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[O] TODO's and cookies

From: Sharon Kimble
Subject: [O] TODO's and cookies
Date: Sat, 02 Aug 2014 15:50:14 +0100
User-agent: Gnus/5.13 (Gnus v5.13) Emacs/24.3.92 (gnu/linux)

I've been looking for some time how to extend cookies in an org-mode file
with loads of TODO's. In my specific case I am writing a book, and this
file has the plan of the book, with each section its own TODO, and ditto
for the chapters. Some of the sections are IN-PROGRESS or DONE, others
still TODO. So its looking like this -

* TODO Universal Herbs 2014 [1/8] [12%] 
** DONE CHAPTER 1 - preface [5/5] [100%]
*** DONE Disclaimer
*** DONE Introduction
*** DONE Please note
*** DONE Acknowledgements
*** DONE About the author
** TODO CHAPTER 2 - preamble [9/11] [81%]
** TODO CHAPTER 3 - Herbs [9/19] [47%]
*** DONE Alfalfa
CLOSED: [2014-07-31 Thu 02:16]
*** TODO Angelica
*** TODO Anise
*** DONE Black Cohosh
CLOSED: [2014-07-31 Thu 02:16]
*** DONE Cannabis
CLOSED: [2014-07-31 Thu 02:16]
*** DONE Chaste Tree/Berry
CLOSED: [2014-07-31 Thu 02:17]
*** TODO Dates
*** TODO Dill
*** DONE Don Quai
CLOSED: [2014-07-31 Thu 02:17]
*** TODO Fennel
*** TODO Fenugreek
*** IN-PROGRESS Ginseng
*** TODO Kudzu
*** TODO Liquorice
*** TODO Motherwort
*** DONE Red Clover
CLOSED: [2014-07-31 Thu 02:17]
*** DONE Sage
CLOSED: [2014-07-31 Thu 02:17]
*** DONE Saw Palmetto
CLOSED: [2014-07-31 Thu 02:18]
*** DONE Soya
CLOSED: [2014-07-31 Thu 02:18]

By the first TODO which is the title its showing -  [1/8] [12%] - which
is showing that there are 8 chapters, and its 12% completed. But, is it
possible to also get an overall count of all the sections/TODO's completed 

I've been looking at http://orgmode.org/manual/Checkboxes.html#Checkboxes
and have set up cookies as in that file. I've found 
and have set it up here in my "setup-orgmode.el" -
--8<---------------cut here---------------start------------->8---
(setq org-checkbox-hierarchical-statistics t)
(setq org-todo-hierarchical-statistics t)
--8<---------------cut here---------------end--------------->8---
which is not working with my TODO's. I've been trying to evaluate it with "C-c 
but I can't get it to work.

So is it possible to get an overall impression of my project from its
"TODO/IN-PROGRESS/DONE" states please, using the cookies as above?

A taste of linux = http://www.sharons.org.uk
my git repo = https://bitbucket.org/boudiccas/dots
TGmeds = http://www.tgmeds.org.uk
Debian testing, fluxbox 1.3.5, emacs

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