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[Orgmode] a better way with babel

From: Robert Cunningham
Subject: [Orgmode] a better way with babel
Date: Mon, 21 Jun 2010 18:03:22 +0800
User-agent: KMail/1.9.10

G'day All,

I wonder if I've missed something and there is a better way.

Essentially I'm trying to use org babel with R and LaTeX to create figures 
with both long and short captions (for contents)

I'd started with:

#+CAPTION: Nice data (filled points indicate less nice data)
#+LABEL:   fig:nicedata
#+ATTR_LaTeX: width=0.98\textwidth
#+begin_src R :file ndata.pdf :width 1000 :height 617 :exports results

which pointed to the need for long/short captions...

feeling hopeful I tried:

#+CAPTION: Nice data [Nice data (filled points indicate less nice data)]
#+LABEL:   fig:nicedata
#+ATTR_LaTeX: width=0.98\textwidth
#+begin_src R :file ndata.pdf :width 1000 :height 617 :exports results

but no luck there.

Next effort was to try to use R and LaTex more directly with noweb. I tried 

#+srcname: r-nicedata
#+begin_src R :session :file ndata.pdf :results output :exports results

#+begin_src latex :noweb yes
    \caption[Nice data]{Nice data (filled points indicate less nice data)}

This does produce the figure and long/short contents BUT ALSO produces this:

#+results: r-nicedata

which upon export results in a link and consequently the plot appearing both 
in the figure and elsewhere. This second plot is unwelcome.

I've tried assorted :results and :output options but have not found how to 
suppress the #+results: but still obtain the figure. I've always used 
the :session option. 

I've also tried twigging an org-export option to suppress pdf export but the 
link is still exported so that is not a solution.

The current "working" solution is to use the noweb approach and then use sed 
to clean out the links to the second image-ugly to say the least!

All this with org version 6.36c

What have I missed? What is the best way to do this? 


Robert Cunningham

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