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Re: [Orgmode] Re: [babel] dot in pdf directly

From: Eric Schulte
Subject: Re: [Orgmode] Re: [babel] dot in pdf directly
Date: Tue, 10 Nov 2009 08:41:58 -0700
User-agent: Gnus/5.110011 (No Gnus v0.11) Emacs/23.1.50 (darwin)

Sebastian Rose <address@hidden> writes:

> andrea Crotti <address@hidden> writes:
>> Eric Schulte <schulte.eric <at> gmail.com> writes:
>>> The two separate mechanisms are confusion, but for now are necessary to
>>> allow org-mode users to evaluate some simple block types (like dot) on
>>> export without having to load up all of org-babel.
>>> I hope the above isn't too confusing :) -- Eric
>> No no thanks a lot not it's very clear.
>> Coming back to my original question, am I able to insert directly
>> the eps generated in my final generated pdf??
>> Maybe I have to
>> #+begin_dot -Tpdf -o file.pdf
>> ...
>> #+end_dot
>> And then somewhere write some latex code to include it?
>> #+begin_latex
>> \includegraphics..
>> #+end_latex
> Yes, you can include the eps image like this at any point - not sure if
> you need to run the export twice, once the dot block changes.
> But the dot block itself will always be executed and replaced by the
> resulting image. This is absolutely fine in 99% of all cases.
> Suppose you want to refer to the image several times, how about this
> then: 
>    1. Create a file your-org-directory/images/images.org
>    2. Put all images into that file, that you need to reference more
>       than once, or that you need to be out of sight to avoid clutter.
>    3. Include your images using the relative path to
>       ../your-org-directory/images/resulting-image.eps 

Note that the solution I'm about to propose relies on the use of
org-babel and #+begin_src dot blocks rather than #+begin_dot blocks.

When in these situations I will often set the block so that neither the
code or the resulting image is exported, and so that the results of
block evaluation are silent.

#+begin_src dot :file file.pdf :cmdline -Tpdf :exports none :results silent

Then I manually add file links to the image throughout my document.


Whenever I change the contents of the block I manually re-evaluate the
block with C-c C-c and the image to which all of the links point is

Best -- Eric

> Sebastian
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