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Re: [O] latex export for 4th-level heading

From: Thomas S. Dye
Subject: Re: [O] latex export for 4th-level heading
Date: Thu, 10 Jul 2014 11:08:06 -1000

Aloha Ken,

Ken Mankoff <address@hidden> writes:

> When exporting to LaTeX, fourth-level headings become \enumerate. In
> LaTeX, the item below \subsubsection is \paragraph, not \enumerate.
> Here is what happens:
> * Top becomes \section
> ** Second becomes \subsection
> *** Third becomes \subsubsection
> **** Fourth becomes \enumerate
> Is there a way to set Fourth to either \paragraph or just nothing?

Only the first three outline levels will be used as headings. Deeper
levels will become itemized lists. You can change the location of this
switch globally by setting the variable org-export-headline-levels, or
on a per-file basis with a line

     #+OPTIONS: H:4


Thomas S. Dye

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