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[O] Need some help in customizing ox-texinfo

From: Oleh Krehel
Subject: [O] Need some help in customizing ox-texinfo
Date: Fri, 18 Dec 2015 14:53:13 +0100


I'm exporting an Org-mode document to Texinfo currently, but I'm having
an inconvenience with production of @subsubheading items.

What I'm doing right now:

    @subsubheading <Title>

What I would like to have instead:

    * <Title>        :@subsubheading

And have it export to the same thing. I didn't find an easy way to do
it, since this requires embedding the content of a headline into the
parent headline. What I've got so far is adding this code to

    (org-element-map tree 'headline
        (lambda (hl)
          (when (member "@subsubheading" (org-element-property :tags hl))
            (setcar (nthcdr (cl-position hl (org-element-property :parent hl))
                            (org-element-property :parent hl))
                    (cons `(paragraph
                              "@subsubheading %s"
                               :raw-value hl)))
                          (org-element-contents hl)))))

It almost works, the only issue is that "@" is escaped later on and I
get "@@subsubheading" in the end. How can I fix that? Is there an easier
way to do this in general?


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