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[Orgmode] [Announce:] org-git-link

From: Reimar Finken
Subject: [Orgmode] [Announce:] org-git-link
Date: Tue, 27 Oct 2009 18:22:20 +0100
User-agent: Gnus/5.13 (Gnus v5.13) Emacs/23.1 (gnu/linux)

Dear fellow org-ers,

it's time to pay back to the community.

I'm coming back to a feature request by Torsten Wagner, who needed an
org link to a specific version of a file for his lab book (see
http://permalink.gmane.org/gmane.emacs.orgmode/15774). Recently I needed
the same thing to organize a collaboration project. I am therefore happy
to announce org-git-link.el, which implements this feature. The emacs
lisp file (which is all you need) is attached for convenience. The
README file can be found together with a testsuite at

`org-git-link.el' defines two new link types. The `git' link type is
meant to be used in the typical scenario and mimics the `file' link
syntax as closely as possible. The `gitbare' link type exists mostly for
debugging reasons, but also allows e.g. linking to files in a bare git
repository for the experts. Typical uses look like

  - [[git:../data/result.png::address@hidden
  - [[git:~/repo/data/results.png::nobelprize]] (Tag nobelprize)
  - [[gitbare:../.git::nobelprize:data/results.png]] (Specify git dir
    and object reference directly)

Following any of the git links checks out the specified version into
a temporary file. Care is taken that each file is checked out once,
even when they are referenced by different search strings (e.g. once
by branch name and once by tag). The file is supsequently opened
using `org-open-file', which does the right thing for non-text files
as well.

As an org mode is a simple text file, a git link can of course be
inserted directly as a string. For your convenience two functions
creating links automatically have been defined:

org-git-store-link: This function is automatically added
     to `org-store-link-functions'. When `org-store-link'
     (usually bound to `C-c l') is called in a buffer whose
     file is in a git repository, it creates a git link to the
     file version corresponding to the current branchname and
     date. The link is then added to `org-stored-links', from
     where it can be inserted with `org-insert-link(-global)',
     usually bound to `C-c C-l'.

org-git-insert-link-interactively: This function
     interactively asks for a file name, a search string, and
     a description. The corresponding link is then inserted at
     point. Currently the only advantage over writing the link
     directly is file completion. Completion of the search
     string with the help of current tags and branch names
     might be implemented at a later stage, if demand exists.

Activate by putting the file somewhere in your load-path and evaluate
(require 'org-git-link). Enjoy!

;;; org-git-link.el --- Provide org links to specific file version

;; Copyright (C) 2009  Reimar Finken

;; Author: Reimar Finken <address@hidden>
;; Keywords: files, calendar, hypermedia

;; This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
;; the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
;; (at your option) any later version.

;; This program is distaributed in the hope that it will be useful,
;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
;; GNU General Public License for more details.

;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
;; along with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.

;;; Commentary:

;; `org-git-link.el' defines two new link types. The `git' link
;; type is meant to be used in the typical scenario and mimics the
;; `file' link syntax as closely as possible. The `gitbare' link
;; type exists mostly for debugging reasons, but also allows e.g.
;; linking to files in a bare git repository for the experts.

;; * User friendy form
;;   [[git:/path/to/file::searchstring]]

;;   This form is the familiar from normal org file links
;;   including search options. However, its use is
;;   restricted to files in a working directory and does not
;;   handle bare repositories on purpose (see the bare form for
;;   that).

;;   The search string references a commit (a tree-ish in Git
;;   terminology). The two most useful types of search strings are

;;   - A symbolic ref name, usually a branch or tag name (e.g.
;;     master or nobelprize).
;;   - A ref followed by the suffix @ with a date specification
;;     enclosed in a brace pair (e.g. {yesterday}, {1 month 2
;;     weeks 3 days 1 hour 1 second ago} or {1979-02-26 18:30:00})
;;     to specify the value of the ref at a prior point in time
;; * Bare git form
;;   [[gitbare:$GIT_DIR::$OBJECT]]
;;    This is the more bare metal version, which gives the user most
;;    control. It directly translates to the git command
;;    git --no-pager --git-dir=$GIT_DIR show $OBJECT
;;    Using this version one can also view files from a bare git
;;    repository. For detailed information on how to specify an
;;    object, see the man page of `git-rev-parse' (section
;;    SPECIFYING REVISIONS). A specific blob (file) can be
;;    specified by a suffix clolon (:) followed by a path.

;;; Code:
(require 'org)
(defcustom org-git-program "git"
  "Name of the git executable used to follow git links."
  :type '(string)
  :group 'org)

;; org link functions
;; bare git link
(org-add-link-type "gitbare" 'org-gitbare-open)

(defun org-gitbare-open (str)
  (let* ((strlist (org-git-split-string str))
         (gitdir (first strlist))
         (object (second strlist)))
    (org-git-open-file-internal gitdir object)))

(defun org-git-open-file-internal (gitdir object)
  (let* ((sha (org-git-blob-sha gitdir object))
         (tmpdir (concat temporary-file-directory "org-git-" sha))
         (filename (org-git-link-filename object))
         (tmpfile (expand-file-name filename tmpdir)))
    (unless (file-readable-p tmpfile)
      (make-directory tmpdir)
      (with-temp-file tmpfile
        (org-git-show gitdir object (current-buffer))))
    (org-open-file tmpfile)
    (set-buffer (get-file-buffer tmpfile))
    (setq buffer-read-only t)))

;; user friendly link
(org-add-link-type "git" 'org-git-open)

(defun org-git-open (str)
  (let* ((strlist (org-git-split-string str))
         (filepath (first strlist))
         (commit (second strlist))
         (dirlist (org-git-find-gitdir filepath))
         (gitdir (first dirlist))
         (relpath (second dirlist)))
    (org-git-open-file-internal gitdir (concat commit ":" relpath))))

;; Utility functions (file names etc)

(defun org-git-split-dirpath (dirpath)
  "Given a directory name, return '(dirname basname)"
  (let ((dirname (file-name-directory (directory-file-name dirpath)))
        (basename (file-name-nondirectory (directory-file-name dirpath))))
    (list dirname basename)))

;; finding the git directory
(defun org-git-find-gitdir (path)
  "Given a file (not necessarily existing) file path, return the
  a pair (gitdir relpath), where gitdir is the path to the first
  .git subdirectory found updstream and relpath is the rest of
  the path. Example: (org-git-find-gitdir
  \"~/gitrepos/foo/bar.txt\") returns
  '(\"/home/user/gitrepos/.git\" \"foo/bar.txt\"). When not in a git 
repository, return nil."
  (let ((dir (file-name-directory path))
        (relpath (file-name-nondirectory path)))
    (catch 'toplevel
      (while (not (file-exists-p (expand-file-name ".git" dir)))
        (let ((dirlist (org-git-split-dirpath dir)))
          (when (string= (second dirlist) "") ; at top level
            (throw 'toplevel nil))
          (setq dir (first dirlist)
                relpath (concat (file-name-as-directory (second dirlist)) 
      (list (expand-file-name ".git" dir) relpath))))

(defalias 'org-git-gitrepos-p 'org-git-find-gitdir
  "Return non-nil if path is in git repository")

;; splitting the link string

;; Both link open functions are called with a string of
;; consisting of two parts separated by a double colon (::).
(defun org-git-split-string (str)
  "Given a string of the form \"str1::str2\", return a list of
  two substrings \'(\"str1\" \"str2\"). If the double colon is mising, take 
str2 to be the empty string."
  (let ((strlist (split-string str "::")))
    (cond ((= 1 (length strlist))
           (list (car strlist) ""))
          ((= 2 (length strlist))
          (t (error "org-git-split-string: only one :: allowed: %s" str)))))

;; finding the file name part of a commit
(defun org-git-link-filename (str)
  "Given an object description (see the man page of
  git-rev-parse), return the nondirectory part of the referenced
  filename, if it can be extracted. Otherwise, return a valid
  (let* ((match (and (string-match "[^:]+$" str)
                     (match-string 0 str)))
         (filename (and match (file-name-nondirectory match)))) ;extract the 
final part without slash

;; creating a link
(defun org-git-create-searchstring (branch timestring)
  (concat branch "@{" timestring "}"))

(defun org-git-create-git-link (file)
  "Create git link part to file at specific time"
  (interactive "FFile: ")
  (let* ((gitdir (first (org-git-find-gitdir file)))
         (branchname (org-git-get-current-branch gitdir))
         (timestring (format-time-string "%Y-%m-%d" (current-time))))
    (org-make-link "git:" file "::" (org-git-create-searchstring branchname 

(defun org-git-store-link ()
  "Store git link to current file."
  (let ((file (abbreviate-file-name (buffer-file-name))))
    (when (org-git-gitrepos-p file)
       :type "git"
       :link (org-git-create-git-link file)))))

(add-hook 'org-store-link-functions 'org-git-store-link)

(defun org-git-insert-link-interactively (file searchstring &optional 
  (interactive "FFile: \nsSearch string: \nsDescription: ")
  (insert (org-make-link-string (org-make-link "git:" file "::" searchstring) 
;; Calling git
(defun org-git-show (gitdir object buffer)
  "Show the output of git --git-dir=gidir show object in buffer."
      (zerop (call-process org-git-program nil buffer nil
                           "--no-pager" (concat "--git-dir=" gitdir) "show" 
    (error "git error: %s " (save-excursion (set-buffer buffer)

(defun org-git-blob-sha (gidir object)
  "Return sha of the referenced object"
      (if (zerop (call-process org-git-program nil t nil
                               "--no-pager" (concat "--git-dir=" gitdir) 
"rev-parse" object))
          (buffer-substring (point-min) (1- (point-max))) ; to strip off final 
        (error "git error: %s " (buffer-string)))))

(defun org-git-get-current-branch (gitdir)
  "Return the name of the current branch."
    (if (not (zerop (call-process org-git-program nil t nil
                                  "--no-pager" (concat "--git-dir=" gitdir) 
"symbolic-ref" "-q" "HEAD")))
        (error "git error: %s " (buffer-string))
      (goto-char (point-min))
      (if (looking-at "^refs/heads/")   ; 11 characters
          (buffer-substring 12 (1- (point-max))))))) ; to strip off final 

(provide 'org-git-link)
;;; org-git-link.el ends here

Dr. Reimar Finken    (address@hidden)
II. Institut für Theoretische Physik, Universität Stuttgart
Pfaffenwaldring 57                       Tel: 0711-68564924
70550 Stuttgart, Germany                 Fax: 0711-68564902

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