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[Orgmode] Release 6.18

From: Carsten Dominik
Subject: [Orgmode] Release 6.18
Date: Tue, 20 Jan 2009 10:25:32 +0100


- Carsten

Changes in Version 6.18

Incompatible changes

Short examples must have a space after the colon

    Short literal examples can be created by preceding lines
    with a colon.  Such lines must now have a space after the
    colon.  I believe this is already general practice, but now
    it must be like this.  The only exception are lines what are
    empty except for the colon.


Include files can now also process switches

    The example and src switches like `-n' can now also be added
    to include file statements:

 #+INCLUDE "~/.emacs" src emacs-lisp -n -r

    Thanks to Manish for pointing out that this was not yet

Examples can be exported to HTML as text areas

    You can now specify a `-t' switch to an example or src block,
    to make it export to HTML as a text area.  To change the
    defaults for height (number of lines in the example) and
    width of this area (80), use the `-h' and `-w' switches.

    Thanks to Ulf Stegemann for driving this development.

LaTeX_CLASS can be given as a property

    When exporting a single subtree by selecting it as a region
    before export, the LaTeX class for the export will be taken
    from the `LaTeX_CLASS' property of the entry if present.

    Thanks to Robert Goldman for this request.

Better handling of inlined images in different backends

    Two new variables govern which kind of files can be inlined
    during export.  These are
    `org-export-html-inline-image-extensions' and
    `org-export-latex-inline-image-extensions'.  Remember that
    links are turned into an inline image if they are a pure link
    with no description.  HTML files can inline /.png/, /.jpg/,
    and /.gif/ files, while LaTeX files, when processed with
    /pdflatex/, can inline /.png/, /.jpg/, and /.pdf/ files.
    These also represent the default settings for the new
    variables.  Note that this means that pure links to /.pdf/
    files will be inlined - to avoid this for a particular link,
    make sure that the link has a description part which is not
    equal to the link part.

Links by ID now continue to work in HTML exported files

    If you make links by ID, these links will now still work in
    HTML exported files, provided that you keep the relative path
    from link to target file the same.

    Thanks to Friedrich Delgado Friedrichs for pushing this over
    the line.

The relative timer can be paused

    The new command `C-c C-x ,' will pause the relative timer.
    When the relative timer is running, its value will be shown
    in the mode line.  To get rid of this display, you need to
    really stop the timer with `C-u C-c C-x ,'.

    Thanks to Alan Davis for driving this change.

The attachment directory may now be chosen by the user

    Instead of using the automatic, unique directory related to
    the entry ID, you can also use a chosen directory for the
    attachments of an entry.  This directory is specified by the
    ATTACH_DIR property.  You can use `C-c C-a s' to set this

You can use a single attachment directory for a subtree

    By setting the property ATTACH_DIR_INHERIT, you can now tell
    Org that children of the entry should use the same directory
    for attachments, unless a child explicitly defines its own
    directory with the ATTACH_DIR property.  You can use the
    command `C-c C-a i' to set this property in an entry.

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