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[O] Screencast of lispy.el with org-mode code base

From: Oleh
Subject: [O] Screencast of lispy.el with org-mode code base
Date: Mon, 17 Feb 2014 15:11:27 +0100

Hi all,

I'm developing an Emacs minor mode called lispy (available at
https://github.com/abo-abo/lispy and as "lispy" in MELPA).

It combines vi-style Paredit and IDE-like features for Elisp,
Clojure, Scheme and Common Lisp (leveraging CEDET, CIDER, Geiser, and SLIME

To show-off the package a bit, here's a screencast where I navigate
org-mode code: https://vimeo.com/86894158 .

Some cool features (I'll list a shortcut and what it does, starting
position should be anywhere in org source tree with point at "(" or
behind ")" or at "^;"):

1. With "g" I know that there are currently 7276 tags in org-mode's code base.
2. With "G" I know that there are 1761 tags in org.el.
3. With "g" "obs" I know that there are 24 tags declared obsolete in
org-mode's code base.
4. With "g" "cloj" I know that there are 18 tags related to Clojure,
all of them in ob-clojure.el.
5. With "g" "heading ext" here are the candidates that match:

    declare-function outline-next-heading
    declare-function outline-next-heading

6. With "g" "defk" I know that org-defkey is called 306 times.
7. With "g" "shifttab" here's the info I get (last one is the definition):

    org-defkey org-mode-map [(shift tab)]    'org-shifttab                org.el
    define-key org-mode-map [backtab] 'org-shifttab                       org.el
    org-shifttab                                                          org.el

8. And of course RET will jump to any candidate selected, e.g. "g"
"python exe" "RET"
will jump to file ob-python.el to the definition of `org-babel-execute:python'.

I'm using CEDET to parse the files, so the first time you call `lispy-goto`
there will be a few second parse. The parse happens only once, it saves tags
to the database and no parsing is done further unless some files have changed.

I also demonstrate near the end of the video how to customize the info you get
for the top-level tags. So initially `eval-after-load` tags were plain
and didn't show
what they were doing. But then I added `(eval-after-load . 1)` to
and after a call to `lispy-build-semanticdb` the `eval-after-load` tags include
one more sexp, which is the file argument of the form.

I hope you like the package and feedback is welcome.


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