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Re: [O] Where to keep draft work?

From: Eric Abrahamsen
Subject: Re: [O] Where to keep draft work?
Date: Tue, 26 May 2015 09:08:44 -0400
User-agent: Gnus/5.130014 (Ma Gnus v0.14) Emacs/25.0.50 (gnu/linux)

SabreWolfy <address@hidden> writes:

> Consider the following Org file, which is used to generate an Agenda:
> * Write the big report
>   DEADLINE: <2015-05-26 Tue 12:00>
> * Write the small report
>   DEADLINE: <2015-06-02 Tue 12:00>
> * Plan the draft proposal
>   SCHEDULED: <2015-05-28 Thu 09:00>
> Where is the best place to store the actual text of the reports and
> proposals? Should it be stored under each heading? Or in a drawer? Or linked?
> I call the Agenda and see entries for the day, and then scroll to one and
> press <Tab> to jump to it. This would be a good place to store the text?

I almost always end up putting the text directly under the headline, and
then doing a subtree export. As John notes, though, if you've got a
particularly complex document it might feel cleaned to put it in a
separate file. On the other hand, I suspect there's nothing you can do
with a separate file that you can't do with subtree properties/export

>From the point of view of reaching the text from the Agenda, I doubt
there's much difference -- just the matter of an extra RET if you are
following a link to a separate file.


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