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Re: [O] [PATCH] New org-depend trigger for finding next highest priority

From: Max Mikhanosha
Subject: Re: [O] [PATCH] New org-depend trigger for finding next highest priority/effort item
Date: Tue, 26 Jul 2011 19:34:18 -0400
User-agent: Wanderlust/2.15.3 (Almost Unreal) SEMI/1.14.6 (Maruoka) FLIM/1.14.8 (Shijō) APEL/10.6 Emacs/23.3.50 (x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu) MULE/6.0 (HANACHIRUSATO)

Amended patch attached, changes:

- use (eval-when-compile) with require 'cl
- changed include-done to todo-and-done-only
- Added defcustom org-depend-find-next-options for default options
  which are now: from-current,todo-only,priority-up
- cleaned up documentation  

Also attached is updated test file, added #+TODO line since NEXT is
not in default list of keywords.

Content-Disposition: attachment; 
From 6140261b2fe0e15ac36d8222c38790680cd3f9d4 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Max Mikhanosha <address@hidden>
Date: Sun, 24 Jul 2011 14:44:44 -0400
Subject: [PATCH 11/11] Add chain-find-next trigger option.

 contrib/lisp/org-depend.el |  145 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-
 1 files changed, 143 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)

diff --git a/contrib/lisp/org-depend.el b/contrib/lisp/org-depend.el
index 089a6a0..77a7c68 100644
--- a/contrib/lisp/org-depend.el
+++ b/contrib/lisp/org-depend.el
@@ -55,7 +55,43 @@
 ;;    - The sibling also gets the same TRIGGER property
 ;;      "chain-siblings-scheduled", so the chain can continue.
-;; 3) If the TRIGGER property contains any other words like
+;; 3) If the TRIGGER property contains the string
+;;    "chain-find-next(KEYWORD[,OPTIONS])", then switching that entry
+;;    to DONE do the following:
+;;    - All siblings are of the entry are collected into a temporary
+;;      list and then filtered and sorted according to OPTIONS
+;;    - The first sibling on the list is changed into KEYWORD state
+;;    - The sibling also gets the same TRIGGER property
+;;      "chain-find-next", so the chain can continue.
+;;    OPTIONS should be a comma separated string without spaces, and
+;;    can contain following options:
+;;    - from-top      the candidate list is all of the siblings in
+;;                    the current subtree
+;;    - from-bottom   candidate list are all siblings from bottom up
+;;    - from-current  candidate list are all siblings from current item
+;;                    until end of subtree, then wrapped around from
+;;                    first sibling
+;;    - no-wrap       candidate list are siblings from current one down
+;;    - todo-only     Only consider siblings that have a todo keyword
+;;    - 
+;;    - todo-and-done-only
+;;                    Same as above but also include done items.
+;;    - priority-up   sort by highest priority
+;;    - priority-down sort by lowest priority
+;;    - effort-up     sort by highest effort
+;;    - effort-down   sort by lowest effort
+;;    Default OPTIONS are from-top 
+;; 4) If the TRIGGER property contains any other words like
 ;;    XYZ(KEYWORD), these are treated as entry id's with keywords.  That
 ;;    means Org-mode will search for an entry with the ID property XYZ
 ;;    and switch that entry to KEYWORD as well.
@@ -121,12 +157,20 @@
 (require 'org)
+  (require 'cl))
 (defcustom org-depend-tag-blocked t
   "Whether to indicate blocked TODO items by a special tag."
   :group 'org
   :type 'boolean)
+(defcustom org-depend-find-next-options
+  "from-current,todo-only,priority-up"
+  "Default options for chain-find-next trigger"
+  :group 'org
+  :type 'string)
 (defmacro org-depend-act-on-sibling (trigger-val &rest rest)
   "Perform a set of actions on the next sibling, if it exists,
 copying the sibling spec TRIGGER-VAL to the next sibling."
@@ -143,6 +187,8 @@ copying the sibling spec TRIGGER-VAL to the next sibling."
         nil "TRIGGER" ,trigger-val))))
+(defvar org-depend-doing-chain-find-next nil)
 (defun org-depend-trigger-todo (change-plist)
   "Trigger new TODO entries after the current is switched to DONE.
 This does two different kinds of triggers:
@@ -184,12 +230,107 @@ This does two different kinds of triggers:
       ;; Go through all the triggers
       (while (setq tr (pop triggers))
+        ((and (not org-depend-doing-chain-find-next)
+              (string-match "\\`chain-find-next(\\b\\(.+?\\)\\b\\(.*\\))\\'" 
+         ;; smarter sibling selection
+         (let* ((org-depend-doing-chain-find-next t)
+                (kwd (match-string 1 tr))
+                (options (match-string 2 tr))
+                (options (if (or (null options)
+                                 (equal options ""))
+                             org-depend-find-next-options
+                           options))
+                (todo-only (string-match "todo-only" options))
+                (todo-and-done-only (string-match "todo-and-done-only"
+                                                  options))
+                (from-top (string-match "from-top" options))
+                (from-bottom (string-match "from-bottom" options))
+                (from-current (string-match "from-current" options))
+                (no-wrap (string-match "no-wrap" options))
+                (priority-up (string-match "priority-up" options))
+                (priority-down (string-match "priority-down" options))
+                (effort-up (string-match "effort-up" options))
+                (effort-down (string-match "effort-down" options)))
+           (save-excursion
+             (org-back-to-heading t)
+             (let ((this-item (point)))
+               ;; go up to the parent headline, then advance to next child
+               (org-up-heading-safe)
+               (let ((end (save-excursion (org-end-of-subtree t)
+                                          (point)))
+                     (done nil)
+                     (items '()))
+                 (outline-next-heading)
+                 (while (not done)
+                   (if (not (looking-at org-complex-heading-regexp))
+                       (setq done t)
+                     (let ((todo-kwd (match-string 2))
+                           (tags (match-string 5))
+                           (priority (org-get-priority (or (match-string 3) 
+                           (effort (when (or effort-up effort-down)
+                                     (let ((effort (org-get-effort)))
+                                       (when effort
+                                         (org-duration-string-to-minutes 
+                       (push (list (point) todo-kwd priority tags effort)
+                             items))
+                     (unless (org-goto-sibling)
+                       (setq done t))))
+                 ;; massage the list according to options
+                 (setq items
+                       (cond (from-top (nreverse items))
+                             (from-bottom items)
+                             ((or from-current no-wrap)
+                              (let* ((items (nreverse items))
+                                     (pos (position this-item items :key 
+                                     (items-before (subseq items 0 pos))
+                                     (items-after (subseq items pos)))
+                                (if no-wrap items-after
+                                  (append items-after items-before))))
+                             (t (nreverse items))))
+                 (setq items (remove-if
+                              (lambda (item)
+                                (or (equal (first item) this-item)
+                                    (and (not todo-and-done-only)
+                                         (member (second item) 
+                                    (and (or todo-only
+                                             todo-and-done-only)
+                                         (null (second item)))))
+                              items))
+                 (setq items
+                       (sort
+                        items
+                        (lambda (item1 item2)
+                          (let* ((p1 (third item1))
+                                 (p2 (third item2))
+                                 (e1 (fifth item1))
+                                 (e2 (fifth item2))
+                                 (p1-lt (< p1 p2))
+                                 (p1-gt (> p1 p2))
+                                 (e1-lt (and e1 (or (not e2) (< e1 e2))))
+                                 (e2-gt (and e2 (or (not e1) (> e1 e2)))))
+                            (cond (priority-up
+                                   (or p1-gt
+                                       (and (equal p1 p2)
+                                            (or (and effort-up e1-gt)
+                                                (and effort-down e1-lt)))))
+                                  (priority-down
+                                   (or p1-lt
+                                       (and (equal p1 p2)
+                                            (or (and effort-up e1-gt)
+                                                (and effort-down e1-lt)))))
+                                  (effort-up
+                                   (or e1-gt (and (equal e1 e2) p1-gt)))
+                                  (effort-down
+                                   (or e1-lt (and (equal e1 e2) p1-gt))))))))
+                 (when items
+                   (goto-char (first (first items)))
+                   (org-entry-add-to-multivalued-property nil "TRIGGER" tr)
+                   (org-todo kwd)))))))
         ((string-match "\\`chain-siblings(\\(.*?\\))\\'" tr)
          ;; This is a TODO chain of siblings
          (setq kwd (match-string 1 tr))
           (org-depend-act-on-sibling (format "chain-siblings(%s)" kwd)
                                      (org-todo kwd)))
         ((string-match "\\`\\(\\S-+\\)(\\(.*?\\))\\'" tr)
          ;; This seems to be ENTRY_ID(KEYWORD)
          (setq id (match-string 1 tr)

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