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Re: [O] another example of org being slow, with some analysis

From: Eric S Fraga
Subject: Re: [O] another example of org being slow, with some analysis
Date: Fri, 19 Jun 2015 15:19:01 +0100
User-agent: Gnus/5.130014 (Ma Gnus v0.14) Emacs/25.0.50 (gnu/linux)

On Friday, 19 Jun 2015 at 09:53, Nick Dokos wrote:


> What is the setting of cache-long-scans you are using? Does it differ
> on the two laptops?
> Ivan Andrus suggested setting it to nil, but it seems that for this
> case, leaving it at t (the default) should be much faster. But there
> may be a bug in the cache code.

It's the default (t) in both cases.  My emacs initialisation is the same
on all of my systems and I didn't even know about this setting!

: Eric S Fraga (0xFFFCF67D), Emacs, Org release_8.3beta-1231-ga0a883

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