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Re: [O] backend for todo.txt format (todotxt.com)

From: Stefan Huchler
Subject: Re: [O] backend for todo.txt format (todotxt.com)
Date: Tue, 19 Jan 2016 07:15:19 +0100
User-agent: Gnus/5.13 (Gnus v5.13) Emacs/24.5 (gnu/linux)

Kyle Meyer <address@hidden> writes:

> if-let has been define in Emacs's subr-x.el since c08f8be (New if-let,
> when-let, thread-first and thread-last macros., 2014-06-30).

is it then that your code will not run if you dont use this autohook
thing? or do I have to be in a orgfile that it works?

(load "~/git/org-todotxt/org-todotxt.el")

(defun spiderbit/org-todotxt-auto-push-all-agendas ()
  ;; Sync in new tasks from this file and then push out
  (org-todotxt-sync "~/notes/test-todo.txt")

  ;; Just push out to this file, overwriting whatever was there every time.
  (org-todotxt-push "~/notes/test-todo.txt")
  (org-todotxt-pull "~/notes/test-todo.txt"))

;; Check the docstrings for these variables
(setq org-todotxt-auto-push-function
      org-todotxt-auto-push-delay 1
      org-todotxt-auto-push-file-list '("~/notes/organizer.org")
      org-todotxt-inbox-for-pull "~/notes/inbox.org")

;; ;; Use settings above and install an auto-push hook
;; (org-todotxt-install-after-save-hook)

thats my code, organizer is a file from me where I have most of my
todos, the rest of the files I created as empty files now, because I was
not shure if that was the problem.

get errors like that:

call-interactively: Wrong number of arguments: (lambda (todotxt-file)
"Pulls in any new tasks from TODOTXT-FILE into
`org-todotxt-inbox-for-pull' and then overwrite it with the result of

New tasks are defined as any task without an org-id marker."
(interactive) (if org-todotxt-inbox-for-pull nil (error "Define the Org
file where new tasks should be pulled into in
`org-todotxt-inbox-for-pull")) (org-todotxt-pull todotxt-file)
(org-todotxt-push todotxt-file)), 0

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