alphabetical) (sort tags (lambda (fst scd) (string< (car fst) (car scd)))) (sort tags (lambda (fst scd) (> (cdr fst) (cdr scd)))))) ;;; Rendering (defun blorg-render-feed (blorgv-content &optional feed-name new-title) "Export a feed with BLORGV-HEADER and BLORGV-CONTENT. FEED-NAME might be either atom.xml/rss.xml or tag.xml. NEW-TITLE is needed to produce tag.xml depending on the tag itself." ;; First make sure everything is visible (widen) (show-all) (let* ((blorgv-feed-file-name (concat blorgv-publish-d (or feed-name (concat blorgv-feed-type (plist-get blorg-strings :feed-extension))))) (content (blorg-limit-content-to-number blorgv-content (cdr (assoc 'feed blorg-post-number-per-page))))) (with-temp-buffer (switch-to-buffer (get-buffer-create "*blorg feed output*")) (erase-buffer) (blorg-render-header-feed blorgv-feed-file-name new-title) (mapcar (lambda (new-post) (blorg-render-content-feed new-post)) content) (if (equal blorgv-feed-type "rss") (insert " \n") (insert "")) (write-file blorgv-feed-file-name) (kill-buffer (buffer-name))))) (defun blorg-render-header-feed (blorgv-feed-file-name &optional new-title) "Render the BLORGV-HEADER of buffer into atom blorgv-header. BLORGV-FEED-FILE-NAME is the feed filename. NEW-TITLE is the new title. Er." (let ((title (or new-title blorgv-blog-title))) (switch-to-buffer (get-buffer-create "*blorg feed output*")) (erase-buffer) (if (equal blorgv-feed-type "atom") (blorg-render-header-atom title) (blorg-render-header-rss title)))) (defun blorg-render-header-atom (title) "Render blorgv-header in atom format for TITLE." (insert " " title " " blorgv-subtitle " " blorgv-modified-rfc3339 " " blorgv-blog-url " Copyright (c) " (format-time-string "%Y") " " blorgv-author " " blorg-generated-by-string " \n")) (defun blorg-render-header-rss (title) "Render header in rss format for TITLE." (insert " " title " " blorgv-blog-url " " blorgv-language " " blorgv-subtitle " " blorgv-created-rfc822 " " blorgv-modified-rfc822 " (c)" (concat blorgv-author (format-time-string "%Y")) " " blorgv-blog-url " blorg version " blorg-version "\n")) (defun blorg-render-content-feed (post) "Render blorgv-content of feed with BLORGV-HEADER for POST." (let* ((blorgv-post-title (plist-get post :post-title)) (blorgv-published (if (equal blorgv-feed-type "atom") (blorg-timestamp-to-rfc3339 (plist-get post :post-updated)) (blorg-timestamp-to-rfc822 (plist-get post :post-updated)))) (blorgv-updated (if (equal blorgv-feed-type "atom") (blorg-timestamp-to-rfc3339 (plist-get post :post-closed)) (blorg-timestamp-to-rfc822 (plist-get post :post-closed)))) (blorgv-content (plist-get post :post-content)) (blorgv-post-rel-url (blorg-make-post-url blorgv-post-title)) (post-number (plist-get post :post-number))) (switch-to-buffer (get-buffer-create "*blorg feed output*")) (goto-char (point-max)) (if (equal blorgv-feed-type "atom") (blorg-render-content-atom) (blorg-render-content-rss)))) (defun blorg-render-content-rss nil "Render content of feed in rss 2.0 format." (insert " " blorgv-post-title " " (concat blorgv-blog-url blorgv-post-rel-url) " \n" (blorg-render-post-content-txt blorgv-content) " " blorgv-modified-rfc822 " " (concat blorgv-blog-url blorgv-post-rel-url) " \n")) (defun blorg-render-content-atom nil "Render content of feed in atom format." (insert " " blorgv-post-title " " (concat blorgv-blog-url blorgv-post-rel-url) " " blorgv-updated " " blorgv-published " " blorgv-author " " blorgv-homepage " " blorgv-email " ") (if (memq 'feed blorg-put-full-post) (insert "
\n" (blorg-render-post-content-html blorgv-content t blorgv-post-rel-url) "
") (insert "
\n" (blorg-render-post-content-html blorgv-content nil blorgv-post-rel-url) "
")) (insert "\n
\n\n")) (defun blorg-render-index (tags blorgv-content) "Render `org-mode' buffer. BLORGV-HEADER TAGS BLORGV-CONTENT and MONTHS-LIST are required." (with-temp-buffer (switch-to-buffer (get-buffer-create "*blorg output*")) (erase-buffer) (blorg-render-header-html blorgv-header blorgv-blog-title (if (equal blorgv-feed-type "atom") "atom.xml" "rss.xml")) (let* ((ctnt (blorg-limit-content-to-number blorgv-content (cdr (assoc 'index blorg-post-number-per-page)))) (previous-posts (blorg-limit-content-to-number blorgv-content (cdr (assoc 'index blorg-post-number-per-page)) t)) (ins-tags (memq 'index blorg-put-tags-in-post)) (ins-auth (memq 'index blorg-put-author-in-post)) (ins-echos (memq 'index blorg-put-echos-in-post)) (ins-dates (memq 'index blorg-put-dates-in-post)) (blorgv-ins-full (or blorgv-publish-index-only (memq 'index blorg-put-full-post)))) (blorg-insert-body blorg-index-template) (insert "\n") (write-file (concat blorgv-publish-d (plist-get blorg-strings :index-page-name) (plist-get blorg-strings :page-extension))) (kill-buffer (buffer-name))))) (defun blorg-render-posts-html (tags blorgv-content) "Render posts with TAGS and BLORGV-CONTENT." (let* ((ins-tags (memq 'post blorg-put-tags-in-post)) (ins-auth (memq 'post blorg-put-author-in-post)) (ins-echos (memq 'post blorg-put-echos-in-post)) (ins-dates (memq 'post blorg-put-dates-in-post)) (blorgv-ins-full (memq 'post blorg-put-full-post)) (post-keywords blorgv-keywords)) (dolist (ctnt0 blorgv-content) (let* ((ctnt (list ctnt0)) (blorgv-post-title (plist-get ctnt0 :post-title)) (blorgv-updated (blorg-timestamp-to-readable (plist-get ctnt0 :post-updated))) (blorgv-published (blorg-timestamp-to-readable (plist-get ctnt0 :post-closed))) (post-tags (mapconcat 'eval (delete "" (split-string (plist-get ctnt0 :post-tags) ":")) " ")) (post-file-name (concat blorgv-publish-d (blorg-make-post-url blorgv-post-title)))) (with-temp-buffer (switch-to-buffer (get-buffer-create "*blorg output*")) (erase-buffer) (plist-put blorgv-header :tp-title (concat blorgv-blog-title (plist-get blorg-strings :title-separator) blorgv-post-title)) (plist-put blorgv-header :tp-published blorgv-published) (plist-put blorgv-header :tp-updated blorgv-updated) (plist-put blorgv-header :tp-keywords (concat post-keywords " " post-tags)) ;; Render blorgv-header (blorg-render-header-html blorgv-header (plist-get blorgv-header :tp-title)) ;; Render body (blorg-insert-body blorg-post-page-template) (insert "\n") (write-file post-file-name) (kill-buffer (buffer-name))))))) (defun blorg-render-tags-pages (tags blorgv-content months-list new-tags all) "Render one page per tag. BLORGV-HEADER TAGS BLORGV-CONTENT MONTHS-LIST NEW-TAGS and ALL are required." (dolist (tag (if all tags new-tags)) (let* ((tag-name (car tag)) (file-name (concat blorgv-publish-d tag-name (plist-get blorg-strings :page-extension))) (ins-tags (memq 'tag blorg-put-tags-in-post)) (ins-auth (memq 'tag blorg-put-author-in-post)) (ins-echos (memq 'tag blorg-put-echos-in-post)) (ins-dates (memq 'tag blorg-put-dates-in-post)) (blorgv-ins-full (memq 'tag blorg-put-full-post)) (ctnt-tag (blorg-limit-content-to-tag blorgv-content tag-name)) (tag-months-list (delq nil (blorg-check-arch-list months-list ctnt-tag))) (ctnt (blorg-limit-content-to-number ctnt-tag (cdr (assoc 'tag blorg-post-number-per-page)))) (previous-posts (blorg-limit-content-to-number ctnt-tag (cdr (assoc 'tag blorg-post-number-per-page)) t))) (with-temp-buffer (switch-to-buffer (get-buffer-create "*blorg output*")) (erase-buffer) (blorg-render-header-html blorgv-header (concat blorgv-blog-title (plist-get blorg-strings :title-separator) tag-name) (concat tag-name (plist-get blorg-strings :feed-extension)) tag) (blorg-insert-body blorg-tag-page-template) (insert "\n") (write-file file-name) (kill-buffer (buffer-name))) (when (memq 'tag blorg-publish-feed) (blorg-render-tag-feed tag-name ctnt (concat tag-name (plist-get blorg-strings :feed-extension))))))) (defun blorg-render-month-pages (tags blorgv-content months-list) "Render one page per month. BLORGV-HEADER TAGS BLORGV-CONTENT and MONTHS-LIST are required." (dolist (month months-list) (let* ((month-name (car month)) (file-name (concat blorgv-publish-d (cadr month))) (ins-tags (memq 'month blorg-put-tags-in-post)) (ins-auth (memq 'month blorg-put-author-in-post)) (ins-echos (memq 'month blorg-put-echos-in-post)) (ins-dates (memq 'month blorg-put-dates-in-post)) (blorgv-ins-full (memq 'month blorg-put-full-post)) (ctnt-month (blorg-limit-content-to-month blorgv-content month)) (ctnt (blorg-limit-content-to-number ctnt-month (cdr (assoc 'month blorg-post-number-per-page)))) (previous-posts (blorg-limit-content-to-number ctnt-month (cdr (assoc 'month blorg-post-number-per-page)) t))) (with-temp-buffer (switch-to-buffer (get-buffer-create "*blorg output*")) (erase-buffer) (blorg-render-header-html blorgv-header (concat blorgv-blog-title (plist-get blorg-strings :title-separator) month-name)) (blorg-insert-body blorg-month-page-template) (insert "\n") (write-file file-name) (kill-buffer (buffer-name)))))) (defun blorg-render-archives-list-html (months-list) "Render MONTHS-LIST into an html list with CLASS." (concat "
    \n" (mapconcat (lambda (mth) (concat "
  • " (car mth) "
  • ")) months-list "\n") "\n
\n")) (defun blorg-render-previous-posts-list (previous-posts) "Render a list containing PREVIOUS-POSTS." (with-temp-buffer (when previous-posts (insert "
    \n")) (mapc (lambda (post) (insert "
  • " (plist-get post :post-title) "
  • \n")) (blorg-limit-content-to-number previous-posts blorg-previous-posts-number)) (when previous-posts (insert "
\n")) (buffer-string))) (defun blorg-render-tag-feed (tag-name blorgv-content feed-name) "Publish feed for tags. TAG-NAME BLORGV-HEADER BLORGV-CONTENT and FEED-NAME are required." (with-temp-buffer (switch-to-buffer (get-buffer-create "*blorg feed output*")) (erase-buffer) (let ((new-con (blorg-sort-content-tag blorgv-content tag-name)) (new-tit (concat blorgv-blog-title (plist-get blorg-strings :title-separator) tag-name))) (blorg-render-feed new-con feed-name new-tit)))) (defun blorg-render-tags-list-html (tags) "Render TAGS in a html list." (with-temp-buffer (insert "
    \n") (mapc (lambda (tag) (insert "
  • [" (number-to-string (cdr tag)) "] " (car tag) "
  • \n")) tags) (insert "
\n\n") (buffer-string))) (defun blorg-calc-tag-size (level) "Compute tag display size in percent depending on LEVEL." (let ((base 100) (step (/ 100 blorgv-tagstotal)) (average blorgv-tagsaverage)) (number-to-string (+ 100 (* step (- level average)))))) (defun blorg-render-tags-cloud-html (tags) "Render TAGS as a cloud in html." (with-temp-buffer (insert "
\n") (mapc (lambda (tag) (insert " " (car tag) " ")) tags) (insert " \n
\n\n") (buffer-string))) (defun blorg-render-header-html (blorgv-header page-title &optional feed-url tag) "Render BLORGV-HEADER. If PAGE-TITLE give a specific title to this page. FEED-URL is the complete url for the feed page. TAG is the set of tags." (let ((keywords (concat (cond ((stringp (car tag)) (concat (car tag) ", ")) ((and (not (null (car tag))) (listp (car tag))) (concat (mapconcat 'car tag ", ") ", ")) (t "")) (mapconcat 'eval (split-string (or (plist-get blorgv-header :tp-keywords) blorgv-keywords)) ", ") )) (html-css (plist-get blorgv-header :html-css))) (insert " " page-title " ") (when feed-url (insert " ")) (insert "\n\n"))) (defun blorg-render-content-html (post blorgv-blog-url) "Render POST in html with BLORGV-BLOG-URL." (let* ((blorgv-post-title (plist-get post :post-title)) (blorgv-post-rel-url (blorg-make-post-url blorgv-post-title)) (post-abs-url (concat blorgv-blog-url blorgv-post-rel-url)) (tags (delete "" (split-string (plist-get post :post-tags) ":"))) (post-tags (mapconcat (lambda (tag) tag) tags " ")) (blorgv-tags-links (blorg-make-keywords-links tags)) (technorati-tags-links (blorg-make-keywords-links tags 'technorati)) (blorgv-content (plist-get post :post-content))) (plist-put blorgv-header :tp-published (blorg-timestamp-to-readable (plist-get post :post-closed))) (plist-put blorgv-header :tp-updated (blorg-timestamp-to-readable (plist-get post :post-updated))) (blorg-insert-post blorg-post-template))) (defun blorg-make-post-url (blorgv-post-title) "Make a permanent url from BLORGV-POST-TITLE." (with-temp-buffer (insert blorgv-post-title) (goto-char (point-min)) (while (< (point) (point-max)) (cond ((member (char-after) '(233 232 224 244 239 249)) (progn (delete-char 1))) ((member (char-after) '(? ?\' ?/ ?% ?# ?= ?+)) (progn (delete-char 1) (insert "-"))) ((member (char-after) '(?\" ?, ?\; ?: ?? ?! ?. ?$ ?\t)) (progn (delete-char 1))) ((not (eq (car (split-char (char-after))) 'ascii)) (delete-char 1)) (t (forward-char 1)))) (concat (replace-regexp-in-string "-+$" "" (buffer-string)) (plist-get blorg-strings :page-extension)))) (defun blorg-limit-content-to-month (blorgv-content month) "Limit BLORGV-CONTENT to posts of the MONTH." (delq nil (mapcar (lambda (post) (when (and (plist-get post :post-closed) (string-match (caddr month) (format-time-string (car blorgv-time-stamp-formats) (plist-get post :post-closed)))) post)) blorgv-content))) (defun blorg-limit-content-to-plist (blorgv-content plst) "Limit BLORGV-CONTENT to posts with non-nil PLST." (delq nil (mapcar (lambda (post) (when (plist-get post plst) post)) blorgv-content))) (defun blorg-limit-content-to-tag (blorgv-content tag-name) "Limit BLORGV-CONTENT to posts with TAG-NAME." (delq nil (mapcar (lambda (post) (when (string-match (regexp-quote tag-name) (plist-get post :post-tags)) post)) blorgv-content))) (defun blorg-strip-trailing-spaces (string) "Remove trailing whitespace in STRING." (replace-regexp-in-string "[ \t]+$" "" string)) (defun blorg-split-template (tpl) "Split TPL into a list of functions." (let* ((lst (split-string tpl "[\(\)]")) (cnt 0)) (dotimes (cnt (length lst)) (when (fboundp (intern-soft (nth cnt lst))) (setf (nth cnt lst) (intern-soft (nth cnt lst))))) lst)) (defun blorg-insert-body (tpl) "Insert body of TPL." (mapc (lambda (func) (eval func)) (mapcar (lambda (part) (if (stringp part) (list 'insert part) (macroexpand `(,part)))) (blorg-split-template tpl)))) (defun blorg-insert-post (tpl) "Insert post with TPL." (mapc (lambda (func) (eval func)) (mapcar (lambda (part) (if (stringp part) (list 'insert part) (macroexpand `(,part)))) (blorg-split-template tpl)))) (defun blorg-sort-content-tag (blorgv-content tag-name) "Remove posts from BLORGV-CONTENT if they don't match TAG-NAME." (delq nil (mapcar '(lambda (post) (when (string-match (regexp-quote tag-name) (plist-get post :post-tags)) post)) blorgv-content))) (defun blorg-make-keywords-links (tags &optional site cloud) "Convert TAGS into links with SITE." (mapconcat (lambda (tag) (cond ((eq site 'technorati) (concat "" tag "")) (t (concat "" tag "")))) tags " ")) ;;; Macros (defmacro blorg-insert-index-url nil "Insert index url." `(insert (concat (plist-get blorg-strings :index-page-name) (plist-get blorg-strings :page-extension)))) (defmacro blorg-insert-tag-name nil "Insert tag-name." `(insert tag-name)) (defmacro blorg-insert-month-name nil "Insert month-name." `(insert month-name)) (defmacro blorg-insert-email nil "Insert blorgv-email." `(insert blorgv-email)) (defmacro blorg-insert-mailto-email nil "Insert mailto:email." `(insert "mailto:" blorgv-email)) (defmacro blorg-insert-homepage nil "Insert blorgv-homepage." `(insert blorgv-homepage)) (defmacro blorg-insert-author nil "Insert blorgv-author." `(insert blorgv-author)) (defmacro blorg-insert-page-title nil "Insert page-title." `(insert ,(plist-get blorgv-header :blog-title))) (defmacro blorg-insert-page-subtitle nil "Insert page-subtitle." `(insert blorgv-subtitle)) (defmacro blorg-insert-content nil "Insert main blorgv-content." `(mapc (lambda (new-post) (blorg-render-content-html new-post blorgv-blog-url)) ctnt)) (defmacro blorg-insert-previous-posts nil "Insert previous posts list." `(when (not (or blorgv-publish-index-only (null previous-posts))) (insert (blorg-render-previous-posts-list previous-posts)))) (defmacro blorg-insert-tags-as-list nil "Insert tags list." `(when (not (or blorgv-publish-index-only (null tags))) (insert (blorg-render-tags-list-html tags)))) (defmacro blorg-insert-tags-as-cloud nil "Insert tags list." `(when (not (or blorgv-publish-index-only (null tags))) (insert (blorg-render-tags-cloud-html tags)))) (defmacro blorg-insert-archives nil "Insert archive list." `(when (not blorgv-publish-index-only) (insert (blorg-render-archives-list-html months-list)))) (defmacro blorg-insert-post-title nil "Insert title of the post." `(insert blorgv-post-title)) (defmacro blorg-insert-post-url nil "Insert full url of the post." `(insert blorgv-post-rel-url)) (defmacro blorg-insert-post-publication-date nil "Insert publication date of the post." `(insert (plist-get blorgv-header :tp-published))) (defmacro blorg-insert-post-modification-date nil "Insert modification date of the post." `(insert (plist-get blorgv-header :tp-updated))) (defmacro blorg-insert-this-post-tags nil "Insert tags of the post." `(insert blorgv-tags-links)) ;; Don't put this as a default in templates (defmacro blorg-insert-this-post-tags-to-technorati nil "Insert technorati-tags links of the post." `(insert technorati-tags-links)) (defmacro blorg-insert-post-content nil "Insert post blorgv-content." (list 'insert `(blorg-render-post-content-html blorgv-content ,(not (null blorgv-ins-full)) blorgv-post-title))) (defmacro blorg-insert-post-echos nil "Insert \"echos\"links from `blorg-echos-alist'." `(when (not (null ins-echos)) (insert "
\n") (dolist (elt blorg-echos-alist) (insert " " (apply 'format elt) "\n")) (insert "
\n"))) (defmacro blorg-insert-post-author nil "Insert blorgv-author in post." `(when (not (null ins-auth)) (mapc (lambda (func) (eval func)) (mapcar (lambda (part) (if (stringp part) (list 'insert part) (macroexpand `(,part)))) (blorg-split-template blorg-post-author-template))))) (defmacro blorg-insert-post-dates nil "Insert dates in post." `(when (not (null ins-dates)) (mapc (lambda (func) (eval func)) (mapcar (lambda (part) (if (stringp part) (list 'insert part) (macroexpand `(,part)))) (blorg-split-template blorg-post-dates-template))))) (defmacro blorg-insert-post-tags nil "Insert tags in post." `(when (and (not (null ins-tags)) (not (equal ,blorgv-tags-links ""))) (mapc (lambda (func) (eval func)) (mapcar (lambda (part) (if (stringp part) (list 'insert part) (macroexpand `(,part)))) (blorg-split-template blorg-post-tags-template))))) ;;; Exporting to HTML (defun blorg-convert-parg nil "Convert paragraphs." (save-excursion (goto-char (point-min)) (while (re-search-forward "^[^ \n\r]+" nil t) ;; Don't quote images/headings/quotes (unless (save-match-data (string-match "<[quod/lih]" (match-string 0))) (goto-char (match-beginning 0)) (insert "\n

\n") (re-search-forward "^$" nil t) (insert "

\n"))))) (defun blorg-convert-ul nil "Convert unordered list environments inside a post." (save-excursion (goto-char (point-min)) (while (re-search-forward "^- " nil t) (replace-match "
  • ") (forward-line) (let ((inside-list t)) (while inside-list (cond ((looking-at " [^ ]\\|\n") (forward-line)) ((looking-at "- ") (replace-match "
  • \n
  • ") (forward-line)) (t (skip-chars-backward "\n") (insert "
  • \n
") (setq inside-list nil)))))))) (defun blorg-convert-dl nil "Convert description list environments inside a post." (save-excursion (goto-char (point-min)) (while (re-search-forward "^- !\\(.+\\):" nil t) (replace-match "
") (forward-line) (let ((inside-list t)) (while inside-list (cond ((looking-at " [^ ]\\|\n") (forward-line)) ((looking-at "- !\\(.+\\):") (replace-match "
") (forward-line)) (t (skip-chars-backward "\n") (insert "
") (setq inside-list nil)))))))) (defun blorg-convert-ol nil "Convert ordered list environments inside a post." (save-excursion (goto-char (point-min)) (while (re-search-forward "^[0-9]+\\. " nil t) (replace-match "
  1. ") (forward-line) (let ((inside-list t)) (while inside-list (cond ((looking-at " [^ ]\\|\n") (forward-line)) ((looking-at "^[0-9]+\\. ") (replace-match "
  2. \n
  3. ") (forward-line)) (t (skip-chars-backward "\n") (insert "
  4. \n
") (setq inside-list nil)))))))) (defun blorg-convert-fontification nil "Convert fontified text in buffer." (save-excursion (goto-char (point-min)) (open-line 1) (while (next-single-property-change (point) 'face) (goto-char (next-single-property-change (point) 'face)) (let* ((table nil) (prop (get-text-property (point) 'face))) (cond ;; convert subheadings ((and (not (listp prop)) (string-match "org-level-\\([0-9]\\)" (symbol-name prop))) (let ((level (number-to-string (1+ (string-to-number (match-string 1 (symbol-name prop))))))) (when (looking-at "\\*\\*+ \\(.+\\)$") (replace-match (concat "" (match-string-no-properties 1) ""))))) ;; convert fontification ((and (not (null prop)) (listp prop)) (blorg-convert-emphasis)) ;; convert links ((eq 'org-link prop) (cond ((looking-at org-plain-link-re) (blorg-convert-links (match-string 1) (match-string 2))) ((looking-at org-angle-link-re) (blorg-convert-links (match-string 1) (match-string 2))) ((looking-at org-bracket-link-analytic-regexp) (blorg-convert-links (match-string 2) (match-string 3) (match-string 5))))) ;; convert tables and quotes ((eq 'org-table prop) ; tables (cond ((looking-at "\\+-+.+$") (replace-match "")) ((looking-at "|") (let ((end-search (save-excursion (save-match-data (if (re-search-forward "^[ \t]*[^|+]" nil t) (match-beginning 0) (point-max)))))) (while (re-search-forward "^[ \t]*\\(|.+\\)$" end-search t) (add-to-list 'table (match-string-no-properties 1) t) (replace-match "")) (insert (org-format-org-table-html table)))) ;; fixed-with text ((looking-at ":") (insert "
		 (let ((end-search
			    (if (re-search-forward "^[^:]" nil t)
				(progn (goto-char (match-end 0))
				       (skip-chars-backward "\n")
				       (insert "\n
\n") (match-beginning 0)) (progn (goto-char (point-max)) (skip-chars-backward "\n") (insert "\n\n") (point-max))))))) (while (re-search-forward "^[ \t]*:\\(.+\\)$" end-search t) (replace-match "\\1")))))) ;; convert comments ((or (eq 'font-lock-comment-face prop) (eq 'org-formula prop) (eq 'org-special-keyword prop)) (kill-line) (backward-char 1))))))) (defun blorg-convert-emphasis nil "Convert emphasis." (save-excursion (insert ? ) (backward-char 1) (cond ((looking-at org-emph-re) (let ((body (match-string-no-properties 4)) (postmatch (match-string-no-properties 5)) (tag-b (nth 2 (assoc (match-string-no-properties 3) org-emphasis-alist))) (tag-e (nth 3 (assoc (match-string-no-properties 3) org-emphasis-alist)))) (replace-match (concat tag-b body tag-e postmatch) t)))))) (defun blorg-convert-links (url-type raw-link &optional link-desc) "Convert URL-TYPE as a mix of RAW-LINK and LINK-DESC." (let* ((raw-rel-link (file-name-nondirectory raw-link)) (raw-link-ext (file-name-extension raw-link)) (desc (or link-desc raw-rel-link))) (cond ;; files and images ((equal url-type "file") (if (save-match-data (string-match (regexp-opt image-file-name-extensions) raw-link-ext)) (progn (eshell/cp raw-link (concat blorgv-publish-d blorgv-images-d raw-rel-link)) (replace-match (concat "\"""))) (progn (eshell/cp raw-link (concat blorgv-publish-d blorgv-upload-d raw-rel-link)) (replace-match (concat "" desc ""))))) ;; other links (t (replace-match (concat "" desc "")))))) (defun blorg-render-post-content-html (blorgv-content full &optional blorgv-post-title) "Render BLORGV-CONTENT of a post. When FULL render full blorgv-content, otherwise just insert some headlines. You can give a specific BLORGV-POST-TITLE to this post." (with-temp-buffer (insert blorgv-content) (goto-char (point-min)) (blorg-convert-fontification) (blorg-convert-ol) (blorg-convert-dl) (blorg-convert-ul) (blorg-convert-parg) (delete-blank-lines) (save-excursion (goto-char (point-max)) (delete-blank-lines)) (if (null full) (concat (buffer-substring (point-min) (progn (forward-paragraph blorg-parg-in-headlines) (point))) (if (eq (match-end 0) (point-max)) "" (concat "\n\" (plist-get blorg-strings :read-more) "\n"))) (buffer-string)))) (defun blorg-render-post-content-txt (blorgv-content) "Render BLORGV-CONTENT of a post. When FULL render full blorgv-content, otherwise just insert some headlines. You can give a specific BLORGV-POST-TITLE to this post." (with-temp-buffer (insert blorgv-content) (goto-char (point-min)) (delete-blank-lines) (save-excursion (goto-char (point-max)) (delete-blank-lines)) (buffer-string))) (defun blorg-make-arch-month-list (blorgv-created blorgv-content) "Depending on BLORGV-CREATED date, make a list from BLORGV-CONTENT containing each archived month." (unless (not blorgv-content) (let* ((start-y (string-to-number (car (split-string blorgv-created "-")))) (start-m (string-to-number (cadr (split-string blorgv-created "-")))) (end-y (nth 5 (decode-time))) (end-m (nth 4 (decode-time))) (nb-of-m (calendar-interval start-m start-y end-m end-y)) arch-list) (while (<= 0 nb-of-m) (let ((month (mod end-m 12))) (when (eq month 0) (progn (setq end-y (1- end-y)) (setq month 12))) (add-to-list 'arch-list (list ;; make labels for month-urls (concat (calendar-month-name month) " " (number-to-string end-y)) ;; make urls for months (concat (number-to-string end-y) "_" (number-to-string month) (plist-get blorg-strings :page-extension)) ;; make "2006-05"-like string (concat (number-to-string end-y) "-" (if (< month 10) (concat "0" (number-to-string month)) (number-to-string month)))) t) (setq end-m (1- end-m)) (setq nb-of-m (1- nb-of-m)))) (delq nil (blorg-check-arch-list arch-list blorgv-content))))) (defun blorg-check-arch-list (months-list blorgv-content) "Check relevant entries in MONTHS-LIST depending on BLORGV-CONTENT." (mapcar (lambda (month) (let ((month-str (nth 2 month))) (when (memq 't (mapcar (lambda (post) (not (null (string-match month-str (format-time-string (car blorgv-time-stamp-formats) (plist-get post :post-closed)))))) blorgv-content)) month))) months-list)) ;;; Time functions (defun blorg-timestamp-to-rfc3339 (time) "Convert an `org-mode' TIMESTAMP to a RFC3339 time format. Example: 1990-12-31T15:59:60-08:00" (let* ((system-time-locale "C") (zone1 (substring (format-time-string "%z" time nil) 0 3)) (zone2 (substring (format-time-string "%z" time nil) 3))) (concat (format-time-string "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S" time nil) zone1 ":" zone2))) (defun blorg-timestamp-to-rfc822 (time) "Convert an `org-mode' TIMESTAMP to a RFC822 time format. Example: Wed, 02 Oct 2002 15:00:00 +0200" (let* ((system-time-locale "C")) (concat (format-time-string "%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S %z" time nil)))) (defun blorg-timestamp-to-readable (time) "Convert an `org-mode' TIMESTAMP to a readable format. Example: Sunday, May 07 2006 @ 10:35 +0100" (let ((system-time-locale "C")) (format-time-string (plist-get blorg-strings :time-format) time nil))) (defun blorg-encode-time (timestamp format) "Encode TIMESTAMP." (when (string-match format timestamp) (let ((year (string-to-number (match-string 1 timestamp))) (month (string-to-number (match-string 2 timestamp))) (day (string-to-number (match-string 3 timestamp))) (hour (if (match-string 5 timestamp) (string-to-number (match-string 5 timestamp)) 0)) (min (if (match-string 6 timestamp) (string-to-number (match-string 6 timestamp)) 0))) (encode-time 0 min hour day month year)))) ;;;;########################################################################## ;;;; User Options, Variables ;;;;########################################################################## ;; Local Variables: *** ;; mode:outline-minor *** ;; End: *** ;;; blorg.el ends here