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Re: [O] Help understanding what's imported from a #+SETUPFILE file

From: Eric S Fraga
Subject: Re: [O] Help understanding what's imported from a #+SETUPFILE file
Date: Fri, 12 Feb 2016 20:50:49 +0000
User-agent: Gnus/5.130016 (Ma Gnus v0.16) Emacs/25.0.90 (gnu/linux)

On Friday, 12 Feb 2016 at 15:11, Kaushal Modi wrote:
> Actually, I just realized that changing those 2 lines to:
> #+LaTeX_HEADER: \BeforeBeginEnvironment{minted}{\begin{mdframed}}
> #+LaTeX_HEADER: \AfterEndEnvironment{minted}{\end{mdframed}}

This is indeed the solution.

> in the SETUPFILE works too. I don't recall the reason why I did not have
> them as LaTeX_HEADER earlier.
> But the question still remains.. is SETUPFILE designed to not export lines
> beginning with #+LaTeX? Or a general question would be.. what stuff doesn't
> SETUPFILE export?

I think you'll find that anything before the first headline (other than
header lines and document settings) is ignored when exporting to
LaTeX and that applies to all text, whether in the main file or from an
included file.

: Eric S Fraga (0xFFFCF67D), Emacs, Org release_8.3.3-565-g4f499f

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