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[O] converting people to Emacs and org-mode

From: 42 147
Subject: [O] converting people to Emacs and org-mode
Date: Tue, 09 Apr 2013 04:10:07 -0400
User-agent: Gnus/5.130006 (Ma Gnus v0.6) Emacs/24.2.50 (gnu/linux)

Hello mailing list,

This might be considered off-topic.

The question is the title: have you been able to convert many people to
Emacs / org-mode? Are converts all programmers, or those versed in
programming? -- Or have you converted non-programmers, e.g., anyone who
edits text for a living?

It's impossible for me to have a conversation these days without
referring to org-mode. Since I use it for practically everything,
there's no way to avoid raising the topic. However, I do find it
difficult to convert people. I send them video captures showing off the
features, give real-time demonstrations, etc., and offer to work them
through the installation and lead them up the steep Emacs learning curve
-- but thus far, I've only gotten a couple people to adopt it. And that
after relentless advocacy.

Anyway, apologies if this seems to clutter the already highly active
mailing list. But I do think questions of proselytization (because we
/are/ talking religion here) is important.


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