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Re: [O] R code block produces only partial output

From: Andreas Kiermeier
Subject: Re: [O] R code block produces only partial output
Date: Tue, 5 Aug 2014 14:01:54 +0930

On 5 August 2014 13:30, John Hendy <address@hidden> wrote:
> I can reproduce with a minimal config and on Linux (to toss in a
> confirmation). I *also* accidentally just stumbled on a way I can
> toggle the behavior between correct and incorrect! It arose because my
> file was not able to use the #+PROPERTY settings you have -- my
> results were not obeying what I had set. I looked around and believe
> the syntax is correct per this page:
> - http://orgmode.org/manual/Header-arguments-in-Org-mode-properties.html

Thanks for confirming this John!
I couldn't see how the #+PROPERTY settings I had differed from those
in the link ... I recall getting them from there (but maybe I mistyped
something?). So I copied what you provided for the rest of my testing.

Getting rid of :session all together did produce the correct results
for me, too. However, including a :session in either #+PROPERTY or at
the beginning of the code block did not - irrespective of whether I
used *R* or simply r.

> Correct results:
> #+begin_src org
> #+STARTUP: showall indent hidestars
> #+PROPERTY: header-args:R :session r
> #+BEGIN_SRC R :results output drawer
>   require(rms)
>   set.seed(123)
>   x <- rnorm(100)
>   describe(x)


So, this example did *not* work for me.

> The reason, I think, is this (also correct):
> #+begin_src org
> #+STARTUP: showall indent hidestars
> #+BEGIN_SRC R :results output drawer
>   require(rms)
>   set.seed(123)
>   x <- rnorm(100)
>   describe(x)

Yes, without a session it seems to work fine.



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