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[O] exporting, too, was: Re: multiline emphasis, was: Re: latex itali

From: Robert Klein
Subject: [O] exporting, too, was: Re: multiline emphasis, was: Re: latex italics in list, with quotation marks
Date: Fri, 15 Mar 2013 13:49:27 +0100
User-agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64; rv:17.0) Gecko/20130215 Thunderbird/17.0.3

On 03/14/2013 09:56 AM, Robert Klein wrote:
> On 03/08/2013 11:58 AM, Myles English wrote:
>> Hi,
>> Just wondering if there is a better way to italicise across more than two 
>> lines
>> for a list item, currently this is the only way that works for me:
>> - on the assumption of equilibrium: /``even if there is equilibrium at
>>   the pore sale, the upscaling, in this/ /if there is equilibrium at
>>   blah the equilibrium/''
>> Thanks,
>> Myles
> The same happens outside of lists.  I set
> (setq org-emphasis-regexp-components
>       '(" \t('\"{" "- \t.,:!?;'\")}\\" " \t\r\n,\"'" "." 10))
> which ought to increase the number of lines I can span an emphasis (only
> change is the original 1 at the end to 10).  Doesn't work though, atm.
> My org-version is release_8.0-pre-67-gd3361c.


when exporting multiline emphasis doesn't work, too (org-version:
release_8.0-pre-79-g791ebc).  I tried a little example file:

#+begin_src org
# -*- fill-column:75; coding: utf-8; -*-
#+TITLE: test file

This is a small /little text to get
some text spanning over more than
three lines, so i can try to emphasize
more than two lines/ in my example.

When I export this to LaTeX buffer (C-c C-e l L) or HTML buffer (C-c C-e
h H) org simply exports the slashes verbatim:

#+begin_example  ;; excerpt of LaTeX export


This is a small /little text to get
some text spanning over more than
three lines, so i can try to emphasize
morethan two lines/ in my example.
% Generated by Org mode 8.0-pre in Emacs 24.2.1.


or, respectively:

#+begin_example  ;; excerpt of html export
This is a small /little text to get
some text spanning over more than
three lines, so i can try to emphasize
morethan two lines/ in my example.

My .emacs for the minimal example is as follows:

#+begin_src elisp
; no startup message
(setq inhibit-startup-message t)

;; I'm feeling religious about this:
(setq-default indent-tabs-mode nil)

;;  ask y or n instead of yes or no
(fset 'yes-or-no-p 'y-or-n-p)

;; indent after enter; I want this most of the time.
(global-set-key (kbd "RET") 'newline-and-indent)

;; use emacs with IME (avoid 'no dead-acute' error messages)
(load-library "iso-transl")

(setq load-path (cons "~/.emacs.d/org-mode/lisp" load-path))
(add-to-list 'auto-mode-alist '("\\.\\(org\\|org_archive\\|txt\\)$" .
(require 'org)

;; change number of newlines for emphasized blocks
(setq org-emphasis-regexp-components
      '(" \t('\"{" "- \t.,:!?;'\")}\\" " \t\r\n,\"'" "." 10))


Mebbe I just forgot some setting to get it working, though I'd like the
exporter to recognize the org-emphasis-regexp-components settings...

Best regards

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