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Re: [O] Org-Agenda uses wrong date for start of daylight savings

From: Bostjan Vilfan
Subject: Re: [O] Org-Agenda uses wrong date for start of daylight savings
Date: Wed, 13 Mar 2013 11:58:53 +0200


On Wed, Mar 13, 2013 at 10:50 AM, Bastien <address@hidden> wrote:
> Hi Bostjan,
> Bostjan Vilfan <address@hidden> writes:
>> I've noticed that my orgmode installation (7.9.1) uses the wrong date for the
>> start of daylight savings. The emacs manual lists that in this case one 
>> should
>> change the values of calendar-daylight-savings-starts and
>> calendar-daylight-savings-ends variables. I tried it, but it doesn't have any
>> effect. Can somebody tell me how to make emacs/orgmode use the European 
>> daylight
>> savings time?
> Can you show the code you used to change the value of
> `calendar-daylight-savings-starts'?
> Thanks,
> --
>  Bastien

Thanks for your reply. I made the assignments in my init.el
file, as follows:

(load "utilvilf")  ; frame parameters, font
(load "cal-dst") ; I noticed that cal-dst was not initially loaded

(setq calendar-daylight-savings-starts '(bv-calendar-dst-starts year))
(setq calendar-daylight-savings-ends '(bv-calendar-dst-ends year))
(setq calendar-daylight-time-offset 60)
(setq calendar-daylight-savings-starts-time 180)
(setq calendar-daylight-savings-ends-time 180)

The two functions, bv-calendar-dst-starts and
bv-calendar-dst-ends are defined in utilvilf (see above)
as follows:

(defun bv-calendar-dst-starts (year) "Daylight Savings Start"
  (calendar-nth-named-day -1 0 3 year)

(defun bv-calendar-dst-ends (year) "Daylight Savings End"
  (calendar-nth-named-day -1 0 10 year)

when I tested the two functions, they give the correct
answer for the year 2013: (3 31 2013) and (10 27 2013)

PS Your may have received a duplicate of this mail since I first tried
to send it via the web page, but it seems to be taking quite long
Bostjan Vilfan
Professor Emeritus of Computer Science
University of Ljubljana

Contact data:
Siviceva ulica 15
1000  Ljubljana, Slovenia



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