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[Orgmode] Re: Insert link to recently captured Note?

From: Nathan Neff
Subject: [Orgmode] Re: Insert link to recently captured Note?
Date: Wed, 13 Oct 2010 01:38:41 -0500

On Wed, Oct 13, 2010 at 1:29 AM, Nathan Neff <address@hidden> wrote:
> I'd like to ask the mailing list how they handle the following situation:
> I'm clocked into FOO below, then spend about 20 minutes on something
> that's somewhat
> related to FOO, but is not really a direct sub-task of FOO, so I
> probably want to refile it later.
> So, I open org-capture and create some notes about * BAR, and file it away.
> Now, I'm back in * FOO and want to quickly put a note about * BAR in
> my FOO task.
> So, ideally my structure would look like this:
> ---------------------- some file ----------------------------
> * FOO
> Got caught up with [[link to * BAR]]
> -------------------------- notes.org ------------------------
> * BAR
> blew 30 minutes on this problem.
> I might file this headline somewhere, but I want to be able to link from * FOO
> to this new note
> I've found variables like org-capture-bookmark-last-stored-position,
> but I think that it
> contains just the filename (like notes.org).  What I probably need is
> a way to create an ID
> for the newly captured heading, and then store a link to it on the
> clipboard or something.

Okay, I found out how to do create a unique ID, by defining a template
like this:

org-capture-templates '(("t" "Task" entry (file "~/todo.txt")
                         "* foo\n :PROPERTIES:\n  ID:
%(shell-command-to-string \"uuidgen\")  :END:")

Now, I just need a way to quickly insert a link to this newly created ID.

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