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Re: [O] Insert TODO Item at Bottom

From: James Harkins
Subject: Re: [O] Insert TODO Item at Bottom
Date: Thu, 13 Mar 2014 07:53:40 +0000 (UTC)
User-agent: Loom/3.14 (http://gmane.org/)

Esben Stien <b0ef <at> esben-stien.name> writes:

> Hmm, to insert the subtree at the end of the parent subtree is not what
> I needed. I need a way to insert the new TODO at the bottom of "inside"
> the current node.
> F.ex take this tree: 
> ****** foo
> ******* TODO 1
> ******* TODO 2
> ******* TODO 3
> If I stand on "foo" and hit a key combination, I want to insert a new
> TODO at the bottom of the current node, so that it becomes "TODO 4"
> Any way to do this?

I'm not sure if this has changed in a more recent version (I'm on org 8.2.3,
I think), but in my environment, C-RET on a headline inserts a new headline
at the same level *and* skips over any subheadings at lower levels. That is:

** Headline (Point is here)
*** TODO 1
*** TODO 2

If I hit C-RET with the point on the indicated line, then I get:

** Headline
*** TODO 1
*** TODO 2
** (Point is here)

And from here, I need only to type M-<right> (demote the heading) and
S-<right> (add TODO), producing:

** Headline
*** TODO 1
*** TODO 2
*** TODO (Point is here)

If I'm not mistaken, that matches the request: I have a new TODO headline,
one level below the headline where I started, and after all of the existing

Including modifier keys, that's six keystrokes: C-RET M-<right> S-<right>,
which hardly seems onerous enough to arouse much interest in various
combinations of C-u with other commands. My brain is already full. I'd
rather use combinations of simple commands I already know. (But I guess this
violates one of org-mode's governing principles: If you need three commands
to do it, why, we can cut that down to one command by adding umpteen
modifiers somewhere. :-p )

For myself, I'll stick with the Occam's Razor solution...

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