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Re: [O] C-c C-c in table takes 12 seconds

From: Bernt Hansen
Subject: Re: [O] C-c C-c in table takes 12 seconds
Date: Sun, 23 Nov 2014 14:04:10 -0500
User-agent: Gnus/5.13 (Gnus v5.13) Emacs/23.2 (gnu/linux)

Karl Voit <address@hidden> writes:

> * Nicolas Goaziou <address@hidden> wrote:
>> Hello,
> Hi!
>> Could you provide an ECM? I'm unable to reproduce it.
> Yeah, I can do that. However, because I never did this before and I
> suppose this is going to take me at least two hours, I will post it
> whenever I got time to do the ECM.
> Is this correct that for an ECM I have to provide a complete
> (minimal) init.el and Org-mode files?

Hi Karl,

In case it is useful here is what I use for ECMs (I haven't done one in
well over a year though)

This is on my Linux system:

Shell script to start emacs with a minimal setup
,----[ minimal-emacs ]
| #!/bin/sh
| TESTFILE=/tmp/test.el
| if test -e $TESTFILE
| then
|   TESTEL="-l /tmp/test.el"
| fi
| emacs -q -l ~/minimal.emacs $TESTEL $1

Minimal .emacs file to enable org-mode from git
,----[ minimal.emacs ]
| (add-to-list 'load-path "~/git/org-mode/lisp/")
| ;(add-to-list 'load-path (expand-file-name "~/git/org-mode/lisp"))
| (add-to-list 'auto-mode-alist '("\\.\\(org\\|org_archive\\|txt\\)$" . 
| (require 'org)
| (global-set-key "\C-cl" 'org-store-link)
| (global-set-key "\C-ca" 'org-agenda)
| (global-set-key "\C-cb" 'org-iswitchb)

I put test settings that show the problem in /tmp/test.el which is
automatically included when I run 'minimal-emacs'.

Hope that helps.


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