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[Orgmode] org-shifmetadown/up are slow

From: Samuel Wales
Subject: [Orgmode] org-shifmetadown/up are slow
Date: Sun, 21 Jun 2009 20:31:49 -0700

I frequently rearrange headlines with org-shiftmetadown/up.  It is
faster (in the human sense) than kill and yank or refile if the place
I want to put them is underneath a sibling.

However, it is sometimes slow, taking a second or two per command.
This occurs when there are large trees around.

Is this something that can be sped up, or is that impossible?

Here is a profile generated with mostly medium-sized trees (I will
have about thrice that size in some cases) in case it helps.

I did elp-insrument package org then a bunch of the relevant
operations then elp-results.  Please tell me if there are better ways
to profile.


Function Name                                                 Call
Count  Elapsed Time  Average Time
==========  ============  ============
org-move-subtree-down                                         26
   14.905667     0.5732948846
org-compact-display-after-subtree-move                        26
   13.594199000  0.5228538076
org-shiftmetaup                                               13
   8.5230980000  0.6556229230
org-move-subtree-up                                           13
   8.518649      0.6552806923
org-shiftmetadown                                             13
   6.39124       0.4916338461
org-outline-level                                             215586
   2.8513359999  1.322...e-05
org-cycle                                                     2
   1.3024040000  0.6512020000
org-cycle-internal-local                                      2
   1.301338      0.650669
org-cycle-hide-drawers                                        54
   1.2955700000  0.0239920370
org-shiftmetaright                                            2
   0.694777      0.3473885
org-flag-drawer                                               4154
   0.5626640000  0.0001354511
org-up-heading-safe                                           52
   0.5439780000  0.0104611153
org-end-of-subtree                                            70
   0.322521      0.0046074428
org-show-empty-lines-in-parent                                26
   0.2808310000  0.0108011923
org-map-tree                                                  4
   0.169852      0.042463
org-demote-subtree                                            2
   0.086123      0.0430615
org-shiftmetaleft                                             2
   0.08543       0.042715
org-promote-subtree                                           2
   0.084803      0.0424015
org-set-tags                                                  360
   0.0846619999  0.0002351722
org-demote                                                    180
   0.0758529999  0.0004214055
org-promote                                                   180
   0.0739650000  0.0004109166
org-get-tags-string                                           360
   0.0243989999  6.7775e-05
org-move-to-column                                            360
   0.021485      5.968...e-05
org-optimize-window-after-visibility-change                   2
   0.017915      0.0089575
org-subtree-end-visible-p                                     1
   0.017782      0.017782
org-cycle-hide-archived-subtrees                              2
   0.01267       0.006335
org-get-string-indentation                                    2187
   0.0112600000  5.148...e-06
org-on-heading-p                                              390
   0.0112379999  2.881...e-05
org-activate-tags                                             122
   0.0107860000  8.840...e-05
org-back-to-heading                                           543
   0.0093709999  1.725...e-05
org-cycle-show-empty-lines                                    54
   0.0075979999  0.0001407037
org-back-over-empty-lines                                     91
   0.007464      8.202...e-05
org-first-sibling-p                                           26
   0.0072169999  0.0002775769
org-do-emphasis-faces                                         73
   0.007172      9.824...e-05
org-activate-footnote-links                                   71
   0.0054739999  7.709...e-05
org-at-table-p                                                32
   0.005178      0.0001618125
org-activate-plain-links                                      113
   0.0048619999  4.302...e-05
org-fontify-meta-lines-and-blocks                             71
   0.0041949999  5.908...e-05
org-show-entry                                                27
   0.004002      0.0001482222
org-activate-dates                                            112
   0.0035139999  3.1375e-05
org-font-lock-add-tag-faces                                   71
   0.003265      4.598...e-05
org-save-markers-in-region                                    26
   0.002781      0.0001069615
org-activate-bracket-links                                    83
   0.0026320000  3.171...e-05
org-unfontify-region                                          71
   0.0020489999  2.885...e-05
org-hide-archived-subtrees                                    1
   0.001765      0.001765
org-remove-flyspell-overlays-in                               161
   0.0015259999  9.478...e-06
org-activate-angle-links                                      71
   0.0014709999  2.071...e-05
org-font-lock-add-priority-faces                              71
   0.0014189999  1.998...e-05
org-clock-save-markers-for-cut-and-paste                      26
   0.001382      5.315...e-05
org-get-level-face                                            495
   0.0012000000  2.424...e-06
org-before-change-function                                    504
   0.0010000000  1.984...e-06
org-get-valid-level                                           360
   0.0008940000  2.483...e-06
org-activate-code                                             71
   0.000885      1.246...e-05
org-at-heading-p                                              28
   0.000745      2.660...e-05
org-hide-wide-columns                                         71
   0.000697      9.816...e-06
org-get-tag-face                                              53
   0.0005709999  1.077...e-05
org-fix-position-after-promote                                4
   0.000531      0.00013275
org-hide-block-toggle-maybe                                   2
   0.0005189999  0.0002594999
org-get-todo-face                                             31
   0.0003670000  1.183...e-05
org-invisible-p                                               27
   0.00026       9.629...e-06
org-check-and-save-marker                                     104
   0.0002529999  2.432...e-06
org-font-lock-hook                                            71
   0.0001789999  2.521...e-06
org-do-latex-and-special-faces                                71
   0.0001719999  2.422...e-06
org-skip-whitespace                                           26
   0.0001680000  6.461...e-06
org-agenda-save-markers-for-cut-and-paste                     26
   0.0001629999  6.269...e-06
org-activate-target-links                                     71
   0.0001359999  1.915...e-06
org-reinstall-markers-in-region                               26
   9.900...e-05  3.807...e-06
org-load-modules-maybe                                        2
   9e-06         4.5e-06

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