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Re: [O] export subtree

From: Andreas Leha
Subject: Re: [O] export subtree
Date: Thu, 10 Dec 2015 22:43:06 +0000
User-agent: Gnus/5.13 (Gnus v5.13) Emacs/25.1.50 (darwin)

Hi Skip,

Skip Collins <address@hidden> writes:
> Andreas Leha <address@hidden> wrote:
>>> The export dispatcher allows me to export only the current subtree.
>>> This is nice, but I would like to avoid having to put point in just
>>> the right place before invoking the dispatcher. I have a document with
>>> lots of things in it. One of the top-level headlines contains the
>>> content of what I want to export. Is there a way to flag this heading
>>> and its contents as the main export document so that wherever my
>>> cursor is, when I export the document it only processes the correct
>>> heading, treating its text as the title of the document?
>> Try to run `org-export-dispatch' with a prefix from the second time
>> onwards (so, do C-u C-c C-e).
> Good try, but it does not do what I want. It selects the subtree
> currently at point, just as if I ran the dispatcher again and selected
> the same options. It might be a nice enhancement if the dispatcher
> remembered which subtree it used last time so that it really could
> repeat a subtree export with the same options and from the same
> subtree.

That is what it does for me.  As I said, you have to do the first export
the normal way.

What is your Org version (M-x org-version)?


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