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Re: [O] Please test the new Makefile

From: Achim Gratz
Subject: Re: [O] Please test the new Makefile
Date: Thu, 22 Dec 2011 11:25:03 +0100
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Am 21.12.2011 19:47, schrieb Bastien:

Things are fine here, you should be safe.  The purpose of
the test is to make sure `make&&  make install' do the right
thing in various setups.

Actually, that should be

make all && make install

or (under Unixoid system and running as a normal user):

make all && sudo make install

Before doing a "make install", please check "default.mk" for where it tries to put things. You can override this by creating a file "local.mk" which just has definitions for those variables that you want to change (most of the time, just "prefix").

The installation is put into its own sub-directory "org" by default, if you've had a previous installation "flat" in site-lisp, you either need to remove those files or also install "flat" again - otherwise you will very likely pick up stale files from the previous installation.

If you are brave, there is a non-documented target "clean-install" that will remove those files, but you should make doubly sure that lispdir and infodir point at the right place (run "make -n clean-install" and check which files make would remove if you ran it without "-n").

git remote add -t Makefile remote-tableheadings 
git fetch remote-tableheadings Makefile:local-Makefile
git checkout local-Makefile

It is currently easier to test this from Git, since the makefile actually assumes a Git directory to be able to get at the version strings. If you get bitten by this, please change the following lines in default.mk:

GITVERSION      = $(shell git describe --abbrev=6 HEAD)
ORGVERSION      = $(subst release_,,$(shell git describe --abbrev=0 HEAD))
GITSTATUS       = $(shell git status -uno --porcelain)


GITVERSION      = "release_7.8.03-Makefile
ORGVERSION      = "7.8.03"
GITSTATUS       = ""

I'm currently not able to rebase the branch on repo.or.cz, but you can do this yourself if you have your own local branch and also mirror the normal orgmode.git:

git remote update
git rebase local-Makefile origin/master

(Hope I got this right, I'm currently not able to test it myself :-)


(on the road :-)

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