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Re: [O] table formula help...

From: Thierry Banel
Subject: Re: [O] table formula help...
Date: Sat, 06 Dec 2014 23:49:41 +0100
User-agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64; rv:31.0) Gecko/20100101 Thunderbird/31.0

To elaborate on Michael's first suggestion,
we will first give a name ("work") to the table:

  #+TBLNAME: work
  | Chars | Lines | Translator      |
  |       |    84 | Austin Woerner  |
  |  6633 |       | Eric Abrahamsen |
  | 16984 |       | Canaan Morse    |
  |       |    24 | Lucas Klein     |
  |       |    10 | Lucas Klein     |

Then typing C-c C-x i and answering the wizard questions,
we get a new table as follow:

  #+BEGIN: aggregate :table "work" :cols "Translator sum(Chars) sum(Lines)"
  | Translator      | sum(Chars) | sum(Lines) |
  | Austin Woerner  | NA         | 84         |
  | Eric Abrahamsen | 6633       | NA         |
  | Canaan Morse    | 16984      | NA         |
  | Lucas Klein     | 2 NA       | 34         |

Whenever you change the "work" table,
you can easily refresh the aggregated table by typing C-c C-c

To install the orgtbl-aggregate module,
add those lines to your .emacs:

  (require 'package)
  (add-to-list 'package-archives '("melpa" .
"http://melpa.milkbox.net/packages/";) t)

Then type M-x package-list-packages
and install orgtbl-aggregate

Have fun

Le 06/12/2014 09:05, Michael Brand a écrit :
> Hi Eric
> On Sat, Dec 6, 2014 at 6:42 AM, Eric Abrahamsen <address@hidden> wrote:
>> #+NAME: counts
>> | Piece          |  Chars | Lines | Translator       |
>> +----------------+--------+-------+------------------+
>> | 凤凰           |        |    84 | Austin Woerner   |
>> | 王血           |   6633 |       | Eric Abrahamsen  |
>> | 赵氏孤儿       |  16984 |       | Canaan Morse     |
>> | 山鬼故家       |        |    24 | Lucas Klein      |
>> | 寂静何其深沉   |        |    10 | Lucas Klein      |
>> And the second:
>> #+NAME: payments
>> #+CONSTANTS: prose=0.7 poetry=10
>> | Translator       | Total Chars | Total Lines | Payment |
>> |------------------+-------------+-------------+---------|
>> | Austin Woerner   |             |             |         |
>> | Eric Abrahamsen  |             |             |         |
>> | Canaan Morse     |             |             |         |
>> | Lucas Klein      |             |             |         |
> Thierry Banel recently announced orgaggregate:
> http://lists.gnu.org/archive/cgi-bin/namazu.cgi?idxname=emacs-orgmode&max=100&sort=date:late&query=%2Bsubject:"%5BANN%5D+Aggregate+Table";
> For a solution with only built-in functionality see the example
> test-org-table/org-lookup-all in the Org source file
> testing/lisp/test-org-table.el
> http://orgmode.org/w/org-mode.git?p=org-mode.git;a=blob;f=testing/lisp/test-org-table.el
> Michael

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