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[O] bug in org-babel emacs-lisp output?

From: John Kitchin
Subject: [O] bug in org-babel emacs-lisp output?
Date: Fri, 22 Aug 2014 12:35:40 -0400
User-agent: Gnus/5.13 (Gnus v5.13) Emacs/24.4.50 (darwin)

I have noticed a possible bug in the output of src blocks, especially
for emacs-lisp blocks.

This block works fine.

#+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp :results raw
'(nil ("a" . "b"))

(nil (a . b))

This block however, gives me an error that is due to nil being the first
element of the list.

#+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp
'(nil ("a" . "b"))


gives this error:
org-babel-insert-result: Args out of range: #<killed buffer>, 0, 1

A traceback shows:
Debugger entered--Lisp error: (args-out-of-range #<buffer  *temp*> 0 1)
  orgtbl-to-orgtbl((nil ("a" . "b")) (:fmt (lambda (cell) (format "%s" cell))))
  org-babel-insert-result((nil ("a" . "b")) ("value" "replace") ("emacs-lisp" 
"'(nil (\"a\" . \"b\"))" ((:comments . "") (:shebang . "") (:cache . "no") 
(:padline . "") (:noweb . "no") (:tangle . "no") (:exports . "code") (:results 
. "replace value") (:session . "none") (:hlines . "yes") (:colnames . "no") 
(:result-type . value) (:result-params "value" "replace") (:rowname-names) 
(:colname-names)) "" nil 0 #<marker at 95 in test.org>) nil 0 "emacs-lisp")
  funcall-interactively(org-ctrl-c-ctrl-c nil)
  call-interactively(org-ctrl-c-ctrl-c nil nil)

Another example that fails:
#+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp :results value
'('(nil nil) ("a" . "b"))

orgtbl-format-line: Wrong type argument: listp, "b"

But, this works
#+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp :results value
'((nil . "c") ("a" . "b"))

| (nil . c) | (a . b) |

It seems like the issue is that the output does not go into a table too
well, and the error is a formatting one. Maybe this error should be
caught, and a default of raw should be output when a table cannot be
made? right now my workaround is specifying the :results raw when I hit
these situations, but it doesn't seem right.

John Kitchin

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