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Re: [O] Release 7.6

From: Rainer Stengele
Subject: Re: [O] Release 7.6
Date: Thu, 07 Jul 2011 16:39:25 +0200
User-agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; de; rv: Gecko/20080914 Lightning/0.8 Thunderbird/ Mnenhy/

Am 07.07.2011 09:16, schrieb Bastien:
> Dear all,
> I'm releasing Org 7.6.
> You can get it from the website as an archive:
>   http://orgmode.org/org-7.6.zip
>   http://orgmode.org/org-7.6.tar.gz
> Apologies for the delay between 7.5 and 7.6 -- it has been hectic times.
> I owe a big *thank* to everyone who maintain a high level of activity,
> both in the code and on the mailing list.
> In particular: Carsten, Eric Schulte, Nicolas Goaziou, David Maus,
> Julien Danjou, Jambunathan K, Michael Brand, Achim Gratz, Eric S. Fraga,
> Nick Dokos, Lawrence Mitchell, Memnon Anon, Bernt Hansen, Sébastien
> Vauban, Thomas S. Dye, Manuel Giraud, Karl Voit, Huy, ... and many
> more!  Thanks to all.
> The highlight of this release is the new ODT exporter, which lives in
> the contrib/ directory but will soon make its way to the core: kudos to
> Jambunathan for this addition, and thanks to him for his patience.
> Below is the (incomplete) list of changes:
> Version 7.6 
> ------------
> New features and user-visible improvements 
> ===========================================
> Integration of Jambunathan's OpenDocumentText Exporter 
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> * Activation 
>   Org-mode 7.6 supports exporting to OpenDocument Text (=odt=)
>   format using org-odt.el.  Depending on how you installed Org,
>   this module can be enabled in one of the following ways:
>   1. If you have downloaded the Org from the Web, either as a
>      distribution =.zip= or =.tar.gz= file, or as a Git archive,
>      enable the =odt= option in the variable =org-modules=.
>   2. If you are using Org-mode 7.6 that comes bundled with
>      Emacs-24.0.50 (or future Emacs-24.1), then you can install the
>      OpenDocumentText exporter using the package manager.  Check
>      the list of available packages with =M-x list-packages= and
>      install the =org-odt= package.
>   Thanks a lot to Jambunathan K for this great contribution.
> * Keybindings 
>   The following interactive commands are provided:
>   1. =C-c C-e o= (=org-export-as-odt=): Export as an =odt= file.
>   2. =C-c C-e O= (=org-export-as-odt-and-open=): Export as an =odt=
>      file and open the resulting file.
>   See the =contrib/odt/README.org= file for further details; you
>   may check in particular the commands =M-x org-lparse= and =M-x
>   org-export-convert=.
> Ob-Lilypond -- new Babel language to allow score generation 
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> ob-lilypond - an org-babel language, provided to allow LilyPond
> music score generation, complete with optional auditioning via
> midi, whilst leveraging the full power of org mode, and literate
> programming.  See [https://github.com/mjago/ob-lilypond] for more
> documentation.
> Thanks to Martyn Jago for this addition.
> Org-Bibtex -- major improvements 
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> Provides support for managing bibtex bibliographical references
> data in headline properties.  Each headline corresponds to a
> single reference and the relevant bibliographic meta-data is
> stored in headline properties, leaving the body of the headline
> free to hold notes and comments.  Org-bibtex is aware of all
> standard bibtex reference types and fields.
> The key new functions are
> org-bibtex-check: queries the user to flesh out all required
>      (and with prefix argument optional) bibtex fields available
>      for the specific reference =type= of the current headline.
> org-bibtex-create: Create a new entry at the given level,
>      using org-bibtex-check to flesh out the relevant fields.
> org-bibtex-yank: Yank a bibtex entry on the kill ring as a
>      formatted Org-mode headline into the current buffer
> org-bibtex-export-to-kill-ring: Export the current headline
>      to the kill ring as a formatted bibtex entry.
> Spreadsheet computation of durations and time values 
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> If you want to compute time values use the =T= flag, either in
> Calc formulas or Elisp formulas:
>   Task 1   Task 2     Total  
>  --------+--------+---------
>    35:00    35:00   1:10:00  
> Values must be of the form =[HH:]MM:SS=, where hours are
> optional.
> Thanks to Martin Halder, Eric Schulte and Carsten for code and
> feedback on this.
> Links within inlined footnotes. 
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> It as also possible to have footnotes side-by-side correctly
> exported. New variables =org-export-latex-footnote-separator=,
> =org-export-html-footnote-separator= and
> =org-export-docbook-footnote-separator= are used to separate them
> in that case.
> Fontification of footnotes is also more accurate.
> New variable =org-export-with-tasks= 
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> Non-nil means include TODO items for export.
> This may have the following values:
> - t                    include tasks independent of state.
> - todo                 include only tasks that are not yet done.
> - done                 include only tasks that are already done.
> - nil                  remove all tasks before export
> - list of TODO kwds    keep only tasks with these keywords
> Thanks to Carsten for implementing this!
> New variable =org-export-latex-timestamp-inactive-markup= 
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> This variable allows the user to define the LaTeX markup for
> inactive timestamps.  It defaults to the same markup than active
> timestamps.  Thanks to Eric S Fraga for this patch.
> New =org-default= face 
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> =M-x customize-face RET org-default RET= will let you define the
> default face for =org-mode= buffers.
> Babel improvements 
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> * In line code block call syntax 
>   It is now possible to call code blocks from within blocks of
>   prose.
>   The new syntax is exactly analogous to the existing =#+call:=
>   line syntax, only it may be present embedded in a block of prose
>   for example =call_double(num=8)= would call the =double= code
>   block assigning the =num= variable to the value =8=.
> * Optional variable names in code block calls 
>   Variable names are now optional when passing variables to a code
>   block reference.  Un-named variables will be assigned in order as
>   shown below.
>   #+source: minus
>   #+begin_src emacs-lisp :var a=0 :var b=0
>     (- a b)
>   #+end_src
>   #+call: minus(a=8, b=4)
>   #+call: minus(8,4)
> * Sub-tree ID as valid code block variable reference 
>   It is now possible to assign the textual contents of an Org-mode
>   subtree to a code block variable using the ID of the subtree.
>   Both custom IDs and Org-mode IDs may be used.  For example;
> * =org-babel-tangle-body-hook= for reprocessing code block bodies during 
> tangling 
> * =padline= header argument controls newline padding during tangling 
> * Maxima code blocks are now supported 
>   Thanks to Eric Fraga for contributing this support.
> * =awk= code blocks are now supported 
> * Added =xmpfilter= to Ruby code blocks for annotated code output 
> * New =noweb-ref= header argument 
>   This header argument may be used to concatenate the bodies of
>   many code blocks into a single noweb reference.  This brings
>   Org-mode's tangling functionality in line with traditional noweb
>   tangling.
>   A no web reference like the following
>   will now expand to include the bodies of all code blocks which
>   are named =the-ref=, as well as all code blocks which have a
>   =:noweb-ref= header argument set to the value =the-ref=.
> New tests 
> ~~~~~~~~~~
> The =tests/= directory has been extensively updated.
> Important bugfixes 
> ===================
> Org-exp-blocks --- proper handling of recursively nested blocks 
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> During export pre-processing org-exp-blocks will now ensure that
> all matched blocks contain a proper balanced number of
> recursively nested blocks.
> Before this fix nested blocks such as the following would break
> during export.
> List handling 
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> Fix an infinite loop when a list has an end of block string
> without the corresponding beginning.
> Auto-filling cannot happen at a location where it would otherwise
> insert a new item.
> Details 
> ========
> Footnotes have gone through some bug-fixing: 
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> - properly ignore footnotes in comments,
> - export calls to previously defined footnotes in LaTeX using
>   \footnotemark,
> - export footnotes before first heading (LaTeX),
> - export footnotes when selecting a subtree not holding their
>   definition (LaTeX).
> Many small bug fixes have been applied to list handling 
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> - fix `org-timer-item',
> - fix insertion of a new item with a non-nil `indent-tabs-mode',
> - fix use of `fill-region' in an item,
> - correct export lists within footnotes and footnotes within lists,
> - correctly export lists containing macros,
> - don't ignore with-case specification when sorting a list,
> - better indentation handling when changing an item to an headline
>   or the other way,
> - fix check-boxes' cookies updating.

Congratulation and thank you!
Orgmode is slowly approaching world domination!
Emacs will finally win all editor wars - because of Org!

A happy, megalomaniac Org user.


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