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Re: [O] searching for csv utilities

From: Jude DaShiell
Subject: Re: [O] searching for csv utilities
Date: Thu, 18 Jun 2015 20:58:09 -0400 (EDT)
User-agent: Alpine 2.11 (NEB 23 2013-08-11)

I spent time looking for vmode in info org using a regular expression search and couldn't find it either. That capability is probably in R though it may be under another name. I have emacs-ess package and R installed on this system though haven't used them yet. I also found sbcl so if it gets too difficult to get stuff done with R I'll have an option open to start studying common lisp and write a mode function I can use with common lisp in conjunction with orgmode.

Interestingly, I did find pop_stdev() in postgresql but it turned out to be one of those situations like you were better off never having found that function since I managed to break a query that was working up until I added that extra code into it. I was using aliases and pop_stdev() needs explicit casting to work at all for some reason. That's what happens on learning curves every so often.


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