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Re: [Orgmode] Bug: \log and friends are not recognized as math [6.34b]

From: Nick Dokos
Subject: Re: [Orgmode] Bug: \log and friends are not recognized as math [6.34b]
Date: Mon, 01 Feb 2010 18:37:04 -0500

I went through the rest - same conventions apply.

> 1. If something is undefined in LaTeX, this is notated by commenting the item 
> out
>    in the appended LaTeX file, e.g.
> %\nbsp
> 2. If something requires math mode, this is notated by marking the item like 
> this:
>    \ensuremath{\foo} in the appended LaTeX file, e.g.
> \ensuremath{\vert}
> 3. If an item is defined and does not require math mode, it is left unadorned 
> in
>    the appended LaTeX file, e.g.
>    \copy

In addition, there are some symbols that are defined in packages. Where
I knew about that, I indicated the package in a comment. There are a
couple of things (\divide, \and and \or) that are defined, but they are
not useful as symbols - where applicable, I have indicated that in a
comment as well. And there is a bug in org-exp.el that caused \heartsuit
to be omitted and \diamondsuit to be duplicated:

    ("hearts") ("diamondsuit"."♥")



% \nbsp
% \iexcl
% \cent
% \pound
% \curren
% \yen
% \brvbar

% \sect
% \uml
% \ordf
% \laquo
% \shy
% \reg
% \macr
\ensuremath{\sup }%2
\ensuremath{\sup }%3

\ensuremath{\acute x}
% \micro
% \para
% \middot
% \ordm
% \raquo
\ensuremath{\frac 1 4}
\ensuremath{\frac 1 2}
\ensuremath{\frac 3 4}
% \iquest
% \Agrave
% \Aacute
% \Acirc
% \Atilde
% \Auml
% \Aring
% \AElig
% \Ccedil
% \Egrave
% \Eacute
% \Ecirc
% \Euml
% \Igrave
% \Iacute
% \Icirc
% \Iuml
% \ETH
% \Ntilde
% \Ograve
% \Oacute
% \Ocirc
% \Otilde
% \Ouml
% \Oslash
% \Ugrave
% \Uacute
% \Ucirc
% \Uuml
% \Yacute
% \szlig
% \agrave
% \aacute
% \acirc
% \atilde
% \auml
% \aring
% \aelig
% \ccedil
% \checkmark
% \egrave
% \eacute
% \ecirc
% \euml
% \igrave
% \iacute
% \icirc
% \iuml
% \eth
% \ntilde
% \ograve
% \oacute
% \ocirc
% \otilde
% \ouml
  \divide\count240 by 2    % not useful as a symbol
% \oslash
% \ugrave
% \uacute
% \ucirc
% \uuml
% \yacute
% \thorn
% \yuml
% \fnof
% \Alpha
% \Beta
% \Epsilon
% \Zeta
% \Eta
% \Iota
% \Kappa
% \Mu
% \Nu
% \piv
% \bull
% \oline
% \frasl
% \weierp
% \image
% \real
% \trade
% \alefsym
% \larr
% \radic
% \prop
% \proptp
% \infin

% \and                  - not useful as a symbol
% \or                   - not useful as a symbol
% \there4
% \sube
% \supe
% \lang
% \rang
% \loz
% \Diamond                 % latexsym.sty
% \spades
% \clubs
% \hearts
\ensuremath{\heartsuit}    % added for this testing
% \diams
% \diamondsuit             % duplicate
% \blacksmile
% \sad
% \quot
% \amp
% \lt
% \gt
% \OElig
% \oelig
% \Scaron
% \scaron
% \Yuml
\ensuremath{\tilde{x}}   % math accent - not a symbol
% \ensp
% \emsp
% \thinsp
% \zwj
% \lrm
% \rlm
% \ndash
% \mdash
% \lsquo
% \rsquo
% \sbquo
% \ldquo
% \rdquo
% \bdquo
% \Dagger
% \permil
% \lsaquo
% \rsaquo
% \euro                % eurosym.sty
% \EUR                 % marvosym.sty
% \EURdig              % marvosym.sty
% \EURhv               % marvosym.sty
% \EURcr               % marvosym.sty
% \EURtm               % marvosym.sty

% I didn't test these individually, but I'm pretty sure they all require math 

\ensuremath{ \arccos


%%% Local Variables: 
%%% mode: latex
%%% TeX-master: t
%%% End: 

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