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[O] [BUG] Crash with LaTeX exporter

From: Jambunathan K
Subject: [O] [BUG] Crash with LaTeX exporter
Date: Wed, 06 Apr 2011 10:30:02 +0530
User-agent: Gnus/5.13 (Gnus v5.13) Emacs/24.0.50 (windows-nt)

Exporting the below table to LaTeX throws an error. Let me know if you
need any additional info.

--8<---------------cut here---------------start------------->8---

*** Table.el Table with no Spanning
    |Term           |Percentage     |
    |Quarter        |25%            |
    |One-Fourth     |               |
    |Half           |50%            |
    |One-by-Two     |               |
    |Three-Quarters |75%            |
    |Three-Fourths  |               |
    |Full           |100%           |
    |Whole          |               |
--8<---------------cut here---------------end--------------->8---

Debugger entered--Lisp error: (error "Invalid search bound (wrong side of 
  re-search-forward("\\s *\\'" 60 t)
  table--buffer-substring-and-trim(61 60)
  #[(from to) "\306\307        B!\307\n        
 !8\211\")\207" [from y to line temp-buffer dest-buffer 
table--buffer-substring-and-trim table--goto-coordinate generate-new-buffer " 
*temp*" ((byte-code "\301!\203\n\302!\210\301\207" [temp-buffer buffer-name 
kill-buffer] 2)) re-search-forward 
"\\([#$~_^%{}]\\)\\|\\(\\\\\\)\\|\\([<>|]\\)" nil t 1 "\\" 2 replace-match 
"$\\backslash$" "$" match-string 3 32 "" " " "& " format 
"\\multicolumn{%d}{%sl|}{%s}" "|" first-p span i col-list start] 5](21 20)
  table--generate-source-scan-lines(#<buffer *org-export-table*> latex (45 . 
60) (466 . 520) (5 21) (2 4 7 10 13))
  table-generate-source(latex "*org-export-table*" "caption")
  (let (tbl caption shortn label line floatp attr align rmlines) (setq line 
(buffer-substring (point-at-bol) (point-at-eol)) label 
(org-get-text-property-any 0 (quote org-label) line) caption 
(org-get-text-property-any 0 (quote org-caption) line) shortn 
(org-get-text-property-any 0 (quote org-caption-shortn) line) attr 
(org-get-text-property-any 0 (quote org-attributes) line) align (and attr 
(stringp attr) (string-match "\\<align=\\([^         \n,]+\\)" attr) 
(match-string 1 attr)) rmlines (and attr (stringp attr) (string-match 
"\\<rmlines\\>" attr)) floatp (or label caption)) (and (get-buffer 
"*org-export-table*") (kill-buffer (get-buffer "*org-export-table*"))) 
(table-generate-source (quote latex) "*org-export-table*" "caption") (setq tbl 
(with-current-buffer "*org-export-table*" (buffer-string))) (while 
(string-match "^%.*\n" tbl) (setq tbl (replace-match "" t t tbl))) (when 
rmlines (let ((n 0) lines) (setq lines (mapcar (lambda (x) (if (string-match 
"^\\\\hline$" x) (progn ... ...) x)) (org-split-string tbl "\n"))) (setq tbl 
(mapconcat (quote identity) (delq nil lines) "\n")))) (when (and align 
(string-match "\\\\begin{tabular}{.*}" tbl)) (setq tbl (replace-match (concat 
"\\begin{tabular}{" align "}") t t tbl))) (and (get-buffer 
"*org-export-table*") (kill-buffer (get-buffer "*org-export-table*"))) 
(beginning-of-line 0) (while (looking-at "[         ]*\\(|\\|\\+-\\)") 
(delete-region (point) (1+ (point-at-eol)))) (when 
org-export-latex-tables-centered (setq tbl (concat "\\begin{center}\n" tbl 
"\\end{center}"))) (when floatp (setq tbl (concat "\\begin{table}\n" (format 
"\\caption%s{%s}%s\n" (if shortn (format "[%s]" shortn) "") (if label (format 
"\\label{%s}" label) "") (or caption "")) tbl "\n\\end{table}\n"))) (insert 
(org-export-latex-protect-string tbl)))
  (if (get-text-property (point) (quote org-protected)) nil (require (quote 
table)) (org-export-latex-convert-table\.el-table))
  (unless (get-text-property (point) (quote org-protected)) (require (quote 
table)) (org-export-latex-convert-table\.el-table))
  (org-if-unprotected (require (quote table)) 
  (while (re-search-forward "^[         ]*\\(\\+-[-+]*\\+\\)[   ]*\n[   ]*|" 
nil t) (org-if-unprotected (require (quote table)) 
  (if (memq (quote tables) exclude-list) nil (org-export-latex-tables 
(plist-get org-export-latex-options-plist :tables)))
  (unless (memq (quote tables) exclude-list) (org-export-latex-tables 
(plist-get org-export-latex-options-plist :tables)))
  (progn (org-install-letbind) (insert content) (unless (memq (quote 
timestamps) exclude-list) (org-export-latex-time-stamps)) (unless (memq (quote 
quotation-marks) exclude-list) (org-export-latex-quotation-marks)) (unless 
(memq (quote emphasis) exclude-list) (when (plist-get 
org-export-latex-options-plist :emphasize) (org-export-latex-fontify))) (unless 
(memq (quote sub-superscript) exclude-list) (org-export-latex-special-chars 
(plist-get org-export-latex-options-plist :sub-superscript))) (unless (memq 
(quote links) exclude-list) (org-export-latex-links)) (unless (memq (quote 
keywords) exclude-list) (org-export-latex-keywords)) (unless (memq (quote 
lists) exclude-list) (org-export-latex-lists)) (unless (memq (quote tables) 
exclude-list) (org-export-latex-tables (plist-get 
org-export-latex-options-plist :tables))) (unless (memq (quote fixed-width) 
exclude-list) (org-export-latex-fixed-width (plist-get 
org-export-latex-options-plist :fixed-width))) (buffer-substring (point-min) 
  (unwind-protect (progn (org-install-letbind) (insert content) (unless (memq 
(quote timestamps) exclude-list) (org-export-latex-time-stamps)) (unless (memq 
(quote quotation-marks) exclude-list) (org-export-latex-quotation-marks)) 
(unless (memq (quote emphasis) exclude-list) (when (plist-get 
org-export-latex-options-plist :emphasize) (org-export-latex-fontify))) (unless 
(memq (quote sub-superscript) exclude-list) (org-export-latex-special-chars 
(plist-get org-export-latex-options-plist :sub-superscript))) (unless (memq 
(quote links) exclude-list) (org-export-latex-links)) (unless (memq (quote 
keywords) exclude-list) (org-export-latex-keywords)) (unless (memq (quote 
lists) exclude-list) (org-export-latex-lists)) (unless (memq (quote tables) 
exclude-list) (org-export-latex-tables (plist-get 
org-export-latex-options-plist :tables))) (unless (memq (quote fixed-width) 
exclude-list) (org-export-latex-fixed-width (plist-get 
org-export-latex-options-plist :fixed-width))) (buffer-substring (point-min) 
(point-max))) (and (buffer-name temp-buffer) (kill-buffer temp-buffer)))
  (save-current-buffer (set-buffer temp-buffer) (unwind-protect (progn 
(org-install-letbind) (insert content) (unless (memq (quote timestamps) 
exclude-list) (org-export-latex-time-stamps)) (unless (memq (quote 
quotation-marks) exclude-list) (org-export-latex-quotation-marks)) (unless 
(memq (quote emphasis) exclude-list) (when (plist-get 
org-export-latex-options-plist :emphasize) (org-export-latex-fontify))) (unless 
(memq (quote sub-superscript) exclude-list) (org-export-latex-special-chars 
(plist-get org-export-latex-options-plist :sub-superscript))) (unless (memq 
(quote links) exclude-list) (org-export-latex-links)) (unless (memq (quote 
keywords) exclude-list) (org-export-latex-keywords)) (unless (memq (quote 
lists) exclude-list) (org-export-latex-lists)) (unless (memq (quote tables) 
exclude-list) (org-export-latex-tables (plist-get 
org-export-latex-options-plist :tables))) (unless (memq (quote fixed-width) 
exclude-list) (org-export-latex-fixed-width (plist-get 
org-export-latex-options-plist :fixed-width))) (buffer-substring (point-min) 
(point-max))) (and (buffer-name temp-buffer) (kill-buffer temp-buffer))))
  (with-current-buffer temp-buffer (unwind-protect (progn (org-install-letbind) 
(insert content) (unless (memq (quote timestamps) exclude-list) 
(org-export-latex-time-stamps)) (unless (memq (quote quotation-marks) 
exclude-list) (org-export-latex-quotation-marks)) (unless (memq (quote 
emphasis) exclude-list) (when (plist-get org-export-latex-options-plist 
:emphasize) (org-export-latex-fontify))) (unless (memq (quote sub-superscript) 
exclude-list) (org-export-latex-special-chars (plist-get 
org-export-latex-options-plist :sub-superscript))) (unless (memq (quote links) 
exclude-list) (org-export-latex-links)) (unless (memq (quote keywords) 
exclude-list) (org-export-latex-keywords)) (unless (memq (quote lists) 
exclude-list) (org-export-latex-lists)) (unless (memq (quote tables) 
exclude-list) (org-export-latex-tables (plist-get 
org-export-latex-options-plist :tables))) (unless (memq (quote fixed-width) 
exclude-list) (org-export-latex-fixed-width (plist-get 
org-export-latex-options-plist :fixed-width))) (buffer-substring (point-min) 
(point-max))) (and (buffer-name temp-buffer) (kill-buffer temp-buffer))))
  (let ((temp-buffer (generate-new-buffer " *temp*"))) (with-current-buffer 
temp-buffer (unwind-protect (progn (org-install-letbind) (insert content) 
(unless (memq (quote timestamps) exclude-list) (org-export-latex-time-stamps)) 
(unless (memq (quote quotation-marks) exclude-list) 
(org-export-latex-quotation-marks)) (unless (memq (quote emphasis) 
exclude-list) (when (plist-get org-export-latex-options-plist :emphasize) 
(org-export-latex-fontify))) (unless (memq (quote sub-superscript) 
exclude-list) (org-export-latex-special-chars (plist-get 
org-export-latex-options-plist :sub-superscript))) (unless (memq (quote links) 
exclude-list) (org-export-latex-links)) (unless (memq (quote keywords) 
exclude-list) (org-export-latex-keywords)) (unless (memq (quote lists) 
exclude-list) (org-export-latex-lists)) (unless (memq (quote tables) 
exclude-list) (org-export-latex-tables (plist-get 
org-export-latex-options-plist :tables))) (unless (memq (quote fixed-width) 
exclude-list) (org-export-latex-fixed-width (plist-get 
org-export-latex-options-plist :fixed-width))) (buffer-substring (point-min) 
(point-max))) (and (buffer-name temp-buffer) (kill-buffer temp-buffer)))))
  (with-temp-buffer (org-install-letbind) (insert content) (unless (memq (quote 
timestamps) exclude-list) (org-export-latex-time-stamps)) (unless (memq (quote 
quotation-marks) exclude-list) (org-export-latex-quotation-marks)) (unless 
(memq (quote emphasis) exclude-list) (when (plist-get 
org-export-latex-options-plist :emphasize) (org-export-latex-fontify))) (unless 
(memq (quote sub-superscript) exclude-list) (org-export-latex-special-chars 
(plist-get org-export-latex-options-plist :sub-superscript))) (unless (memq 
(quote links) exclude-list) (org-export-latex-links)) (unless (memq (quote 
keywords) exclude-list) (org-export-latex-keywords)) (unless (memq (quote 
lists) exclude-list) (org-export-latex-lists)) (unless (memq (quote tables) 
exclude-list) (org-export-latex-tables (plist-get 
org-export-latex-options-plist :tables))) (unless (memq (quote fixed-width) 
exclude-list) (org-export-latex-fixed-width (plist-get 
org-export-latex-options-plist :fixed-width))) (buffer-substring (point-min) 
  org-export-latex-content(#("\n    +---------------+---------------+\n    
|Term           |Percentage     |\n    +---------------+---------------+\n    
|Quarter        |25%            |\n    |One-Fourth     |               |\n    
+---------------+---------------+\n    |Half           |50%            |\n    
|One-by-Two     |               |\n    +---------------+---------------+\n    
|Three-Quarters |75%            |\n    |Three-Fourths  |               |\n    
+---------------+---------------+\n    |Full           |100%           |\n    
|Whole          |               |\n    +---------------+---------------+\n    
\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n" 0 1 (fontified nil org-category "test") 1 5 (fontified 
nil org-category "test") 5 22 (fontified nil org-category "test") 22 38 
(fontified nil org-category "test") 38 39 (fontified nil org-category "test") 
39 43 (fontified nil org-category "test" org-caption nil org-caption-shortn nil 
org-attributes nil org-label nil) 43 76 (fontified nil org-category "test" 
org-caption nil org-caption-shortn nil org-attributes nil org-label nil) 76 81 
(fontified nil org-category "test") 81 98 (fontified nil org-category "test") 
98 114 (fontified nil org-category "test") 114 115 (fontified nil org-category 
"test") 115 119 (fontified nil org-category "test" org-caption nil 
org-caption-shortn nil org-attributes nil org-label nil) 119 152 (fontified nil 
org-category "test" org-caption nil org-caption-shortn nil org-attributes nil 
org-label nil) 152 157 (fontified nil org-category "test" org-caption nil 
org-caption-shortn nil org-attributes nil org-label nil) 157 190 (fontified nil 
org-category "test" org-caption nil org-caption-shortn nil org-attributes nil 
org-label nil) 190 195 (fontified nil org-category "test") 195 212 (fontified 
nil org-category "test") 212 228 (fontified nil org-category "test") 228 229 
(fontified nil org-category "test") 229 233 (fontified nil org-category "test" 
org-caption nil org-caption-shortn nil org-attributes nil org-label nil) 233 
266 (fontified nil org-category "test" org-caption nil org-caption-shortn nil 
org-attributes nil org-label nil) 266 271 (fontified nil org-category "test" 
org-caption nil org-caption-shortn nil org-attributes nil org-label nil) 271 
304 (fontified nil org-category "test" org-caption nil org-caption-shortn nil 
org-attributes nil org-label nil) 304 309 (fontified nil org-category "test") 
309 326 (fontified nil org-category "test") 326 342 (fontified nil org-category 
"test") 342 343 (fontified nil org-category "test") 343 347 (fontified nil 
org-category "test" org-caption nil org-caption-shortn nil org-attributes nil 
org-label nil) 347 380 (fontified nil org-category "test" org-caption nil 
org-caption-shortn nil org-attributes nil org-label nil) 380 385 (fontified nil 
org-category "test" org-caption nil org-caption-shortn nil org-attributes nil 
org-label nil) 385 418 (fontified nil org-category "test" org-caption nil 
org-caption-shortn nil org-attributes nil org-label nil) 418 423 (fontified nil 
org-category "test") 423 440 (fontified nil org-category "test") 440 456 
(fontified nil org-category "test") 456 457 (fontified nil org-category "test") 
457 461 (fontified nil org-category "test" org-caption nil org-caption-shortn 
nil org-attributes nil org-label nil) 461 494 (fontified nil org-category 
"test" org-caption nil org-caption-shortn nil org-attributes nil org-label nil) 
494 495 (fontified nil org-category "test" org-caption nil org-caption-shortn 
nil org-attributes nil org-label nil) 495 499 (fontified nil org-category 
"test" org-caption nil org-caption-shortn nil org-attributes nil org-label nil) 
499 532 (fontified nil org-category "test" org-caption nil org-caption-shortn 
nil org-attributes nil org-label nil) 532 537 (fontified nil org-category 
"test") 537 554 (fontified nil org-category "test") 554 570 (fontified nil 
org-category "test") 570 571 (fontified nil org-category "test") 571 576 
(fontified nil org-category "test") 576 577 (fontified nil org-category "test") 
577 578 (fontified nil org-category "test") 578 580 (fontified nil org-category 
"test") 580 581 (fontified nil org-category "test") 581 582 (fontified nil 
org-category "test") 582 583 (fontified nil org-category "test") 583 584 
(fontified nil org-category "test") 584 585 (fontified nil org-category "test") 
585 586 (fontified nil org-category "test")))
  (insert (org-export-latex-content content))
  (let* ((sec (nth (1- level) sectioning)) (num (if (integerp num) (>= num 
level) num)) start end) (if (consp (cdr sec)) (setq start (nth (if num 0 2) 
sec) end (nth (if num 1 3) sec)) (setq start (if num (car sec) (cdr sec)))) 
(insert (format start (if main-heading main-heading heading) (or sub-heading 
""))) (insert "\n") (when label (insert (mapconcat (lambda (l) (format 
"\\label{%s}" l)) label-list "\n") "\n")) (insert (org-export-latex-content 
content)) (cond ((stringp subcontent) (insert subcontent)) ((listp subcontent) 
(while (org-looking-back "\n\n") (backward-delete-char 1)) 
(org-export-latex-sub subcontent))) (when (and end (string-match "[^       ]" 
end)) (let ((hook (org-get-text-property-any 0 (quote org-insert-hook) end))) 
(and (functionp hook) (funcall hook))) (insert end "\n")))
  (cond ((<= level depth) (let* ((sec (nth (1- level) sectioning)) (num (if 
(integerp num) (>= num level) num)) start end) (if (consp (cdr sec)) (setq 
start (nth (if num 0 2) sec) end (nth (if num 1 3) sec)) (setq start (if num 
(car sec) (cdr sec)))) (insert (format start (if main-heading main-heading 
heading) (or sub-heading ""))) (insert "\n") (when label (insert (mapconcat 
(lambda (l) (format "\\label{%s}" l)) label-list "\n") "\n")) (insert 
(org-export-latex-content content)) (cond ((stringp subcontent) (insert 
subcontent)) ((listp subcontent) (while (org-looking-back "\n\n") 
(backward-delete-char 1)) (org-export-latex-sub subcontent))) (when (and end 
(string-match "[^       ]" end)) (let ((hook (org-get-text-property-any 0 ... 
end))) (and (functionp hook) (funcall hook))) (insert end "\n")))) ((> level 
depth) (cond ((eq org-export-latex-low-levels (quote description)) (if 
(string-match "% ends low level$" (buffer-substring (point-at-bol 0) (point))) 
(delete-region (point-at-bol 0) (point)) (insert "\\begin{description}\n")) 
(insert (format "\n\\item[%s]%s~\n" heading (if label (format "\\label{%s}" 
label) ""))) (insert (org-export-latex-content content)) (cond ((stringp 
subcontent) (insert subcontent)) ((listp subcontent) (org-export-latex-sub 
subcontent))) (insert "\\end{description} % ends low level\n")) ((memq 
org-export-latex-low-levels (quote (itemize enumerate))) (if (string-match "% 
ends low level$" (buffer-substring (point-at-bol 0) (point))) (delete-region 
(point-at-bol 0) (point)) (insert (format "\\begin{%s}\n" (symbol-name 
org-export-latex-low-levels)))) (insert (format "\n\\item %s\\\\\n%s%%" heading 
(if label (format "\\label{%s}" label) ""))) (insert (org-export-latex-content 
content)) (cond ((stringp subcontent) (insert subcontent)) ((listp subcontent) 
(org-export-latex-sub subcontent))) (insert (format "\\end{%s} %% ends low 
level\n" (symbol-name org-export-latex-low-levels)))) ((listp 
org-export-latex-low-levels) (if (string-match "% ends low level$" 
(buffer-substring (point-at-bol 0) (point))) (delete-region (point-at-bol 0) 
(point)) (insert (car org-export-latex-low-levels) "\n")) (insert (format (nth 
2 org-export-latex-low-levels) heading (if label (format "\\label{%s}" label) 
""))) (insert (org-export-latex-content content)) (cond ((stringp subcontent) 
(insert subcontent)) ((listp subcontent) (org-export-latex-sub subcontent))) 
(insert (nth 1 org-export-latex-low-levels) " %% ends low level\n")) ((stringp 
org-export-latex-low-levels) (insert (format org-export-latex-low-levels 
heading) "\n") (when label (insert (format "\\label{%s}\n" label))) (insert 
(org-export-latex-content content)) (cond ((stringp subcontent) (insert 
subcontent)) ((listp subcontent) (org-export-latex-sub subcontent)))))))
  (let* ((heading (cdr (assoc (quote heading) subcontent))) (level (- (cdr 
(assoc (quote level) subcontent)) org-export-latex-add-level)) (occur 
(number-to-string (cdr (assoc (quote occur) subcontent)))) (content (cdr (assoc 
(quote content) subcontent))) (subcontent (cadr (assoc (quote subcontent) 
subcontent))) (label (org-get-text-property-any 0 (quote target) heading)) 
(label-list (cons label (cdr (assoc label org-export-target-aliases)))) 
(sectioning org-export-latex-sectioning) (depth 
org-export-latex-sectioning-depth) main-heading sub-heading) (when (symbolp 
(car sectioning)) (setq sectioning (funcall (car sectioning) level heading)) 
(when sectioning (setq heading (car sectioning) sectioning (cdr sectioning) 
label (org-get-text-property-any 0 (quote target) heading) label-list (cons 
label (cdr (assoc label org-export-target-aliases))))) (if sectioning (setq 
sectioning (make-list 10 sectioning))) (setq depth (if sectioning 10000 0))) 
(if (string-match "[    ]*\\\\\\\\[     ]*" heading) (setq main-heading 
(substring heading 0 (match-beginning 0)) sub-heading (substring heading 
(match-end 0)))) (setq heading (org-export-latex-fontify-headline heading) 
sub-heading (and sub-heading (org-export-latex-fontify-headline sub-heading)) 
main-heading (and main-heading (org-export-latex-fontify-headline 
main-heading))) (cond ((<= level depth) (let* ((sec (nth (1- level) 
sectioning)) (num (if (integerp num) (>= num level) num)) start end) (if (consp 
(cdr sec)) (setq start (nth (if num 0 2) sec) end (nth (if num 1 3) sec)) (setq 
start (if num (car sec) (cdr sec)))) (insert (format start (if main-heading 
main-heading heading) (or sub-heading ""))) (insert "\n") (when label (insert 
(mapconcat (lambda ... ...) label-list "\n") "\n")) (insert 
(org-export-latex-content content)) (cond ((stringp subcontent) (insert 
subcontent)) ((listp subcontent) (while (org-looking-back "\n\n") 
(backward-delete-char 1)) (org-export-latex-sub subcontent))) (when (and end 
(string-match "[^  ]" end)) (let ((hook ...)) (and (functionp hook) (funcall 
hook))) (insert end "\n")))) ((> level depth) (cond ((eq 
org-export-latex-low-levels (quote description)) (if (string-match "% ends low 
level$" (buffer-substring ... ...)) (delete-region (point-at-bol 0) (point)) 
(insert "\\begin{description}\n")) (insert (format "\n\\item[%s]%s~\n" heading 
(if label ... ""))) (insert (org-export-latex-content content)) (cond ((stringp 
subcontent) (insert subcontent)) ((listp subcontent) (org-export-latex-sub 
subcontent))) (insert "\\end{description} % ends low level\n")) ((memq 
org-export-latex-low-levels (quote (itemize enumerate))) (if (string-match "% 
ends low level$" (buffer-substring ... ...)) (delete-region (point-at-bol 0) 
(point)) (insert (format "\\begin{%s}\n" ...))) (insert (format "\n\\item 
%s\\\\\n%s%%" heading (if label ... ""))) (insert (org-export-latex-content 
content)) (cond ((stringp subcontent) (insert subcontent)) ((listp subcontent) 
(org-export-latex-sub subcontent))) (insert (format "\\end{%s} %% ends low 
level\n" (symbol-name org-export-latex-low-levels)))) ((listp 
org-export-latex-low-levels) (if (string-match "% ends low level$" 
(buffer-substring ... ...)) (delete-region (point-at-bol 0) (point)) (insert 
(car org-export-latex-low-levels) "\n")) (insert (format (nth 2 
org-export-latex-low-levels) heading (if label ... ""))) (insert 
(org-export-latex-content content)) (cond ((stringp subcontent) (insert 
subcontent)) ((listp subcontent) (org-export-latex-sub subcontent))) (insert 
(nth 1 org-export-latex-low-levels) " %% ends low level\n")) ((stringp 
org-export-latex-low-levels) (insert (format org-export-latex-low-levels 
heading) "\n") (when label (insert (format "\\label{%s}\n" label))) (insert 
(org-export-latex-content content)) (cond ((stringp subcontent) (insert 
subcontent)) ((listp subcontent) (org-export-latex-sub subcontent))))))))
  org-export-latex-subcontent(((pos . 71) (level . 3) (occur . 1) (heading . 
#(" Table.el Table with no Spanning " 1 2 (target "sec-1_1_1" org-category 
"test" fontified nil) 2 32 (target "sec-1_1_1" org-category "test" fontified 
nil))) (content . #("\n    +---------------+---------------+\n    |Term         
  |Percentage     |\n    +---------------+---------------+\n    |Quarter        
|25%            |\n    |One-Fourth     |               |\n    
+---------------+---------------+\n    |Half           |50%            |\n    
|One-by-Two     |               |\n    +---------------+---------------+\n    
|Three-Quarters |75%            |\n    |Three-Fourths  |               |\n    
+---------------+---------------+\n    |Full           |100%           |\n    
|Whole          |               |\n    +---------------+---------------+\n    
\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n" 0 1 (fontified nil org-category "test") 1 5 (fontified 
nil org-category "test") 5 22 (fontified nil org-category "test") 22 38 
(fontified nil org-category "test") 38 39 (fontified nil org-category "test") 
39 43 (fontified nil org-category "test" org-caption nil org-caption-shortn nil 
org-attributes nil org-label nil) 43 76 (fontified nil org-category "test" 
org-caption nil org-caption-shortn nil org-attributes nil org-label nil) 76 81 
(fontified nil org-category "test") 81 98 (fontified nil org-category "test") 
98 114 (fontified nil org-category "test") 114 115 (fontified nil org-category 
"test") 115 119 (fontified nil org-category "test" org-caption nil 
org-caption-shortn nil org-attributes nil org-label nil) 119 152 (fontified nil 
org-category "test" org-caption nil org-caption-shortn nil org-attributes nil 
org-label nil) 152 157 (fontified nil org-category "test" org-caption nil 
org-caption-shortn nil org-attributes nil org-label nil) 157 190 (fontified nil 
org-category "test" org-caption nil org-caption-shortn nil org-attributes nil 
org-label nil) 190 195 (fontified nil org-category "test") 195 212 (fontified 
nil org-category "test") 212 228 (fontified nil org-category "test") 228 229 
(fontified nil org-category "test") 229 233 (fontified nil org-category "test" 
org-caption nil org-caption-shortn nil org-attributes nil org-label nil) 233 
266 (fontified nil org-category "test" org-caption nil org-caption-shortn nil 
org-attributes nil org-label nil) 266 271 (fontified nil org-category "test" 
org-caption nil org-caption-shortn nil org-attributes nil org-label nil) 271 
304 (fontified nil org-category "test" org-caption nil org-caption-shortn nil 
org-attributes nil org-label nil) 304 309 (fontified nil org-category "test") 
309 326 (fontified nil org-category "test") 326 342 (fontified nil org-category 
"test") 342 343 (fontified nil org-category "test") 343 347 (fontified nil 
org-category "test" org-caption nil org-caption-shortn nil org-attributes nil 
org-label nil) 347 380 (fontified nil org-category "test" org-caption nil 
org-caption-shortn nil org-attributes nil org-label nil) 380 385 (fontified nil 
org-category "test" org-caption nil org-caption-shortn nil org-attributes nil 
org-label nil) 385 418 (fontified nil org-category "test" org-caption nil 
org-caption-shortn nil org-attributes nil org-label nil) 418 423 (fontified nil 
org-category "test") 423 440 (fontified nil org-category "test") 440 456 
(fontified nil org-category "test") 456 457 (fontified nil org-category "test") 
457 461 (fontified nil org-category "test" org-caption nil org-caption-shortn 
nil org-attributes nil org-label nil) 461 494 (fontified nil org-category 
"test" org-caption nil org-caption-shortn nil org-attributes nil org-label nil) 
494 495 (fontified nil org-category "test" org-caption nil org-caption-shortn 
nil org-attributes nil org-label nil) 495 499 (fontified nil org-category 
"test" org-caption nil org-caption-shortn nil org-attributes nil org-label nil) 
499 532 (fontified nil org-category "test" org-caption nil org-caption-shortn 
nil org-attributes nil org-label nil) 532 537 (fontified nil org-category 
"test") 537 554 (fontified nil org-category "test") 554 570 (fontified nil 
org-category "test") 570 571 (fontified nil org-category "test") 571 576 
(fontified nil org-category "test") 576 577 (fontified nil org-category "test") 
577 578 (fontified nil org-category "test") 578 580 (fontified nil org-category 
"test") 580 581 (fontified nil org-category "test") 581 582 (fontified nil 
org-category "test") 582 583 (fontified nil org-category "test") 583 584 
(fontified nil org-category "test") 584 585 (fontified nil org-category "test") 
585 586 (fontified nil org-category "test"))) (subcontent)) nil)
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(occur . 1) (heading . #(" Table.el Table with no Spanning " 1 2 (target 
"sec-1_1_1" org-category "test" fontified nil) 2 32 (target "sec-1_1_1" 
org-category "test" fontified nil))) (content . #("\n    
+---------------+---------------+\n    |Term           |Percentage     |\n    
+---------------+---------------+\n    |Quarter        |25%            |\n    
|One-Fourth     |               |\n    +---------------+---------------+\n    
|Half           |50%            |\n    |One-by-Two     |               |\n    
+---------------+---------------+\n    |Three-Quarters |75%            |\n    
|Three-Fourths  |               |\n    +---------------+---------------+\n    
|Full           |100%           |\n    |Whole          |               |\n    
+---------------+---------------+\n    \n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n" 0 1 (fontified 
nil org-category "test") 1 5 (fontified nil org-category "test") 5 22 
(fontified nil org-category "test") 22 38 (fontified nil org-category "test") 
38 39 (fontified nil org-category "test") 39 43 (fontified nil org-category 
"test" org-caption nil org-caption-shortn nil org-attributes nil org-label nil) 
43 76 (fontified nil org-category "test" org-caption nil org-caption-shortn nil 
org-attributes nil org-label nil) 76 81 (fontified nil org-category "test") 81 
98 (fontified nil org-category "test") 98 114 (fontified nil org-category 
"test") 114 115 (fontified nil org-category "test") 115 119 (fontified nil 
org-category "test" org-caption nil org-caption-shortn nil org-attributes nil 
org-label nil) 119 152 (fontified nil org-category "test" org-caption nil 
org-caption-shortn nil org-attributes nil org-label nil) 152 157 (fontified nil 
org-category "test" org-caption nil org-caption-shortn nil org-attributes nil 
org-label nil) 157 190 (fontified nil org-category "test" org-caption nil 
org-caption-shortn nil org-attributes nil org-label nil) 190 195 (fontified nil 
org-category "test") 195 212 (fontified nil org-category "test") 212 228 
(fontified nil org-category "test") 228 229 (fontified nil org-category "test") 
229 233 (fontified nil org-category "test" org-caption nil org-caption-shortn 
nil org-attributes nil org-label nil) 233 266 (fontified nil org-category 
"test" org-caption nil org-caption-shortn nil org-attributes nil org-label nil) 
266 271 (fontified nil org-category "test" org-caption nil org-caption-shortn 
nil org-attributes nil org-label nil) 271 304 (fontified nil org-category 
"test" org-caption nil org-caption-shortn nil org-attributes nil org-label nil) 
304 309 (fontified nil org-category "test") 309 326 (fontified nil org-category 
"test") 326 342 (fontified nil org-category "test") 342 343 (fontified nil 
org-category "test") 343 347 (fontified nil org-category "test" org-caption nil 
org-caption-shortn nil org-attributes nil org-label nil) 347 380 (fontified nil 
org-category "test" org-caption nil org-caption-shortn nil org-attributes nil 
org-label nil) 380 385 (fontified nil org-category "test" org-caption nil 
org-caption-shortn nil org-attributes nil org-label nil) 385 418 (fontified nil 
org-category "test" org-caption nil org-caption-shortn nil org-attributes nil 
org-label nil) 418 423 (fontified nil org-category "test") 423 440 (fontified 
nil org-category "test") 440 456 (fontified nil org-category "test") 456 457 
(fontified nil org-category "test") 457 461 (fontified nil org-category "test" 
org-caption nil org-caption-shortn nil org-attributes nil org-label nil) 461 
494 (fontified nil org-category "test" org-caption nil org-caption-shortn nil 
org-attributes nil org-label nil) 494 495 (fontified nil org-category "test" 
org-caption nil org-caption-shortn nil org-attributes nil org-label nil) 495 
499 (fontified nil org-category "test" org-caption nil org-caption-shortn nil 
org-attributes nil org-label nil) 499 532 (fontified nil org-category "test" 
org-caption nil org-caption-shortn nil org-attributes nil org-label nil) 532 
537 (fontified nil org-category "test") 537 554 (fontified nil org-category 
"test") 554 570 (fontified nil org-category "test") 570 571 (fontified nil 
org-category "test") 571 576 (fontified nil org-category "test") 576 577 
(fontified nil org-category "test") 577 578 (fontified nil org-category "test") 
578 580 (fontified nil org-category "test") 580 581 (fontified nil org-category 
"test") 581 582 (fontified nil org-category "test") 582 583 (fontified nil 
org-category "test") 583 584 (fontified nil org-category "test") 584 585 
(fontified nil org-category "test") 585 586 (fontified nil org-category 
"test"))) (subcontent)))
  mapc((lambda (x) (org-export-latex-subcontent x num)) (((pos . 71) (level . 
3) (occur . 1) (heading . #(" Table.el Table with no Spanning " 1 2 (target 
"sec-1_1_1" org-category "test" fontified nil) 2 32 (target "sec-1_1_1" 
org-category "test" fontified nil))) (content . #("\n    
+---------------+---------------+\n    |Term           |Percentage     |\n    
+---------------+---------------+\n    |Quarter        |25%            |\n    
|One-Fourth     |               |\n    +---------------+---------------+\n    
|Half           |50%            |\n    |One-by-Two     |               |\n    
+---------------+---------------+\n    |Three-Quarters |75%            |\n    
|Three-Fourths  |               |\n    +---------------+---------------+\n    
|Full           |100%           |\n    |Whole          |               |\n    
+---------------+---------------+\n    \n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n" 0 1 (fontified 
nil org-category "test") 1 5 (fontified nil org-category "test") 5 22 
(fontified nil org-category "test") 22 38 (fontified nil org-category "test") 
38 39 (fontified nil org-category "test") 39 43 (fontified nil org-category 
"test" org-caption nil org-caption-shortn nil org-attributes nil org-label nil) 
43 76 (fontified nil org-category "test" org-caption nil org-caption-shortn nil 
org-attributes nil org-label nil) 76 81 (fontified nil org-category "test") 81 
98 (fontified nil org-category "test") 98 114 (fontified nil org-category 
"test") 114 115 (fontified nil org-category "test") 115 119 (fontified nil 
org-category "test" org-caption nil org-caption-shortn nil org-attributes nil 
org-label nil) 119 152 (fontified nil org-category "test" org-caption nil 
org-caption-shortn nil org-attributes nil org-label nil) 152 157 (fontified nil 
org-category "test" org-caption nil org-caption-shortn nil org-attributes nil 
org-label nil) 157 190 (fontified nil org-category "test" org-caption nil 
org-caption-shortn nil org-attributes nil org-label nil) 190 195 (fontified nil 
org-category "test") 195 212 (fontified nil org-category "test") 212 228 
(fontified nil org-category "test") 228 229 (fontified nil org-category "test") 
229 233 (fontified nil org-category "test" org-caption nil org-caption-shortn 
nil org-attributes nil org-label nil) 233 266 (fontified nil org-category 
"test" org-caption nil org-caption-shortn nil org-attributes nil org-label nil) 
266 271 (fontified nil org-category "test" org-caption nil org-caption-shortn 
nil org-attributes nil org-label nil) 271 304 (fontified nil org-category 
"test" org-caption nil org-caption-shortn nil org-attributes nil org-label nil) 
304 309 (fontified nil org-category "test") 309 326 (fontified nil org-category 
"test") 326 342 (fontified nil org-category "test") 342 343 (fontified nil 
org-category "test") 343 347 (fontified nil org-category "test" org-caption nil 
org-caption-shortn nil org-attributes nil org-label nil) 347 380 (fontified nil 
org-category "test" org-caption nil org-caption-shortn nil org-attributes nil 
org-label nil) 380 385 (fontified nil org-category "test" org-caption nil 
org-caption-shortn nil org-attributes nil org-label nil) 385 418 (fontified nil 
org-category "test" org-caption nil org-caption-shortn nil org-attributes nil 
org-label nil) 418 423 (fontified nil org-category "test") 423 440 (fontified 
nil org-category "test") 440 456 (fontified nil org-category "test") 456 457 
(fontified nil org-category "test") 457 461 (fontified nil org-category "test" 
org-caption nil org-caption-shortn nil org-attributes nil org-label nil) 461 
494 (fontified nil org-category "test" org-caption nil org-caption-shortn nil 
org-attributes nil org-label nil) 494 495 (fontified nil org-category "test" 
org-caption nil org-caption-shortn nil org-attributes nil org-label nil) 495 
499 (fontified nil org-category "test" org-caption nil org-caption-shortn nil 
org-attributes nil org-label nil) 499 532 (fontified nil org-category "test" 
org-caption nil org-caption-shortn nil org-attributes nil org-label nil) 532 
537 (fontified nil org-category "test") 537 554 (fontified nil org-category 
"test") 554 570 (fontified nil org-category "test") 570 571 (fontified nil 
org-category "test") 571 576 (fontified nil org-category "test") 576 577 
(fontified nil org-category "test") 577 578 (fontified nil org-category "test") 
578 580 (fontified nil org-category "test") 580 581 (fontified nil org-category 
"test") 581 582 (fontified nil org-category "test") 582 583 (fontified nil 
org-category "test") 583 584 (fontified nil org-category "test") 584 585 
(fontified nil org-category "test") 585 586 (fontified nil org-category 
"test"))) (subcontent))))
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(mapc (lambda (x) (org-export-latex-subcontent x num)) subcontent))
  org-export-latex-sub((((pos . 71) (level . 3) (occur . 1) (heading . #(" 
Table.el Table with no Spanning " 1 2 (target "sec-1_1_1" org-category "test" 
fontified nil) 2 32 (target "sec-1_1_1" org-category "test" fontified nil))) 
(content . #("\n    +---------------+---------------+\n    |Term           
|Percentage     |\n    +---------------+---------------+\n    |Quarter        
|25%            |\n    |One-Fourth     |               |\n    
+---------------+---------------+\n    |Half           |50%            |\n    
|One-by-Two     |               |\n    +---------------+---------------+\n    
|Three-Quarters |75%            |\n    |Three-Fourths  |               |\n    
+---------------+---------------+\n    |Full           |100%           |\n    
|Whole          |               |\n    +---------------+---------------+\n    
\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n" 0 1 (fontified nil org-category "test") 1 5 (fontified 
nil org-category "test") 5 22 (fontified nil org-category "test") 22 38 
(fontified nil org-category "test") 38 39 (fontified nil org-category "test") 
39 43 (fontified nil org-category "test" org-caption nil org-caption-shortn nil 
org-attributes nil org-label nil) 43 76 (fontified nil org-category "test" 
org-caption nil org-caption-shortn nil org-attributes nil org-label nil) 76 81 
(fontified nil org-category "test") 81 98 (fontified nil org-category "test") 
98 114 (fontified nil org-category "test") 114 115 (fontified nil org-category 
"test") 115 119 (fontified nil org-category "test" org-caption nil 
org-caption-shortn nil org-attributes nil org-label nil) 119 152 (fontified nil 
org-category "test" org-caption nil org-caption-shortn nil org-attributes nil 
org-label nil) 152 157 (fontified nil org-category "test" org-caption nil 
org-caption-shortn nil org-attributes nil org-label nil) 157 190 (fontified nil 
org-category "test" org-caption nil org-caption-shortn nil org-attributes nil 
org-label nil) 190 195 (fontified nil org-category "test") 195 212 (fontified 
nil org-category "test") 212 228 (fontified nil org-category "test") 228 229 
(fontified nil org-category "test") 229 233 (fontified nil org-category "test" 
org-caption nil org-caption-shortn nil org-attributes nil org-label nil) 233 
266 (fontified nil org-category "test" org-caption nil org-caption-shortn nil 
org-attributes nil org-label nil) 266 271 (fontified nil org-category "test" 
org-caption nil org-caption-shortn nil org-attributes nil org-label nil) 271 
304 (fontified nil org-category "test" org-caption nil org-caption-shortn nil 
org-attributes nil org-label nil) 304 309 (fontified nil org-category "test") 
309 326 (fontified nil org-category "test") 326 342 (fontified nil org-category 
"test") 342 343 (fontified nil org-category "test") 343 347 (fontified nil 
org-category "test" org-caption nil org-caption-shortn nil org-attributes nil 
org-label nil) 347 380 (fontified nil org-category "test" org-caption nil 
org-caption-shortn nil org-attributes nil org-label nil) 380 385 (fontified nil 
org-category "test" org-caption nil org-caption-shortn nil org-attributes nil 
org-label nil) 385 418 (fontified nil org-category "test" org-caption nil 
org-caption-shortn nil org-attributes nil org-label nil) 418 423 (fontified nil 
org-category "test") 423 440 (fontified nil org-category "test") 440 456 
(fontified nil org-category "test") 456 457 (fontified nil org-category "test") 
457 461 (fontified nil org-category "test" org-caption nil org-caption-shortn 
nil org-attributes nil org-label nil) 461 494 (fontified nil org-category 
"test" org-caption nil org-caption-shortn nil org-attributes nil org-label nil) 
494 495 (fontified nil org-category "test" org-caption nil org-caption-shortn 
nil org-attributes nil org-label nil) 495 499 (fontified nil org-category 
"test" org-caption nil org-caption-shortn nil org-attributes nil org-label nil) 
499 532 (fontified nil org-category "test" org-caption nil org-caption-shortn 
nil org-attributes nil org-label nil) 532 537 (fontified nil org-category 
"test") 537 554 (fontified nil org-category "test") 554 570 (fontified nil 
org-category "test") 570 571 (fontified nil org-category "test") 571 576 
(fontified nil org-category "test") 576 577 (fontified nil org-category "test") 
577 578 (fontified nil org-category "test") 578 580 (fontified nil org-category 
"test") 580 581 (fontified nil org-category "test") 581 582 (fontified nil 
org-category "test") 582 583 (fontified nil org-category "test") 583 584 
(fontified nil org-category "test") 584 585 (fontified nil org-category "test") 
585 586 (fontified nil org-category "test"))) (subcontent))))
  (cond ((stringp subcontent) (insert subcontent)) ((listp subcontent) (while 
(org-looking-back "\n\n") (backward-delete-char 1)) (org-export-latex-sub 
  (let* ((sec (nth (1- level) sectioning)) (num (if (integerp num) (>= num 
level) num)) start end) (if (consp (cdr sec)) (setq start (nth (if num 0 2) 
sec) end (nth (if num 1 3) sec)) (setq start (if num (car sec) (cdr sec)))) 
(insert (format start (if main-heading main-heading heading) (or sub-heading 
""))) (insert "\n") (when label (insert (mapconcat (lambda (l) (format 
"\\label{%s}" l)) label-list "\n") "\n")) (insert (org-export-latex-content 
content)) (cond ((stringp subcontent) (insert subcontent)) ((listp subcontent) 
(while (org-looking-back "\n\n") (backward-delete-char 1)) 
(org-export-latex-sub subcontent))) (when (and end (string-match "[^       ]" 
end)) (let ((hook (org-get-text-property-any 0 (quote org-insert-hook) end))) 
(and (functionp hook) (funcall hook))) (insert end "\n")))
  (cond ((<= level depth) (let* ((sec (nth (1- level) sectioning)) (num (if 
(integerp num) (>= num level) num)) start end) (if (consp (cdr sec)) (setq 
start (nth (if num 0 2) sec) end (nth (if num 1 3) sec)) (setq start (if num 
(car sec) (cdr sec)))) (insert (format start (if main-heading main-heading 
heading) (or sub-heading ""))) (insert "\n") (when label (insert (mapconcat 
(lambda (l) (format "\\label{%s}" l)) label-list "\n") "\n")) (insert 
(org-export-latex-content content)) (cond ((stringp subcontent) (insert 
subcontent)) ((listp subcontent) (while (org-looking-back "\n\n") 
(backward-delete-char 1)) (org-export-latex-sub subcontent))) (when (and end 
(string-match "[^       ]" end)) (let ((hook (org-get-text-property-any 0 ... 
end))) (and (functionp hook) (funcall hook))) (insert end "\n")))) ((> level 
depth) (cond ((eq org-export-latex-low-levels (quote description)) (if 
(string-match "% ends low level$" (buffer-substring (point-at-bol 0) (point))) 
(delete-region (point-at-bol 0) (point)) (insert "\\begin{description}\n")) 
(insert (format "\n\\item[%s]%s~\n" heading (if label (format "\\label{%s}" 
label) ""))) (insert (org-export-latex-content content)) (cond ((stringp 
subcontent) (insert subcontent)) ((listp subcontent) (org-export-latex-sub 
subcontent))) (insert "\\end{description} % ends low level\n")) ((memq 
org-export-latex-low-levels (quote (itemize enumerate))) (if (string-match "% 
ends low level$" (buffer-substring (point-at-bol 0) (point))) (delete-region 
(point-at-bol 0) (point)) (insert (format "\\begin{%s}\n" (symbol-name 
org-export-latex-low-levels)))) (insert (format "\n\\item %s\\\\\n%s%%" heading 
(if label (format "\\label{%s}" label) ""))) (insert (org-export-latex-content 
content)) (cond ((stringp subcontent) (insert subcontent)) ((listp subcontent) 
(org-export-latex-sub subcontent))) (insert (format "\\end{%s} %% ends low 
level\n" (symbol-name org-export-latex-low-levels)))) ((listp 
org-export-latex-low-levels) (if (string-match "% ends low level$" 
(buffer-substring (point-at-bol 0) (point))) (delete-region (point-at-bol 0) 
(point)) (insert (car org-export-latex-low-levels) "\n")) (insert (format (nth 
2 org-export-latex-low-levels) heading (if label (format "\\label{%s}" label) 
""))) (insert (org-export-latex-content content)) (cond ((stringp subcontent) 
(insert subcontent)) ((listp subcontent) (org-export-latex-sub subcontent))) 
(insert (nth 1 org-export-latex-low-levels) " %% ends low level\n")) ((stringp 
org-export-latex-low-levels) (insert (format org-export-latex-low-levels 
heading) "\n") (when label (insert (format "\\label{%s}\n" label))) (insert 
(org-export-latex-content content)) (cond ((stringp subcontent) (insert 
subcontent)) ((listp subcontent) (org-export-latex-sub subcontent)))))))
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(assoc (quote level) subcontent)) org-export-latex-add-level)) (occur 
(number-to-string (cdr (assoc (quote occur) subcontent)))) (content (cdr (assoc 
(quote content) subcontent))) (subcontent (cadr (assoc (quote subcontent) 
subcontent))) (label (org-get-text-property-any 0 (quote target) heading)) 
(label-list (cons label (cdr (assoc label org-export-target-aliases)))) 
(sectioning org-export-latex-sectioning) (depth 
org-export-latex-sectioning-depth) main-heading sub-heading) (when (symbolp 
(car sectioning)) (setq sectioning (funcall (car sectioning) level heading)) 
(when sectioning (setq heading (car sectioning) sectioning (cdr sectioning) 
label (org-get-text-property-any 0 (quote target) heading) label-list (cons 
label (cdr (assoc label org-export-target-aliases))))) (if sectioning (setq 
sectioning (make-list 10 sectioning))) (setq depth (if sectioning 10000 0))) 
(if (string-match "[    ]*\\\\\\\\[     ]*" heading) (setq main-heading 
(substring heading 0 (match-beginning 0)) sub-heading (substring heading 
(match-end 0)))) (setq heading (org-export-latex-fontify-headline heading) 
sub-heading (and sub-heading (org-export-latex-fontify-headline sub-heading)) 
main-heading (and main-heading (org-export-latex-fontify-headline 
main-heading))) (cond ((<= level depth) (let* ((sec (nth (1- level) 
sectioning)) (num (if (integerp num) (>= num level) num)) start end) (if (consp 
(cdr sec)) (setq start (nth (if num 0 2) sec) end (nth (if num 1 3) sec)) (setq 
start (if num (car sec) (cdr sec)))) (insert (format start (if main-heading 
main-heading heading) (or sub-heading ""))) (insert "\n") (when label (insert 
(mapconcat (lambda ... ...) label-list "\n") "\n")) (insert 
(org-export-latex-content content)) (cond ((stringp subcontent) (insert 
subcontent)) ((listp subcontent) (while (org-looking-back "\n\n") 
(backward-delete-char 1)) (org-export-latex-sub subcontent))) (when (and end 
(string-match "[^  ]" end)) (let ((hook ...)) (and (functionp hook) (funcall 
hook))) (insert end "\n")))) ((> level depth) (cond ((eq 
org-export-latex-low-levels (quote description)) (if (string-match "% ends low 
level$" (buffer-substring ... ...)) (delete-region (point-at-bol 0) (point)) 
(insert "\\begin{description}\n")) (insert (format "\n\\item[%s]%s~\n" heading 
(if label ... ""))) (insert (org-export-latex-content content)) (cond ((stringp 
subcontent) (insert subcontent)) ((listp subcontent) (org-export-latex-sub 
subcontent))) (insert "\\end{description} % ends low level\n")) ((memq 
org-export-latex-low-levels (quote (itemize enumerate))) (if (string-match "% 
ends low level$" (buffer-substring ... ...)) (delete-region (point-at-bol 0) 
(point)) (insert (format "\\begin{%s}\n" ...))) (insert (format "\n\\item 
%s\\\\\n%s%%" heading (if label ... ""))) (insert (org-export-latex-content 
content)) (cond ((stringp subcontent) (insert subcontent)) ((listp subcontent) 
(org-export-latex-sub subcontent))) (insert (format "\\end{%s} %% ends low 
level\n" (symbol-name org-export-latex-low-levels)))) ((listp 
org-export-latex-low-levels) (if (string-match "% ends low level$" 
(buffer-substring ... ...)) (delete-region (point-at-bol 0) (point)) (insert 
(car org-export-latex-low-levels) "\n")) (insert (format (nth 2 
org-export-latex-low-levels) heading (if label ... ""))) (insert 
(org-export-latex-content content)) (cond ((stringp subcontent) (insert 
subcontent)) ((listp subcontent) (org-export-latex-sub subcontent))) (insert 
(nth 1 org-export-latex-low-levels) " %% ends low level\n")) ((stringp 
org-export-latex-low-levels) (insert (format org-export-latex-low-levels 
heading) "\n") (when label (insert (format "\\label{%s}\n" label))) (insert 
(org-export-latex-content content)) (cond ((stringp subcontent) (insert 
subcontent)) ((listp subcontent) (org-export-latex-sub subcontent))))))))
  org-export-latex-subcontent(((pos . 55) (level . 2) (occur . 1) (heading . 
#(" Tables " 1 2 (target "sec-1_1" org-category "test" fontified nil) 2 7 
(target "sec-1_1" org-category "test" fontified nil))) (content . 
#("\n\n\n\n\n" 0 1 (fontified nil org-category "test") 1 3 (fontified nil 
org-category "test") 3 4 (fontified nil org-category "test") 4 5 (fontified nil 
org-category "test"))) (subcontent (((pos . 71) (level . 3) (occur . 1) 
(heading . #(" Table.el Table with no Spanning " 1 2 (target "sec-1_1_1" 
org-category "test" fontified nil) 2 32 (target "sec-1_1_1" org-category "test" 
fontified nil))) (content . #("\n    +---------------+---------------+\n    
|Term           |Percentage     |\n    +---------------+---------------+\n    
|Quarter        |25%            |\n    |One-Fourth     |               |\n    
+---------------+---------------+\n    |Half           |50%            |\n    
|One-by-Two     |               |\n    +---------------+---------------+\n    
|Three-Quarters |75%            |\n    |Three-Fourths  |               |\n    
+---------------+---------------+\n    |Full           |100%           |\n    
|Whole          |               |\n    +---------------+---------------+\n    
\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n" 0 1 (fontified nil org-category "test") 1 5 (fontified 
nil org-category "test") 5 22 (fontified nil org-category "test") 22 38 
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98 114 (fontified nil org-category "test") 114 115 (fontified nil org-category 
"test") 115 119 (fontified nil org-category "test" org-caption nil 
org-caption-shortn nil org-attributes nil org-label nil) 119 152 (fontified nil 
org-category "test" org-caption nil org-caption-shortn nil org-attributes nil 
org-label nil) 152 157 (fontified nil org-category "test" org-caption nil 
org-caption-shortn nil org-attributes nil org-label nil) 157 190 (fontified nil 
org-category "test" org-caption nil org-caption-shortn nil org-attributes nil 
org-label nil) 190 195 (fontified nil org-category "test") 195 212 (fontified 
nil org-category "test") 212 228 (fontified nil org-category "test") 228 229 
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org-caption nil org-caption-shortn nil org-attributes nil org-label nil) 233 
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org-attributes nil org-label nil) 266 271 (fontified nil org-category "test" 
org-caption nil org-caption-shortn nil org-attributes nil org-label nil) 271 
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org-attributes nil org-label nil) 304 309 (fontified nil org-category "test") 
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"test") 342 343 (fontified nil org-category "test") 343 347 (fontified nil 
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org-label nil) 347 380 (fontified nil org-category "test" org-caption nil 
org-caption-shortn nil org-attributes nil org-label nil) 380 385 (fontified nil 
org-category "test" org-caption nil org-caption-shortn nil org-attributes nil 
org-label nil) 385 418 (fontified nil org-category "test" org-caption nil 
org-caption-shortn nil org-attributes nil org-label nil) 418 423 (fontified nil 
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nil org-attributes nil org-label nil) 461 494 (fontified nil org-category 
"test" org-caption nil org-caption-shortn nil org-attributes nil org-label nil) 
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nil org-attributes nil org-label nil) 495 499 (fontified nil org-category 
"test" org-caption nil org-caption-shortn nil org-attributes nil org-label nil) 
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nil org-attributes nil org-label nil) 532 537 (fontified nil org-category 
"test") 537 554 (fontified nil org-category "test") 554 570 (fontified nil 
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(fontified nil org-category "test") 576 577 (fontified nil org-category "test") 
577 578 (fontified nil org-category "test") 578 580 (fontified nil org-category 
"test") 580 581 (fontified nil org-category "test") 581 582 (fontified nil 
org-category "test") 582 583 (fontified nil org-category "test") 583 584 
(fontified nil org-category "test") 584 585 (fontified nil org-category "test") 
585 586 (fontified nil org-category "test"))) (subcontent))))) nil)
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(occur . 1) (heading . #(" Tables " 1 2 (target "sec-1_1" org-category "test" 
fontified nil) 2 7 (target "sec-1_1" org-category "test" fontified nil))) 
(content . #("\n\n\n\n\n" 0 1 (fontified nil org-category "test") 1 3 
(fontified nil org-category "test") 3 4 (fontified nil org-category "test") 4 5 
(fontified nil org-category "test"))) (subcontent (((pos . 71) (level . 3) 
(occur . 1) (heading . #(" Table.el Table with no Spanning " 1 2 (target 
"sec-1_1_1" org-category "test" fontified nil) 2 32 (target "sec-1_1_1" 
org-category "test" fontified nil))) (content . #("\n    
+---------------+---------------+\n    |Term           |Percentage     |\n    
+---------------+---------------+\n    |Quarter        |25%            |\n    
|One-Fourth     |               |\n    +---------------+---------------+\n    
|Half           |50%            |\n    |One-by-Two     |               |\n    
+---------------+---------------+\n    |Three-Quarters |75%            |\n    
|Three-Fourths  |               |\n    +---------------+---------------+\n    
|Full           |100%           |\n    |Whole          |               |\n    
+---------------+---------------+\n    \n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n" 0 1 (fontified 
nil org-category "test") 1 5 (fontified nil org-category "test") 5 22 
(fontified nil org-category "test") 22 38 (fontified nil org-category "test") 
38 39 (fontified nil org-category "test") 39 43 (fontified nil org-category 
"test" org-caption nil org-caption-shortn nil org-attributes nil org-label nil) 
43 76 (fontified nil org-category "test" org-caption nil org-caption-shortn nil 
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98 (fontified nil org-category "test") 98 114 (fontified nil org-category 
"test") 114 115 (fontified nil org-category "test") 115 119 (fontified nil 
org-category "test" org-caption nil org-caption-shortn nil org-attributes nil 
org-label nil) 119 152 (fontified nil org-category "test" org-caption nil 
org-caption-shortn nil org-attributes nil org-label nil) 152 157 (fontified nil 
org-category "test" org-caption nil org-caption-shortn nil org-attributes nil 
org-label nil) 157 190 (fontified nil org-category "test" org-caption nil 
org-caption-shortn nil org-attributes nil org-label nil) 190 195 (fontified nil 
org-category "test") 195 212 (fontified nil org-category "test") 212 228 
(fontified nil org-category "test") 228 229 (fontified nil org-category "test") 
229 233 (fontified nil org-category "test" org-caption nil org-caption-shortn 
nil org-attributes nil org-label nil) 233 266 (fontified nil org-category 
"test" org-caption nil org-caption-shortn nil org-attributes nil org-label nil) 
266 271 (fontified nil org-category "test" org-caption nil org-caption-shortn 
nil org-attributes nil org-label nil) 271 304 (fontified nil org-category 
"test" org-caption nil org-caption-shortn nil org-attributes nil org-label nil) 
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"test") 326 342 (fontified nil org-category "test") 342 343 (fontified nil 
org-category "test") 343 347 (fontified nil org-category "test" org-caption nil 
org-caption-shortn nil org-attributes nil org-label nil) 347 380 (fontified nil 
org-category "test" org-caption nil org-caption-shortn nil org-attributes nil 
org-label nil) 380 385 (fontified nil org-category "test" org-caption nil 
org-caption-shortn nil org-attributes nil org-label nil) 385 418 (fontified nil 
org-category "test" org-caption nil org-caption-shortn nil org-attributes nil 
org-label nil) 418 423 (fontified nil org-category "test") 423 440 (fontified 
nil org-category "test") 440 456 (fontified nil org-category "test") 456 457 
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org-caption nil org-caption-shortn nil org-attributes nil org-label nil) 461 
494 (fontified nil org-category "test" org-caption nil org-caption-shortn nil 
org-attributes nil org-label nil) 494 495 (fontified nil org-category "test" 
org-caption nil org-caption-shortn nil org-attributes nil org-label nil) 495 
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org-attributes nil org-label nil) 499 532 (fontified nil org-category "test" 
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"test") 554 570 (fontified nil org-category "test") 570 571 (fontified nil 
org-category "test") 571 576 (fontified nil org-category "test") 576 577 
(fontified nil org-category "test") 577 578 (fontified nil org-category "test") 
578 580 (fontified nil org-category "test") 580 581 (fontified nil org-category 
"test") 581 582 (fontified nil org-category "test") 582 583 (fontified nil 
org-category "test") 583 584 (fontified nil org-category "test") 584 585 
(fontified nil org-category "test") 585 586 (fontified nil org-category 
"test"))) (subcontent))))))
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2) (occur . 1) (heading . #(" Tables " 1 2 (target "sec-1_1" org-category 
"test" fontified nil) 2 7 (target "sec-1_1" org-category "test" fontified 
nil))) (content . #("\n\n\n\n\n" 0 1 (fontified nil org-category "test") 1 3 
(fontified nil org-category "test") 3 4 (fontified nil org-category "test") 4 5 
(fontified nil org-category "test"))) (subcontent (((pos . 71) (level . 3) 
(occur . 1) (heading . #(" Table.el Table with no Spanning " 1 2 (target 
"sec-1_1_1" org-category "test" fontified nil) 2 32 (target "sec-1_1_1" 
org-category "test" fontified nil))) (content . #("\n    
+---------------+---------------+\n    |Term           |Percentage     |\n    
+---------------+---------------+\n    |Quarter        |25%            |\n    
|One-Fourth     |               |\n    +---------------+---------------+\n    
|Half           |50%            |\n    |One-by-Two     |               |\n    
+---------------+---------------+\n    |Three-Quarters |75%            |\n    
|Three-Fourths  |               |\n    +---------------+---------------+\n    
|Full           |100%           |\n    |Whole          |               |\n    
+---------------+---------------+\n    \n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n" 0 1 (fontified 
nil org-category "test") 1 5 (fontified nil org-category "test") 5 22 
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38 39 (fontified nil org-category "test") 39 43 (fontified nil org-category 
"test" org-caption nil org-caption-shortn nil org-attributes nil org-label nil) 
43 76 (fontified nil org-category "test" org-caption nil org-caption-shortn nil 
org-attributes nil org-label nil) 76 81 (fontified nil org-category "test") 81 
98 (fontified nil org-category "test") 98 114 (fontified nil org-category 
"test") 114 115 (fontified nil org-category "test") 115 119 (fontified nil 
org-category "test" org-caption nil org-caption-shortn nil org-attributes nil 
org-label nil) 119 152 (fontified nil org-category "test" org-caption nil 
org-caption-shortn nil org-attributes nil org-label nil) 152 157 (fontified nil 
org-category "test" org-caption nil org-caption-shortn nil org-attributes nil 
org-label nil) 157 190 (fontified nil org-category "test" org-caption nil 
org-caption-shortn nil org-attributes nil org-label nil) 190 195 (fontified nil 
org-category "test") 195 212 (fontified nil org-category "test") 212 228 
(fontified nil org-category "test") 228 229 (fontified nil org-category "test") 
229 233 (fontified nil org-category "test" org-caption nil org-caption-shortn 
nil org-attributes nil org-label nil) 233 266 (fontified nil org-category 
"test" org-caption nil org-caption-shortn nil org-attributes nil org-label nil) 
266 271 (fontified nil org-category "test" org-caption nil org-caption-shortn 
nil org-attributes nil org-label nil) 271 304 (fontified nil org-category 
"test" org-caption nil org-caption-shortn nil org-attributes nil org-label nil) 
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"test") 326 342 (fontified nil org-category "test") 342 343 (fontified nil 
org-category "test") 343 347 (fontified nil org-category "test" org-caption nil 
org-caption-shortn nil org-attributes nil org-label nil) 347 380 (fontified nil 
org-category "test" org-caption nil org-caption-shortn nil org-attributes nil 
org-label nil) 380 385 (fontified nil org-category "test" org-caption nil 
org-caption-shortn nil org-attributes nil org-label nil) 385 418 (fontified nil 
org-category "test" org-caption nil org-caption-shortn nil org-attributes nil 
org-label nil) 418 423 (fontified nil org-category "test") 423 440 (fontified 
nil org-category "test") 440 456 (fontified nil org-category "test") 456 457 
(fontified nil org-category "test") 457 461 (fontified nil org-category "test" 
org-caption nil org-caption-shortn nil org-attributes nil org-label nil) 461 
494 (fontified nil org-category "test" org-caption nil org-caption-shortn nil 
org-attributes nil org-label nil) 494 495 (fontified nil org-category "test" 
org-caption nil org-caption-shortn nil org-attributes nil org-label nil) 495 
499 (fontified nil org-category "test" org-caption nil org-caption-shortn nil 
org-attributes nil org-label nil) 499 532 (fontified nil org-category "test" 
org-caption nil org-caption-shortn nil org-attributes nil org-label nil) 532 
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"test") 554 570 (fontified nil org-category "test") 570 571 (fontified nil 
org-category "test") 571 576 (fontified nil org-category "test") 576 577 
(fontified nil org-category "test") 577 578 (fontified nil org-category "test") 
578 580 (fontified nil org-category "test") 580 581 (fontified nil org-category 
"test") 581 582 (fontified nil org-category "test") 582 583 (fontified nil 
org-category "test") 583 584 (fontified nil org-category "test") 584 585 
(fontified nil org-category "test") 585 586 (fontified nil org-category 
"test"))) (subcontent)))))))
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(mapc (lambda (x) (org-export-latex-subcontent x num)) subcontent))
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Tables " 1 2 (target "sec-1_1" org-category "test" fontified nil) 2 7 (target 
"sec-1_1" org-category "test" fontified nil))) (content . #("\n\n\n\n\n" 0 1 
(fontified nil org-category "test") 1 3 (fontified nil org-category "test") 3 4 
(fontified nil org-category "test") 4 5 (fontified nil org-category "test"))) 
(subcontent (((pos . 71) (level . 3) (occur . 1) (heading . #(" Table.el Table 
with no Spanning " 1 2 (target "sec-1_1_1" org-category "test" fontified nil) 2 
32 (target "sec-1_1_1" org-category "test" fontified nil))) (content . #("\n    
+---------------+---------------+\n    |Term           |Percentage     |\n    
+---------------+---------------+\n    |Quarter        |25%            |\n    
|One-Fourth     |               |\n    +---------------+---------------+\n    
|Half           |50%            |\n    |One-by-Two     |               |\n    
+---------------+---------------+\n    |Three-Quarters |75%            |\n    
|Three-Fourths  |               |\n    +---------------+---------------+\n    
|Full           |100%           |\n    |Whole          |               |\n    
+---------------+---------------+\n    \n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n" 0 1 (fontified 
nil org-category "test") 1 5 (fontified nil org-category "test") 5 22 
(fontified nil org-category "test") 22 38 (fontified nil org-category "test") 
38 39 (fontified nil org-category "test") 39 43 (fontified nil org-category 
"test" org-caption nil org-caption-shortn nil org-attributes nil org-label nil) 
43 76 (fontified nil org-category "test" org-caption nil org-caption-shortn nil 
org-attributes nil org-label nil) 76 81 (fontified nil org-category "test") 81 
98 (fontified nil org-category "test") 98 114 (fontified nil org-category 
"test") 114 115 (fontified nil org-category "test") 115 119 (fontified nil 
org-category "test" org-caption nil org-caption-shortn nil org-attributes nil 
org-label nil) 119 152 (fontified nil org-category "test" org-caption nil 
org-caption-shortn nil org-attributes nil org-label nil) 152 157 (fontified nil 
org-category "test" org-caption nil org-caption-shortn nil org-attributes nil 
org-label nil) 157 190 (fontified nil org-category "test" org-caption nil 
org-caption-shortn nil org-attributes nil org-label nil) 190 195 (fontified nil 
org-category "test") 195 212 (fontified nil org-category "test") 212 228 
(fontified nil org-category "test") 228 229 (fontified nil org-category "test") 
229 233 (fontified nil org-category "test" org-caption nil org-caption-shortn 
nil org-attributes nil org-label nil) 233 266 (fontified nil org-category 
"test" org-caption nil org-caption-shortn nil org-attributes nil org-label nil) 
266 271 (fontified nil org-category "test" org-caption nil org-caption-shortn 
nil org-attributes nil org-label nil) 271 304 (fontified nil org-category 
"test" org-caption nil org-caption-shortn nil org-attributes nil org-label nil) 
304 309 (fontified nil org-category "test") 309 326 (fontified nil org-category 
"test") 326 342 (fontified nil org-category "test") 342 343 (fontified nil 
org-category "test") 343 347 (fontified nil org-category "test" org-caption nil 
org-caption-shortn nil org-attributes nil org-label nil) 347 380 (fontified nil 
org-category "test" org-caption nil org-caption-shortn nil org-attributes nil 
org-label nil) 380 385 (fontified nil org-category "test" org-caption nil 
org-caption-shortn nil org-attributes nil org-label nil) 385 418 (fontified nil 
org-category "test" org-caption nil org-caption-shortn nil org-attributes nil 
org-label nil) 418 423 (fontified nil org-category "test") 423 440 (fontified 
nil org-category "test") 440 456 (fontified nil org-category "test") 456 457 
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org-caption nil org-caption-shortn nil org-attributes nil org-label nil) 461 
494 (fontified nil org-category "test" org-caption nil org-caption-shortn nil 
org-attributes nil org-label nil) 494 495 (fontified nil org-category "test" 
org-caption nil org-caption-shortn nil org-attributes nil org-label nil) 495 
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org-attributes nil org-label nil) 499 532 (fontified nil org-category "test" 
org-caption nil org-caption-shortn nil org-attributes nil org-label nil) 532 
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"test") 554 570 (fontified nil org-category "test") 570 571 (fontified nil 
org-category "test") 571 576 (fontified nil org-category "test") 576 577 
(fontified nil org-category "test") 577 578 (fontified nil org-category "test") 
578 580 (fontified nil org-category "test") 580 581 (fontified nil org-category 
"test") 581 582 (fontified nil org-category "test") 582 583 (fontified nil 
org-category "test") 583 584 (fontified nil org-category "test") 584 585 
(fontified nil org-category "test") 585 586 (fontified nil org-category 
"test"))) (subcontent)))))))
  (cond ((stringp subcontent) (insert subcontent)) ((listp subcontent) (while 
(org-looking-back "\n\n") (backward-delete-char 1)) (org-export-latex-sub 
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level) num)) start end) (if (consp (cdr sec)) (setq start (nth (if num 0 2) 
sec) end (nth (if num 1 3) sec)) (setq start (if num (car sec) (cdr sec)))) 
(insert (format start (if main-heading main-heading heading) (or sub-heading 
""))) (insert "\n") (when label (insert (mapconcat (lambda (l) (format 
"\\label{%s}" l)) label-list "\n") "\n")) (insert (org-export-latex-content 
content)) (cond ((stringp subcontent) (insert subcontent)) ((listp subcontent) 
(while (org-looking-back "\n\n") (backward-delete-char 1)) 
(org-export-latex-sub subcontent))) (when (and end (string-match "[^       ]" 
end)) (let ((hook (org-get-text-property-any 0 (quote org-insert-hook) end))) 
(and (functionp hook) (funcall hook))) (insert end "\n")))
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(integerp num) (>= num level) num)) start end) (if (consp (cdr sec)) (setq 
start (nth (if num 0 2) sec) end (nth (if num 1 3) sec)) (setq start (if num 
(car sec) (cdr sec)))) (insert (format start (if main-heading main-heading 
heading) (or sub-heading ""))) (insert "\n") (when label (insert (mapconcat 
(lambda (l) (format "\\label{%s}" l)) label-list "\n") "\n")) (insert 
(org-export-latex-content content)) (cond ((stringp subcontent) (insert 
subcontent)) ((listp subcontent) (while (org-looking-back "\n\n") 
(backward-delete-char 1)) (org-export-latex-sub subcontent))) (when (and end 
(string-match "[^       ]" end)) (let ((hook (org-get-text-property-any 0 ... 
end))) (and (functionp hook) (funcall hook))) (insert end "\n")))) ((> level 
depth) (cond ((eq org-export-latex-low-levels (quote description)) (if 
(string-match "% ends low level$" (buffer-substring (point-at-bol 0) (point))) 
(delete-region (point-at-bol 0) (point)) (insert "\\begin{description}\n")) 
(insert (format "\n\\item[%s]%s~\n" heading (if label (format "\\label{%s}" 
label) ""))) (insert (org-export-latex-content content)) (cond ((stringp 
subcontent) (insert subcontent)) ((listp subcontent) (org-export-latex-sub 
subcontent))) (insert "\\end{description} % ends low level\n")) ((memq 
org-export-latex-low-levels (quote (itemize enumerate))) (if (string-match "% 
ends low level$" (buffer-substring (point-at-bol 0) (point))) (delete-region 
(point-at-bol 0) (point)) (insert (format "\\begin{%s}\n" (symbol-name 
org-export-latex-low-levels)))) (insert (format "\n\\item %s\\\\\n%s%%" heading 
(if label (format "\\label{%s}" label) ""))) (insert (org-export-latex-content 
content)) (cond ((stringp subcontent) (insert subcontent)) ((listp subcontent) 
(org-export-latex-sub subcontent))) (insert (format "\\end{%s} %% ends low 
level\n" (symbol-name org-export-latex-low-levels)))) ((listp 
org-export-latex-low-levels) (if (string-match "% ends low level$" 
(buffer-substring (point-at-bol 0) (point))) (delete-region (point-at-bol 0) 
(point)) (insert (car org-export-latex-low-levels) "\n")) (insert (format (nth 
2 org-export-latex-low-levels) heading (if label (format "\\label{%s}" label) 
""))) (insert (org-export-latex-content content)) (cond ((stringp subcontent) 
(insert subcontent)) ((listp subcontent) (org-export-latex-sub subcontent))) 
(insert (nth 1 org-export-latex-low-levels) " %% ends low level\n")) ((stringp 
org-export-latex-low-levels) (insert (format org-export-latex-low-levels 
heading) "\n") (when label (insert (format "\\label{%s}\n" label))) (insert 
(org-export-latex-content content)) (cond ((stringp subcontent) (insert 
subcontent)) ((listp subcontent) (org-export-latex-sub subcontent)))))))
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(assoc (quote level) subcontent)) org-export-latex-add-level)) (occur 
(number-to-string (cdr (assoc (quote occur) subcontent)))) (content (cdr (assoc 
(quote content) subcontent))) (subcontent (cadr (assoc (quote subcontent) 
subcontent))) (label (org-get-text-property-any 0 (quote target) heading)) 
(label-list (cons label (cdr (assoc label org-export-target-aliases)))) 
(sectioning org-export-latex-sectioning) (depth 
org-export-latex-sectioning-depth) main-heading sub-heading) (when (symbolp 
(car sectioning)) (setq sectioning (funcall (car sectioning) level heading)) 
(when sectioning (setq heading (car sectioning) sectioning (cdr sectioning) 
label (org-get-text-property-any 0 (quote target) heading) label-list (cons 
label (cdr (assoc label org-export-target-aliases))))) (if sectioning (setq 
sectioning (make-list 10 sectioning))) (setq depth (if sectioning 10000 0))) 
(if (string-match "[    ]*\\\\\\\\[     ]*" heading) (setq main-heading 
(substring heading 0 (match-beginning 0)) sub-heading (substring heading 
(match-end 0)))) (setq heading (org-export-latex-fontify-headline heading) 
sub-heading (and sub-heading (org-export-latex-fontify-headline sub-heading)) 
main-heading (and main-heading (org-export-latex-fontify-headline 
main-heading))) (cond ((<= level depth) (let* ((sec (nth (1- level) 
sectioning)) (num (if (integerp num) (>= num level) num)) start end) (if (consp 
(cdr sec)) (setq start (nth (if num 0 2) sec) end (nth (if num 1 3) sec)) (setq 
start (if num (car sec) (cdr sec)))) (insert (format start (if main-heading 
main-heading heading) (or sub-heading ""))) (insert "\n") (when label (insert 
(mapconcat (lambda ... ...) label-list "\n") "\n")) (insert 
(org-export-latex-content content)) (cond ((stringp subcontent) (insert 
subcontent)) ((listp subcontent) (while (org-looking-back "\n\n") 
(backward-delete-char 1)) (org-export-latex-sub subcontent))) (when (and end 
(string-match "[^  ]" end)) (let ((hook ...)) (and (functionp hook) (funcall 
hook))) (insert end "\n")))) ((> level depth) (cond ((eq 
org-export-latex-low-levels (quote description)) (if (string-match "% ends low 
level$" (buffer-substring ... ...)) (delete-region (point-at-bol 0) (point)) 
(insert "\\begin{description}\n")) (insert (format "\n\\item[%s]%s~\n" heading 
(if label ... ""))) (insert (org-export-latex-content content)) (cond ((stringp 
subcontent) (insert subcontent)) ((listp subcontent) (org-export-latex-sub 
subcontent))) (insert "\\end{description} % ends low level\n")) ((memq 
org-export-latex-low-levels (quote (itemize enumerate))) (if (string-match "% 
ends low level$" (buffer-substring ... ...)) (delete-region (point-at-bol 0) 
(point)) (insert (format "\\begin{%s}\n" ...))) (insert (format "\n\\item 
%s\\\\\n%s%%" heading (if label ... ""))) (insert (org-export-latex-content 
content)) (cond ((stringp subcontent) (insert subcontent)) ((listp subcontent) 
(org-export-latex-sub subcontent))) (insert (format "\\end{%s} %% ends low 
level\n" (symbol-name org-export-latex-low-levels)))) ((listp 
org-export-latex-low-levels) (if (string-match "% ends low level$" 
(buffer-substring ... ...)) (delete-region (point-at-bol 0) (point)) (insert 
(car org-export-latex-low-levels) "\n")) (insert (format (nth 2 
org-export-latex-low-levels) heading (if label ... ""))) (insert 
(org-export-latex-content content)) (cond ((stringp subcontent) (insert 
subcontent)) ((listp subcontent) (org-export-latex-sub subcontent))) (insert 
(nth 1 org-export-latex-low-levels) " %% ends low level\n")) ((stringp 
org-export-latex-low-levels) (insert (format org-export-latex-low-levels 
heading) "\n") (when label (insert (format "\\label{%s}\n" label))) (insert 
(org-export-latex-content content)) (cond ((stringp subcontent) (insert 
subcontent)) ((listp subcontent) (org-export-latex-sub subcontent))))))))
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Sample Content (Proof Of Concept) " 1 2 (target "sec-1" org-category "test" 
fontified nil) 2 34 (target "sec-1" org-category "test" fontified nil))) 
(content . #("\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n" 0 1 (fontified nil org-category 
"test") 1 2 (fontified nil org-category "test") 2 3 (fontified nil org-category 
"test") 3 4 (fontified nil org-category "test") 4 5 (fontified nil org-category 
"test") 5 6 (fontified nil org-category "test") 6 7 (fontified nil org-category 
"test") 7 8 (fontified nil org-category "test") 8 9 (fontified nil org-category 
"test") 9 10 (fontified nil org-category "test") 10 12 (fontified nil 
org-category "test") 12 13 (fontified nil org-category "test") 13 14 (fontified 
nil org-category "test"))) (subcontent (((pos . 55) (level . 2) (occur . 1) 
(heading . #(" Tables " 1 2 (target "sec-1_1" org-category "test" fontified 
nil) 2 7 (target "sec-1_1" org-category "test" fontified nil))) (content . 
#("\n\n\n\n\n" 0 1 (fontified nil org-category "test") 1 3 (fontified nil 
org-category "test") 3 4 (fontified nil org-category "test") 4 5 (fontified nil 
org-category "test"))) (subcontent (((pos . 71) (level . 3) (occur . 1) 
(heading . #(" Table.el Table with no Spanning " 1 2 ... 2 32 ...)) (content . 
#("\n    +---------------+---------------+\n    |Term           |Percentage     
|\n    +---------------+---------------+\n    |Quarter        |25%            
|\n    |One-Fourth     |               |\n    
+---------------+---------------+\n    |Half           |50%            |\n    
|One-by-Two     |               |\n    +---------------+---------------+\n    
|Three-Quarters |75%            |\n    |Three-Fourths  |               |\n    
+---------------+---------------+\n    |Full           |100%           |\n    
|Whole          |               |\n    +---------------+---------------+\n    
\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n" 0 1 ... 1 5 ... 5 22 ... 22 38 ... 38 39 ... 39 43 ... 
43 76 ... 76 81 ... 81 98 ... 98 114 ... 114 115 ... 115 119 ... 119 152 ... 
152 157 ... 157 190 ... 190 195 ... 195 212 ... 212 228 ... 228 229 ... 229 233 
... 233 266 ... 266 271 ... 271 304 ... 304 309 ... 309 326 ... 326 342 ... 342 
343 ... 343 347 ... 347 380 ... 380 385 ... 385 418 ... 418 423 ... 423 440 ... 
440 456 ... 456 457 ... 457 461 ... 461 494 ... 494 495 ... 495 499 ... 499 532 
... 532 537 ... 537 554 ... 554 570 ... 570 571 ... 571 576 ... 576 577 ... 577 
578 ... 578 580 ... 580 581 ... 581 582 ... 582 583 ... 583 584 ... 584 585 ... 
585 586 ...)) (subcontent)))))))) nil)
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(occur . 1) (heading . #(" Sample Content (Proof Of Concept) " 1 2 (target 
"sec-1" org-category "test" fontified nil) 2 34 (target "sec-1" org-category 
"test" fontified nil))) (content . #("\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n" 0 1 
(fontified nil org-category "test") 1 2 (fontified nil org-category "test") 2 3 
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(fontified nil org-category "test") 5 6 (fontified nil org-category "test") 6 7 
(fontified nil org-category "test") 7 8 (fontified nil org-category "test") 8 9 
(fontified nil org-category "test") 9 10 (fontified nil org-category "test") 10 
12 (fontified nil org-category "test") 12 13 (fontified nil org-category 
"test") 13 14 (fontified nil org-category "test"))) (subcontent (((pos . 55) 
(level . 2) (occur . 1) (heading . #(" Tables " 1 2 (target "sec-1_1" 
org-category "test" fontified nil) 2 7 (target "sec-1_1" org-category "test" 
fontified nil))) (content . #("\n\n\n\n\n" 0 1 (fontified nil org-category 
"test") 1 3 (fontified nil org-category "test") 3 4 (fontified nil org-category 
"test") 4 5 (fontified nil org-category "test"))) (subcontent (((pos . 71) 
(level . 3) (occur . 1) (heading . #(" Table.el Table with no Spanning " 1 2 
... 2 32 ...)) (content . #("\n    +---------------+---------------+\n    |Term 
          |Percentage     |\n    +---------------+---------------+\n    
|Quarter        |25%            |\n    |One-Fourth     |               |\n    
+---------------+---------------+\n    |Half           |50%            |\n    
|One-by-Two     |               |\n    +---------------+---------------+\n    
|Three-Quarters |75%            |\n    |Three-Fourths  |               |\n    
+---------------+---------------+\n    |Full           |100%           |\n    
|Whole          |               |\n    +---------------+---------------+\n    
\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n" 0 1 ... 1 5 ... 5 22 ... 22 38 ... 38 39 ... 39 43 ... 
43 76 ... 76 81 ... 81 98 ... 98 114 ... 114 115 ... 115 119 ... 119 152 ... 
152 157 ... 157 190 ... 190 195 ... 195 212 ... 212 228 ... 228 229 ... 229 233 
... 233 266 ... 266 271 ... 271 304 ... 304 309 ... 309 326 ... 326 342 ... 342 
343 ... 343 347 ... 347 380 ... 380 385 ... 385 418 ... 418 423 ... 423 440 ... 
440 456 ... 456 457 ... 457 461 ... 461 494 ... 494 495 ... 495 499 ... 499 532 
... 532 537 ... 537 554 ... 554 570 ... 570 571 ... 571 576 ... 576 577 ... 577 
578 ... 578 580 ... 580 581 ... 581 582 ... 582 583 ... 583 584 ... 584 585 ... 
585 586 ...)) (subcontent)))))))))
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(occur . 1) (heading . #(" Sample Content (Proof Of Concept) " 1 2 (target 
"sec-1" org-category "test" fontified nil) 2 34 (target "sec-1" org-category 
"test" fontified nil))) (content . #("\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n" 0 1 
(fontified nil org-category "test") 1 2 (fontified nil org-category "test") 2 3 
(fontified nil org-category "test") 3 4 (fontified nil org-category "test") 4 5 
(fontified nil org-category "test") 5 6 (fontified nil org-category "test") 6 7 
(fontified nil org-category "test") 7 8 (fontified nil org-category "test") 8 9 
(fontified nil org-category "test") 9 10 (fontified nil org-category "test") 10 
12 (fontified nil org-category "test") 12 13 (fontified nil org-category 
"test") 13 14 (fontified nil org-category "test"))) (subcontent (((pos . 55) 
(level . 2) (occur . 1) (heading . #(" Tables " 1 2 (target "sec-1_1" 
org-category "test" fontified nil) 2 7 (target "sec-1_1" org-category "test" 
fontified nil))) (content . #("\n\n\n\n\n" 0 1 (fontified nil org-category 
"test") 1 3 (fontified nil org-category "test") 3 4 (fontified nil org-category 
"test") 4 5 (fontified nil org-category "test"))) (subcontent ((... ... ... ... 
... ...)))))))))
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(mapc (lambda (x) (org-export-latex-subcontent x num)) subcontent))
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Sample Content (Proof Of Concept) " 1 2 (target "sec-1" org-category "test" 
fontified nil) 2 34 (target "sec-1" org-category "test" fontified nil))) 
(content . #("\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n" 0 1 (fontified nil org-category 
"test") 1 2 (fontified nil org-category "test") 2 3 (fontified nil org-category 
"test") 3 4 (fontified nil org-category "test") 4 5 (fontified nil org-category 
"test") 5 6 (fontified nil org-category "test") 6 7 (fontified nil org-category 
"test") 7 8 (fontified nil org-category "test") 8 9 (fontified nil org-category 
"test") 9 10 (fontified nil org-category "test") 10 12 (fontified nil 
org-category "test") 12 13 (fontified nil org-category "test") 13 14 (fontified 
nil org-category "test"))) (subcontent (((pos . 55) (level . 2) (occur . 1) 
(heading . #(" Tables " 1 2 (target "sec-1_1" org-category "test" fontified 
nil) 2 7 (target "sec-1_1" org-category "test" fontified nil))) (content . 
#("\n\n\n\n\n" 0 1 (fontified nil org-category "test") 1 3 (fontified nil 
org-category "test") 3 4 (fontified nil org-category "test") 4 5 (fontified nil 
org-category "test"))) (subcontent ((... ... ... ... ... ...)))))))))
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(cdr content)) (org-export-latex-sub (car content)))
  org-export-latex-global(((((pos . 4) (level . 1) (occur . 1) (heading . #(" 
Sample Content (Proof Of Concept) " 1 2 (target "sec-1" org-category "test" 
fontified nil) 2 34 (target "sec-1" org-category "test" fontified nil))) 
(content . #("\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n" 0 1 (fontified nil org-category 
"test") 1 2 (fontified nil org-category "test") 2 3 (fontified nil org-category 
"test") 3 4 (fontified nil org-category "test") 4 5 (fontified nil org-category 
"test") 5 6 (fontified nil org-category "test") 6 7 (fontified nil org-category 
"test") 7 8 (fontified nil org-category "test") 8 9 (fontified nil org-category 
"test") 9 10 (fontified nil org-category "test") 10 12 (fontified nil 
org-category "test") 12 13 (fontified nil org-category "test") 13 14 (fontified 
nil org-category "test"))) (subcontent (((pos . 55) (level . 2) (occur . 1) 
(heading . #(" Tables " 1 2 ... 2 7 ...)) (content . #("\n\n\n\n\n" 0 1 ... 1 3 
... 3 4 ... 4 5 ...)) (subcontent (...)))))))))
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(org-export-process-option-filters org-export-latex-options-plist)) (region-p 
(org-region-active-p)) (rbeg (and region-p (region-beginning))) (rend (and 
region-p (region-end))) (subtree-p (if (plist-get opt-plist :ignore-subtree-p) 
nil (when region-p (save-excursion (goto-char rbeg) (and (org-at-heading-p) (>= 
... rend)))))) (opt-plist (setq org-export-opt-plist (if subtree-p 
(org-export-add-subtree-options opt-plist rbeg) opt-plist))) 
(org-export-latex-options-plist (setq org-export-opt-plist opt-plist)) 
(org-current-export-dir (or pub-dir (org-export-directory :html opt-plist))) 
(org-current-export-file buffer-file-name) (title (or (and subtree-p 
(org-export-get-title-from-subtree)) (plist-get opt-plist :title) (and (not 
(plist-get opt-plist :skip-before-1st-heading)) 
(org-export-grab-title-from-buffer)) (and buffer-file-name 
(file-name-sans-extension (file-name-nondirectory buffer-file-name))) "No 
Title")) (filename (and (not to-buffer) (concat (file-name-as-directory (or 
pub-dir (org-export-directory :LaTeX ext-plist))) (file-name-sans-extension (or 
(and subtree-p ...) (file-name-nondirectory ...))) ".tex"))) (filename (and 
filename (if (equal (file-truename filename) (file-truename (or 
buffer-file-name "dummy.org"))) (concat filename ".tex") filename))) (buffer 
(if to-buffer (cond ((eq to-buffer (quote string)) (get-buffer-create "*Org 
LaTeX Export*")) (t (get-buffer-create to-buffer))) (find-file-noselect 
filename))) (odd org-odd-levels-only) (header (org-export-latex-make-header 
title opt-plist)) (skip (cond (subtree-p nil) (region-p nil) (t (plist-get 
opt-plist :skip-before-1st-heading)))) (text (plist-get opt-plist :text)) 
(org-export-preprocess-hook (cons (\` (lambda nil (org-set-local (quote 
org-complex-heading-regexp) (\, org-export-latex-complex-heading-re)))) 
org-export-preprocess-hook)) (first-lines (if skip "" 
(org-export-latex-first-lines opt-plist (if subtree-p (save-excursion 
(goto-char rbeg) (point-at-bol 2)) rbeg) (if region-p rend)))) (coding-system 
(and (boundp (quote buffer-file-coding-system)) buffer-file-coding-system)) 
(coding-system-for-write (or org-export-latex-coding-system coding-system)) 
(save-buffer-coding-system (or org-export-latex-coding-system coding-system)) 
(region (buffer-substring (if region-p (region-beginning) (point-min)) (if 
region-p (region-end) (point-max)))) (text (and text (string-match "\\S-" text) 
(org-export-preprocess-string text :emph-multiline t :for-backend (quote latex) 
:comments nil :tags (plist-get opt-plist :tags) :priority (plist-get opt-plist 
:priority) :footnotes (plist-get opt-plist :footnotes) :drawers (plist-get 
opt-plist :drawers) :timestamps (plist-get opt-plist :timestamps) 
:todo-keywords (plist-get opt-plist :todo-keywords) :tasks (plist-get opt-plist 
:tasks) :add-text nil :skip-before-1st-heading skip :select-tags nil 
:exclude-tags nil :LaTeX-fragments nil))) (string-for-export 
(org-export-preprocess-string region :emph-multiline t :for-backend (quote 
latex) :comments nil :tags (plist-get opt-plist :tags) :priority (plist-get 
opt-plist :priority) :footnotes (plist-get opt-plist :footnotes) :drawers 
(plist-get opt-plist :drawers) :timestamps (plist-get opt-plist :timestamps) 
:todo-keywords (plist-get opt-plist :todo-keywords) :tasks (plist-get opt-plist 
:tasks) :add-text (if (eq to-buffer (quote string)) nil text) 
:skip-before-1st-heading skip :select-tags (plist-get opt-plist :select-tags) 
:exclude-tags (plist-get opt-plist :exclude-tags) :LaTeX-fragments nil))) 
(set-buffer buffer) (erase-buffer) (org-install-letbind) (and (fboundp (quote 
set-buffer-file-coding-system)) (set-buffer-file-coding-system 
coding-system-for-write)) (unless (or (eq to-buffer (quote string)) body-only) 
(insert header)) (when (and text (not (eq to-buffer (quote string)))) (insert 
(org-export-latex-content text (quote (lists tables fixed-width keywords))) 
"\n\n")) (unless (or skip (string-match "^\\*" first-lines)) (insert 
first-lines)) (org-export-latex-global (with-temp-buffer (insert 
string-for-export) (goto-char (point-min)) (when (re-search-forward 
"^\\(\\*+\\) " nil t) (let* ((asters (length ...)) (level (if odd ... ...))) 
(setq org-export-latex-add-level (if odd (1- ...) (1- asters))) 
(org-export-latex-parse-global level odd))))) (unless body-only (insert 
"\n\\end{document}")) (goto-char (point-min)) (while (re-search-forward "^[     
 ]*\\\\item\\([  ]+\\)\\[" nil t) (delete-region (match-beginning 1) (match-end 
1))) (goto-char (point-min)) (when (re-search-forward "\\[TABLE-OF-CONTENTS\\]" 
nil t) (goto-char (point-min)) (while (re-search-forward 
"\\\\tableofcontents\\>[        ]*\n?" nil t) (replace-match "")) (goto-char 
(point-min)) (and (re-search-forward "\\[TABLE-OF-CONTENTS\\]" nil t) 
(replace-match "\\tableofcontents" t t))) (goto-char (point-min)) (while 
(re-search-forward "^[      ]*\\\\item\\>.*\\(\\\\\\\\\\)[  
]*\\(\n\\\\label.*\\)*\n\\\\begin" nil t) (delete-region (match-beginning 1) 
(match-end 1))) (goto-char (point-min)) (while (re-search-forward "^[      
]*\\\\item\\>.*\\(\\\\\\\\\\)[  ]*\\(\n\\\\label.*\\)*" nil t) (if (looking-at 
"[\n     ]+") (replace-match "\n"))) (run-hooks (quote 
org-export-latex-final-hook)) (if to-buffer (unless (eq major-mode (quote 
latex-mode)) (latex-mode)) (save-buffer)) (org-export-latex-fix-inputenc) 
(run-hooks (quote org-export-latex-after-save-hook)) (goto-char (point-min)) 
(or (org-export-push-to-kill-ring "LaTeX") (message "Exporting to 
LaTeX...done")) (prog1 (if (eq to-buffer (quote string)) (prog1 
(buffer-substring (point-min) (point-max)) (kill-buffer (current-buffer))) 
(current-buffer)) (set-window-configuration wcf)))
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(org-region-active-p))) (let ((p (start-process (concat "Exporting " 
(file-name-nondirectory (buffer-file-name))) "*Org Processes*" 
(expand-file-name invocation-name invocation-directory) "-batch" "-l" 
user-init-file "--eval" "(require 'org-exp)" "--eval" "(setq org-wait .2)" 
(buffer-file-name) "-f" (symbol-name (nth 1 ass))))) (set-process-sentinel p 
(quote org-export-process-sentinel)) (message "Background process \"%s\": 
started" p)) (if subtree-p (progn (org-mark-subtree) (activate-mark))) 
(call-interactively (nth 1 ass)) (when (and bpos (get-buffer-window cbuf)) (let 
((cw (selected-window))) (select-window (get-buffer-window cbuf)) (goto-char 
cpos) (deactivate-mark) (select-window cw))))
  (let* ((bg (org-xor (equal arg (quote (16))) org-export-run-in-background)) 
(subtree-p (or (org-region-active-p) (eq org-export-initial-scope (quote 
subtree)))) (help "[t]   insert the export option template\n[v]   limit export 
to visible part of outline tree\n[1]   switch buffer/subtree export\n[SPC] 
publish enclosing subtree (with LaTeX_CLASS or EXPORT_FILE_NAME 
prop)\n\n[a/n/u] export as ASCII/Latin-1/UTF-8         [A/N/U] to temporary 
buffer\n\n[h] export as HTML      [H] to temporary buffer   [R] export 
region\n[b] export as HTML and open in browser\n\n[l] export as LaTeX     [L] 
to temporary buffer\n[p] export as LaTeX and process to PDF            [d] ... 
and open PDF file\n\n[D] export as DocBook   [V] export as DocBook, process to 
PDF, and open\n\n[j] export as TaskJuggler                         [J] ... and 
open\n\n[m] export as Freemind mind map\n[x] export as XOXO\n[g] export using 
Wes Hardaker's generic exporter\n\n[i] export current file as iCalendar 
file\n[I] export all agenda files as iCalendar files   [c] ...as one combined 
file\n\n[F] publish current file          [P] publish current project\n[X] 
publish a project...          [E] publish every projects") (cmds (quote ((116 
org-insert-export-options-template nil) (118 org-export-visible nil) (97 
org-export-as-ascii t) (65 org-export-as-ascii-to-buffer t) (110 
org-export-as-latin1 t) (78 org-export-as-latin1-to-buffer t) (117 
org-export-as-utf8 t) (85 org-export-as-utf8-to-buffer t) (104 
org-export-as-html t) (98 org-export-as-html-and-open t) (72 
org-export-as-html-to-buffer nil) (82 org-export-region-as-html nil) (120 
org-export-as-xoxo t) (103 org-export-generic t) (68 org-export-as-docbook t) 
(86 org-export-as-docbook-pdf-and-open t) (106 org-export-as-taskjuggler t) (74 
org-export-as-taskjuggler-and-open t) (109 org-export-as-freemind t) (108 
org-export-as-latex t) (112 org-export-as-pdf t) (100 
org-export-as-pdf-and-open t) (76 org-export-as-latex-to-buffer nil) (105 
org-export-icalendar-this-file t) (73 org-export-icalendar-all-agenda-files t) 
(99 org-export-icalendar-combine-agenda-files t) (70 org-publish-current-file 
t) (80 org-publish-current-project t) (88 org-publish t) (69 org-publish-all 
t)))) r1 r2 ass (cpos (point)) (cbuf (current-buffer)) bpos) (save-excursion 
(save-window-excursion (if subtree-p (message "Export subtree: ") (message 
"Export buffer: ")) (delete-other-windows) (with-output-to-temp-buffer "*Org 
Export/Publishing Help*" (princ help)) (org-fit-window-to-buffer 
(get-buffer-window "*Org Export/Publishing Help*")) (while (eq (setq r1 
(read-char-exclusive)) 49) (cond (subtree-p (setq subtree-p nil) (message 
"Export buffer: ")) ((not subtree-p) (setq subtree-p t) (message "Export 
subtree: ")))) (when (eq r1 32) (let ((case-fold-search t)) (if 
(re-search-backward "^[       ]+\\(:latex_class:\\|:export_title:\\)[         
]+\\S-" nil t) (progn (org-back-to-heading t) (setq subtree-p t) (setq bpos 
...) (message "Select command (for subtree): ") (setq r1 ...)) (error "No 
enclosing node with LaTeX_CLASS or EXPORT_FILE_NAME")))))) (redisplay) (and 
bpos (goto-char bpos)) (setq r2 (if (< r1 27) (+ r1 96) r1)) (unless (setq ass 
(assq r2 cmds)) (error "No command associated with key %c" r1)) (if (and bg 
(nth 2 ass) (not (buffer-base-buffer)) (not (org-region-active-p))) (let ((p 
(start-process (concat "Exporting " (file-name-nondirectory ...)) "*Org 
Processes*" (expand-file-name invocation-name invocation-directory) "-batch" 
"-l" user-init-file "--eval" "(require 'org-exp)" "--eval" "(setq org-wait .2)" 
(buffer-file-name) "-f" (symbol-name (nth 1 ass))))) (set-process-sentinel p 
(quote org-export-process-sentinel)) (message "Background process \"%s\": 
started" p)) (if subtree-p (progn (org-mark-subtree) (activate-mark))) 
(call-interactively (nth 1 ass)) (when (and bpos (get-buffer-window cbuf)) (let 
((cw (selected-window))) (select-window (get-buffer-window cbuf)) (goto-char 
cpos) (deactivate-mark) (select-window cw)))))
  call-interactively(org-export nil nil)
 \"\210\327\306!\210\324\330!\210\331\312\324\330!\210\212\332 \210+\331\207" 
[unread-command-char debugger-args x debugger-buffer noninteractive 
debugger-batch-max-lines -1 debug backtrace-debug 4 t backtrace-frame lambda 5 
pop-to-buffer debugger-mode debugger-setup-buffer count-lines 2 "...\n" message 
"%s" buffer-string kill-emacs "" nil recursive-edit middlestart 
buffer-read-only standard-output] 4)
  debug(error (error "Invalid search bound (wrong side of point)"))
  re-search-forward("\\s *\\'" 60 t)
  table--buffer-substring-and-trim(61 60)
  #[(from to) "\306\307        B!\307\n        
 !8\211\")\207" [from y to line temp-buffer dest-buffer 
table--buffer-substring-and-trim table--goto-coordinate generate-new-buffer " 
*temp*" ((byte-code "\301!\203\n\302!\210\301\207" [temp-buffer buffer-name 
kill-buffer] 2)) re-search-forward 
"\\([#$~_^%{}]\\)\\|\\(\\\\\\)\\|\\([<>|]\\)" nil t 1 "\\" 2 replace-match 
"$\\backslash$" "$" match-string 3 32 "" " " "& " format 
"\\multicolumn{%d}{%sl|}{%s}" "|" first-p span i col-list start] 5](21 20)
  table--generate-source-scan-lines(#<killed buffer> latex (45 . 60) (466 . 
520) (5 21) (2 4 7 10 13))
  table-generate-source(latex "*org-export-table*" "caption")
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(buffer-substring (point-at-bol) (point-at-eol)) label 
(org-get-text-property-any 0 (quote org-label) line) caption 
(org-get-text-property-any 0 (quote org-caption) line) shortn 
(org-get-text-property-any 0 (quote org-caption-shortn) line) attr 
(org-get-text-property-any 0 (quote org-attributes) line) align (and attr 
(stringp attr) (string-match "\\<align=\\([^         \n,]+\\)" attr) 
(match-string 1 attr)) rmlines (and attr (stringp attr) (string-match 
"\\<rmlines\\>" attr)) floatp (or label caption)) (and (get-buffer 
"*org-export-table*") (kill-buffer (get-buffer "*org-export-table*"))) 
(table-generate-source (quote latex) "*org-export-table*" "caption") (setq tbl 
(with-current-buffer "*org-export-table*" (buffer-string))) (while 
(string-match "^%.*\n" tbl) (setq tbl (replace-match "" t t tbl))) (when 
rmlines (let ((n 0) lines) (setq lines (mapcar (lambda (x) (if (string-match 
"^\\\\hline$" x) (progn ... ...) x)) (org-split-string tbl "\n"))) (setq tbl 
(mapconcat (quote identity) (delq nil lines) "\n")))) (when (and align 
(string-match "\\\\begin{tabular}{.*}" tbl)) (setq tbl (replace-match (concat 
"\\begin{tabular}{" align "}") t t tbl))) (and (get-buffer 
"*org-export-table*") (kill-buffer (get-buffer "*org-export-table*"))) 
(beginning-of-line 0) (while (looking-at "[         ]*\\(|\\|\\+-\\)") 
(delete-region (point) (1+ (point-at-eol)))) (when 
org-export-latex-tables-centered (setq tbl (concat "\\begin{center}\n" tbl 
"\\end{center}"))) (when floatp (setq tbl (concat "\\begin{table}\n" (format 
"\\caption%s{%s}%s\n" (if shortn (format "[%s]" shortn) "") (if label (format 
"\\label{%s}" label) "") (or caption "")) tbl "\n\\end{table}\n"))) (insert 
(org-export-latex-protect-string tbl)))
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table)) (org-export-latex-convert-table\.el-table))
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table)) (org-export-latex-convert-table\.el-table))
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  (while (re-search-forward "^[         ]*\\(\\+-[-+]*\\+\\)[   ]*\n[   ]*|" 
nil t) (org-if-unprotected (require (quote table)) 
  (if (memq (quote tables) exclude-list) nil (org-export-latex-tables 
(plist-get org-export-latex-options-plist :tables)))
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(plist-get org-export-latex-options-plist :tables)))
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timestamps) exclude-list) (org-export-latex-time-stamps)) (unless (memq (quote 
quotation-marks) exclude-list) (org-export-latex-quotation-marks)) (unless 
(memq (quote emphasis) exclude-list) (when (plist-get 
org-export-latex-options-plist :emphasize) (org-export-latex-fontify))) (unless 
(memq (quote sub-superscript) exclude-list) (org-export-latex-special-chars 
(plist-get org-export-latex-options-plist :sub-superscript))) (unless (memq 
(quote links) exclude-list) (org-export-latex-links)) (unless (memq (quote 
keywords) exclude-list) (org-export-latex-keywords)) (unless (memq (quote 
lists) exclude-list) (org-export-latex-lists)) (unless (memq (quote tables) 
exclude-list) (org-export-latex-tables (plist-get 
org-export-latex-options-plist :tables))) (unless (memq (quote fixed-width) 
exclude-list) (org-export-latex-fixed-width (plist-get 
org-export-latex-options-plist :fixed-width))) (buffer-substring (point-min) 
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(quote timestamps) exclude-list) (org-export-latex-time-stamps)) (unless (memq 
(quote quotation-marks) exclude-list) (org-export-latex-quotation-marks)) 
(unless (memq (quote emphasis) exclude-list) (when (plist-get 
org-export-latex-options-plist :emphasize) (org-export-latex-fontify))) (unless 
(memq (quote sub-superscript) exclude-list) (org-export-latex-special-chars 
(plist-get org-export-latex-options-plist :sub-superscript))) (unless (memq 
(quote links) exclude-list) (org-export-latex-links)) (unless (memq (quote 
keywords) exclude-list) (org-export-latex-keywords)) (unless (memq (quote 
lists) exclude-list) (org-export-latex-lists)) (unless (memq (quote tables) 
exclude-list) (org-export-latex-tables (plist-get 
org-export-latex-options-plist :tables))) (unless (memq (quote fixed-width) 
exclude-list) (org-export-latex-fixed-width (plist-get 
org-export-latex-options-plist :fixed-width))) (buffer-substring (point-min) 
(point-max))) (and (buffer-name temp-buffer) (kill-buffer temp-buffer)))
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(org-install-letbind) (insert content) (unless (memq (quote timestamps) 
exclude-list) (org-export-latex-time-stamps)) (unless (memq (quote 
quotation-marks) exclude-list) (org-export-latex-quotation-marks)) (unless 
(memq (quote emphasis) exclude-list) (when (plist-get 
org-export-latex-options-plist :emphasize) (org-export-latex-fontify))) (unless 
(memq (quote sub-superscript) exclude-list) (org-export-latex-special-chars 
(plist-get org-export-latex-options-plist :sub-superscript))) (unless (memq 
(quote links) exclude-list) (org-export-latex-links)) (unless (memq (quote 
keywords) exclude-list) (org-export-latex-keywords)) (unless (memq (quote 
lists) exclude-list) (org-export-latex-lists)) (unless (memq (quote tables) 
exclude-list) (org-export-latex-tables (plist-get 
org-export-latex-options-plist :tables))) (unless (memq (quote fixed-width) 
exclude-list) (org-export-latex-fixed-width (plist-get 
org-export-latex-options-plist :fixed-width))) (buffer-substring (point-min) 
(point-max))) (and (buffer-name temp-buffer) (kill-buffer temp-buffer))))
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(insert content) (unless (memq (quote timestamps) exclude-list) 
(org-export-latex-time-stamps)) (unless (memq (quote quotation-marks) 
exclude-list) (org-export-latex-quotation-marks)) (unless (memq (quote 
emphasis) exclude-list) (when (plist-get org-export-latex-options-plist 
:emphasize) (org-export-latex-fontify))) (unless (memq (quote sub-superscript) 
exclude-list) (org-export-latex-special-chars (plist-get 
org-export-latex-options-plist :sub-superscript))) (unless (memq (quote links) 
exclude-list) (org-export-latex-links)) (unless (memq (quote keywords) 
exclude-list) (org-export-latex-keywords)) (unless (memq (quote lists) 
exclude-list) (org-export-latex-lists)) (unless (memq (quote tables) 
exclude-list) (org-export-latex-tables (plist-get 
org-export-latex-options-plist :tables))) (unless (memq (quote fixed-width) 
exclude-list) (org-export-latex-fixed-width (plist-get 
org-export-latex-options-plist :fixed-width))) (buffer-substring (point-min) 
(point-max))) (and (buffer-name temp-buffer) (kill-buffer temp-buffer))))
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temp-buffer (unwind-protect (progn (org-install-letbind) (insert content) 
(unless (memq (quote timestamps) exclude-list) (org-export-latex-time-stamps)) 
(unless (memq (quote quotation-marks) exclude-list) 
(org-export-latex-quotation-marks)) (unless (memq (quote emphasis) 
exclude-list) (when (plist-get org-export-latex-options-plist :emphasize) 
(org-export-latex-fontify))) (unless (memq (quote sub-superscript) 
exclude-list) (org-export-latex-special-chars (plist-get 
org-export-latex-options-plist :sub-superscript))) (unless (memq (quote links) 
exclude-list) (org-export-latex-links)) (unless (memq (quote keywords) 
exclude-list) (org-export-latex-keywords)) (unless (memq (quote lists) 
exclude-list) (org-export-latex-lists)) (unless (memq (quote tables) 
exclude-list) (org-export-latex-tables (plist-get 
org-export-latex-options-plist :tables))) (unless (memq (quote fixed-width) 
exclude-list) (org-export-latex-fixed-width (plist-get 
org-export-latex-options-plist :fixed-width))) (buffer-substring (point-min) 
(point-max))) (and (buffer-name temp-buffer) (kill-buffer temp-buffer)))))
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timestamps) exclude-list) (org-export-latex-time-stamps)) (unless (memq (quote 
quotation-marks) exclude-list) (org-export-latex-quotation-marks)) (unless 
(memq (quote emphasis) exclude-list) (when (plist-get 
org-export-latex-options-plist :emphasize) (org-export-latex-fontify))) (unless 
(memq (quote sub-superscript) exclude-list) (org-export-latex-special-chars 
(plist-get org-export-latex-options-plist :sub-superscript))) (unless (memq 
(quote links) exclude-list) (org-export-latex-links)) (unless (memq (quote 
keywords) exclude-list) (org-export-latex-keywords)) (unless (memq (quote 
lists) exclude-list) (org-export-latex-lists)) (unless (memq (quote tables) 
exclude-list) (org-export-latex-tables (plist-get 
org-export-latex-options-plist :tables))) (unless (memq (quote fixed-width) 
exclude-list) (org-export-latex-fixed-width (plist-get 
org-export-latex-options-plist :fixed-width))) (buffer-substring (point-min) 
  org-export-latex-content(#("\n    +---------------+---------------+\n    
|Term           |Percentage     |\n    +---------------+---------------+\n    
|Quarter        |25%            |\n    |One-Fourth     |               |\n    
+---------------+---------------+\n    |Half           |50%            |\n    
|One-by-Two     |               |\n    +---------------+---------------+\n    
|Three-Quarters |75%            |\n    |Three-Fourths  |               |\n    
+---------------+---------------+\n    |Full           |100%           |\n    
|Whole          |               |\n    +---------------+---------------+\n" 0 1 
(fontified nil org-category "test") 1 5 (fontified nil org-category "test") 5 
22 (fontified nil org-category "test") 22 38 (fontified nil org-category 
"test") 38 39 (fontified nil org-category "test") 39 43 (fontified nil 
org-category "test" org-caption nil org-caption-shortn nil org-attributes nil 
org-label nil) 43 76 (fontified nil org-category "test" org-caption nil 
org-caption-shortn nil org-attributes nil org-label nil) 76 81 (fontified nil 
org-category "test") 81 98 (fontified nil org-category "test") 98 114 
(fontified nil org-category "test") 114 115 (fontified nil org-category "test") 
115 119 (fontified nil org-category "test" org-caption nil org-caption-shortn 
nil org-attributes nil org-label nil) 119 152 (fontified nil org-category 
"test" org-caption nil org-caption-shortn nil org-attributes nil org-label nil) 
152 157 (fontified nil org-category "test" org-caption nil org-caption-shortn 
nil org-attributes nil org-label nil) 157 190 (fontified nil org-category 
"test" org-caption nil org-caption-shortn nil org-attributes nil org-label nil) 
190 195 (fontified nil org-category "test") 195 212 (fontified nil org-category 
"test") 212 228 (fontified nil org-category "test") 228 229 (fontified nil 
org-category "test") 229 233 (fontified nil org-category "test" org-caption nil 
org-caption-shortn nil org-attributes nil org-label nil) 233 266 (fontified nil 
org-category "test" org-caption nil org-caption-shortn nil org-attributes nil 
org-label nil) 266 271 (fontified nil org-category "test" org-caption nil 
org-caption-shortn nil org-attributes nil org-label nil) 271 304 (fontified nil 
org-category "test" org-caption nil org-caption-shortn nil org-attributes nil 
org-label nil) 304 309 (fontified nil org-category "test") 309 326 (fontified 
nil org-category "test") 326 342 (fontified nil org-category "test") 342 343 
(fontified nil org-category "test") 343 347 (fontified nil org-category "test" 
org-caption nil org-caption-shortn nil org-attributes nil org-label nil) 347 
380 (fontified nil org-category "test" org-caption nil org-caption-shortn nil 
org-attributes nil org-label nil) 380 385 (fontified nil org-category "test" 
org-caption nil org-caption-shortn nil org-attributes nil org-label nil) 385 
418 (fontified nil org-category "test" org-caption nil org-caption-shortn nil 
org-attributes nil org-label nil) 418 423 (fontified nil org-category "test") 
423 440 (fontified nil org-category "test") 440 456 (fontified nil org-category 
"test") 456 457 (fontified nil org-category "test") 457 461 (fontified nil 
org-category "test" org-caption nil org-caption-shortn nil org-attributes nil 
org-label nil) 461 494 (fontified nil org-category "test" org-caption nil 
org-caption-shortn nil org-attributes nil org-label nil) 494 495 (fontified nil 
org-category "test" org-caption nil org-caption-shortn nil org-attributes nil 
org-label nil) 495 499 (fontified nil org-category "test" org-caption nil 
org-caption-shortn nil org-attributes nil org-label nil) 499 532 (fontified nil 
org-category "test" org-caption nil org-caption-shortn nil org-attributes nil 
org-label nil) 532 537 (fontified nil org-category "test") 537 554 (fontified 
nil org-category "test") 554 570 (fontified nil org-category "test") 570 571 
(fontified nil org-category "test")))
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level) num)) start end) (if (consp (cdr sec)) (setq start (nth (if num 0 2) 
sec) end (nth (if num 1 3) sec)) (setq start (if num (car sec) (cdr sec)))) 
(insert (format start (if main-heading main-heading heading) (or sub-heading 
""))) (insert "\n") (when label (insert (mapconcat (lambda (l) (format 
"\\label{%s}" l)) label-list "\n") "\n")) (insert (org-export-latex-content 
content)) (cond ((stringp subcontent) (insert subcontent)) ((listp subcontent) 
(while (org-looking-back "\n\n") (backward-delete-char 1)) 
(org-export-latex-sub subcontent))) (when (and end (string-match "[^       ]" 
end)) (let ((hook (org-get-text-property-any 0 (quote org-insert-hook) end))) 
(and (functionp hook) (funcall hook))) (insert end "\n")))
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(integerp num) (>= num level) num)) start end) (if (consp (cdr sec)) (setq 
start (nth (if num 0 2) sec) end (nth (if num 1 3) sec)) (setq start (if num 
(car sec) (cdr sec)))) (insert (format start (if main-heading main-heading 
heading) (or sub-heading ""))) (insert "\n") (when label (insert (mapconcat 
(lambda (l) (format "\\label{%s}" l)) label-list "\n") "\n")) (insert 
(org-export-latex-content content)) (cond ((stringp subcontent) (insert 
subcontent)) ((listp subcontent) (while (org-looking-back "\n\n") 
(backward-delete-char 1)) (org-export-latex-sub subcontent))) (when (and end 
(string-match "[^       ]" end)) (let ((hook (org-get-text-property-any 0 ... 
end))) (and (functionp hook) (funcall hook))) (insert end "\n")))) ((> level 
depth) (cond ((eq org-export-latex-low-levels (quote description)) (if 
(string-match "% ends low level$" (buffer-substring (point-at-bol 0) (point))) 
(delete-region (point-at-bol 0) (point)) (insert "\\begin{description}\n")) 
(insert (format "\n\\item[%s]%s~\n" heading (if label (format "\\label{%s}" 
label) ""))) (insert (org-export-latex-content content)) (cond ((stringp 
subcontent) (insert subcontent)) ((listp subcontent) (org-export-latex-sub 
subcontent))) (insert "\\end{description} % ends low level\n")) ((memq 
org-export-latex-low-levels (quote (itemize enumerate))) (if (string-match "% 
ends low level$" (buffer-substring (point-at-bol 0) (point))) (delete-region 
(point-at-bol 0) (point)) (insert (format "\\begin{%s}\n" (symbol-name 
org-export-latex-low-levels)))) (insert (format "\n\\item %s\\\\\n%s%%" heading 
(if label (format "\\label{%s}" label) ""))) (insert (org-export-latex-content 
content)) (cond ((stringp subcontent) (insert subcontent)) ((listp subcontent) 
(org-export-latex-sub subcontent))) (insert (format "\\end{%s} %% ends low 
level\n" (symbol-name org-export-latex-low-levels)))) ((listp 
org-export-latex-low-levels) (if (string-match "% ends low level$" 
(buffer-substring (point-at-bol 0) (point))) (delete-region (point-at-bol 0) 
(point)) (insert (car org-export-latex-low-levels) "\n")) (insert (format (nth 
2 org-export-latex-low-levels) heading (if label (format "\\label{%s}" label) 
""))) (insert (org-export-latex-content content)) (cond ((stringp subcontent) 
(insert subcontent)) ((listp subcontent) (org-export-latex-sub subcontent))) 
(insert (nth 1 org-export-latex-low-levels) " %% ends low level\n")) ((stringp 
org-export-latex-low-levels) (insert (format org-export-latex-low-levels 
heading) "\n") (when label (insert (format "\\label{%s}\n" label))) (insert 
(org-export-latex-content content)) (cond ((stringp subcontent) (insert 
subcontent)) ((listp subcontent) (org-export-latex-sub subcontent)))))))
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(assoc (quote level) subcontent)) org-export-latex-add-level)) (occur 
(number-to-string (cdr (assoc (quote occur) subcontent)))) (content (cdr (assoc 
(quote content) subcontent))) (subcontent (cadr (assoc (quote subcontent) 
subcontent))) (label (org-get-text-property-any 0 (quote target) heading)) 
(label-list (cons label (cdr (assoc label org-export-target-aliases)))) 
(sectioning org-export-latex-sectioning) (depth 
org-export-latex-sectioning-depth) main-heading sub-heading) (when (symbolp 
(car sectioning)) (setq sectioning (funcall (car sectioning) level heading)) 
(when sectioning (setq heading (car sectioning) sectioning (cdr sectioning) 
label (org-get-text-property-any 0 (quote target) heading) label-list (cons 
label (cdr (assoc label org-export-target-aliases))))) (if sectioning (setq 
sectioning (make-list 10 sectioning))) (setq depth (if sectioning 10000 0))) 
(if (string-match "[    ]*\\\\\\\\[     ]*" heading) (setq main-heading 
(substring heading 0 (match-beginning 0)) sub-heading (substring heading 
(match-end 0)))) (setq heading (org-export-latex-fontify-headline heading) 
sub-heading (and sub-heading (org-export-latex-fontify-headline sub-heading)) 
main-heading (and main-heading (org-export-latex-fontify-headline 
main-heading))) (cond ((<= level depth) (let* ((sec (nth (1- level) 
sectioning)) (num (if (integerp num) (>= num level) num)) start end) (if (consp 
(cdr sec)) (setq start (nth (if num 0 2) sec) end (nth (if num 1 3) sec)) (setq 
start (if num (car sec) (cdr sec)))) (insert (format start (if main-heading 
main-heading heading) (or sub-heading ""))) (insert "\n") (when label (insert 
(mapconcat (lambda ... ...) label-list "\n") "\n")) (insert 
(org-export-latex-content content)) (cond ((stringp subcontent) (insert 
subcontent)) ((listp subcontent) (while (org-looking-back "\n\n") 
(backward-delete-char 1)) (org-export-latex-sub subcontent))) (when (and end 
(string-match "[^  ]" end)) (let ((hook ...)) (and (functionp hook) (funcall 
hook))) (insert end "\n")))) ((> level depth) (cond ((eq 
org-export-latex-low-levels (quote description)) (if (string-match "% ends low 
level$" (buffer-substring ... ...)) (delete-region (point-at-bol 0) (point)) 
(insert "\\begin{description}\n")) (insert (format "\n\\item[%s]%s~\n" heading 
(if label ... ""))) (insert (org-export-latex-content content)) (cond ((stringp 
subcontent) (insert subcontent)) ((listp subcontent) (org-export-latex-sub 
subcontent))) (insert "\\end{description} % ends low level\n")) ((memq 
org-export-latex-low-levels (quote (itemize enumerate))) (if (string-match "% 
ends low level$" (buffer-substring ... ...)) (delete-region (point-at-bol 0) 
(point)) (insert (format "\\begin{%s}\n" ...))) (insert (format "\n\\item 
%s\\\\\n%s%%" heading (if label ... ""))) (insert (org-export-latex-content 
content)) (cond ((stringp subcontent) (insert subcontent)) ((listp subcontent) 
(org-export-latex-sub subcontent))) (insert (format "\\end{%s} %% ends low 
level\n" (symbol-name org-export-latex-low-levels)))) ((listp 
org-export-latex-low-levels) (if (string-match "% ends low level$" 
(buffer-substring ... ...)) (delete-region (point-at-bol 0) (point)) (insert 
(car org-export-latex-low-levels) "\n")) (insert (format (nth 2 
org-export-latex-low-levels) heading (if label ... ""))) (insert 
(org-export-latex-content content)) (cond ((stringp subcontent) (insert 
subcontent)) ((listp subcontent) (org-export-latex-sub subcontent))) (insert 
(nth 1 org-export-latex-low-levels) " %% ends low level\n")) ((stringp 
org-export-latex-low-levels) (insert (format org-export-latex-low-levels 
heading) "\n") (when label (insert (format "\\label{%s}\n" label))) (insert 
(org-export-latex-content content)) (cond ((stringp subcontent) (insert 
subcontent)) ((listp subcontent) (org-export-latex-sub subcontent))))))))
  org-export-latex-subcontent(((pos . 1) (level . 3) (occur . 1) (heading . #(" 
Table.el Table with no Spanning " 1 2 (target "sec-1" org-category "test" 
fontified nil) 2 32 (target "sec-1" org-category "test" fontified nil))) 
(content . #("\n    +---------------+---------------+\n    |Term           
|Percentage     |\n    +---------------+---------------+\n    |Quarter        
|25%            |\n    |One-Fourth     |               |\n    
+---------------+---------------+\n    |Half           |50%            |\n    
|One-by-Two     |               |\n    +---------------+---------------+\n    
|Three-Quarters |75%            |\n    |Three-Fourths  |               |\n    
+---------------+---------------+\n    |Full           |100%           |\n    
|Whole          |               |\n    +---------------+---------------+\n" 0 1 
(fontified nil org-category "test") 1 5 (fontified nil org-category "test") 5 
22 (fontified nil org-category "test") 22 38 (fontified nil org-category 
"test") 38 39 (fontified nil org-category "test") 39 43 (fontified nil 
org-category "test" org-caption nil org-caption-shortn nil org-attributes nil 
org-label nil) 43 76 (fontified nil org-category "test" org-caption nil 
org-caption-shortn nil org-attributes nil org-label nil) 76 81 (fontified nil 
org-category "test") 81 98 (fontified nil org-category "test") 98 114 
(fontified nil org-category "test") 114 115 (fontified nil org-category "test") 
115 119 (fontified nil org-category "test" org-caption nil org-caption-shortn 
nil org-attributes nil org-label nil) 119 152 (fontified nil org-category 
"test" org-caption nil org-caption-shortn nil org-attributes nil org-label nil) 
152 157 (fontified nil org-category "test" org-caption nil org-caption-shortn 
nil org-attributes nil org-label nil) 157 190 (fontified nil org-category 
"test" org-caption nil org-caption-shortn nil org-attributes nil org-label nil) 
190 195 (fontified nil org-category "test") 195 212 (fontified nil org-category 
"test") 212 228 (fontified nil org-category "test") 228 229 (fontified nil 
org-category "test") 229 233 (fontified nil org-category "test" org-caption nil 
org-caption-shortn nil org-attributes nil org-label nil) 233 266 (fontified nil 
org-category "test" org-caption nil org-caption-shortn nil org-attributes nil 
org-label nil) 266 271 (fontified nil org-category "test" org-caption nil 
org-caption-shortn nil org-attributes nil org-label nil) 271 304 (fontified nil 
org-category "test" org-caption nil org-caption-shortn nil org-attributes nil 
org-label nil) 304 309 (fontified nil org-category "test") 309 326 (fontified 
nil org-category "test") 326 342 (fontified nil org-category "test") 342 343 
(fontified nil org-category "test") 343 347 (fontified nil org-category "test" 
org-caption nil org-caption-shortn nil org-attributes nil org-label nil) 347 
380 (fontified nil org-category "test" org-caption nil org-caption-shortn nil 
org-attributes nil org-label nil) 380 385 (fontified nil org-category "test" 
org-caption nil org-caption-shortn nil org-attributes nil org-label nil) 385 
418 (fontified nil org-category "test" org-caption nil org-caption-shortn nil 
org-attributes nil org-label nil) 418 423 (fontified nil org-category "test") 
423 440 (fontified nil org-category "test") 440 456 (fontified nil org-category 
"test") 456 457 (fontified nil org-category "test") 457 461 (fontified nil 
org-category "test" org-caption nil org-caption-shortn nil org-attributes nil 
org-label nil) 461 494 (fontified nil org-category "test" org-caption nil 
org-caption-shortn nil org-attributes nil org-label nil) 494 495 (fontified nil 
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|One-by-Two     |               |\n    +---------------+---------------+\n    
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|Percentage     |\n    +---------------+---------------+\n    |Quarter        
|25%            |\n    |One-Fourth     |               |\n    
+---------------+---------------+\n    |Half           |50%            |\n    
|One-by-Two     |               |\n    +---------------+---------------+\n    
|Three-Quarters |75%            |\n    |Three-Fourths  |               |\n    
+---------------+---------------+\n    |Full           |100%           |\n    
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|25%            |\n    |One-Fourth     |               |\n    
+---------------+---------------+\n    |Half           |50%            |\n    
|One-by-Two     |               |\n    +---------------+---------------+\n    
|Three-Quarters |75%            |\n    |Three-Fourths  |               |\n    
+---------------+---------------+\n    |Full           |100%           |\n    
|Whole          |               |\n    +---------------+---------------+\n" 0 1 
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(org-get-text-property-any 0 (quote org-attributes) line) align (and attr 
(stringp attr) (string-match "\\<align=\\([^         \n,]+\\)" attr) 
(match-string 1 attr)) rmlines (and attr (stringp attr) (string-match 
"\\<rmlines\\>" attr)) floatp (or label caption)) (and (get-buffer 
"*org-export-table*") (kill-buffer (get-buffer "*org-export-table*"))) 
(table-generate-source (quote latex) "*org-export-table*" "caption") (setq tbl 
(with-current-buffer "*org-export-table*" (buffer-string))) (while 
(string-match "^%.*\n" tbl) (setq tbl (replace-match "" t t tbl))) (when 
rmlines (let ((n 0) lines) (setq lines (mapcar (lambda (x) (if (string-match 
"^\\\\hline$" x) (progn ... ...) x)) (org-split-string tbl "\n"))) (setq tbl 
(mapconcat (quote identity) (delq nil lines) "\n")))) (when (and align 
(string-match "\\\\begin{tabular}{.*}" tbl)) (setq tbl (replace-match (concat 
"\\begin{tabular}{" align "}") t t tbl))) (and (get-buffer 
"*org-export-table*") (kill-buffer (get-buffer "*org-export-table*"))) 
(beginning-of-line 0) (while (looking-at "[         ]*\\(|\\|\\+-\\)") 
(delete-region (point) (1+ (point-at-eol)))) (when 
org-export-latex-tables-centered (setq tbl (concat "\\begin{center}\n" tbl 
"\\end{center}"))) (when floatp (setq tbl (concat "\\begin{table}\n" (format 
"\\caption%s{%s}%s\n" (if shortn (format "[%s]" shortn) "") (if label (format 
"\\label{%s}" label) "") (or caption "")) tbl "\n\\end{table}\n"))) (insert 
(org-export-latex-protect-string tbl)))
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table)) (org-export-latex-convert-table\.el-table))
  (unless (get-text-property (point) (quote org-protected)) (require (quote 
table)) (org-export-latex-convert-table\.el-table))
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  (while (re-search-forward "^[         ]*\\(\\+-[-+]*\\+\\)[   ]*\n[   ]*|" 
nil t) (org-if-unprotected (require (quote table)) 
  (if (memq (quote tables) exclude-list) nil (org-export-latex-tables 
(plist-get org-export-latex-options-plist :tables)))
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(plist-get org-export-latex-options-plist :tables)))
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timestamps) exclude-list) (org-export-latex-time-stamps)) (unless (memq (quote 
quotation-marks) exclude-list) (org-export-latex-quotation-marks)) (unless 
(memq (quote emphasis) exclude-list) (when (plist-get 
org-export-latex-options-plist :emphasize) (org-export-latex-fontify))) (unless 
(memq (quote sub-superscript) exclude-list) (org-export-latex-special-chars 
(plist-get org-export-latex-options-plist :sub-superscript))) (unless (memq 
(quote links) exclude-list) (org-export-latex-links)) (unless (memq (quote 
keywords) exclude-list) (org-export-latex-keywords)) (unless (memq (quote 
lists) exclude-list) (org-export-latex-lists)) (unless (memq (quote tables) 
exclude-list) (org-export-latex-tables (plist-get 
org-export-latex-options-plist :tables))) (unless (memq (quote fixed-width) 
exclude-list) (org-export-latex-fixed-width (plist-get 
org-export-latex-options-plist :fixed-width))) (buffer-substring (point-min) 
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(quote timestamps) exclude-list) (org-export-latex-time-stamps)) (unless (memq 
(quote quotation-marks) exclude-list) (org-export-latex-quotation-marks)) 
(unless (memq (quote emphasis) exclude-list) (when (plist-get 
org-export-latex-options-plist :emphasize) (org-export-latex-fontify))) (unless 
(memq (quote sub-superscript) exclude-list) (org-export-latex-special-chars 
(plist-get org-export-latex-options-plist :sub-superscript))) (unless (memq 
(quote links) exclude-list) (org-export-latex-links)) (unless (memq (quote 
keywords) exclude-list) (org-export-latex-keywords)) (unless (memq (quote 
lists) exclude-list) (org-export-latex-lists)) (unless (memq (quote tables) 
exclude-list) (org-export-latex-tables (plist-get 
org-export-latex-options-plist :tables))) (unless (memq (quote fixed-width) 
exclude-list) (org-export-latex-fixed-width (plist-get 
org-export-latex-options-plist :fixed-width))) (buffer-substring (point-min) 
(point-max))) (and (buffer-name temp-buffer) (kill-buffer temp-buffer)))
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(org-install-letbind) (insert content) (unless (memq (quote timestamps) 
exclude-list) (org-export-latex-time-stamps)) (unless (memq (quote 
quotation-marks) exclude-list) (org-export-latex-quotation-marks)) (unless 
(memq (quote emphasis) exclude-list) (when (plist-get 
org-export-latex-options-plist :emphasize) (org-export-latex-fontify))) (unless 
(memq (quote sub-superscript) exclude-list) (org-export-latex-special-chars 
(plist-get org-export-latex-options-plist :sub-superscript))) (unless (memq 
(quote links) exclude-list) (org-export-latex-links)) (unless (memq (quote 
keywords) exclude-list) (org-export-latex-keywords)) (unless (memq (quote 
lists) exclude-list) (org-export-latex-lists)) (unless (memq (quote tables) 
exclude-list) (org-export-latex-tables (plist-get 
org-export-latex-options-plist :tables))) (unless (memq (quote fixed-width) 
exclude-list) (org-export-latex-fixed-width (plist-get 
org-export-latex-options-plist :fixed-width))) (buffer-substring (point-min) 
(point-max))) (and (buffer-name temp-buffer) (kill-buffer temp-buffer))))
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(insert content) (unless (memq (quote timestamps) exclude-list) 
(org-export-latex-time-stamps)) (unless (memq (quote quotation-marks) 
exclude-list) (org-export-latex-quotation-marks)) (unless (memq (quote 
emphasis) exclude-list) (when (plist-get org-export-latex-options-plist 
:emphasize) (org-export-latex-fontify))) (unless (memq (quote sub-superscript) 
exclude-list) (org-export-latex-special-chars (plist-get 
org-export-latex-options-plist :sub-superscript))) (unless (memq (quote links) 
exclude-list) (org-export-latex-links)) (unless (memq (quote keywords) 
exclude-list) (org-export-latex-keywords)) (unless (memq (quote lists) 
exclude-list) (org-export-latex-lists)) (unless (memq (quote tables) 
exclude-list) (org-export-latex-tables (plist-get 
org-export-latex-options-plist :tables))) (unless (memq (quote fixed-width) 
exclude-list) (org-export-latex-fixed-width (plist-get 
org-export-latex-options-plist :fixed-width))) (buffer-substring (point-min) 
(point-max))) (and (buffer-name temp-buffer) (kill-buffer temp-buffer))))
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temp-buffer (unwind-protect (progn (org-install-letbind) (insert content) 
(unless (memq (quote timestamps) exclude-list) (org-export-latex-time-stamps)) 
(unless (memq (quote quotation-marks) exclude-list) 
(org-export-latex-quotation-marks)) (unless (memq (quote emphasis) 
exclude-list) (when (plist-get org-export-latex-options-plist :emphasize) 
(org-export-latex-fontify))) (unless (memq (quote sub-superscript) 
exclude-list) (org-export-latex-special-chars (plist-get 
org-export-latex-options-plist :sub-superscript))) (unless (memq (quote links) 
exclude-list) (org-export-latex-links)) (unless (memq (quote keywords) 
exclude-list) (org-export-latex-keywords)) (unless (memq (quote lists) 
exclude-list) (org-export-latex-lists)) (unless (memq (quote tables) 
exclude-list) (org-export-latex-tables (plist-get 
org-export-latex-options-plist :tables))) (unless (memq (quote fixed-width) 
exclude-list) (org-export-latex-fixed-width (plist-get 
org-export-latex-options-plist :fixed-width))) (buffer-substring (point-min) 
(point-max))) (and (buffer-name temp-buffer) (kill-buffer temp-buffer)))))
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timestamps) exclude-list) (org-export-latex-time-stamps)) (unless (memq (quote 
quotation-marks) exclude-list) (org-export-latex-quotation-marks)) (unless 
(memq (quote emphasis) exclude-list) (when (plist-get 
org-export-latex-options-plist :emphasize) (org-export-latex-fontify))) (unless 
(memq (quote sub-superscript) exclude-list) (org-export-latex-special-chars 
(plist-get org-export-latex-options-plist :sub-superscript))) (unless (memq 
(quote links) exclude-list) (org-export-latex-links)) (unless (memq (quote 
keywords) exclude-list) (org-export-latex-keywords)) (unless (memq (quote 
lists) exclude-list) (org-export-latex-lists)) (unless (memq (quote tables) 
exclude-list) (org-export-latex-tables (plist-get 
org-export-latex-options-plist :tables))) (unless (memq (quote fixed-width) 
exclude-list) (org-export-latex-fixed-width (plist-get 
org-export-latex-options-plist :fixed-width))) (buffer-substring (point-min) 
  org-export-latex-content(#("\n    +---------------+---------------+\n    
|Term           |Percentage     |\n    +---------------+---------------+\n    
|Quarter        |25%            |\n    |One-Fourth     |               |\n    
+---------------+---------------+\n    |Half           |50%            |\n    
|One-by-Two     |               |\n    +---------------+---------------+\n    
|Three-Quarters |75%            |\n    |Three-Fourths  |               |\n    
+---------------+---------------+\n    |Full           |100%           |\n    
|Whole          |               |\n    +---------------+---------------+\n    
\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n" 0 1 (fontified nil org-category "test") 1 5 (fontified 
nil org-category "test") 5 22 (fontified nil org-category "test") 22 38 
(fontified nil org-category "test") 38 39 (fontified nil org-category "test") 
39 43 (fontified nil org-category "test" org-caption nil org-caption-shortn nil 
org-attributes nil org-label nil) 43 76 (fontified nil org-category "test" 
org-caption nil org-caption-shortn nil org-attributes nil org-label nil) 76 81 
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98 114 (fontified nil org-category "test") 114 115 (fontified nil org-category 
"test") 115 119 (fontified nil org-category "test" org-caption nil 
org-caption-shortn nil org-attributes nil org-label nil) 119 152 (fontified nil 
org-category "test" org-caption nil org-caption-shortn nil org-attributes nil 
org-label nil) 152 157 (fontified nil org-category "test" org-caption nil 
org-caption-shortn nil org-attributes nil org-label nil) 157 190 (fontified nil 
org-category "test" org-caption nil org-caption-shortn nil org-attributes nil 
org-label nil) 190 195 (fontified nil org-category "test") 195 212 (fontified 
nil org-category "test") 212 228 (fontified nil org-category "test") 228 229 
(fontified nil org-category "test") 229 233 (fontified nil org-category "test" 
org-caption nil org-caption-shortn nil org-attributes nil org-label nil) 233 
266 (fontified nil org-category "test" org-caption nil org-caption-shortn nil 
org-attributes nil org-label nil) 266 271 (fontified nil org-category "test" 
org-caption nil org-caption-shortn nil org-attributes nil org-label nil) 271 
304 (fontified nil org-category "test" org-caption nil org-caption-shortn nil 
org-attributes nil org-label nil) 304 309 (fontified nil org-category "test") 
309 326 (fontified nil org-category "test") 326 342 (fontified nil org-category 
"test") 342 343 (fontified nil org-category "test") 343 347 (fontified nil 
org-category "test" org-caption nil org-caption-shortn nil org-attributes nil 
org-label nil) 347 380 (fontified nil org-category "test" org-caption nil 
org-caption-shortn nil org-attributes nil org-label nil) 380 385 (fontified nil 
org-category "test" org-caption nil org-caption-shortn nil org-attributes nil 
org-label nil) 385 418 (fontified nil org-category "test" org-caption nil 
org-caption-shortn nil org-attributes nil org-label nil) 418 423 (fontified nil 
org-category "test") 423 440 (fontified nil org-category "test") 440 456 
(fontified nil org-category "test") 456 457 (fontified nil org-category "test") 
457 461 (fontified nil org-category "test" org-caption nil org-caption-shortn 
nil org-attributes nil org-label nil) 461 494 (fontified nil org-category 
"test" org-caption nil org-caption-shortn nil org-attributes nil org-label nil) 
494 495 (fontified nil org-category "test" org-caption nil org-caption-shortn 
nil org-attributes nil org-label nil) 495 532 (fontified nil org-category 
"test" org-caption nil org-caption-shortn nil org-attributes nil org-label nil) 
532 571 (fontified nil org-category "test") 571 576 (fontified nil org-category 
"test") 576 577 (fontified nil org-category "test") 577 578 (fontified nil 
org-category "test") 578 580 (fontified nil org-category "test") 580 581 
(fontified nil org-category "test") 581 582 (fontified nil org-category "test") 
582 583 (fontified nil org-category "test") 583 584 (fontified nil org-category 
"test") 584 585 (fontified nil org-category "test") 585 586 (fontified nil 
org-category "test")))
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level) num)) start end) (if (consp (cdr sec)) (setq start (nth (if num 0 2) 
sec) end (nth (if num 1 3) sec)) (setq start (if num (car sec) (cdr sec)))) 
(insert (format start (if main-heading main-heading heading) (or sub-heading 
""))) (insert "\n") (when label (insert (mapconcat (lambda (l) (format 
"\\label{%s}" l)) label-list "\n") "\n")) (insert (org-export-latex-content 
content)) (cond ((stringp subcontent) (insert subcontent)) ((listp subcontent) 
(while (org-looking-back "\n\n") (backward-delete-char 1)) 
(org-export-latex-sub subcontent))) (when (and end (string-match "[^       ]" 
end)) (let ((hook (org-get-text-property-any 0 (quote org-insert-hook) end))) 
(and (functionp hook) (funcall hook))) (insert end "\n")))
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(integerp num) (>= num level) num)) start end) (if (consp (cdr sec)) (setq 
start (nth (if num 0 2) sec) end (nth (if num 1 3) sec)) (setq start (if num 
(car sec) (cdr sec)))) (insert (format start (if main-heading main-heading 
heading) (or sub-heading ""))) (insert "\n") (when label (insert (mapconcat 
(lambda (l) (format "\\label{%s}" l)) label-list "\n") "\n")) (insert 
(org-export-latex-content content)) (cond ((stringp subcontent) (insert 
subcontent)) ((listp subcontent) (while (org-looking-back "\n\n") 
(backward-delete-char 1)) (org-export-latex-sub subcontent))) (when (and end 
(string-match "[^       ]" end)) (let ((hook (org-get-text-property-any 0 ... 
end))) (and (functionp hook) (funcall hook))) (insert end "\n")))) ((> level 
depth) (cond ((eq org-export-latex-low-levels (quote description)) (if 
(string-match "% ends low level$" (buffer-substring (point-at-bol 0) (point))) 
(delete-region (point-at-bol 0) (point)) (insert "\\begin{description}\n")) 
(insert (format "\n\\item[%s]%s~\n" heading (if label (format "\\label{%s}" 
label) ""))) (insert (org-export-latex-content content)) (cond ((stringp 
subcontent) (insert subcontent)) ((listp subcontent) (org-export-latex-sub 
subcontent))) (insert "\\end{description} % ends low level\n")) ((memq 
org-export-latex-low-levels (quote (itemize enumerate))) (if (string-match "% 
ends low level$" (buffer-substring (point-at-bol 0) (point))) (delete-region 
(point-at-bol 0) (point)) (insert (format "\\begin{%s}\n" (symbol-name 
org-export-latex-low-levels)))) (insert (format "\n\\item %s\\\\\n%s%%" heading 
(if label (format "\\label{%s}" label) ""))) (insert (org-export-latex-content 
content)) (cond ((stringp subcontent) (insert subcontent)) ((listp subcontent) 
(org-export-latex-sub subcontent))) (insert (format "\\end{%s} %% ends low 
level\n" (symbol-name org-export-latex-low-levels)))) ((listp 
org-export-latex-low-levels) (if (string-match "% ends low level$" 
(buffer-substring (point-at-bol 0) (point))) (delete-region (point-at-bol 0) 
(point)) (insert (car org-export-latex-low-levels) "\n")) (insert (format (nth 
2 org-export-latex-low-levels) heading (if label (format "\\label{%s}" label) 
""))) (insert (org-export-latex-content content)) (cond ((stringp subcontent) 
(insert subcontent)) ((listp subcontent) (org-export-latex-sub subcontent))) 
(insert (nth 1 org-export-latex-low-levels) " %% ends low level\n")) ((stringp 
org-export-latex-low-levels) (insert (format org-export-latex-low-levels 
heading) "\n") (when label (insert (format "\\label{%s}\n" label))) (insert 
(org-export-latex-content content)) (cond ((stringp subcontent) (insert 
subcontent)) ((listp subcontent) (org-export-latex-sub subcontent)))))))
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(assoc (quote level) subcontent)) org-export-latex-add-level)) (occur 
(number-to-string (cdr (assoc (quote occur) subcontent)))) (content (cdr (assoc 
(quote content) subcontent))) (subcontent (cadr (assoc (quote subcontent) 
subcontent))) (label (org-get-text-property-any 0 (quote target) heading)) 
(label-list (cons label (cdr (assoc label org-export-target-aliases)))) 
(sectioning org-export-latex-sectioning) (depth 
org-export-latex-sectioning-depth) main-heading sub-heading) (when (symbolp 
(car sectioning)) (setq sectioning (funcall (car sectioning) level heading)) 
(when sectioning (setq heading (car sectioning) sectioning (cdr sectioning) 
label (org-get-text-property-any 0 (quote target) heading) label-list (cons 
label (cdr (assoc label org-export-target-aliases))))) (if sectioning (setq 
sectioning (make-list 10 sectioning))) (setq depth (if sectioning 10000 0))) 
(if (string-match "[    ]*\\\\\\\\[     ]*" heading) (setq main-heading 
(substring heading 0 (match-beginning 0)) sub-heading (substring heading 
(match-end 0)))) (setq heading (org-export-latex-fontify-headline heading) 
sub-heading (and sub-heading (org-export-latex-fontify-headline sub-heading)) 
main-heading (and main-heading (org-export-latex-fontify-headline 
main-heading))) (cond ((<= level depth) (let* ((sec (nth (1- level) 
sectioning)) (num (if (integerp num) (>= num level) num)) start end) (if (consp 
(cdr sec)) (setq start (nth (if num 0 2) sec) end (nth (if num 1 3) sec)) (setq 
start (if num (car sec) (cdr sec)))) (insert (format start (if main-heading 
main-heading heading) (or sub-heading ""))) (insert "\n") (when label (insert 
(mapconcat (lambda ... ...) label-list "\n") "\n")) (insert 
(org-export-latex-content content)) (cond ((stringp subcontent) (insert 
subcontent)) ((listp subcontent) (while (org-looking-back "\n\n") 
(backward-delete-char 1)) (org-export-latex-sub subcontent))) (when (and end 
(string-match "[^  ]" end)) (let ((hook ...)) (and (functionp hook) (funcall 
hook))) (insert end "\n")))) ((> level depth) (cond ((eq 
org-export-latex-low-levels (quote description)) (if (string-match "% ends low 
level$" (buffer-substring ... ...)) (delete-region (point-at-bol 0) (point)) 
(insert "\\begin{description}\n")) (insert (format "\n\\item[%s]%s~\n" heading 
(if label ... ""))) (insert (org-export-latex-content content)) (cond ((stringp 
subcontent) (insert subcontent)) ((listp subcontent) (org-export-latex-sub 
subcontent))) (insert "\\end{description} % ends low level\n")) ((memq 
org-export-latex-low-levels (quote (itemize enumerate))) (if (string-match "% 
ends low level$" (buffer-substring ... ...)) (delete-region (point-at-bol 0) 
(point)) (insert (format "\\begin{%s}\n" ...))) (insert (format "\n\\item 
%s\\\\\n%s%%" heading (if label ... ""))) (insert (org-export-latex-content 
content)) (cond ((stringp subcontent) (insert subcontent)) ((listp subcontent) 
(org-export-latex-sub subcontent))) (insert (format "\\end{%s} %% ends low 
level\n" (symbol-name org-export-latex-low-levels)))) ((listp 
org-export-latex-low-levels) (if (string-match "% ends low level$" 
(buffer-substring ... ...)) (delete-region (point-at-bol 0) (point)) (insert 
(car org-export-latex-low-levels) "\n")) (insert (format (nth 2 
org-export-latex-low-levels) heading (if label ... ""))) (insert 
(org-export-latex-content content)) (cond ((stringp subcontent) (insert 
subcontent)) ((listp subcontent) (org-export-latex-sub subcontent))) (insert 
(nth 1 org-export-latex-low-levels) " %% ends low level\n")) ((stringp 
org-export-latex-low-levels) (insert (format org-export-latex-low-levels 
heading) "\n") (when label (insert (format "\\label{%s}\n" label))) (insert 
(org-export-latex-content content)) (cond ((stringp subcontent) (insert 
subcontent)) ((listp subcontent) (org-export-latex-sub subcontent))))))))
  org-export-latex-subcontent(((pos . 71) (level . 3) (occur . 1) (heading . 
#(" Table.el Table with no Spanning " 1 2 (target "sec-1_1_1" org-category 
"test" fontified nil) 2 32 (target "sec-1_1_1" org-category "test" fontified 
nil))) (content . #("\n    +---------------+---------------+\n    |Term         
  |Percentage     |\n    +---------------+---------------+\n    |Quarter        
|25%            |\n    |One-Fourth     |               |\n    
+---------------+---------------+\n    |Half           |50%            |\n    
|One-by-Two     |               |\n    +---------------+---------------+\n    
|Three-Quarters |75%            |\n    |Three-Fourths  |               |\n    
+---------------+---------------+\n    |Full           |100%           |\n    
|Whole          |               |\n    +---------------+---------------+\n    
\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n" 0 1 (fontified nil org-category "test") 1 5 (fontified 
nil org-category "test") 5 22 (fontified nil org-category "test") 22 38 
(fontified nil org-category "test") 38 39 (fontified nil org-category "test") 
39 43 (fontified nil org-category "test" org-caption nil org-caption-shortn nil 
org-attributes nil org-label nil) 43 76 (fontified nil org-category "test" 
org-caption nil org-caption-shortn nil org-attributes nil org-label nil) 76 81 
(fontified nil org-category "test") 81 98 (fontified nil org-category "test") 
98 114 (fontified nil org-category "test") 114 115 (fontified nil org-category 
"test") 115 119 (fontified nil org-category "test" org-caption nil 
org-caption-shortn nil org-attributes nil org-label nil) 119 152 (fontified nil 
org-category "test" org-caption nil org-caption-shortn nil org-attributes nil 
org-label nil) 152 157 (fontified nil org-category "test" org-caption nil 
org-caption-shortn nil org-attributes nil org-label nil) 157 190 (fontified nil 
org-category "test" org-caption nil org-caption-shortn nil org-attributes nil 
org-label nil) 190 195 (fontified nil org-category "test") 195 212 (fontified 
nil org-category "test") 212 228 (fontified nil org-category "test") 228 229 
(fontified nil org-category "test") 229 233 (fontified nil org-category "test" 
org-caption nil org-caption-shortn nil org-attributes nil org-label nil) 233 
266 (fontified nil org-category "test" org-caption nil org-caption-shortn nil 
org-attributes nil org-label nil) 266 271 (fontified nil org-category "test" 
org-caption nil org-caption-shortn nil org-attributes nil org-label nil) 271 
304 (fontified nil org-category "test" org-caption nil org-caption-shortn nil 
org-attributes nil org-label nil) 304 309 (fontified nil org-category "test") 
309 326 (fontified nil org-category "test") 326 342 (fontified nil org-category 
"test") 342 343 (fontified nil org-category "test") 343 347 (fontified nil 
org-category "test" org-caption nil org-caption-shortn nil org-attributes nil 
org-label nil) 347 380 (fontified nil org-category "test" org-caption nil 
org-caption-shortn nil org-attributes nil org-label nil) 380 385 (fontified nil 
org-category "test" org-caption nil org-caption-shortn nil org-attributes nil 
org-label nil) 385 418 (fontified nil org-category "test" org-caption nil 
org-caption-shortn nil org-attributes nil org-label nil) 418 423 (fontified nil 
org-category "test") 423 440 (fontified nil org-category "test") 440 456 
(fontified nil org-category "test") 456 457 (fontified nil org-category "test") 
457 461 (fontified nil org-category "test" org-caption nil org-caption-shortn 
nil org-attributes nil org-label nil) 461 494 (fontified nil org-category 
"test" org-caption nil org-caption-shortn nil org-attributes nil org-label nil) 
494 495 (fontified nil org-category "test" org-caption nil org-caption-shortn 
nil org-attributes nil org-label nil) 495 532 (fontified nil org-category 
"test" org-caption nil org-caption-shortn nil org-attributes nil org-label nil) 
532 571 (fontified nil org-category "test") 571 576 (fontified nil org-category 
"test") 576 577 (fontified nil org-category "test") 577 578 (fontified nil 
org-category "test") 578 580 (fontified nil org-category "test") 580 581 
(fontified nil org-category "test") 581 582 (fontified nil org-category "test") 
582 583 (fontified nil org-category "test") 583 584 (fontified nil org-category 
"test") 584 585 (fontified nil org-category "test") 585 586 (fontified nil 
org-category "test"))) (subcontent)) nil)
  (lambda (x) (org-export-latex-subcontent x num))(((pos . 71) (level . 3) 
(occur . 1) (heading . #(" Table.el Table with no Spanning " 1 2 (target 
"sec-1_1_1" org-category "test" fontified nil) 2 32 (target "sec-1_1_1" 
org-category "test" fontified nil))) (content . #("\n    
+---------------+---------------+\n    |Term           |Percentage     |\n    
+---------------+---------------+\n    |Quarter        |25%            |\n    
|One-Fourth     |               |\n    +---------------+---------------+\n    
|Half           |50%            |\n    |One-by-Two     |               |\n    
+---------------+---------------+\n    |Three-Quarters |75%            |\n    
|Three-Fourths  |               |\n    +---------------+---------------+\n    
|Full           |100%           |\n    |Whole          |               |\n    
+---------------+---------------+\n    \n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n" 0 1 (fontified 
nil org-category "test") 1 5 (fontified nil org-category "test") 5 22 
(fontified nil org-category "test") 22 38 (fontified nil org-category "test") 
38 39 (fontified nil org-category "test") 39 43 (fontified nil org-category 
"test" org-caption nil org-caption-shortn nil org-attributes nil org-label nil) 
43 76 (fontified nil org-category "test" org-caption nil org-caption-shortn nil 
org-attributes nil org-label nil) 76 81 (fontified nil org-category "test") 81 
98 (fontified nil org-category "test") 98 114 (fontified nil org-category 
"test") 114 115 (fontified nil org-category "test") 115 119 (fontified nil 
org-category "test" org-caption nil org-caption-shortn nil org-attributes nil 
org-label nil) 119 152 (fontified nil org-category "test" org-caption nil 
org-caption-shortn nil org-attributes nil org-label nil) 152 157 (fontified nil 
org-category "test" org-caption nil org-caption-shortn nil org-attributes nil 
org-label nil) 157 190 (fontified nil org-category "test" org-caption nil 
org-caption-shortn nil org-attributes nil org-label nil) 190 195 (fontified nil 
org-category "test") 195 212 (fontified nil org-category "test") 212 228 
(fontified nil org-category "test") 228 229 (fontified nil org-category "test") 
229 233 (fontified nil org-category "test" org-caption nil org-caption-shortn 
nil org-attributes nil org-label nil) 233 266 (fontified nil org-category 
"test" org-caption nil org-caption-shortn nil org-attributes nil org-label nil) 
266 271 (fontified nil org-category "test" org-caption nil org-caption-shortn 
nil org-attributes nil org-label nil) 271 304 (fontified nil org-category 
"test" org-caption nil org-caption-shortn nil org-attributes nil org-label nil) 
304 309 (fontified nil org-category "test") 309 326 (fontified nil org-category 
"test") 326 342 (fontified nil org-category "test") 342 343 (fontified nil 
org-category "test") 343 347 (fontified nil org-category "test" org-caption nil 
org-caption-shortn nil org-attributes nil org-label nil) 347 380 (fontified nil 
org-category "test" org-caption nil org-caption-shortn nil org-attributes nil 
org-label nil) 380 385 (fontified nil org-category "test" org-caption nil 
org-caption-shortn nil org-attributes nil org-label nil) 385 418 (fontified nil 
org-category "test" org-caption nil org-caption-shortn nil org-attributes nil 
org-label nil) 418 423 (fontified nil org-category "test") 423 440 (fontified 
nil org-category "test") 440 456 (fontified nil org-category "test") 456 457 
(fontified nil org-category "test") 457 461 (fontified nil org-category "test" 
org-caption nil org-caption-shortn nil org-attributes nil org-label nil) 461 
494 (fontified nil org-category "test" org-caption nil org-caption-shortn nil 
org-attributes nil org-label nil) 494 495 (fontified nil org-category "test" 
org-caption nil org-caption-shortn nil org-attributes nil org-label nil) 495 
532 (fontified nil org-category "test" org-caption nil org-caption-shortn nil 
org-attributes nil org-label nil) 532 571 (fontified nil org-category "test") 
571 576 (fontified nil org-category "test") 576 577 (fontified nil org-category 
"test") 577 578 (fontified nil org-category "test") 578 580 (fontified nil 
org-category "test") 580 581 (fontified nil org-category "test") 581 582 
(fontified nil org-category "test") 582 583 (fontified nil org-category "test") 
583 584 (fontified nil org-category "test") 584 585 (fontified nil org-category 
"test") 585 586 (fontified nil org-category "test"))) (subcontent)))
  mapc((lambda (x) (org-export-latex-subcontent x num)) (((pos . 71) (level . 
3) (occur . 1) (heading . #(" Table.el Table with no Spanning " 1 2 (target 
"sec-1_1_1" org-category "test" fontified nil) 2 32 (target "sec-1_1_1" 
org-category "test" fontified nil))) (content . #("\n    
+---------------+---------------+\n    |Term           |Percentage     |\n    
+---------------+---------------+\n    |Quarter        |25%            |\n    
|One-Fourth     |               |\n    +---------------+---------------+\n    
|Half           |50%            |\n    |One-by-Two     |               |\n    
+---------------+---------------+\n    |Three-Quarters |75%            |\n    
|Three-Fourths  |               |\n    +---------------+---------------+\n    
|Full           |100%           |\n    |Whole          |               |\n    
+---------------+---------------+\n    \n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n" 0 1 (fontified 
nil org-category "test") 1 5 (fontified nil org-category "test") 5 22 
(fontified nil org-category "test") 22 38 (fontified nil org-category "test") 
38 39 (fontified nil org-category "test") 39 43 (fontified nil org-category 
"test" org-caption nil org-caption-shortn nil org-attributes nil org-label nil) 
43 76 (fontified nil org-category "test" org-caption nil org-caption-shortn nil 
org-attributes nil org-label nil) 76 81 (fontified nil org-category "test") 81 
98 (fontified nil org-category "test") 98 114 (fontified nil org-category 
"test") 114 115 (fontified nil org-category "test") 115 119 (fontified nil 
org-category "test" org-caption nil org-caption-shortn nil org-attributes nil 
org-label nil) 119 152 (fontified nil org-category "test" org-caption nil 
org-caption-shortn nil org-attributes nil org-label nil) 152 157 (fontified nil 
org-category "test" org-caption nil org-caption-shortn nil org-attributes nil 
org-label nil) 157 190 (fontified nil org-category "test" org-caption nil 
org-caption-shortn nil org-attributes nil org-label nil) 190 195 (fontified nil 
org-category "test") 195 212 (fontified nil org-category "test") 212 228 
(fontified nil org-category "test") 228 229 (fontified nil org-category "test") 
229 233 (fontified nil org-category "test" org-caption nil org-caption-shortn 
nil org-attributes nil org-label nil) 233 266 (fontified nil org-category 
"test" org-caption nil org-caption-shortn nil org-attributes nil org-label nil) 
266 271 (fontified nil org-category "test" org-caption nil org-caption-shortn 
nil org-attributes nil org-label nil) 271 304 (fontified nil org-category 
"test" org-caption nil org-caption-shortn nil org-attributes nil org-label nil) 
304 309 (fontified nil org-category "test") 309 326 (fontified nil org-category 
"test") 326 342 (fontified nil org-category "test") 342 343 (fontified nil 
org-category "test") 343 347 (fontified nil org-category "test" org-caption nil 
org-caption-shortn nil org-attributes nil org-label nil) 347 380 (fontified nil 
org-category "test" org-caption nil org-caption-shortn nil org-attributes nil 
org-label nil) 380 385 (fontified nil org-category "test" org-caption nil 
org-caption-shortn nil org-attributes nil org-label nil) 385 418 (fontified nil 
org-category "test" org-caption nil org-caption-shortn nil org-attributes nil 
org-label nil) 418 423 (fontified nil org-category "test") 423 440 (fontified 
nil org-category "test") 440 456 (fontified nil org-category "test") 456 457 
(fontified nil org-category "test") 457 461 (fontified nil org-category "test" 
org-caption nil org-caption-shortn nil org-attributes nil org-label nil) 461 
494 (fontified nil org-category "test" org-caption nil org-caption-shortn nil 
org-attributes nil org-label nil) 494 495 (fontified nil org-category "test" 
org-caption nil org-caption-shortn nil org-attributes nil org-label nil) 495 
532 (fontified nil org-category "test" org-caption nil org-caption-shortn nil 
org-attributes nil org-label nil) 532 571 (fontified nil org-category "test") 
571 576 (fontified nil org-category "test") 576 577 (fontified nil org-category 
"test") 577 578 (fontified nil org-category "test") 578 580 (fontified nil 
org-category "test") 580 581 (fontified nil org-category "test") 581 582 
(fontified nil org-category "test") 582 583 (fontified nil org-category "test") 
583 584 (fontified nil org-category "test") 584 585 (fontified nil org-category 
"test") 585 586 (fontified nil org-category "test"))) (subcontent))))
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(mapc (lambda (x) (org-export-latex-subcontent x num)) subcontent))
  org-export-latex-sub((((pos . 71) (level . 3) (occur . 1) (heading . #(" 
Table.el Table with no Spanning " 1 2 (target "sec-1_1_1" org-category "test" 
fontified nil) 2 32 (target "sec-1_1_1" org-category "test" fontified nil))) 
(content . #("\n    +---------------+---------------+\n    |Term           
|Percentage     |\n    +---------------+---------------+\n    |Quarter        
|25%            |\n    |One-Fourth     |               |\n    
+---------------+---------------+\n    |Half           |50%            |\n    
|One-by-Two     |               |\n    +---------------+---------------+\n    
|Three-Quarters |75%            |\n    |Three-Fourths  |               |\n    
+---------------+---------------+\n    |Full           |100%           |\n    
|Whole          |               |\n    +---------------+---------------+\n    
\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n" 0 1 (fontified nil org-category "test") 1 5 (fontified 
nil org-category "test") 5 22 (fontified nil org-category "test") 22 38 
(fontified nil org-category "test") 38 39 (fontified nil org-category "test") 
39 43 (fontified nil org-category "test" org-caption nil org-caption-shortn nil 
org-attributes nil org-label nil) 43 76 (fontified nil org-category "test" 
org-caption nil org-caption-shortn nil org-attributes nil org-label nil) 76 81 
(fontified nil org-category "test") 81 98 (fontified nil org-category "test") 
98 114 (fontified nil org-category "test") 114 115 (fontified nil org-category 
"test") 115 119 (fontified nil org-category "test" org-caption nil 
org-caption-shortn nil org-attributes nil org-label nil) 119 152 (fontified nil 
org-category "test" org-caption nil org-caption-shortn nil org-attributes nil 
org-label nil) 152 157 (fontified nil org-category "test" org-caption nil 
org-caption-shortn nil org-attributes nil org-label nil) 157 190 (fontified nil 
org-category "test" org-caption nil org-caption-shortn nil org-attributes nil 
org-label nil) 190 195 (fontified nil org-category "test") 195 212 (fontified 
nil org-category "test") 212 228 (fontified nil org-category "test") 228 229 
(fontified nil org-category "test") 229 233 (fontified nil org-category "test" 
org-caption nil org-caption-shortn nil org-attributes nil org-label nil) 233 
266 (fontified nil org-category "test" org-caption nil org-caption-shortn nil 
org-attributes nil org-label nil) 266 271 (fontified nil org-category "test" 
org-caption nil org-caption-shortn nil org-attributes nil org-label nil) 271 
304 (fontified nil org-category "test" org-caption nil org-caption-shortn nil 
org-attributes nil org-label nil) 304 309 (fontified nil org-category "test") 
309 326 (fontified nil org-category "test") 326 342 (fontified nil org-category 
"test") 342 343 (fontified nil org-category "test") 343 347 (fontified nil 
org-category "test" org-caption nil org-caption-shortn nil org-attributes nil 
org-label nil) 347 380 (fontified nil org-category "test" org-caption nil 
org-caption-shortn nil org-attributes nil org-label nil) 380 385 (fontified nil 
org-category "test" org-caption nil org-caption-shortn nil org-attributes nil 
org-label nil) 385 418 (fontified nil org-category "test" org-caption nil 
org-caption-shortn nil org-attributes nil org-label nil) 418 423 (fontified nil 
org-category "test") 423 440 (fontified nil org-category "test") 440 456 
(fontified nil org-category "test") 456 457 (fontified nil org-category "test") 
457 461 (fontified nil org-category "test" org-caption nil org-caption-shortn 
nil org-attributes nil org-label nil) 461 494 (fontified nil org-category 
"test" org-caption nil org-caption-shortn nil org-attributes nil org-label nil) 
494 495 (fontified nil org-category "test" org-caption nil org-caption-shortn 
nil org-attributes nil org-label nil) 495 532 (fontified nil org-category 
"test" org-caption nil org-caption-shortn nil org-attributes nil org-label nil) 
532 571 (fontified nil org-category "test") 571 576 (fontified nil org-category 
"test") 576 577 (fontified nil org-category "test") 577 578 (fontified nil 
org-category "test") 578 580 (fontified nil org-category "test") 580 581 
(fontified nil org-category "test") 581 582 (fontified nil org-category "test") 
582 583 (fontified nil org-category "test") 583 584 (fontified nil org-category 
"test") 584 585 (fontified nil org-category "test") 585 586 (fontified nil 
org-category "test"))) (subcontent))))
  (cond ((stringp subcontent) (insert subcontent)) ((listp subcontent) (while 
(org-looking-back "\n\n") (backward-delete-char 1)) (org-export-latex-sub 
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level) num)) start end) (if (consp (cdr sec)) (setq start (nth (if num 0 2) 
sec) end (nth (if num 1 3) sec)) (setq start (if num (car sec) (cdr sec)))) 
(insert (format start (if main-heading main-heading heading) (or sub-heading 
""))) (insert "\n") (when label (insert (mapconcat (lambda (l) (format 
"\\label{%s}" l)) label-list "\n") "\n")) (insert (org-export-latex-content 
content)) (cond ((stringp subcontent) (insert subcontent)) ((listp subcontent) 
(while (org-looking-back "\n\n") (backward-delete-char 1)) 
(org-export-latex-sub subcontent))) (when (and end (string-match "[^       ]" 
end)) (let ((hook (org-get-text-property-any 0 (quote org-insert-hook) end))) 
(and (functionp hook) (funcall hook))) (insert end "\n")))
  (cond ((<= level depth) (let* ((sec (nth (1- level) sectioning)) (num (if 
(integerp num) (>= num level) num)) start end) (if (consp (cdr sec)) (setq 
start (nth (if num 0 2) sec) end (nth (if num 1 3) sec)) (setq start (if num 
(car sec) (cdr sec)))) (insert (format start (if main-heading main-heading 
heading) (or sub-heading ""))) (insert "\n") (when label (insert (mapconcat 
(lambda (l) (format "\\label{%s}" l)) label-list "\n") "\n")) (insert 
(org-export-latex-content content)) (cond ((stringp subcontent) (insert 
subcontent)) ((listp subcontent) (while (org-looking-back "\n\n") 
(backward-delete-char 1)) (org-export-latex-sub subcontent))) (when (and end 
(string-match "[^       ]" end)) (let ((hook (org-get-text-property-any 0 ... 
end))) (and (functionp hook) (funcall hook))) (insert end "\n")))) ((> level 
depth) (cond ((eq org-export-latex-low-levels (quote description)) (if 
(string-match "% ends low level$" (buffer-substring (point-at-bol 0) (point))) 
(delete-region (point-at-bol 0) (point)) (insert "\\begin{description}\n")) 
(insert (format "\n\\item[%s]%s~\n" heading (if label (format "\\label{%s}" 
label) ""))) (insert (org-export-latex-content content)) (cond ((stringp 
subcontent) (insert subcontent)) ((listp subcontent) (org-export-latex-sub 
subcontent))) (insert "\\end{description} % ends low level\n")) ((memq 
org-export-latex-low-levels (quote (itemize enumerate))) (if (string-match "% 
ends low level$" (buffer-substring (point-at-bol 0) (point))) (delete-region 
(point-at-bol 0) (point)) (insert (format "\\begin{%s}\n" (symbol-name 
org-export-latex-low-levels)))) (insert (format "\n\\item %s\\\\\n%s%%" heading 
(if label (format "\\label{%s}" label) ""))) (insert (org-export-latex-content 
content)) (cond ((stringp subcontent) (insert subcontent)) ((listp subcontent) 
(org-export-latex-sub subcontent))) (insert (format "\\end{%s} %% ends low 
level\n" (symbol-name org-export-latex-low-levels)))) ((listp 
org-export-latex-low-levels) (if (string-match "% ends low level$" 
(buffer-substring (point-at-bol 0) (point))) (delete-region (point-at-bol 0) 
(point)) (insert (car org-export-latex-low-levels) "\n")) (insert (format (nth 
2 org-export-latex-low-levels) heading (if label (format "\\label{%s}" label) 
""))) (insert (org-export-latex-content content)) (cond ((stringp subcontent) 
(insert subcontent)) ((listp subcontent) (org-export-latex-sub subcontent))) 
(insert (nth 1 org-export-latex-low-levels) " %% ends low level\n")) ((stringp 
org-export-latex-low-levels) (insert (format org-export-latex-low-levels 
heading) "\n") (when label (insert (format "\\label{%s}\n" label))) (insert 
(org-export-latex-content content)) (cond ((stringp subcontent) (insert 
subcontent)) ((listp subcontent) (org-export-latex-sub subcontent)))))))
  (let* ((heading (cdr (assoc (quote heading) subcontent))) (level (- (cdr 
(assoc (quote level) subcontent)) org-export-latex-add-level)) (occur 
(number-to-string (cdr (assoc (quote occur) subcontent)))) (content (cdr (assoc 
(quote content) subcontent))) (subcontent (cadr (assoc (quote subcontent) 
subcontent))) (label (org-get-text-property-any 0 (quote target) heading)) 
(label-list (cons label (cdr (assoc label org-export-target-aliases)))) 
(sectioning org-export-latex-sectioning) (depth 
org-export-latex-sectioning-depth) main-heading sub-heading) (when (symbolp 
(car sectioning)) (setq sectioning (funcall (car sectioning) level heading)) 
(when sectioning (setq heading (car sectioning) sectioning (cdr sectioning) 
label (org-get-text-property-any 0 (quote target) heading) label-list (cons 
label (cdr (assoc label org-export-target-aliases))))) (if sectioning (setq 
sectioning (make-list 10 sectioning))) (setq depth (if sectioning 10000 0))) 
(if (string-match "[    ]*\\\\\\\\[     ]*" heading) (setq main-heading 
(substring heading 0 (match-beginning 0)) sub-heading (substring heading 
(match-end 0)))) (setq heading (org-export-latex-fontify-headline heading) 
sub-heading (and sub-heading (org-export-latex-fontify-headline sub-heading)) 
main-heading (and main-heading (org-export-latex-fontify-headline 
main-heading))) (cond ((<= level depth) (let* ((sec (nth (1- level) 
sectioning)) (num (if (integerp num) (>= num level) num)) start end) (if (consp 
(cdr sec)) (setq start (nth (if num 0 2) sec) end (nth (if num 1 3) sec)) (setq 
start (if num (car sec) (cdr sec)))) (insert (format start (if main-heading 
main-heading heading) (or sub-heading ""))) (insert "\n") (when label (insert 
(mapconcat (lambda ... ...) label-list "\n") "\n")) (insert 
(org-export-latex-content content)) (cond ((stringp subcontent) (insert 
subcontent)) ((listp subcontent) (while (org-looking-back "\n\n") 
(backward-delete-char 1)) (org-export-latex-sub subcontent))) (when (and end 
(string-match "[^  ]" end)) (let ((hook ...)) (and (functionp hook) (funcall 
hook))) (insert end "\n")))) ((> level depth) (cond ((eq 
org-export-latex-low-levels (quote description)) (if (string-match "% ends low 
level$" (buffer-substring ... ...)) (delete-region (point-at-bol 0) (point)) 
(insert "\\begin{description}\n")) (insert (format "\n\\item[%s]%s~\n" heading 
(if label ... ""))) (insert (org-export-latex-content content)) (cond ((stringp 
subcontent) (insert subcontent)) ((listp subcontent) (org-export-latex-sub 
subcontent))) (insert "\\end{description} % ends low level\n")) ((memq 
org-export-latex-low-levels (quote (itemize enumerate))) (if (string-match "% 
ends low level$" (buffer-substring ... ...)) (delete-region (point-at-bol 0) 
(point)) (insert (format "\\begin{%s}\n" ...))) (insert (format "\n\\item 
%s\\\\\n%s%%" heading (if label ... ""))) (insert (org-export-latex-content 
content)) (cond ((stringp subcontent) (insert subcontent)) ((listp subcontent) 
(org-export-latex-sub subcontent))) (insert (format "\\end{%s} %% ends low 
level\n" (symbol-name org-export-latex-low-levels)))) ((listp 
org-export-latex-low-levels) (if (string-match "% ends low level$" 
(buffer-substring ... ...)) (delete-region (point-at-bol 0) (point)) (insert 
(car org-export-latex-low-levels) "\n")) (insert (format (nth 2 
org-export-latex-low-levels) heading (if label ... ""))) (insert 
(org-export-latex-content content)) (cond ((stringp subcontent) (insert 
subcontent)) ((listp subcontent) (org-export-latex-sub subcontent))) (insert 
(nth 1 org-export-latex-low-levels) " %% ends low level\n")) ((stringp 
org-export-latex-low-levels) (insert (format org-export-latex-low-levels 
heading) "\n") (when label (insert (format "\\label{%s}\n" label))) (insert 
(org-export-latex-content content)) (cond ((stringp subcontent) (insert 
subcontent)) ((listp subcontent) (org-export-latex-sub subcontent))))))))
  org-export-latex-subcontent(((pos . 55) (level . 2) (occur . 1) (heading . 
#(" Tables " 1 2 (target "sec-1_1" org-category "test" fontified nil) 2 7 
(target "sec-1_1" org-category "test" fontified nil))) (content . 
#("\n\n\n\n\n" 0 1 (fontified nil org-category "test") 1 3 (fontified nil 
org-category "test") 3 4 (fontified nil org-category "test") 4 5 (fontified nil 
org-category "test"))) (subcontent (((pos . 71) (level . 3) (occur . 1) 
(heading . #(" Table.el Table with no Spanning " 1 2 (target "sec-1_1_1" 
org-category "test" fontified nil) 2 32 (target "sec-1_1_1" org-category "test" 
fontified nil))) (content . #("\n    +---------------+---------------+\n    
|Term           |Percentage     |\n    +---------------+---------------+\n    
|Quarter        |25%            |\n    |One-Fourth     |               |\n    
+---------------+---------------+\n    |Half           |50%            |\n    
|One-by-Two     |               |\n    +---------------+---------------+\n    
|Three-Quarters |75%            |\n    |Three-Fourths  |               |\n    
+---------------+---------------+\n    |Full           |100%           |\n    
|Whole          |               |\n    +---------------+---------------+\n    
\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n" 0 1 (fontified nil org-category "test") 1 5 (fontified 
nil org-category "test") 5 22 (fontified nil org-category "test") 22 38 
(fontified nil org-category "test") 38 39 (fontified nil org-category "test") 
39 43 (fontified nil org-category "test" org-caption nil org-caption-shortn nil 
org-attributes nil org-label nil) 43 76 (fontified nil org-category "test" 
org-caption nil org-caption-shortn nil org-attributes nil org-label nil) 76 81 
(fontified nil org-category "test") 81 98 (fontified nil org-category "test") 
98 114 (fontified nil org-category "test") 114 115 (fontified nil org-category 
"test") 115 119 (fontified nil org-category "test" org-caption nil 
org-caption-shortn nil org-attributes nil org-label nil) 119 152 (fontified nil 
org-category "test" org-caption nil org-caption-shortn nil org-attributes nil 
org-label nil) 152 157 (fontified nil org-category "test" org-caption nil 
org-caption-shortn nil org-attributes nil org-label nil) 157 190 (fontified nil 
org-category "test" org-caption nil org-caption-shortn nil org-attributes nil 
org-label nil) 190 195 (fontified nil org-category "test") 195 212 (fontified 
nil org-category "test") 212 228 (fontified nil org-category "test") 228 229 
(fontified nil org-category "test") 229 233 (fontified nil org-category "test" 
org-caption nil org-caption-shortn nil org-attributes nil org-label nil) 233 
266 (fontified nil org-category "test" org-caption nil org-caption-shortn nil 
org-attributes nil org-label nil) 266 271 (fontified nil org-category "test" 
org-caption nil org-caption-shortn nil org-attributes nil org-label nil) 271 
304 (fontified nil org-category "test" org-caption nil org-caption-shortn nil 
org-attributes nil org-label nil) 304 309 (fontified nil org-category "test") 
309 326 (fontified nil org-category "test") 326 342 (fontified nil org-category 
"test") 342 343 (fontified nil org-category "test") 343 347 (fontified nil 
org-category "test" org-caption nil org-caption-shortn nil org-attributes nil 
org-label nil) 347 380 (fontified nil org-category "test" org-caption nil 
org-caption-shortn nil org-attributes nil org-label nil) 380 385 (fontified nil 
org-category "test" org-caption nil org-caption-shortn nil org-attributes nil 
org-label nil) 385 418 (fontified nil org-category "test" org-caption nil 
org-caption-shortn nil org-attributes nil org-label nil) 418 423 (fontified nil 
org-category "test") 423 440 (fontified nil org-category "test") 440 456 
(fontified nil org-category "test") 456 457 (fontified nil org-category "test") 
457 461 (fontified nil org-category "test" org-caption nil org-caption-shortn 
nil org-attributes nil org-label nil) 461 494 (fontified nil org-category 
"test" org-caption nil org-caption-shortn nil org-attributes nil org-label nil) 
494 495 (fontified nil org-category "test" org-caption nil org-caption-shortn 
nil org-attributes nil org-label nil) 495 532 (fontified nil org-category 
"test" org-caption nil org-caption-shortn nil org-attributes nil org-label nil) 
532 571 (fontified nil org-category "test") 571 576 (fontified nil org-category 
"test") 576 577 (fontified nil org-category "test") 577 578 (fontified nil 
org-category "test") 578 580 (fontified nil org-category "test") 580 581 
(fontified nil org-category "test") 581 582 (fontified nil org-category "test") 
582 583 (fontified nil org-category "test") 583 584 (fontified nil org-category 
"test") 584 585 (fontified nil org-category "test") 585 586 (fontified nil 
org-category "test"))) (subcontent))))) nil)
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(occur . 1) (heading . #(" Tables " 1 2 (target "sec-1_1" org-category "test" 
fontified nil) 2 7 (target "sec-1_1" org-category "test" fontified nil))) 
(content . #("\n\n\n\n\n" 0 1 (fontified nil org-category "test") 1 3 
(fontified nil org-category "test") 3 4 (fontified nil org-category "test") 4 5 
(fontified nil org-category "test"))) (subcontent (((pos . 71) (level . 3) 
(occur . 1) (heading . #(" Table.el Table with no Spanning " 1 2 (target 
"sec-1_1_1" org-category "test" fontified nil) 2 32 (target "sec-1_1_1" 
org-category "test" fontified nil))) (content . #("\n    
+---------------+---------------+\n    |Term           |Percentage     |\n    
+---------------+---------------+\n    |Quarter        |25%            |\n    
|One-Fourth     |               |\n    +---------------+---------------+\n    
|Half           |50%            |\n    |One-by-Two     |               |\n    
+---------------+---------------+\n    |Three-Quarters |75%            |\n    
|Three-Fourths  |               |\n    +---------------+---------------+\n    
|Full           |100%           |\n    |Whole          |               |\n    
+---------------+---------------+\n    \n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n" 0 1 (fontified 
nil org-category "test") 1 5 (fontified nil org-category "test") 5 22 
(fontified nil org-category "test") 22 38 (fontified nil org-category "test") 
38 39 (fontified nil org-category "test") 39 43 (fontified nil org-category 
"test" org-caption nil org-caption-shortn nil org-attributes nil org-label nil) 
43 76 (fontified nil org-category "test" org-caption nil org-caption-shortn nil 
org-attributes nil org-label nil) 76 81 (fontified nil org-category "test") 81 
98 (fontified nil org-category "test") 98 114 (fontified nil org-category 
"test") 114 115 (fontified nil org-category "test") 115 119 (fontified nil 
org-category "test" org-caption nil org-caption-shortn nil org-attributes nil 
org-label nil) 119 152 (fontified nil org-category "test" org-caption nil 
org-caption-shortn nil org-attributes nil org-label nil) 152 157 (fontified nil 
org-category "test" org-caption nil org-caption-shortn nil org-attributes nil 
org-label nil) 157 190 (fontified nil org-category "test" org-caption nil 
org-caption-shortn nil org-attributes nil org-label nil) 190 195 (fontified nil 
org-category "test") 195 212 (fontified nil org-category "test") 212 228 
(fontified nil org-category "test") 228 229 (fontified nil org-category "test") 
229 233 (fontified nil org-category "test" org-caption nil org-caption-shortn 
nil org-attributes nil org-label nil) 233 266 (fontified nil org-category 
"test" org-caption nil org-caption-shortn nil org-attributes nil org-label nil) 
266 271 (fontified nil org-category "test" org-caption nil org-caption-shortn 
nil org-attributes nil org-label nil) 271 304 (fontified nil org-category 
"test" org-caption nil org-caption-shortn nil org-attributes nil org-label nil) 
304 309 (fontified nil org-category "test") 309 326 (fontified nil org-category 
"test") 326 342 (fontified nil org-category "test") 342 343 (fontified nil 
org-category "test") 343 347 (fontified nil org-category "test" org-caption nil 
org-caption-shortn nil org-attributes nil org-label nil) 347 380 (fontified nil 
org-category "test" org-caption nil org-caption-shortn nil org-attributes nil 
org-label nil) 380 385 (fontified nil org-category "test" org-caption nil 
org-caption-shortn nil org-attributes nil org-label nil) 385 418 (fontified nil 
org-category "test" org-caption nil org-caption-shortn nil org-attributes nil 
org-label nil) 418 423 (fontified nil org-category "test") 423 440 (fontified 
nil org-category "test") 440 456 (fontified nil org-category "test") 456 457 
(fontified nil org-category "test") 457 461 (fontified nil org-category "test" 
org-caption nil org-caption-shortn nil org-attributes nil org-label nil) 461 
494 (fontified nil org-category "test" org-caption nil org-caption-shortn nil 
org-attributes nil org-label nil) 494 495 (fontified nil org-category "test" 
org-caption nil org-caption-shortn nil org-attributes nil org-label nil) 495 
532 (fontified nil org-category "test" org-caption nil org-caption-shortn nil 
org-attributes nil org-label nil) 532 571 (fontified nil org-category "test") 
571 576 (fontified nil org-category "test") 576 577 (fontified nil org-category 
"test") 577 578 (fontified nil org-category "test") 578 580 (fontified nil 
org-category "test") 580 581 (fontified nil org-category "test") 581 582 
(fontified nil org-category "test") 582 583 (fontified nil org-category "test") 
583 584 (fontified nil org-category "test") 584 585 (fontified nil org-category 
"test") 585 586 (fontified nil org-category "test"))) (subcontent))))))
  mapc((lambda (x) (org-export-latex-subcontent x num)) (((pos . 55) (level . 
2) (occur . 1) (heading . #(" Tables " 1 2 (target "sec-1_1" org-category 
"test" fontified nil) 2 7 (target "sec-1_1" org-category "test" fontified 
nil))) (content . #("\n\n\n\n\n" 0 1 (fontified nil org-category "test") 1 3 
(fontified nil org-category "test") 3 4 (fontified nil org-category "test") 4 5 
(fontified nil org-category "test"))) (subcontent (((pos . 71) (level . 3) 
(occur . 1) (heading . #(" Table.el Table with no Spanning " 1 2 (target 
"sec-1_1_1" org-category "test" fontified nil) 2 32 (target "sec-1_1_1" 
org-category "test" fontified nil))) (content . #("\n    
+---------------+---------------+\n    |Term           |Percentage     |\n    
+---------------+---------------+\n    |Quarter        |25%            |\n    
|One-Fourth     |               |\n    +---------------+---------------+\n    
|Half           |50%            |\n    |One-by-Two     |               |\n    
+---------------+---------------+\n    |Three-Quarters |75%            |\n    
|Three-Fourths  |               |\n    +---------------+---------------+\n    
|Full           |100%           |\n    |Whole          |               |\n    
+---------------+---------------+\n    \n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n" 0 1 (fontified 
nil org-category "test") 1 5 (fontified nil org-category "test") 5 22 
(fontified nil org-category "test") 22 38 (fontified nil org-category "test") 
38 39 (fontified nil org-category "test") 39 43 (fontified nil org-category 
"test" org-caption nil org-caption-shortn nil org-attributes nil org-label nil) 
43 76 (fontified nil org-category "test" org-caption nil org-caption-shortn nil 
org-attributes nil org-label nil) 76 81 (fontified nil org-category "test") 81 
98 (fontified nil org-category "test") 98 114 (fontified nil org-category 
"test") 114 115 (fontified nil org-category "test") 115 119 (fontified nil 
org-category "test" org-caption nil org-caption-shortn nil org-attributes nil 
org-label nil) 119 152 (fontified nil org-category "test" org-caption nil 
org-caption-shortn nil org-attributes nil org-label nil) 152 157 (fontified nil 
org-category "test" org-caption nil org-caption-shortn nil org-attributes nil 
org-label nil) 157 190 (fontified nil org-category "test" org-caption nil 
org-caption-shortn nil org-attributes nil org-label nil) 190 195 (fontified nil 
org-category "test") 195 212 (fontified nil org-category "test") 212 228 
(fontified nil org-category "test") 228 229 (fontified nil org-category "test") 
229 233 (fontified nil org-category "test" org-caption nil org-caption-shortn 
nil org-attributes nil org-label nil) 233 266 (fontified nil org-category 
"test" org-caption nil org-caption-shortn nil org-attributes nil org-label nil) 
266 271 (fontified nil org-category "test" org-caption nil org-caption-shortn 
nil org-attributes nil org-label nil) 271 304 (fontified nil org-category 
"test" org-caption nil org-caption-shortn nil org-attributes nil org-label nil) 
304 309 (fontified nil org-category "test") 309 326 (fontified nil org-category 
"test") 326 342 (fontified nil org-category "test") 342 343 (fontified nil 
org-category "test") 343 347 (fontified nil org-category "test" org-caption nil 
org-caption-shortn nil org-attributes nil org-label nil) 347 380 (fontified nil 
org-category "test" org-caption nil org-caption-shortn nil org-attributes nil 
org-label nil) 380 385 (fontified nil org-category "test" org-caption nil 
org-caption-shortn nil org-attributes nil org-label nil) 385 418 (fontified nil 
org-category "test" org-caption nil org-caption-shortn nil org-attributes nil 
org-label nil) 418 423 (fontified nil org-category "test") 423 440 (fontified 
nil org-category "test") 440 456 (fontified nil org-category "test") 456 457 
(fontified nil org-category "test") 457 461 (fontified nil org-category "test" 
org-caption nil org-caption-shortn nil org-attributes nil org-label nil) 461 
494 (fontified nil org-category "test" org-caption nil org-caption-shortn nil 
org-attributes nil org-label nil) 494 495 (fontified nil org-category "test" 
org-caption nil org-caption-shortn nil org-attributes nil org-label nil) 495 
532 (fontified nil org-category "test" org-caption nil org-caption-shortn nil 
org-attributes nil org-label nil) 532 571 (fontified nil org-category "test") 
571 576 (fontified nil org-category "test") 576 577 (fontified nil org-category 
"test") 577 578 (fontified nil org-category "test") 578 580 (fontified nil 
org-category "test") 580 581 (fontified nil org-category "test") 581 582 
(fontified nil org-category "test") 582 583 (fontified nil org-category "test") 
583 584 (fontified nil org-category "test") 584 585 (fontified nil org-category 
"test") 585 586 (fontified nil org-category "test"))) (subcontent)))))))
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(mapc (lambda (x) (org-export-latex-subcontent x num)) subcontent))
  org-export-latex-sub((((pos . 55) (level . 2) (occur . 1) (heading . #(" 
Tables " 1 2 (target "sec-1_1" org-category "test" fontified nil) 2 7 (target 
"sec-1_1" org-category "test" fontified nil))) (content . #("\n\n\n\n\n" 0 1 
(fontified nil org-category "test") 1 3 (fontified nil org-category "test") 3 4 
(fontified nil org-category "test") 4 5 (fontified nil org-category "test"))) 
(subcontent (((pos . 71) (level . 3) (occur . 1) (heading . #(" Table.el Table 
with no Spanning " 1 2 (target "sec-1_1_1" org-category "test" fontified nil) 2 
32 (target "sec-1_1_1" org-category "test" fontified nil))) (content . #("\n    
+---------------+---------------+\n    |Term           |Percentage     |\n    
+---------------+---------------+\n    |Quarter        |25%            |\n    
|One-Fourth     |               |\n    +---------------+---------------+\n    
|Half           |50%            |\n    |One-by-Two     |               |\n    
+---------------+---------------+\n    |Three-Quarters |75%            |\n    
|Three-Fourths  |               |\n    +---------------+---------------+\n    
|Full           |100%           |\n    |Whole          |               |\n    
+---------------+---------------+\n    \n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n" 0 1 (fontified 
nil org-category "test") 1 5 (fontified nil org-category "test") 5 22 
(fontified nil org-category "test") 22 38 (fontified nil org-category "test") 
38 39 (fontified nil org-category "test") 39 43 (fontified nil org-category 
"test" org-caption nil org-caption-shortn nil org-attributes nil org-label nil) 
43 76 (fontified nil org-category "test" org-caption nil org-caption-shortn nil 
org-attributes nil org-label nil) 76 81 (fontified nil org-category "test") 81 
98 (fontified nil org-category "test") 98 114 (fontified nil org-category 
"test") 114 115 (fontified nil org-category "test") 115 119 (fontified nil 
org-category "test" org-caption nil org-caption-shortn nil org-attributes nil 
org-label nil) 119 152 (fontified nil org-category "test" org-caption nil 
org-caption-shortn nil org-attributes nil org-label nil) 152 157 (fontified nil 
org-category "test" org-caption nil org-caption-shortn nil org-attributes nil 
org-label nil) 157 190 (fontified nil org-category "test" org-caption nil 
org-caption-shortn nil org-attributes nil org-label nil) 190 195 (fontified nil 
org-category "test") 195 212 (fontified nil org-category "test") 212 228 
(fontified nil org-category "test") 228 229 (fontified nil org-category "test") 
229 233 (fontified nil org-category "test" org-caption nil org-caption-shortn 
nil org-attributes nil org-label nil) 233 266 (fontified nil org-category 
"test" org-caption nil org-caption-shortn nil org-attributes nil org-label nil) 
266 271 (fontified nil org-category "test" org-caption nil org-caption-shortn 
nil org-attributes nil org-label nil) 271 304 (fontified nil org-category 
"test" org-caption nil org-caption-shortn nil org-attributes nil org-label nil) 
304 309 (fontified nil org-category "test") 309 326 (fontified nil org-category 
"test") 326 342 (fontified nil org-category "test") 342 343 (fontified nil 
org-category "test") 343 347 (fontified nil org-category "test" org-caption nil 
org-caption-shortn nil org-attributes nil org-label nil) 347 380 (fontified nil 
org-category "test" org-caption nil org-caption-shortn nil org-attributes nil 
org-label nil) 380 385 (fontified nil org-category "test" org-caption nil 
org-caption-shortn nil org-attributes nil org-label nil) 385 418 (fontified nil 
org-category "test" org-caption nil org-caption-shortn nil org-attributes nil 
org-label nil) 418 423 (fontified nil org-category "test") 423 440 (fontified 
nil org-category "test") 440 456 (fontified nil org-category "test") 456 457 
(fontified nil org-category "test") 457 461 (fontified nil org-category "test" 
org-caption nil org-caption-shortn nil org-attributes nil org-label nil) 461 
494 (fontified nil org-category "test" org-caption nil org-caption-shortn nil 
org-attributes nil org-label nil) 494 495 (fontified nil org-category "test" 
org-caption nil org-caption-shortn nil org-attributes nil org-label nil) 495 
532 (fontified nil org-category "test" org-caption nil org-caption-shortn nil 
org-attributes nil org-label nil) 532 571 (fontified nil org-category "test") 
571 576 (fontified nil org-category "test") 576 577 (fontified nil org-category 
"test") 577 578 (fontified nil org-category "test") 578 580 (fontified nil 
org-category "test") 580 581 (fontified nil org-category "test") 581 582 
(fontified nil org-category "test") 582 583 (fontified nil org-category "test") 
583 584 (fontified nil org-category "test") 584 585 (fontified nil org-category 
"test") 585 586 (fontified nil org-category "test"))) (subcontent)))))))
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(org-looking-back "\n\n") (backward-delete-char 1)) (org-export-latex-sub 
  (let* ((sec (nth (1- level) sectioning)) (num (if (integerp num) (>= num 
level) num)) start end) (if (consp (cdr sec)) (setq start (nth (if num 0 2) 
sec) end (nth (if num 1 3) sec)) (setq start (if num (car sec) (cdr sec)))) 
(insert (format start (if main-heading main-heading heading) (or sub-heading 
""))) (insert "\n") (when label (insert (mapconcat (lambda (l) (format 
"\\label{%s}" l)) label-list "\n") "\n")) (insert (org-export-latex-content 
content)) (cond ((stringp subcontent) (insert subcontent)) ((listp subcontent) 
(while (org-looking-back "\n\n") (backward-delete-char 1)) 
(org-export-latex-sub subcontent))) (when (and end (string-match "[^       ]" 
end)) (let ((hook (org-get-text-property-any 0 (quote org-insert-hook) end))) 
(and (functionp hook) (funcall hook))) (insert end "\n")))
  (cond ((<= level depth) (let* ((sec (nth (1- level) sectioning)) (num (if 
(integerp num) (>= num level) num)) start end) (if (consp (cdr sec)) (setq 
start (nth (if num 0 2) sec) end (nth (if num 1 3) sec)) (setq start (if num 
(car sec) (cdr sec)))) (insert (format start (if main-heading main-heading 
heading) (or sub-heading ""))) (insert "\n") (when label (insert (mapconcat 
(lambda (l) (format "\\label{%s}" l)) label-list "\n") "\n")) (insert 
(org-export-latex-content content)) (cond ((stringp subcontent) (insert 
subcontent)) ((listp subcontent) (while (org-looking-back "\n\n") 
(backward-delete-char 1)) (org-export-latex-sub subcontent))) (when (and end 
(string-match "[^       ]" end)) (let ((hook (org-get-text-property-any 0 ... 
end))) (and (functionp hook) (funcall hook))) (insert end "\n")))) ((> level 
depth) (cond ((eq org-export-latex-low-levels (quote description)) (if 
(string-match "% ends low level$" (buffer-substring (point-at-bol 0) (point))) 
(delete-region (point-at-bol 0) (point)) (insert "\\begin{description}\n")) 
(insert (format "\n\\item[%s]%s~\n" heading (if label (format "\\label{%s}" 
label) ""))) (insert (org-export-latex-content content)) (cond ((stringp 
subcontent) (insert subcontent)) ((listp subcontent) (org-export-latex-sub 
subcontent))) (insert "\\end{description} % ends low level\n")) ((memq 
org-export-latex-low-levels (quote (itemize enumerate))) (if (string-match "% 
ends low level$" (buffer-substring (point-at-bol 0) (point))) (delete-region 
(point-at-bol 0) (point)) (insert (format "\\begin{%s}\n" (symbol-name 
org-export-latex-low-levels)))) (insert (format "\n\\item %s\\\\\n%s%%" heading 
(if label (format "\\label{%s}" label) ""))) (insert (org-export-latex-content 
content)) (cond ((stringp subcontent) (insert subcontent)) ((listp subcontent) 
(org-export-latex-sub subcontent))) (insert (format "\\end{%s} %% ends low 
level\n" (symbol-name org-export-latex-low-levels)))) ((listp 
org-export-latex-low-levels) (if (string-match "% ends low level$" 
(buffer-substring (point-at-bol 0) (point))) (delete-region (point-at-bol 0) 
(point)) (insert (car org-export-latex-low-levels) "\n")) (insert (format (nth 
2 org-export-latex-low-levels) heading (if label (format "\\label{%s}" label) 
""))) (insert (org-export-latex-content content)) (cond ((stringp subcontent) 
(insert subcontent)) ((listp subcontent) (org-export-latex-sub subcontent))) 
(insert (nth 1 org-export-latex-low-levels) " %% ends low level\n")) ((stringp 
org-export-latex-low-levels) (insert (format org-export-latex-low-levels 
heading) "\n") (when label (insert (format "\\label{%s}\n" label))) (insert 
(org-export-latex-content content)) (cond ((stringp subcontent) (insert 
subcontent)) ((listp subcontent) (org-export-latex-sub subcontent)))))))
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(assoc (quote level) subcontent)) org-export-latex-add-level)) (occur 
(number-to-string (cdr (assoc (quote occur) subcontent)))) (content (cdr (assoc 
(quote content) subcontent))) (subcontent (cadr (assoc (quote subcontent) 
subcontent))) (label (org-get-text-property-any 0 (quote target) heading)) 
(label-list (cons label (cdr (assoc label org-export-target-aliases)))) 
(sectioning org-export-latex-sectioning) (depth 
org-export-latex-sectioning-depth) main-heading sub-heading) (when (symbolp 
(car sectioning)) (setq sectioning (funcall (car sectioning) level heading)) 
(when sectioning (setq heading (car sectioning) sectioning (cdr sectioning) 
label (org-get-text-property-any 0 (quote target) heading) label-list (cons 
label (cdr (assoc label org-export-target-aliases))))) (if sectioning (setq 
sectioning (make-list 10 sectioning))) (setq depth (if sectioning 10000 0))) 
(if (string-match "[    ]*\\\\\\\\[     ]*" heading) (setq main-heading 
(substring heading 0 (match-beginning 0)) sub-heading (substring heading 
(match-end 0)))) (setq heading (org-export-latex-fontify-headline heading) 
sub-heading (and sub-heading (org-export-latex-fontify-headline sub-heading)) 
main-heading (and main-heading (org-export-latex-fontify-headline 
main-heading))) (cond ((<= level depth) (let* ((sec (nth (1- level) 
sectioning)) (num (if (integerp num) (>= num level) num)) start end) (if (consp 
(cdr sec)) (setq start (nth (if num 0 2) sec) end (nth (if num 1 3) sec)) (setq 
start (if num (car sec) (cdr sec)))) (insert (format start (if main-heading 
main-heading heading) (or sub-heading ""))) (insert "\n") (when label (insert 
(mapconcat (lambda ... ...) label-list "\n") "\n")) (insert 
(org-export-latex-content content)) (cond ((stringp subcontent) (insert 
subcontent)) ((listp subcontent) (while (org-looking-back "\n\n") 
(backward-delete-char 1)) (org-export-latex-sub subcontent))) (when (and end 
(string-match "[^  ]" end)) (let ((hook ...)) (and (functionp hook) (funcall 
hook))) (insert end "\n")))) ((> level depth) (cond ((eq 
org-export-latex-low-levels (quote description)) (if (string-match "% ends low 
level$" (buffer-substring ... ...)) (delete-region (point-at-bol 0) (point)) 
(insert "\\begin{description}\n")) (insert (format "\n\\item[%s]%s~\n" heading 
(if label ... ""))) (insert (org-export-latex-content content)) (cond ((stringp 
subcontent) (insert subcontent)) ((listp subcontent) (org-export-latex-sub 
subcontent))) (insert "\\end{description} % ends low level\n")) ((memq 
org-export-latex-low-levels (quote (itemize enumerate))) (if (string-match "% 
ends low level$" (buffer-substring ... ...)) (delete-region (point-at-bol 0) 
(point)) (insert (format "\\begin{%s}\n" ...))) (insert (format "\n\\item 
%s\\\\\n%s%%" heading (if label ... ""))) (insert (org-export-latex-content 
content)) (cond ((stringp subcontent) (insert subcontent)) ((listp subcontent) 
(org-export-latex-sub subcontent))) (insert (format "\\end{%s} %% ends low 
level\n" (symbol-name org-export-latex-low-levels)))) ((listp 
org-export-latex-low-levels) (if (string-match "% ends low level$" 
(buffer-substring ... ...)) (delete-region (point-at-bol 0) (point)) (insert 
(car org-export-latex-low-levels) "\n")) (insert (format (nth 2 
org-export-latex-low-levels) heading (if label ... ""))) (insert 
(org-export-latex-content content)) (cond ((stringp subcontent) (insert 
subcontent)) ((listp subcontent) (org-export-latex-sub subcontent))) (insert 
(nth 1 org-export-latex-low-levels) " %% ends low level\n")) ((stringp 
org-export-latex-low-levels) (insert (format org-export-latex-low-levels 
heading) "\n") (when label (insert (format "\\label{%s}\n" label))) (insert 
(org-export-latex-content content)) (cond ((stringp subcontent) (insert 
subcontent)) ((listp subcontent) (org-export-latex-sub subcontent))))))))
  org-export-latex-subcontent(((pos . 4) (level . 1) (occur . 1) (heading . #(" 
Sample Content (Proof Of Concept) " 1 2 (target "sec-1" org-category "test" 
fontified nil) 2 34 (target "sec-1" org-category "test" fontified nil))) 
(content . #("\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n" 0 1 (fontified nil org-category 
"test") 1 2 (fontified nil org-category "test") 2 3 (fontified nil org-category 
"test") 3 4 (fontified nil org-category "test") 4 5 (fontified nil org-category 
"test") 5 6 (fontified nil org-category "test") 6 7 (fontified nil org-category 
"test") 7 8 (fontified nil org-category "test") 8 9 (fontified nil org-category 
"test") 9 10 (fontified nil org-category "test") 10 12 (fontified nil 
org-category "test") 12 13 (fontified nil org-category "test") 13 14 (fontified 
nil org-category "test"))) (subcontent (((pos . 55) (level . 2) (occur . 1) 
(heading . #(" Tables " 1 2 (target "sec-1_1" org-category "test" fontified 
nil) 2 7 (target "sec-1_1" org-category "test" fontified nil))) (content . 
#("\n\n\n\n\n" 0 1 (fontified nil org-category "test") 1 3 (fontified nil 
org-category "test") 3 4 (fontified nil org-category "test") 4 5 (fontified nil 
org-category "test"))) (subcontent (((pos . 71) (level . 3) (occur . 1) 
(heading . #(" Table.el Table with no Spanning " 1 2 ... 2 32 ...)) (content . 
#("\n    +---------------+---------------+\n    |Term           |Percentage     
|\n    +---------------+---------------+\n    |Quarter        |25%            
|\n    |One-Fourth     |               |\n    
+---------------+---------------+\n    |Half           |50%            |\n    
|One-by-Two     |               |\n    +---------------+---------------+\n    
|Three-Quarters |75%            |\n    |Three-Fourths  |               |\n    
+---------------+---------------+\n    |Full           |100%           |\n    
|Whole          |               |\n    +---------------+---------------+\n    
\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n" 0 1 ... 1 5 ... 5 22 ... 22 38 ... 38 39 ... 39 43 ... 
43 76 ... 76 81 ... 81 98 ... 98 114 ... 114 115 ... 115 119 ... 119 152 ... 
152 157 ... 157 190 ... 190 195 ... 195 212 ... 212 228 ... 228 229 ... 229 233 
... 233 266 ... 266 271 ... 271 304 ... 304 309 ... 309 326 ... 326 342 ... 342 
343 ... 343 347 ... 347 380 ... 380 385 ... 385 418 ... 418 423 ... 423 440 ... 
440 456 ... 456 457 ... 457 461 ... 461 494 ... 494 495 ... 495 532 ... 532 571 
... 571 576 ... 576 577 ... 577 578 ... 578 580 ... 580 581 ... 581 582 ... 582 
583 ... 583 584 ... 584 585 ... 585 586 ...)) (subcontent)))))))) nil)
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(occur . 1) (heading . #(" Sample Content (Proof Of Concept) " 1 2 (target 
"sec-1" org-category "test" fontified nil) 2 34 (target "sec-1" org-category 
"test" fontified nil))) (content . #("\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n" 0 1 
(fontified nil org-category "test") 1 2 (fontified nil org-category "test") 2 3 
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(fontified nil org-category "test") 5 6 (fontified nil org-category "test") 6 7 
(fontified nil org-category "test") 7 8 (fontified nil org-category "test") 8 9 
(fontified nil org-category "test") 9 10 (fontified nil org-category "test") 10 
12 (fontified nil org-category "test") 12 13 (fontified nil org-category 
"test") 13 14 (fontified nil org-category "test"))) (subcontent (((pos . 55) 
(level . 2) (occur . 1) (heading . #(" Tables " 1 2 (target "sec-1_1" 
org-category "test" fontified nil) 2 7 (target "sec-1_1" org-category "test" 
fontified nil))) (content . #("\n\n\n\n\n" 0 1 (fontified nil org-category 
"test") 1 3 (fontified nil org-category "test") 3 4 (fontified nil org-category 
"test") 4 5 (fontified nil org-category "test"))) (subcontent (((pos . 71) 
(level . 3) (occur . 1) (heading . #(" Table.el Table with no Spanning " 1 2 
... 2 32 ...)) (content . #("\n    +---------------+---------------+\n    |Term 
          |Percentage     |\n    +---------------+---------------+\n    
|Quarter        |25%            |\n    |One-Fourth     |               |\n    
+---------------+---------------+\n    |Half           |50%            |\n    
|One-by-Two     |               |\n    +---------------+---------------+\n    
|Three-Quarters |75%            |\n    |Three-Fourths  |               |\n    
+---------------+---------------+\n    |Full           |100%           |\n    
|Whole          |               |\n    +---------------+---------------+\n    
\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n" 0 1 ... 1 5 ... 5 22 ... 22 38 ... 38 39 ... 39 43 ... 
43 76 ... 76 81 ... 81 98 ... 98 114 ... 114 115 ... 115 119 ... 119 152 ... 
152 157 ... 157 190 ... 190 195 ... 195 212 ... 212 228 ... 228 229 ... 229 233 
... 233 266 ... 266 271 ... 271 304 ... 304 309 ... 309 326 ... 326 342 ... 342 
343 ... 343 347 ... 347 380 ... 380 385 ... 385 418 ... 418 423 ... 423 440 ... 
440 456 ... 456 457 ... 457 461 ... 461 494 ... 494 495 ... 495 532 ... 532 571 
... 571 576 ... 576 577 ... 577 578 ... 578 580 ... 580 581 ... 581 582 ... 582 
583 ... 583 584 ... 584 585 ... 585 586 ...)) (subcontent)))))))))
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(occur . 1) (heading . #(" Sample Content (Proof Of Concept) " 1 2 (target 
"sec-1" org-category "test" fontified nil) 2 34 (target "sec-1" org-category 
"test" fontified nil))) (content . #("\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n" 0 1 
(fontified nil org-category "test") 1 2 (fontified nil org-category "test") 2 3 
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(fontified nil org-category "test") 5 6 (fontified nil org-category "test") 6 7 
(fontified nil org-category "test") 7 8 (fontified nil org-category "test") 8 9 
(fontified nil org-category "test") 9 10 (fontified nil org-category "test") 10 
12 (fontified nil org-category "test") 12 13 (fontified nil org-category 
"test") 13 14 (fontified nil org-category "test"))) (subcontent (((pos . 55) 
(level . 2) (occur . 1) (heading . #(" Tables " 1 2 (target "sec-1_1" 
org-category "test" fontified nil) 2 7 (target "sec-1_1" org-category "test" 
fontified nil))) (content . #("\n\n\n\n\n" 0 1 (fontified nil org-category 
"test") 1 3 (fontified nil org-category "test") 3 4 (fontified nil org-category 
"test") 4 5 (fontified nil org-category "test"))) (subcontent ((... ... ... ... 
... ...)))))))))
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(mapc (lambda (x) (org-export-latex-subcontent x num)) subcontent))
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Sample Content (Proof Of Concept) " 1 2 (target "sec-1" org-category "test" 
fontified nil) 2 34 (target "sec-1" org-category "test" fontified nil))) 
(content . #("\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n" 0 1 (fontified nil org-category 
"test") 1 2 (fontified nil org-category "test") 2 3 (fontified nil org-category 
"test") 3 4 (fontified nil org-category "test") 4 5 (fontified nil org-category 
"test") 5 6 (fontified nil org-category "test") 6 7 (fontified nil org-category 
"test") 7 8 (fontified nil org-category "test") 8 9 (fontified nil org-category 
"test") 9 10 (fontified nil org-category "test") 10 12 (fontified nil 
org-category "test") 12 13 (fontified nil org-category "test") 13 14 (fontified 
nil org-category "test"))) (subcontent (((pos . 55) (level . 2) (occur . 1) 
(heading . #(" Tables " 1 2 (target "sec-1_1" org-category "test" fontified 
nil) 2 7 (target "sec-1_1" org-category "test" fontified nil))) (content . 
#("\n\n\n\n\n" 0 1 (fontified nil org-category "test") 1 3 (fontified nil 
org-category "test") 3 4 (fontified nil org-category "test") 4 5 (fontified nil 
org-category "test"))) (subcontent ((... ... ... ... ... ...)))))))))
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(cdr content)) (org-export-latex-sub (car content)))
  org-export-latex-global(((((pos . 4) (level . 1) (occur . 1) (heading . #(" 
Sample Content (Proof Of Concept) " 1 2 (target "sec-1" org-category "test" 
fontified nil) 2 34 (target "sec-1" org-category "test" fontified nil))) 
(content . #("\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n" 0 1 (fontified nil org-category 
"test") 1 2 (fontified nil org-category "test") 2 3 (fontified nil org-category 
"test") 3 4 (fontified nil org-category "test") 4 5 (fontified nil org-category 
"test") 5 6 (fontified nil org-category "test") 6 7 (fontified nil org-category 
"test") 7 8 (fontified nil org-category "test") 8 9 (fontified nil org-category 
"test") 9 10 (fontified nil org-category "test") 10 12 (fontified nil 
org-category "test") 12 13 (fontified nil org-category "test") 13 14 (fontified 
nil org-category "test"))) (subcontent (((pos . 55) (level . 2) (occur . 1) 
(heading . #(" Tables " 1 2 ... 2 7 ...)) (content . #("\n\n\n\n\n" 0 1 ... 1 3 
... 3 4 ... 4 5 ...)) (subcontent (...)))))))))
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(org-export-process-option-filters org-export-latex-options-plist)) (region-p 
(org-region-active-p)) (rbeg (and region-p (region-beginning))) (rend (and 
region-p (region-end))) (subtree-p (if (plist-get opt-plist :ignore-subtree-p) 
nil (when region-p (save-excursion (goto-char rbeg) (and (org-at-heading-p) (>= 
... rend)))))) (opt-plist (setq org-export-opt-plist (if subtree-p 
(org-export-add-subtree-options opt-plist rbeg) opt-plist))) 
(org-export-latex-options-plist (setq org-export-opt-plist opt-plist)) 
(org-current-export-dir (or pub-dir (org-export-directory :html opt-plist))) 
(org-current-export-file buffer-file-name) (title (or (and subtree-p 
(org-export-get-title-from-subtree)) (plist-get opt-plist :title) (and (not 
(plist-get opt-plist :skip-before-1st-heading)) 
(org-export-grab-title-from-buffer)) (and buffer-file-name 
(file-name-sans-extension (file-name-nondirectory buffer-file-name))) "No 
Title")) (filename (and (not to-buffer) (concat (file-name-as-directory (or 
pub-dir (org-export-directory :LaTeX ext-plist))) (file-name-sans-extension (or 
(and subtree-p ...) (file-name-nondirectory ...))) ".tex"))) (filename (and 
filename (if (equal (file-truename filename) (file-truename (or 
buffer-file-name "dummy.org"))) (concat filename ".tex") filename))) (buffer 
(if to-buffer (cond ((eq to-buffer (quote string)) (get-buffer-create "*Org 
LaTeX Export*")) (t (get-buffer-create to-buffer))) (find-file-noselect 
filename))) (odd org-odd-levels-only) (header (org-export-latex-make-header 
title opt-plist)) (skip (cond (subtree-p nil) (region-p nil) (t (plist-get 
opt-plist :skip-before-1st-heading)))) (text (plist-get opt-plist :text)) 
(org-export-preprocess-hook (cons (\` (lambda nil (org-set-local (quote 
org-complex-heading-regexp) (\, org-export-latex-complex-heading-re)))) 
org-export-preprocess-hook)) (first-lines (if skip "" 
(org-export-latex-first-lines opt-plist (if subtree-p (save-excursion 
(goto-char rbeg) (point-at-bol 2)) rbeg) (if region-p rend)))) (coding-system 
(and (boundp (quote buffer-file-coding-system)) buffer-file-coding-system)) 
(coding-system-for-write (or org-export-latex-coding-system coding-system)) 
(save-buffer-coding-system (or org-export-latex-coding-system coding-system)) 
(region (buffer-substring (if region-p (region-beginning) (point-min)) (if 
region-p (region-end) (point-max)))) (text (and text (string-match "\\S-" text) 
(org-export-preprocess-string text :emph-multiline t :for-backend (quote latex) 
:comments nil :tags (plist-get opt-plist :tags) :priority (plist-get opt-plist 
:priority) :footnotes (plist-get opt-plist :footnotes) :drawers (plist-get 
opt-plist :drawers) :timestamps (plist-get opt-plist :timestamps) 
:todo-keywords (plist-get opt-plist :todo-keywords) :tasks (plist-get opt-plist 
:tasks) :add-text nil :skip-before-1st-heading skip :select-tags nil 
:exclude-tags nil :LaTeX-fragments nil))) (string-for-export 
(org-export-preprocess-string region :emph-multiline t :for-backend (quote 
latex) :comments nil :tags (plist-get opt-plist :tags) :priority (plist-get 
opt-plist :priority) :footnotes (plist-get opt-plist :footnotes) :drawers 
(plist-get opt-plist :drawers) :timestamps (plist-get opt-plist :timestamps) 
:todo-keywords (plist-get opt-plist :todo-keywords) :tasks (plist-get opt-plist 
:tasks) :add-text (if (eq to-buffer (quote string)) nil text) 
:skip-before-1st-heading skip :select-tags (plist-get opt-plist :select-tags) 
:exclude-tags (plist-get opt-plist :exclude-tags) :LaTeX-fragments nil))) 
(set-buffer buffer) (erase-buffer) (org-install-letbind) (and (fboundp (quote 
set-buffer-file-coding-system)) (set-buffer-file-coding-system 
coding-system-for-write)) (unless (or (eq to-buffer (quote string)) body-only) 
(insert header)) (when (and text (not (eq to-buffer (quote string)))) (insert 
(org-export-latex-content text (quote (lists tables fixed-width keywords))) 
"\n\n")) (unless (or skip (string-match "^\\*" first-lines)) (insert 
first-lines)) (org-export-latex-global (with-temp-buffer (insert 
string-for-export) (goto-char (point-min)) (when (re-search-forward 
"^\\(\\*+\\) " nil t) (let* ((asters (length ...)) (level (if odd ... ...))) 
(setq org-export-latex-add-level (if odd (1- ...) (1- asters))) 
(org-export-latex-parse-global level odd))))) (unless body-only (insert 
"\n\\end{document}")) (goto-char (point-min)) (while (re-search-forward "^[     
 ]*\\\\item\\([  ]+\\)\\[" nil t) (delete-region (match-beginning 1) (match-end 
1))) (goto-char (point-min)) (when (re-search-forward "\\[TABLE-OF-CONTENTS\\]" 
nil t) (goto-char (point-min)) (while (re-search-forward 
"\\\\tableofcontents\\>[        ]*\n?" nil t) (replace-match "")) (goto-char 
(point-min)) (and (re-search-forward "\\[TABLE-OF-CONTENTS\\]" nil t) 
(replace-match "\\tableofcontents" t t))) (goto-char (point-min)) (while 
(re-search-forward "^[      ]*\\\\item\\>.*\\(\\\\\\\\\\)[  
]*\\(\n\\\\label.*\\)*\n\\\\begin" nil t) (delete-region (match-beginning 1) 
(match-end 1))) (goto-char (point-min)) (while (re-search-forward "^[      
]*\\\\item\\>.*\\(\\\\\\\\\\)[  ]*\\(\n\\\\label.*\\)*" nil t) (if (looking-at 
"[\n     ]+") (replace-match "\n"))) (run-hooks (quote 
org-export-latex-final-hook)) (if to-buffer (unless (eq major-mode (quote 
latex-mode)) (latex-mode)) (save-buffer)) (org-export-latex-fix-inputenc) 
(run-hooks (quote org-export-latex-after-save-hook)) (goto-char (point-min)) 
(or (org-export-push-to-kill-ring "LaTeX") (message "Exporting to 
LaTeX...done")) (prog1 (if (eq to-buffer (quote string)) (prog1 
(buffer-substring (point-min) (point-max)) (kill-buffer (current-buffer))) 
(current-buffer)) (set-window-configuration wcf)))
  (if (and bg (nth 2 ass) (not (buffer-base-buffer)) (not 
(org-region-active-p))) (let ((p (start-process (concat "Exporting " 
(file-name-nondirectory (buffer-file-name))) "*Org Processes*" 
(expand-file-name invocation-name invocation-directory) "-batch" "-l" 
user-init-file "--eval" "(require 'org-exp)" "--eval" "(setq org-wait .2)" 
(buffer-file-name) "-f" (symbol-name (nth 1 ass))))) (set-process-sentinel p 
(quote org-export-process-sentinel)) (message "Background process \"%s\": 
started" p)) (if subtree-p (progn (org-mark-subtree) (activate-mark))) 
(call-interactively (nth 1 ass)) (when (and bpos (get-buffer-window cbuf)) (let 
((cw (selected-window))) (select-window (get-buffer-window cbuf)) (goto-char 
cpos) (deactivate-mark) (select-window cw))))
  (let* ((bg (org-xor (equal arg (quote (16))) org-export-run-in-background)) 
(subtree-p (or (org-region-active-p) (eq org-export-initial-scope (quote 
subtree)))) (help "[t]   insert the export option template\n[v]   limit export 
to visible part of outline tree\n[1]   switch buffer/subtree export\n[SPC] 
publish enclosing subtree (with LaTeX_CLASS or EXPORT_FILE_NAME 
prop)\n\n[a/n/u] export as ASCII/Latin-1/UTF-8         [A/N/U] to temporary 
buffer\n\n[h] export as HTML      [H] to temporary buffer   [R] export 
region\n[b] export as HTML and open in browser\n\n[l] export as LaTeX     [L] 
to temporary buffer\n[p] export as LaTeX and process to PDF            [d] ... 
and open PDF file\n\n[D] export as DocBook   [V] export as DocBook, process to 
PDF, and open\n\n[j] export as TaskJuggler                         [J] ... and 
open\n\n[m] export as Freemind mind map\n[x] export as XOXO\n[g] export using 
Wes Hardaker's generic exporter\n\n[i] export current file as iCalendar 
file\n[I] export all agenda files as iCalendar files   [c] ...as one combined 
file\n\n[F] publish current file          [P] publish current project\n[X] 
publish a project...          [E] publish every projects") (cmds (quote ((116 
org-insert-export-options-template nil) (118 org-export-visible nil) (97 
org-export-as-ascii t) (65 org-export-as-ascii-to-buffer t) (110 
org-export-as-latin1 t) (78 org-export-as-latin1-to-buffer t) (117 
org-export-as-utf8 t) (85 org-export-as-utf8-to-buffer t) (104 
org-export-as-html t) (98 org-export-as-html-and-open t) (72 
org-export-as-html-to-buffer nil) (82 org-export-region-as-html nil) (120 
org-export-as-xoxo t) (103 org-export-generic t) (68 org-export-as-docbook t) 
(86 org-export-as-docbook-pdf-and-open t) (106 org-export-as-taskjuggler t) (74 
org-export-as-taskjuggler-and-open t) (109 org-export-as-freemind t) (108 
org-export-as-latex t) (112 org-export-as-pdf t) (100 
org-export-as-pdf-and-open t) (76 org-export-as-latex-to-buffer nil) (105 
org-export-icalendar-this-file t) (73 org-export-icalendar-all-agenda-files t) 
(99 org-export-icalendar-combine-agenda-files t) (70 org-publish-current-file 
t) (80 org-publish-current-project t) (88 org-publish t) (69 org-publish-all 
t)))) r1 r2 ass (cpos (point)) (cbuf (current-buffer)) bpos) (save-excursion 
(save-window-excursion (if subtree-p (message "Export subtree: ") (message 
"Export buffer: ")) (delete-other-windows) (with-output-to-temp-buffer "*Org 
Export/Publishing Help*" (princ help)) (org-fit-window-to-buffer 
(get-buffer-window "*Org Export/Publishing Help*")) (while (eq (setq r1 
(read-char-exclusive)) 49) (cond (subtree-p (setq subtree-p nil) (message 
"Export buffer: ")) ((not subtree-p) (setq subtree-p t) (message "Export 
subtree: ")))) (when (eq r1 32) (let ((case-fold-search t)) (if 
(re-search-backward "^[       ]+\\(:latex_class:\\|:export_title:\\)[         
]+\\S-" nil t) (progn (org-back-to-heading t) (setq subtree-p t) (setq bpos 
...) (message "Select command (for subtree): ") (setq r1 ...)) (error "No 
enclosing node with LaTeX_CLASS or EXPORT_FILE_NAME")))))) (redisplay) (and 
bpos (goto-char bpos)) (setq r2 (if (< r1 27) (+ r1 96) r1)) (unless (setq ass 
(assq r2 cmds)) (error "No command associated with key %c" r1)) (if (and bg 
(nth 2 ass) (not (buffer-base-buffer)) (not (org-region-active-p))) (let ((p 
(start-process (concat "Exporting " (file-name-nondirectory ...)) "*Org 
Processes*" (expand-file-name invocation-name invocation-directory) "-batch" 
"-l" user-init-file "--eval" "(require 'org-exp)" "--eval" "(setq org-wait .2)" 
(buffer-file-name) "-f" (symbol-name (nth 1 ass))))) (set-process-sentinel p 
(quote org-export-process-sentinel)) (message "Background process \"%s\": 
started" p)) (if subtree-p (progn (org-mark-subtree) (activate-mark))) 
(call-interactively (nth 1 ass)) (when (and bpos (get-buffer-window cbuf)) (let 
((cw (selected-window))) (select-window (get-buffer-window cbuf)) (goto-char 
cpos) (deactivate-mark) (select-window cw)))))
  call-interactively(org-export nil nil)


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