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Re: [O] how to use contrib packages through ELPA (specifically org-expor

From: Achim Gratz
Subject: Re: [O] how to use contrib packages through ELPA (specifically org-export)
Date: Sun, 19 Aug 2012 13:45:18 +0200
User-agent: Gnus/5.13 (Gnus v5.13) Emacs/24.2 (gnu/linux)

Jambunathan K writes:
> If I am not mistaken, you are talking about release tar and not the ELPA
> tar.  They are not the same.

I know.

> Run rgrep like so.
>     (rgrep "pkg" "*.mk" "~/src/org-mode/" nil)
> and I see no references to 'org-pkg.el'.  (Note the `-pkg.el')

It's not pushed to the orgmode repository yet.  Please have a look at
the ELPA tar produced with the following patch (after including
UTILITIES/server.mk from your local.mk):

>From 0bf94de6edfa99a1f47dedbb9ccbbde44417c259 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Achim Gratz <address@hidden>
Date: Sun, 19 Aug 2012 12:04:58 +0200
Subject: [PATCH] server.mk: implement ELPA

* UTILITIES/server.mk: Add ELPA archive generation.
 UTILITIES/server.mk | 47 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++---------------
 1 file changed, 32 insertions(+), 15 deletions(-)

diff --git a/UTILITIES/server.mk b/UTILITIES/server.mk
index 67f5155..a9ae010 100644
--- a/UTILITIES/server.mk
+++ b/UTILITIES/server.mk
@@ -1,38 +1,55 @@
 # This file is used for maintenance of org on the server.
-.PHONY:        helpserver reltest rel-dirty warn
+.PHONY:        helpserver release rel-dirty tagwarn
 help helpall helpserver::
        $(info )
        $(info Maintenance)
        $(info ===========)
-       $(info reltest               - clean up and create TAR/ZIP release 
+       $(info release               - clean up and create TAR/ZIP release 
+       $(info elpa                  - clean up and create ELPA TAR archive)
        @echo ""
-ORGTAR = $(ORGDIR).tar.gz
-ORGDIST = README Makefile default.mk targets.mk request-assign-future.txt \
-         lisp/ etc/ doc/ contrib/
+ORGCOMM = README request-assign-future.txt lisp/ doc/
+ORGFULL = $(ORGCOMM) Makefile default.mk targets.mk etc/ contrib/
+ORGELPA = $(ORGCOMM) etc/styles/ org-pkg.el
-ORG_MAKE_DOC = info pdf card # do not make HTML documentation for release
-reltest:       cleanall doc autoloads rel-dirty
+release:       ORG_MAKE_DOC=info pdf card # do not make HTML documentation
+release:       cleanall doc autoloads rel-dirty
+rel-dirty:     ORGRDIR=org-$(GITVERSION)
+       address@hidden(RM) $(ORGRDIR) $(ORGRTAR) $(ORGRZIP)
+       ln -s . $(ORGRDIR)
+       tar -zcf $(ORGDIR).tar.gz $(foreach dist, $(ORGFULL), 
+       zip -r9  $(ORGDIR).zip    $(foreach dist, $(ORGFULL), 
+       address@hidden(RM) $(ORGRDIR)
+       $(if $(filter-out $(ORGVERSION), $(GITVERSION)), \
+           @$(MAKE) tagwarn)
+PKG_TAG = $(shell date +%Y%m%d)
+PKG_DOC = "Outline-based notes management and organizer"
+PKG_REQ = "nil"
+elpa:          ORG_MAKE_DOC=info pdf card # do not make HTML documentation
+elpa:          cleanall doc autoloads elpa-dirty
+elpa-dirty:    ORGDIR=org-$(PKG_TAG)
        address@hidden(RM) $(ORGDIR) $(ORGTAR) $(ORGZIP)
        ln -s . $(ORGDIR)
-       tar -zcf $(ORGTAR) $(foreach dist, $(ORGDIST), $(ORGDIR)/$(dist))
-       zip -r9 $(ORGZIP) $(foreach dist, $(ORGDIST), $(ORGDIR)/$(dist))
-       address@hidden(RM) $(ORGDIR)
+       echo "(define-package \"org\" \"$(PKG_TAG)\" \"$(PKG_DOC)\" 
$(PKG_REQ))" >org-pkg.el
+       tar --exclude=Makefile  -zcf $(ORGDIR).tar.gz \
+         $(foreach dist, $(ORGELPA), $(ORGDIR)/$(dist))
+       address@hidden(RM) $(ORGDIR) org-pkg.el
        $(if $(filter-out $(ORGVERSION), $(GITVERSION)), \
-           @$(MAKE) warn)
+           @$(MAKE) tagwarn)
        $(info  ======================================================)
        $(info  =                                                    =)
        $(info  = A release should only be made from a revision that =)

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