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Re: [O] Highlighting bug with org-agenda-set-restriction-lock

From: Bastien
Subject: Re: [O] Highlighting bug with org-agenda-set-restriction-lock
Date: Sat, 06 Apr 2013 23:25:25 +0200
User-agent: Gnus/5.130006 (Ma Gnus v0.6) Emacs/24.3.50 (gnu/linux)

Hi Bernt,

Bernt Hansen <address@hidden> writes:

> I've noticed some differences since upgrading for creating headlines but
> I haven't checked if this is due to my local setup yet.

Feel free to throw all oddities that you notice, even with no deep
test, it will help a lot.

> Here is what I'm currently experiencing:
> I used to be able to just have a bunch of lines likes this
> ,----
> | one
> | two
> | three
> | four
> `----
> and M-S-RET in the first column would create a TODO headline with this
> as the heading
> ie.
> ,----
> | * TODO one
> | two
> | three
> | four
> `----
> but now it seems to jump past the line before creating the heading.
> ,----
> | one
> | 
> | * TODO
> | two
> | three
> | four
> `----

I get the correct behavior with emacs -Q and latest master, so it must
surely be in your setup.

> I have a heading hook that runs and inserts a timestamp when headings
> are created so using this as a workaround and converting this to a list
> with C-u C-c - and then to headings with C-c * doesn't give me the
> result I want (inactive timestamps on all headings that were created)

You can directly convert a normal line to a heading with C-c *

Also, C-u C-c - will have the same effect if no region is selected: 
to convert the normal line at point to a list item.

Beware that the default behavior changed when you select a region
and want to convert it to a list: now C-c - will convert all lines
in the region to list items; use C-u C-c - to convert the whole
region as a single item.  This behavior is more in sync with the 
one of C-c *.



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