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Re: [O] Lexical binding bug in org-list.el?

From: Aaron Ecay
Subject: Re: [O] Lexical binding bug in org-list.el?
Date: Fri, 06 Nov 2015 20:45:56 +0000
User-agent: Notmuch/0.20.2+65~gbd5504e (http://notmuchmail.org) Emacs/ (x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu)

Hi Kaushal,

I can reproduce the bug, and you’re right about the cause.  I made the
attached patch, which seems to get the code back on its feet.  But I
just sort of fiddled with it until all the lexical scoping warnings from
the compiler went away; I have no idea whether it’s correct.

The org-list code is a mess, and I think we should hold off on converting
it to lexical scoping until it can be refactored in a more dedicated way.
Nonetheless I include the patch, in case it’s helpful to anyone.

Thanks for the report (and the very easy test case! :) ),

Aaron Ecay
>From d4b3d0e9ec19d6c2bca8a53313c260b266437c00 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Aaron Ecay <address@hidden>
Date: Fri, 6 Nov 2015 20:38:08 +0000
Subject: [PATCH] draft patch to fix org-list

 lisp/org-list.el | 328 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++-----------------------------
 1 file changed, 153 insertions(+), 175 deletions(-)

diff --git a/lisp/org-list.el b/lisp/org-list.el
index 683a643..060fda3 100644
--- a/lisp/org-list.el
+++ b/lisp/org-list.el
@@ -2922,6 +2922,66 @@ ignores hidden links."
 ;;; Send and receive lists
+(defun org-list--get-text (beg end)
+  "Return text between BEG and END, trimmed, with checkboxes replaced."
+  (let ((text (org-trim (buffer-substring beg end))))
+    (if (string-match "\\`\\[\\([-X ]\\)\\]" text)
+       (replace-match
+        (let ((box (match-string 1 text)))
+          (cond
+           ((equal box " ") "CBOFF")
+           ((equal box "-") "CBTRANS")
+           (t "CBON")))
+        t nil text 1)
+      text)))
+(defun org-list--parse-item (e struct parents prevs)
+  "Return a list containing counter of item, if any, text and any sublist 
inside it."
+  (let ((start (save-excursion
+                (goto-char e)
+                (looking-at "[ \t]*\\S-+\\([ 
address@hidden(start:\\)?\\([0-9]+\\|[a-zA-Z]\\)\\]\\)?[ \t]*")
+                (match-end 0)))
+       ;; Get counter number.  For alphabetic counter, get
+       ;; its position in the alphabet.
+       (counter (let ((c (org-list-get-counter e struct)))
+                  (cond
+                   ((not c) nil)
+                   ((string-match "[A-Za-z]" c)
+                    (- (string-to-char (upcase (match-string 0 c)))
+                       64))
+                   ((string-match "[0-9]+" c)
+                    (string-to-number (match-string 0 c))))))
+       (childp (org-list-has-child-p e struct))
+       (end (org-list-get-item-end e struct)))
+    ;; If item has a child, store text between bullet and
+    ;; next child, then recursively parse all sublists.  At
+    ;; the end of each sublist, check for the presence of
+    ;; text belonging to the original item.
+    (if childp
+       (let* ((children (org-list-get-children e struct parents))
+              (body (list (org-list--get-text start childp))))
+         (while children
+           (let* ((first (car children))
+                  (sub (org-list-get-all-items first struct prevs))
+                  (last-c (car (last sub)))
+                  (last-end (org-list-get-item-end last-c struct)))
+             (push (org-list--parse-sublist sub struct parents prevs) body)
+             ;; Remove children from the list just parsed.
+             (setq children (cdr (member last-c children)))
+             ;; There is a chunk of text belonging to the
+             ;; item if last child doesn't end where next
+             ;; child starts or where item ends.
+             (unless (= (or (car children) end) last-end)
+               (push (org-list--get-text last-end (or (car children) end))
+                     body))))
+         (cons counter (nreverse body)))
+      (list counter (org-list--get-text start end)))))
+(defun org-list--parse-sublist (e struct parents prevs)
+  "Return a list whose car is list type and cdr a list of items' body."
+  (cons (org-list-get-list-type (car e) struct prevs)
+       (mapcar (lambda (x) (org-list--parse-item x struct parents prevs)) e)))
 (defun org-list-parse-list (&optional delete)
   "Parse the list at point and maybe DELETE it.
@@ -2956,77 +3016,10 @@ Point is left at list end."
         (parents (org-list-parents-alist struct))
         (top (org-list-get-top-point struct))
         (bottom (org-list-get-bottom-point struct))
-        out
-        (get-text
-         (function
-          ;; Return text between BEG and END, trimmed, with
-          ;; checkboxes replaced.
-          (lambda (beg end)
-            (let ((text (org-trim (buffer-substring beg end))))
-              (if (string-match "\\`\\[\\([-X ]\\)\\]" text)
-                  (replace-match
-                   (let ((box (match-string 1 text)))
-                     (cond
-                      ((equal box " ") "CBOFF")
-                      ((equal box "-") "CBTRANS")
-                      (t "CBON")))
-                   t nil text 1)
-                text)))))
-        (parse-sublist
-         (function
-          ;; Return a list whose car is list type and cdr a list of
-          ;; items' body.
-          (lambda (e)
-            (cons (org-list-get-list-type (car e) struct prevs)
-                  (mapcar parse-item e)))))
-        (parse-item
-         (function
-          ;; Return a list containing counter of item, if any, text
-          ;; and any sublist inside it.
-          (lambda (e)
-            (let ((start (save-excursion
-                           (goto-char e)
-                           (looking-at "[ \t]*\\S-+\\([ 
address@hidden(start:\\)?\\([0-9]+\\|[a-zA-Z]\\)\\]\\)?[ \t]*")
-                           (match-end 0)))
-                  ;; Get counter number.  For alphabetic counter, get
-                  ;; its position in the alphabet.
-                  (counter (let ((c (org-list-get-counter e struct)))
-                             (cond
-                              ((not c) nil)
-                              ((string-match "[A-Za-z]" c)
-                               (- (string-to-char (upcase (match-string 0 c)))
-                                  64))
-                              ((string-match "[0-9]+" c)
-                               (string-to-number (match-string 0 c))))))
-                  (childp (org-list-has-child-p e struct))
-                  (end (org-list-get-item-end e struct)))
-              ;; If item has a child, store text between bullet and
-              ;; next child, then recursively parse all sublists.  At
-              ;; the end of each sublist, check for the presence of
-              ;; text belonging to the original item.
-              (if childp
-                  (let* ((children (org-list-get-children e struct parents))
-                         (body (list (funcall get-text start childp))))
-                    (while children
-                      (let* ((first (car children))
-                             (sub (org-list-get-all-items first struct prevs))
-                             (last-c (car (last sub)))
-                             (last-end (org-list-get-item-end last-c struct)))
-                        (push (funcall parse-sublist sub) body)
-                        ;; Remove children from the list just parsed.
-                        (setq children (cdr (member last-c children)))
-                        ;; There is a chunk of text belonging to the
-                        ;; item if last child doesn't end where next
-                        ;; child starts or where item ends.
-                        (unless (= (or (car children) end) last-end)
-                          (push (funcall get-text
-                                         last-end (or (car children) end))
-                                body))))
-                    (cons counter (nreverse body)))
-                (list counter (funcall get-text start end))))))))
+        out)
     ;; Store output, take care of cursor position and deletion of
     ;; list, then return output.
-    (setq out (funcall parse-sublist (org-list-get-all-items top struct 
+    (setq out (org-list--parse-sublist (org-list-get-all-items top struct 
prevs) struct parents prevs))
     (goto-char top)
     (when delete
       (delete-region top bottom)
@@ -3109,6 +3102,79 @@ for this list."
   "Trim line breaks in a list ITEM."
   (setq item (replace-regexp-in-string "\n +" " " item)))
+(defun org-list--export-item (item type depth plist)
+  "Export an item ITEM of type TYPE, at DEPTH.
+First string in item is treated in a special way as it can bring
+extra information that needs to be processed."
+  (let* ((counter (pop item))
+        (istart (plist-get plist :istart))
+        (istart-depth (funcall istart depth))
+        (icount (plist-get plist :icount))
+        (icount-depth (funcall icount depth))
+        (fmt (concat
+              (cond
+               ((eq type 'descriptive)
+                ;; Stick DTSTART to ISTART by
+                ;; left-trimming the latter.
+                (concat (or (and (string-match "[ \t\n\r]+\\'" istart-depth)
+                                 (replace-match "" t t istart-depth))
+                            istart-depth)
+                        "%s" (plist-get plist :ddend)))
+               ((and counter (eq type 'ordered))
+                (concat icount-depth "%s"))
+               (t (concat istart-depth "%s")))
+              (plist-get plist :iend)))
+        (first (car item)))
+    ;; Replace checkbox if any is found.
+    (cond
+     ((string-match "\\[CBON\\]" first)
+      (setq first (replace-match (plist-get plist :cbon) t t first)))
+     ((string-match "\\[CBOFF\\]" first)
+      (setq first (replace-match (plist-get plist :cboff) t t first)))
+     ((string-match "\\[CBTRANS\\]" first)
+      (setq first (replace-match (plist-get plist :cbtrans) t t first)))
+     )
+    ;; Replace line breaks if required
+    (when (plist-get plist :nobr) (setq first (org-list-item-trim-br first)))
+    ;; Insert descriptive term if TYPE is `descriptive'.
+    (when (eq type 'descriptive)
+      (let* ((complete
+             (string-match "^\\(.*\\)[ \t]+::[ \t]*" first))
+            (term (if complete
+                      (save-match-data
+                        (org-trim (match-string 1 first)))
+                    "???"))
+            (desc (if complete (substring first (match-end 0))
+                    first)))
+       (setq first (concat (plist-get plist :dtstart)
+                           term
+                           (plist-get plist :dtend)
+                           (plist-get plist :ddstart)
+                           desc))))
+    (setcar item first)
+    (format fmt
+           (mapconcat (lambda (e)
+                        (if (stringp e) e
+                          (org-list--export-sublist e (1+ depth) plist)))
+                      item (or (plist-get plist :csep) "")))))
+(defun org-list--export-sublist (sub depth plist)
+  "Export sublist SUB at DEPTH."
+  (let* ((type (car sub))
+        (items (cdr sub))
+        (fmt (concat (cond
+                      ((plist-get plist :splicep) "%s")
+                      ((eq type 'ordered)
+                       (concat (plist-get plist :ostart) "%s" (plist-get plist 
+                      ((eq type 'descriptive)
+                       (concat (plist-get plist :dstart) "%s" (plist-get plist 
+                      (t (concat (plist-get plist :ustart) "%s" (plist-get 
plist :uend))))
+                     (plist-get plist :lsep))))
+    (format fmt (mapconcat (lambda (e)
+                            (org-list--export-item e type depth plist))
+                          items (or (plist-get plist :isep) "")))))
 (defun org-list-to-generic (list params)
   "Convert a LIST parsed through `org-list-parse-list' to other formats.
 Valid parameters PARAMS are:
@@ -3149,94 +3215,7 @@ item, and depth of the current sub-list, starting at 0.
 Obviously, `counter' is only available for parameters applying to
-  (letrec ((p params)
-          (splicep (plist-get p :splice))
-          (ostart (plist-get p :ostart))
-          (oend (plist-get p :oend))
-          (ustart (plist-get p :ustart))
-          (uend (plist-get p :uend))
-          (dstart (plist-get p :dstart))
-          (dend (plist-get p :dend))
-          (dtstart (plist-get p :dtstart))
-          (dtend (plist-get p :dtend))
-          (ddstart (plist-get p :ddstart))
-          (ddend (plist-get p :ddend))
-          (istart (plist-get p :istart))
-          (icount (plist-get p :icount))
-          (iend (plist-get p :iend))
-          (isep (plist-get p :isep))
-          (lsep (plist-get p :lsep))
-          (csep (plist-get p :csep))
-          (cbon (plist-get p :cbon))
-          (cboff (plist-get p :cboff))
-          (cbtrans (plist-get p :cbtrans))
-          (nobr (plist-get p :nobr))
-          (export-item
-           ;; Export an item ITEM of type TYPE, at DEPTH.  First
-           ;; string in item is treated in a special way as it can
-           ;; bring extra information that needs to be processed.
-           (lambda (item type depth)
-             (let* ((counter (pop item))
-                    (fmt (concat
-                          (cond
-                           ((eq type 'descriptive)
-                            ;; Stick DTSTART to ISTART by
-                            ;; left-trimming the latter.
-                            (concat (let ((s (eval istart)))
-                                      (or (and (string-match "[ \t\n\r]+\\'" s)
-                                               (replace-match "" t t s))
-                                          istart))
-                                    "%s" (eval ddend)))
-                           ((and counter (eq type 'ordered))
-                            (concat (eval icount) "%s"))
-                           (t (concat (eval istart) "%s")))
-                          (eval iend)))
-                    (first (car item)))
-               ;; Replace checkbox if any is found.
-               (cond
-                ((string-match "\\[CBON\\]" first)
-                 (setq first (replace-match cbon t t first)))
-                ((string-match "\\[CBOFF\\]" first)
-                 (setq first (replace-match cboff t t first)))
-                ((string-match "\\[CBTRANS\\]" first)
-                 (setq first (replace-match cbtrans t t first))))
-               ;; Replace line breaks if required
-               (when nobr (setq first (org-list-item-trim-br first)))
-               ;; Insert descriptive term if TYPE is `descriptive'.
-               (when (eq type 'descriptive)
-                 (let* ((complete
-                         (string-match "^\\(.*\\)[ \t]+::[ \t]*" first))
-                        (term (if complete
-                                  (save-match-data
-                                    (org-trim (match-string 1 first)))
-                                "???"))
-                        (desc (if complete (substring first (match-end 0))
-                                first)))
-                   (setq first (concat (eval dtstart) term (eval dtend)
-                                       (eval ddstart) desc))))
-               (setcar item first)
-               (format fmt
-                       (mapconcat (lambda (e)
-                                    (if (stringp e) e
-                                      (funcall export-sublist e (1+ depth))))
-                                  item (or (eval csep) ""))))))
-          (export-sublist
-           (lambda (sub depth)
-             ;; Export sublist SUB at DEPTH.
-             (let* ((type (car sub))
-                    (items (cdr sub))
-                    (fmt (concat (cond
-                                  (splicep "%s")
-                                  ((eq type 'ordered)
-                                   (concat (eval ostart) "%s" (eval oend)))
-                                  ((eq type 'descriptive)
-                                   (concat (eval dstart) "%s" (eval dend)))
-                                  (t (concat (eval ustart) "%s" (eval uend))))
-                                 (eval lsep))))
-               (format fmt (mapconcat (lambda (e)
-                                        (funcall export-item e type depth))
-                                      items (or (eval isep) "")))))))
-    (concat (funcall export-sublist list 0) "\n")))
+  (concat (org-list--export-sublist list 0 params) "\n"))
 (defun org-list-to-latex (list &optional _params)
   "Convert LIST into a LaTeX list.
@@ -3259,38 +3238,37 @@ syntax.  Return converted list as a string."
   (require 'ox-texinfo)
   (org-export-string-as list 'texinfo t))
+(defun org-list--get-stars (level d)
+  "Return the string for the heading, depending on depth D of
+current sub-list."
+  (let ((oddeven-level (+ level d 1)))
+    (concat (make-string (if org-odd-levels-only
+                            (1- (* 2 oddeven-level))
+                          oddeven-level)
+                        ?*)
+           " ")))
 (defun org-list-to-subtree (list &optional params)
   "Convert LIST into an Org subtree.
 LIST is as returned by `org-list-parse-list'.  PARAMS is a property list
 with overruling parameters for `org-list-to-generic'."
-  (defvar get-stars) (defvar org--blankp)
   (let* ((rule (cdr (assq 'heading org-blank-before-new-entry)))
         (level (org-reduced-level (or (org-current-level) 0)))
         (org--blankp (or (eq rule t)
                     (and (eq rule 'auto)
-                           (org-previous-line-empty-p)))))
-        (get-stars ;FIXME: Can't rename without renaming it in org.el as well!
-         (function
-          ;; Return the string for the heading, depending on depth D
-          ;; of current sub-list.
-          (lambda (d)
-            (let ((oddeven-level (+ level d 1)))
-              (concat (make-string (if org-odd-levels-only
-                                       (1- (* 2 oddeven-level))
-                                     oddeven-level)
-                                   ?*)
-                      " "))))))
+                           (org-previous-line-empty-p))))))
-      '(:splice t
+      `(:splice t
         :dtstart " " :dtend " "
-        :istart (funcall get-stars depth)
-        :icount (funcall get-stars depth)
-        :isep (if org--blankp "\n\n" "\n")
-        :csep (if org--blankp "\n\n" "\n")
+        :istart (lambda (d) (org-list--get-stars ,level d))
+        :icount (lambda (d) (org-list--get-stars ,level d))
+        :isep (if ,org--blankp "\n\n" "\n")
+        :csep (if ,org--blankp "\n\n" "\n")
         :cbon "DONE" :cboff "TODO" :cbtrans "TODO")

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