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Re: [O] org-replace-disputed-keys not working

From: Thorsten
Subject: Re: [O] org-replace-disputed-keys not working
Date: Tue, 27 Mar 2012 12:44:30 +0200
User-agent: Gnus/5.130002 (Ma Gnus v0.2) Emacs/24.0.93 (gnu/linux)

Gregor Zattler <address@hidden> writes:

Hi Grekgor,

> * Thorsten <address@hidden> [27. Mar. 2012]:
>> Is there a windmove alternative (another way to navigate comfortably
>> between windows without doing C-x o several times), that works in both
>> console and X11 session? It is not much fun to use windmove if it only
>> works in certain situation and in others not. 
> There is window-numbering-mode which grabs the ALT+num key
> combos in order to switch to numbered windows.  I now am used to
> ^U-NUM to enter numerical arguments but its strange at first.
> Then there is switch-window which captures the ^X-o key binding,
> displays a number in each window and you are required to press
> the correct number in order to switch to its window.  While the
> numbers are shown one does not see the contents of the windows
> any more which is a bit distracting.
> Both work at the console.  

So there are quite a lot of possibilities.

I think I have to figure out a standard set of keybindings/window-moves
and set them in all my 3 window managers (tmux, stumpwm, and emacs
itself) in a similar way (only with different prefix), otherwise it will
drive me nuts to do the same thing in so many different ways. I will try
Bastiens library first, since it looks quite impressive.

Thanks for the tips.


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