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Re: [Orgmode] Changing fontsizes in a frame in org beamer

From: John Hendy
Subject: Re: [Orgmode] Changing fontsizes in a frame in org beamer
Date: Fri, 10 Sep 2010 10:39:58 -0500


You want to play around with the \setbeamerfont command.

Grab the manual here: http://www.ctan.org/tex-archive/macros/latex/contrib/beamer/doc/beameruserguide.pdf

Check out, in particular, section 18.3.3 entitled "Setting Beamer's Fonts"
- You can direct commands for the whole document at various "parts" of the Beamer doc
--- \setbeamerfont {title}{size=\large} (or \LARGE or \Huge, for example)
--- \setbeamerfont {frametitle}
--- Scan the manual for all the part names you can fiddle with but for sure these are frametitle (title on each slide), title (title on the first slide), author (author's name on first slide), footer/header (the stuff at the bottom/top of each slide)... and probably subtitle? I forget all of them and haven't found a great concise list yet...

- You can also set up custom font names like this from page 199
| \setbeamerfont{parent A}{size=\large}
| \setbeamerfont{parent B}{series=\bfseries}
| \setbeamerfont{child}{parent={parent A, parent B},size=\small}
| \normalfont
| This text is in a normal font.
| \usebeamerfont{parent A}
| This text is large.
| \usebeamerfont{parent B}
| This text is large and bold.
| \usebeamerfont{parent B}
| This text is still large and bold.
| \usebeamerfont*{parent B}
| This text is only bold, but not large.
| \usebeamerfont{child}
| This text is small and bold.

Also, see secion 18.2.1 entitled "Choosing a Font Size for Normal Text"
- Essentially you set body text via \documentclass[size-goes-here(e.g. 8pt, 11pt, etc.] ]{beamer}

Lastly, here's a handy page with LaTeX font sizes: http://en.wikibooks.org/wiki/LaTeX/Useful_Size_Commands


On Fri, Sep 10, 2010 at 8:02 AM, Vikas Rawal <address@hidden> wrote:
I am using org to make a beamer presentation and would like to know
how to change font sizes of different elements in a frame. I would
like font size specification to apply to different elements of an
individual frame: the body, the item list, table, captions etc. What
would be the easiest way to define these for a frame? Can I use
Attr_LaTex? How?



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