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[O] (setq org-html-with-latex nil) is ignored

From: Uwe Brauer
Subject: [O] (setq org-html-with-latex nil) is ignored
Date: Sat, 04 Nov 2017 16:31:31 +0100
User-agent: Gnus/5.13 (Gnus v5.13) Emacs/26.0.50 (gnu/linux)

Hi I want to sent the following message

* Matlab code
[t,y]=ode45(f,[0 1],1);
fprintf('t = [%g  \\quad %g]  \\\\\n', t)
fprintf('y = [%g  \\qquad %g] \n', y)

And I want to run org-mime-htmlize. When I do this the function
complains about the incorrect latex syntax. So I set
(setq org-html-with-latex nil),
either like this or with customize-option
I even check that it is indeed nil, run again

But then I obtain the *same error* and now the variable is,
magically, set to dvipng!!!!

What the heck is going on?

Uwe Brauer

Debugger entered--Lisp error: (error "File \"/tmp/orgtex9387g-x.dvi\" wasn’t 
produced.  Please adjust ’dvipng’ part of 
  signal(error ("File \"/tmp/orgtex9387g-x.dvi\" wasn’t produced.  Please 
adjust ’dvipng’ part of ‘org-preview-latex-process-alist’."))
  error("File \"/tmp/orgtex9387g-x.dvi\" wasn't produced.  Please adjust 
'dvipng' part of `org-preview-latex-process-alist'.")
  org-compile-file("/tmp/orgtex9387g-x.tex" ("latex -interaction nonstopmode 
-output-directory %o %f") "dvi" "Please adjust 'dvipng' part of 
`org-preview-latex-process-alist'." #<buffer *Org Preview LaTeX Output*>)
(:foreground default :background default :scale 1.5 :html-foreground "Black" 
:html-background "Transparent" :html-scale 1 :matchers ("begin" "$1" "$" "$$" 
"\\(" "\\[")) nil dvipng)
  org-format-latex("ltximg/latex9387T0r" nil nil "/tmp/" nil "Creating LaTeX 
Image..." nil dvipng)
  org-html-format-latex("\\begin{align*}" dvipng (:export-options (body-only) 
:back-end [cl-struct-org-export-backend html nil ((bold . org-html-bold) 
(center-block . org-html-center-block) (clock . org-html-clock) (code . 
org-html-code) (drawer . org-html-drawer) (dynamic-block . 
org-html-dynamic-block) (entity . org-html-entity) (example-block . 
org-html-example-block) (export-block . org-html-export-block) (export-snippet 
. org-html-export-snippet) (fixed-width . org-html-fixed-width) 
(footnote-definition . org-html-footnote-definition) (footnote-reference . 
org-html-footnote-reference) (headline . org-html-headline) (horizontal-rule . 
org-html-horizontal-rule) (inline-src-block . org-html-inline-src-block) 
(inlinetask . org-html-inlinetask) (inner-template . org-html-inner-template) 
(italic . org-html-italic) (item . org-html-item) (keyword . org-html-keyword) 
(latex-environment . org-html-latex-environment) (latex-fragment . 
org-html-latex-fragment) (line-break . org-html-line-break) (link . 
org-html-link) (node-property . org-html-node-property) (paragraph . 
org-html-paragraph) (plain-list . org-html-plain-list) (plain-text . 
org-html-plain-text) (planning . org-html-planning) (property-drawer . 
org-html-property-drawer) (quote-block . org-html-quote-block) (radio-target . 
org-html-radio-target) (section . org-html-section) (special-block . 
org-html-special-block) (src-block . org-html-src-block) (statistics-cookie . 
org-html-statistics-cookie) (strike-through . org-html-strike-through) 
(subscript . org-html-subscript) (superscript . org-html-superscript) (table . 
org-html-table) (table-cell . org-html-table-cell) (table-row . 
org-html-table-row) (target . org-html-target) (template . org-html-template) 
(timestamp . org-html-timestamp) (underline . org-html-underline) (verbatim . 
org-html-verbatim) (verse-block . org-html-verse-block)) ((:html-doctype 
"HTML_DOCTYPE" nil org-html-doctype) (:html-container "HTML_CONTAINER" nil 
org-html-container-element) (:description "DESCRIPTION" nil nil newline) 
(:keywords "KEYWORDS" nil nil space) (:html-html5-fancy nil "html5-fancy" 
org-html-html5-fancy) (:html-link-use-abs-url nil "html-link-use-abs-url" 
org-html-link-use-abs-url) (:html-link-home "HTML_LINK_HOME" nil 
org-html-link-home) (:html-link-up "HTML_LINK_UP" nil org-html-link-up) 
(:html-mathjax "HTML_MATHJAX" nil "" space) (:html-postamble nil 
"html-postamble" org-html-postamble) (:html-preamble nil "html-preamble" 
org-html-preamble) (:html-head "HTML_HEAD" nil org-html-head newline) 
(:html-head-extra "HTML_HEAD_EXTRA" nil org-html-head-extra newline) (:subtitle 
"SUBTITLE" nil nil parse) (:html-head-include-default-style nil "html-style" 
org-html-head-include-default-style) (:html-head-include-scripts nil 
"html-scripts" org-html-head-include-scripts) 
(:html-allow-name-attribute-in-anchors nil nil 
org-html-allow-name-attribute-in-anchors) (:html-divs nil nil org-html-divs) 
(:html-checkbox-type nil nil org-html-checkbox-type) (:html-extension nil nil 
org-html-extension) (:html-footnote-format nil nil org-html-footnote-format) 
(:html-footnote-separator nil nil org-html-footnote-separator) 
(:html-footnotes-section nil nil org-html-footnotes-section) 
(:html-format-drawer-function nil nil org-html-format-drawer-function) 
(:html-format-headline-function nil nil org-html-format-headline-function) 
(:html-format-inlinetask-function nil nil org-html-format-inlinetask-function) 
(:html-home/up-format nil nil org-html-home/up-format) (:html-indent nil nil 
org-html-indent) (:html-infojs-options nil nil org-html-infojs-options) 
(:html-infojs-template nil nil org-html-infojs-template) 
(:html-inline-image-rules nil nil org-html-inline-image-rules) 
(:html-link-org-files-as-html nil nil org-html-link-org-files-as-html) 
(:html-mathjax-options nil nil org-html-mathjax-options) 
(:html-mathjax-template nil nil org-html-mathjax-template) 
(:html-metadata-timestamp-format nil nil org-html-metadata-timestamp-format) 
(:html-postamble-format nil nil org-html-postamble-format) 
(:html-preamble-format nil nil org-html-preamble-format) 
(:html-table-align-individual-fields nil nil 
org-html-table-align-individual-fields) (:html-table-caption-above nil nil 
org-html-table-caption-above) (:html-table-data-tags nil nil 
org-html-table-data-tags) (:html-table-header-tags nil nil 
org-html-table-header-tags) (:html-table-use-header-tags-for-first-column nil 
nil org-html-table-use-header-tags-for-first-column) (:html-tag-class-prefix 
nil nil org-html-tag-class-prefix) (:html-text-markup-alist nil nil 
org-html-text-markup-alist) (:html-todo-kwd-class-prefix nil nil 
org-html-todo-kwd-class-prefix) (:html-toplevel-hlevel nil nil 
org-html-toplevel-hlevel) (:html-use-infojs nil nil org-html-use-infojs) 
(:html-validation-link nil nil org-html-validation-link) (:html-viewport nil 
nil org-html-viewport) (:html-inline-images nil nil org-html-inline-images) 
...) ((:filter-options . org-html-infojs-install-script) (:filter-parse-tree . 
org-html-image-link-filter) (:filter-final-output . org-html-final-function)) 
nil (104 "Export to HTML" ((72 "As HTML buffer" org-html-export-as-html) (104 
"As HTML file" org-html-export-to-html) (111 "As HTML file and open" (lambda (a 
s v b) (if a (org-html-export-to-html t s v b) (org-open-file ...))))))] 
:translate-alist ((bold . org-html-bold) (center-block . org-html-center-block) 
(clock . org-html-clock) (code . org-html-code) (drawer . org-html-drawer) 
(dynamic-block . org-html-dynamic-block) (entity . org-html-entity) 
(example-block . org-html-example-block) (export-block . org-html-export-block) 
(export-snippet . org-html-export-snippet) (fixed-width . org-html-fixed-width) 
(footnote-definition . org-html-footnote-definition) (footnote-reference . 
org-html-footnote-reference) (headline . org-html-headline) (horizontal-rule . 
org-html-horizontal-rule) (inline-src-block . org-html-inline-src-block) 
(inlinetask . org-html-inlinetask) (inner-template . org-html-inner-template) 
(italic . org-html-italic) (item . org-html-item) (keyword . org-html-keyword) 
(latex-environment . org-html-latex-environment) (latex-fragment . 
org-html-latex-fragment) (line-break . org-html-line-break) (link . 
org-html-link) (node-property . org-html-node-property) (paragraph . 
org-html-paragraph) (plain-list . org-html-plain-list) (plain-text . 
org-html-plain-text) (planning . org-html-planning) (property-drawer . 
org-html-property-drawer) (quote-block . org-html-quote-block) (radio-target . 
org-html-radio-target) (section . org-html-section) (special-block . 
org-html-special-block) (src-block . org-html-src-block) (statistics-cookie . 
org-html-statistics-cookie) (strike-through . org-html-strike-through) 
(subscript . org-html-subscript) (superscript . org-html-superscript) (table . 
org-html-table) (table-cell . org-html-table-cell) (table-row . 
org-html-table-row) (target . org-html-target) (template . org-html-template) 
(timestamp . org-html-timestamp) (underline . org-html-underline) (verbatim . 
org-html-verbatim) (verse-block . org-html-verse-block)) :exported-data 
#s(hash-table size 4001 test eq rehash-size 1.5 rehash-threshold 0.8 data 
((keyword (:key "OPTIONS" :value "latex:t toc:nil H:3" :begin 1 :end 32 
:post-blank 0 :post-affiliated 1 :parent (section (:begin 1 :end 64 
:contents-begin 1 :contents-end 63 :post-blank 1 :post-affiliated 1 :parent 
(org-data nil #4 (headline ... ...))) #2 (paragraph (:begin 32 :end 63 
:contents-begin 32 :contents-end 63 :post-blank 0 :post-affiliated 32 :parent 
#4) #("(setq org-html-with-latex nil)\n" 0 31 (:parent #5)))))) "" #("(setq 
org-html-with-latex nil)\n" 0 31 (:parent (paragraph (:begin 32 :end 63 
:contents-begin 32 :contents-end 63 :post-blank 0 :post-affiliated 32 :parent 
(section (:begin 1 :end 64 :contents-begin 1 :contents-end 63 :post-blank 1 
:post-affiliated 1 :parent ...) (keyword ...) #4)) #2))) #("(setq 
org-html-with-latex nil)<br />\n" 0 30 (:parent (paragraph (:begin 32 :end 63 
:contents-begin 32 :contents-end 63 :post-blank 0 :post-affiliated 32 :parent 
(section (:begin 1 :end 64 :contents-begin 1 :contents-end 63 :post-blank 1 
:post-affiliated 1 :parent ...) (keyword ...) #4)) #("(setq org-html-with-latex 
nil)\n" 0 31 (:parent #4))))) (paragraph (:begin 32 :end 63 :contents-begin 32 
:contents-end 63 :post-blank 0 :post-affiliated 32 :parent (section (:begin 1 
:end 64 :contents-begin 1 :contents-end 63 :post-blank 1 :post-affiliated 1 
:parent (org-data nil #4 (headline ... ...))) (keyword (:key "OPTIONS" :value 
"latex:t toc:nil H:3" :begin 1 :end 32 :post-blank 0 :post-affiliated 1 :parent 
#4)) #2)) #("(setq org-html-with-latex nil)\n" 0 31 (:parent #2))) 
#("<p>\n(setq org-html-with-latex nil)<br />\n</p>\n" 4 34 (:parent (paragraph 
(:begin 32 :end 63 :contents-begin 32 :contents-end 63 :post-blank 0 
:post-affiliated 32 :parent (section (:begin 1 :end 64 :contents-begin 1 
:contents-end 63 :post-blank 1 :post-affiliated 1 :parent ...) (keyword ...) 
#4)) #("(setq org-html-with-latex nil)\n" 0 31 (:parent #4))))) (section 
(:begin 1 :end 64 :contents-begin 1 :contents-end 63 :post-blank 1 
:post-affiliated 1 :parent (org-data nil #2 (headline (:raw-value "Matlab code" 
:begin 64 :end 279 :pre-blank 0 :contents-begin 79 :contents-end 279 :level 1 
:priority nil :tags nil :todo-keyword nil :todo-type nil :post-blank 0 
:footnote-section-p nil :archivedp nil :commentedp nil :post-affiliated 64 
:title (#("Matlab code" 0 11 ...)) :parent #4) (section (:begin 79 :end 279 
:contents-begin 79 :contents-end 279 :post-blank 0 :post-affiliated 79 :parent 
#5) (paragraph ... #("f=@(t,y)[-t*y" 0 13 ...) ... #("];\n[t,y]=ode45(f,[0 
1],1);\nt=[t(1),t(end)];\ny=[y(1),y(end)];\ndisp('" 0 67 ...) ... 
#("')\nfprintf('t = [%g  \\" 0 22 ...) ... #("%g]  \\\\\\\\" 0 9 ...) ... #("', 
t)\nfprintf('y = [%g  \\" 0 25 ...) ... #("%g] " 0 4 ...) ... #("', y)\ndisp('" 
0 12 ...) ... #("')\n" 0 3 ...)))))) (keyword (:key "OPTIONS" :value "latex:t 
toc:nil H:3" :begin 1 :end 32 :post-blank 0 :post-affiliated 1 :parent #2)) 
(paragraph (:begin 32 :end 63 :contents-begin 32 :contents-end 63 :post-blank 0 
:post-affiliated 32 :parent #2) #("(setq org-html-with-latex nil)\n" 0 31 
(:parent #3)))) #("<p>\n(setq org-html-with-latex nil)<br />\n</p>\n\n" 4 34 
(:parent (paragraph (:begin 32 :end 63 :contents-begin 32 :contents-end 63 
:post-blank 0 :post-affiliated 32 :parent (section (:begin 1 :end 64 
:contents-begin 1 :contents-end 63 :post-blank 1 :post-affiliated 1 :parent 
...) (keyword ...) #4)) #("(setq org-html-with-latex nil)\n" 0 31 (:parent 
#4))))) #("f=@(t,y)[-t*y" 0 13 (:parent (paragraph (:begin 79 :end 279 
:contents-begin 79 :contents-end 279 :post-blank 0 :post-affiliated 79 :parent 
(section (:begin 79 :end 279 :contents-begin 79 :contents-end 279 :post-blank 0 
:post-affiliated 79 :parent ...) #4)) #2 (superscript (:begin 92 :end 94 
:use-brackets-p nil :contents-begin 93 :contents-end 94 :post-blank 0 :parent 
#4) #("2" 0 1 (:parent #5))) #("];\n[t,y]=ode45(f,[0 
1],1);\nt=[t(1),t(end)];\ny=[y(1),y(end)];\ndisp('" 0 67 (:parent #4)) 
(latex-fragment (:value "\\begin{align*}" :begin 161 :end 175 :post-blank 0 
:parent #4)) #("')\nfprintf('t = [%g  \\" 0 22 (:parent #4)) (latex-fragment 
(:value "\\quad" :begin 197 :end 203 :post-blank 1 :parent #4)) #("%g]  
\\\\\\\\" 0 9 (:parent #4)) (latex-fragment (:value "\\n" :begin 212 :end 214 
:post-blank 0 :parent #4)) #("', t)\nfprintf('y = [%g  \\" 0 25 (:parent #4)) 
(latex-fragment (:value "\\qquad" :begin 239 :end 246 :post-blank 1 :parent 
#4)) #("%g] " 0 4 (:parent #4)) (latex-fragment (:value "\\n" :begin 250 :end 
252 :post-blank 0 :parent #4)) #("', y)\ndisp('" 0 12 (:parent #4)) 
(latex-fragment (:value "\\end{align*}" :begin 264 :end 276 :post-blank 0 
:parent #4)) #("')\n" 0 3 (:parent #4))))) #("f=@(t,y)[-t*y" 0 13 (:parent 
(paragraph (:begin 79 :end 279 :contents-begin 79 :contents-end 279 :post-blank 
0 :post-affiliated 79 :parent (section (:begin 79 :end 279 :contents-begin 79 
:contents-end 279 :post-blank 0 :post-affiliated 79 :parent ...) #4)) 
#("f=@(t,y)[-t*y" 0 13 (:parent #4)) (superscript (:begin 92 :end 94 
:use-brackets-p nil :contents-begin 93 :contents-end 94 :post-blank 0 :parent 
#4) #("2" 0 1 (:parent #5))) #("];\n[t,y]=ode45(f,[0 
1],1);\nt=[t(1),t(end)];\ny=[y(1),y(end)];\ndisp('" 0 67 (:parent #4)) 
(latex-fragment (:value "\\begin{align*}" :begin 161 :end 175 :post-blank 0 
:parent #4)) #("')\nfprintf('t = [%g  \\" 0 22 (:parent #4)) (latex-fragment 
(:value "\\quad" :begin 197 :end 203 :post-blank 1 :parent #4)) #("%g]  
\\\\\\\\" 0 9 (:parent #4)) (latex-fragment (:value "\\n" :begin 212 :end 214 
:post-blank 0 :parent #4)) #("', t)\nfprintf('y = [%g  \\" 0 25 (:parent #4)) 
(latex-fragment (:value "\\qquad" :begin 239 :end 246 :post-blank 1 :parent 
#4)) #("%g] " 0 4 (:parent #4)) (latex-fragment (:value "\\n" :begin 250 :end 
252 :post-blank 0 :parent #4)) #("', y)\ndisp('" 0 12 (:parent #4)) 
(latex-fragment (:value "\\end{align*}" :begin 264 :end 276 :post-blank 0 
:parent #4)) #("')\n" 0 3 (:parent #4))))) #("2" 0 1 (:parent (superscript 
(:begin 92 :end 94 :use-brackets-p nil :contents-begin 93 :contents-end 94 
:post-blank 0 :parent (paragraph (:begin 79 :end 279 :contents-begin 79 
:contents-end 279 :post-blank 0 :post-affiliated 79 :parent ...) 
#("f=@(t,y)[-t*y" 0 13 ...) #4 #("];\n[t,y]=ode45(f,[0 
1],1);\nt=[t(1),t(end)];\ny=[y(1),y(end)];\ndisp('" 0 67 ...) (latex-fragment 
...) #("')\nfprintf('t = [%g  \\" 0 22 ...) (latex-fragment ...) #("%g]  
\\\\\\\\" 0 9 ...) (latex-fragment ...) #("', t)\nfprintf('y = [%g  \\" 0 25 
...) (latex-fragment ...) #("%g] " 0 4 ...) (latex-fragment ...) #("', 
y)\ndisp('" 0 12 ...) (latex-fragment ...) #("')\n" 0 3 ...))) #2))) #("2" 0 1 
(:parent (superscript (:begin 92 :end 94 :use-brackets-p nil :contents-begin 93 
:contents-end 94 :post-blank 0 :parent (paragraph (:begin 79 :end 279 
:contents-begin 79 :contents-end 279 :post-blank 0 :post-affiliated 79 :parent 
...) #("f=@(t,y)[-t*y" 0 13 ...) #4 #("];\n[t,y]=ode45(f,[0 
1],1);\nt=[t(1),t(end)];\ny=[y(1),y(end)];\ndisp('" 0 67 ...) (latex-fragment 
...) #("')\nfprintf('t = [%g  \\" 0 22 ...) (latex-fragment ...) #("%g]  
\\\\\\\\" 0 9 ...) (latex-fragment ...) #("', t)\nfprintf('y = [%g  \\" 0 25 
...) (latex-fragment ...) #("%g] " 0 4 ...) (latex-fragment ...) #("', 
y)\ndisp('" 0 12 ...) (latex-fragment ...) #("')\n" 0 3 ...))) #("2" 0 1 
(:parent #4))))) (superscript (:begin 92 :end 94 :use-brackets-p nil 
:contents-begin 93 :contents-end 94 :post-blank 0 :parent (paragraph (:begin 79 
:end 279 :contents-begin 79 :contents-end 279 :post-blank 0 :post-affiliated 79 
:parent (section (:begin 79 :end 279 :contents-begin 79 :contents-end 279 
:post-blank 0 :post-affiliated 79 :parent ...) #4)) #("f=@(t,y)[-t*y" 0 13 
(:parent #4)) #2 #("];\n[t,y]=ode45(f,[0 
1],1);\nt=[t(1),t(end)];\ny=[y(1),y(end)];\ndisp('" 0 67 (:parent #4)) 
(latex-fragment (:value "\\begin{align*}" :begin 161 :end 175 :post-blank 0 
:parent #4)) #("')\nfprintf('t = [%g  \\" 0 22 (:parent #4)) (latex-fragment 
(:value "\\quad" :begin 197 :end 203 :post-blank 1 :parent #4)) #("%g]  
\\\\\\\\" 0 9 (:parent #4)) (latex-fragment (:value "\\n" :begin 212 :end 214 
:post-blank 0 :parent #4)) #("', t)\nfprintf('y = [%g  \\" 0 25 (:parent #4)) 
(latex-fragment (:value "\\qquad" :begin 239 :end 246 :post-blank 1 :parent 
#4)) #("%g] " 0 4 (:parent #4)) (latex-fragment (:value "\\n" :begin 250 :end 
252 :post-blank 0 :parent #4)) #("', y)\ndisp('" 0 12 (:parent #4)) 
(latex-fragment (:value "\\end{align*}" :begin 264 :end 276 :post-blank 0 
:parent #4)) #("')\n" 0 3 (:parent #4)))) #("2" 0 1 (:parent #2))) 
#("<sup>2</sup>" 5 6 (:parent (superscript (:begin 92 :end 94 :use-brackets-p 
nil :contents-begin 93 :contents-end 94 :post-blank 0 :parent (paragraph 
(:begin 79 :end 279 :contents-begin 79 :contents-end 279 :post-blank 0 
:post-affiliated 79 :parent ...) #("f=@(t,y)[-t*y" 0 13 ...) #4 
#("];\n[t,y]=ode45(f,[0 1],1);\nt=[t(1),t(end)];\ny=[y(1),y(end)];\ndisp('" 0 
67 ...) (latex-fragment ...) #("')\nfprintf('t = [%g  \\" 0 22 ...) 
(latex-fragment ...) #("%g]  \\\\\\\\" 0 9 ...) (latex-fragment ...) #("', 
t)\nfprintf('y = [%g  \\" 0 25 ...) (latex-fragment ...) #("%g] " 0 4 ...) 
(latex-fragment ...) #("', y)\ndisp('" 0 12 ...) (latex-fragment ...) #("')\n" 
0 3 ...))) #("2" 0 1 (:parent #4))))) #("];\n[t,y]=ode45(f,[0 
1],1);\nt=[t(1),t(end)];\ny=[y(1),y(end)];\ndisp('" 0 67 (:parent (paragraph 
(:begin 79 :end 279 :contents-begin 79 :contents-end 279 :post-blank 0 
:post-affiliated 79 :parent (section (:begin 79 :end 279 :contents-begin 79 
:contents-end 279 :post-blank 0 :post-affiliated 79 :parent ...) #4)) 
#("f=@(t,y)[-t*y" 0 13 (:parent #4)) (superscript (:begin 92 :end 94 
:use-brackets-p nil :contents-begin 93 :contents-end 94 :post-blank 0 :parent 
#4) #("2" 0 1 (:parent #5))) #2 (latex-fragment (:value "\\begin{align*}" 
:begin 161 :end 175 :post-blank 0 :parent #4)) #("')\nfprintf('t = [%g  \\" 0 
22 (:parent #4)) (latex-fragment (:value "\\quad" :begin 197 :end 203 
:post-blank 1 :parent #4)) #("%g]  \\\\\\\\" 0 9 (:parent #4)) (latex-fragment 
(:value "\\n" :begin 212 :end 214 :post-blank 0 :parent #4)) #("', 
t)\nfprintf('y = [%g  \\" 0 25 (:parent #4)) (latex-fragment (:value "\\qquad" 
:begin 239 :end 246 :post-blank 1 :parent #4)) #("%g] " 0 4 (:parent #4)) 
(latex-fragment (:value "\\n" :begin 250 :end 252 :post-blank 0 :parent #4)) 
#("', y)\ndisp('" 0 12 (:parent #4)) (latex-fragment (:value "\\end{align*}" 
:begin 264 :end 276 :post-blank 0 :parent #4)) #("')\n" 0 3 (:parent #4))))) 
#("];<br />\n[t,y]=ode45(f,[0 1],1);<br />\nt=[t(1),t(end)];<br 
/>\ny=[y(1),y(end)];<br />\ndisp('" 0 2 (:parent (paragraph (:begin 79 :end 279 
:contents-begin 79 :contents-end 279 :post-blank 0 :post-affiliated 79 :parent 
(section (:begin 79 :end 279 :contents-begin 79 :contents-end 279 :post-blank 0 
:post-affiliated 79 :parent ...) #4)) #("f=@(t,y)[-t*y" 0 13 (:parent #4)) 
(superscript (:begin 92 :end 94 :use-brackets-p nil :contents-begin 93 
:contents-end 94 :post-blank 0 :parent #4) #("2" 0 1 (:parent #5))) 
#("];\n[t,y]=ode45(f,[0 1],1);\nt=[t(1),t(end)];\ny=[y(1),y(end)];\ndisp('" 0 
67 (:parent #4)) (latex-fragment (:value "\\begin{align*}" :begin 161 :end 175 
:post-blank 0 :parent #4)) #("')\nfprintf('t = [%g  \\" 0 22 (:parent #4)) 
(latex-fragment (:value "\\quad" :begin 197 :end 203 :post-blank 1 :parent #4)) 
#("%g]  \\\\\\\\" 0 9 (:parent #4)) (latex-fragment (:value "\\n" :begin 212 
:end 214 :post-blank 0 :parent #4)) #("', t)\nfprintf('y = [%g  \\" 0 25 
(:parent #4)) (latex-fragment (:value "\\qquad" :begin 239 :end 246 :post-blank 
1 :parent #4)) #("%g] " 0 4 (:parent #4)) (latex-fragment (:value "\\n" :begin 
250 :end 252 :post-blank 0 :parent #4)) #("', y)\ndisp('" 0 12 (:parent #4)) 
(latex-fragment (:value "\\end{align*}" :begin 264 :end 276 :post-blank 0 
:parent #4)) #("')\n" 0 3 (:parent #4)))) 9 32 (:parent (paragraph (:begin 79 
:end 279 :contents-begin 79 :contents-end 279 :post-blank 0 :post-affiliated 79 
:parent (section (:begin 79 :end 279 :contents-begin 79 :contents-end 279 
:post-blank 0 :post-affiliated 79 :parent ...) #4)) #("f=@(t,y)[-t*y" 0 13 
(:parent #4)) (superscript (:begin 92 :end 94 :use-brackets-p nil 
:contents-begin 93 :contents-end 94 :post-blank 0 :parent #4) #("2" 0 1 
(:parent #5))) #("];\n[t,y]=ode45(f,[0 
1],1);\nt=[t(1),t(end)];\ny=[y(1),y(end)];\ndisp('" 0 67 (:parent #4)) 
(latex-fragment (:value "\\begin{align*}" :begin 161 :end 175 :post-blank 0 
:parent #4)) #("')\nfprintf('t = [%g  \\" 0 22 (:parent #4)) (latex-fragment 
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0 3 ...)))) #("];<br />\n[t,y]=ode45(f,[0 1],1);<br />\nt=[t(1),t(end)];<br 
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1],1);\nt=[t(1),t(end)];\ny=[y(1),y(end)];\ndisp('" 0 67 ...) (latex-fragment 
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...) (latex-fragment ...) #("%g] " 0 4 ...) (latex-fragment ...) #("', 
y)\ndisp('" 0 12 ...) (latex-fragment ...) #("')\n" 0 3 ...))) #("2" 0 1 
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t)\nfprintf('y = [%g  \\" 0 25 ...) (latex-fragment ...) #("%g] " 0 4 ...) 
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"\\end{align*}" :begin 264 :end 276 :post-blank 0 :parent #3)) #("')\n" 0 3 
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#1 #("%g] " 0 4 (:parent #3)) (latex-fragment (:value "\\n" :begin 250 :end 252 
:post-blank 0 :parent #3)) #("', y)\ndisp('" 0 12 (:parent #3)) (latex-fragment 
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0 3 (:parent #3))))) #("%g] " 0 4 (:parent (paragraph (:begin 79 :end 279 
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#3)) #1 (latex-fragment (:value "\\n" :begin 250 :end 252 :post-blank 0 :parent 
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"\\end{align*}" :begin 264 :end 276 :post-blank 0 :parent #3)) #("')\n" 0 3 
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#4)) #("%g] " 0 4 (:parent #4)) (latex-fragment (:value "\\n" :begin 250 :end 
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#4)) #("%g] " 0 4 (:parent #4)) (latex-fragment (:value "\\n" :begin 250 :end 
252 :post-blank 0 :parent #4)) #("', y)\ndisp('" 0 12 (:parent #4)) 
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#4)) #("%g] " 0 4 (:parent #4)) (latex-fragment (:value "\\n" :begin 250 :end 
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0 3 ...)))) #("];<br />\n[t,y]=ode45(f,[0 1],1);<br />\nt=[t(1),t(end)];<br 
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67 ...) (latex-fragment ...) #("')\nfprintf('t = [%g  \\" 0 22 ...) 
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67 ...) (latex-fragment ...) #("')\nfprintf('t = [%g  \\" 0 22 ...) 
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0 3 ...))) #("2" 0 1 (:parent #4))))) #("];\n[t,y]=ode45(f,[0 
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1 :parent #4)) #("%g] " 0 4 (:parent #4)) (latex-fragment (:value "\\n" :begin 
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#4)) #("%g] " 0 4 (:parent #4)) (latex-fragment (:value "\\n" :begin 250 :end 
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nil org-html-viewport) (:html-inline-images nil nil org-html-inline-images) 
...) ((:filter-options . org-html-infojs-install-script) (:filter-parse-tree . 
org-html-image-link-filter) (:filter-final-output . org-html-final-function)) 
nil (104 "Export to HTML" ((72 "As HTML buffer" org-html-export-as-html) (104 
"As HTML file" org-html-export-to-html) (111 "As HTML file and open" (lambda (a 
s v b) (if a (org-html-export-to-html t s v b) (org-open-file ...))))))] 
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(clock . org-html-clock) (code . org-html-code) (drawer . org-html-drawer) 
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org-html-latex-fragment) (line-break . org-html-line-break) (link . 
org-html-link) (node-property . org-html-node-property) (paragraph . 
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org-html-special-block) (src-block . org-html-src-block) (statistics-cookie . 
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org-html-table) (table-cell . org-html-table-cell) (table-row . 
org-html-table-row) (target . org-html-target) (template . org-html-template) 
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org-html-verbatim) (verse-block . org-html-verse-block)) :exported-data 
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#("')\nfprintf('t = [%g  \\" 0 22 ...) ... #("%g]  \\\\\\\\" 0 9 ...) ... #("', 
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#4)) #("%g] " 0 4 (:parent #4)) (latex-fragment (:value "\\n" :begin 250 :end 
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1],1);\nt=[t(1),t(end)];\ny=[y(1),y(end)];\ndisp('" 0 67 ...) (latex-fragment 
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\\\\\\\\" 0 9 ...) (latex-fragment ...) #("', t)\nfprintf('y = [%g  \\" 0 25 
...) (latex-fragment ...) #("%g] " 0 4 ...) (latex-fragment ...) #("', 
y)\ndisp('" 0 12 ...) (latex-fragment ...) #("')\n" 0 3 ...))) #2))) #("2" 0 1 
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...) #("')\nfprintf('t = [%g  \\" 0 22 ...) (latex-fragment ...) #("%g]  
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1],1);\nt=[t(1),t(end)];\ny=[y(1),y(end)];\ndisp('" 0 67 (:parent #4)) 
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67 ...) (latex-fragment ...) #("')\nfprintf('t = [%g  \\" 0 22 ...) 
(latex-fragment ...) #("%g]  \\\\\\\\" 0 9 ...) (latex-fragment ...) #("', 
t)\nfprintf('y = [%g  \\" 0 25 ...) (latex-fragment ...) #("%g] " 0 4 ...) 
(latex-fragment ...) #("', y)\ndisp('" 0 12 ...) (latex-fragment ...) #("')\n" 
0 3 ...))) #("2" 0 1 (:parent #4))))) #("];\n[t,y]=ode45(f,[0 
1],1);\nt=[t(1),t(end)];\ny=[y(1),y(end)];\ndisp('" 0 67 (:parent (paragraph 
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22 (:parent #4)) (latex-fragment (:value "\\quad" :begin 197 :end 203 
:post-blank 1 :parent #4)) #("%g]  \\\\\\\\" 0 9 (:parent #4)) (latex-fragment 
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t)\nfprintf('y = [%g  \\" 0 25 (:parent #4)) (latex-fragment (:value "\\qquad" 
:begin 239 :end 246 :post-blank 1 :parent #4)) #("%g] " 0 4 (:parent #4)) 
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#("', y)\ndisp('" 0 12 (:parent #4)) (latex-fragment (:value "\\end{align*}" 
:begin 264 :end 276 :post-blank 0 :parent #4)) #("')\n" 0 3 (:parent #4))))) 
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67 (:parent #4)) (latex-fragment (:value "\\begin{align*}" :begin 161 :end 175 
:post-blank 0 :parent #4)) #("')\nfprintf('t = [%g  \\" 0 22 (:parent #4)) 
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#("%g]  \\\\\\\\" 0 9 (:parent #4)) (latex-fragment (:value "\\n" :begin 212 
:end 214 :post-blank 0 :parent #4)) #("', t)\nfprintf('y = [%g  \\" 0 25 
(:parent #4)) (latex-fragment (:value "\\qquad" :begin 239 :end 246 :post-blank 
1 :parent #4)) #("%g] " 0 4 (:parent #4)) (latex-fragment (:value "\\n" :begin 
250 :end 252 :post-blank 0 :parent #4)) #("', y)\ndisp('" 0 12 (:parent #4)) 
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:parent #4)) #("')\n" 0 3 (:parent #4)))) 9 32 (:parent (paragraph (:begin 79 
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(latex-fragment (:value "\\begin{align*}" :begin 161 :end 175 :post-blank 0 
:parent #4)) #("')\nfprintf('t = [%g  \\" 0 22 (:parent #4)) (latex-fragment 
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\\\\\\\\" 0 9 (:parent #4)) (latex-fragment (:value "\\n" :begin 212 :end 214 
:post-blank 0 :parent #4)) #("', t)\nfprintf('y = [%g  \\" 0 25 (:parent #4)) 
(latex-fragment (:value "\\qquad" :begin 239 :end 246 :post-blank 1 :parent 
#4)) #("%g] " 0 4 (:parent #4)) (latex-fragment (:value "\\n" :begin 250 :end 
252 :post-blank 0 :parent #4)) #("', y)\ndisp('" 0 12 (:parent #4)) 
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:parent #4)) #("')\n" 0 3 (:parent #4)))) 39 55 (:parent (paragraph (:begin 79 
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:parent #4)) #("')\nfprintf('t = [%g  \\" 0 22 (:parent #4)) (latex-fragment 
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#4)) #("%g] " 0 4 (:parent #4)) (latex-fragment (:value "\\n" :begin 250 :end 
252 :post-blank 0 :parent #4)) #("', y)\ndisp('" 0 12 (:parent #4)) 
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:parent #4)) #("')\n" 0 3 (:parent #4)))) 62 78 (:parent (paragraph (:begin 79 
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#4)) #("%g] " 0 4 (:parent #4)) (latex-fragment (:value "\\n" :begin 250 :end 
252 :post-blank 0 :parent #4)) #("', y)\ndisp('" 0 12 (:parent #4)) 
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nil (104 "Export to HTML" ((72 "As HTML buffer" org-html-export-as-html) (104 
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... ...))))] :translate-alist ((bold . org-html-bold) (center-block . 
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...) #("')\nfprintf('t = [%g  \\" 0 22 ...) (latex-fragment ...) #("%g]  
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y)\ndisp('" 0 12 ...) (latex-fragment ...) #("')\n" 0 3 ...)))) 
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t)\nfprintf('y = [%g  \\" 0 25 ...) (latex-fragment ...) #("%g] " 0 4 ...) 
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0 3 ...)))) #("];<br />\n[t,y]=ode45(f,[0 1],1);<br />\nt=[t(1),t(end)];<br 
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0 3 ...))) 9 32 (:parent (paragraph (:begin 79 :end 279 :contents-begin 79 
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t)\nfprintf('y = [%g  \\" 0 25 ...) (latex-fragment ...) #("%g] " 0 4 ...) 
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0 3 ...))) 39 55 (:parent (paragraph (:begin 79 :end 279 :contents-begin 79 
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1 :parent #2)) #("%g] " 0 4 (:parent #2)) (latex-fragment (:value "\\n" :begin 
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#4)) #("%g] " 0 4 (:parent #4)) (latex-fragment (:value "\\n" :begin 250 :end 
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0 3 ...))) #("2" 0 1 (:parent #4))))) #("];\n[t,y]=ode45(f,[0 
1],1);\nt=[t(1),t(end)];\ny=[y(1),y(end)];\ndisp('" 0 67 (:parent (paragraph 
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67 (:parent #4)) (latex-fragment (:value "\\begin{align*}" :begin 161 :end 175 
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(:parent #4)) (latex-fragment (:value "\\qquad" :begin 239 :end 246 :post-blank 
1 :parent #4)) #("%g] " 0 4 (:parent #4)) (latex-fragment (:value "\\n" :begin 
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:parent #4)) #("')\nfprintf('t = [%g  \\" 0 22 (:parent #4)) (latex-fragment 
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:post-blank 0 :parent #4)) #("', t)\nfprintf('y = [%g  \\" 0 25 (:parent #4)) 
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#4)) #("%g] " 0 4 (:parent #4)) (latex-fragment (:value "\\n" :begin 250 :end 
252 :post-blank 0 :parent #4)) #("', y)\ndisp('" 0 12 (:parent #4)) 
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#4)) #("%g] " 0 4 (:parent #4)) (latex-fragment (:value "\\n" :begin 250 :end 
252 :post-blank 0 :parent #4)) #("', y)\ndisp('" 0 12 (:parent #4)) 
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\\\\\\\\" 0 9 (:parent #4)) (latex-fragment (:value "\\n" :begin 212 :end 214 
:post-blank 0 :parent #4)) #("', t)\nfprintf('y = [%g  \\" 0 25 (:parent #4)) 
(latex-fragment (:value "\\qquad" :begin 239 :end 246 :post-blank 1 :parent 
#4)) #("%g] " 0 4 (:parent #4)) (latex-fragment (:value "\\n" :begin 250 :end 
252 :post-blank 0 :parent #4)) #("', y)\ndisp('" 0 12 (:parent #4)) 
(latex-fragment (:value "\\end{align*}" :begin 264 :end 276 :post-blank 0 
:parent #4)) #("')\n" 0 3 (:parent #4)))) 85 91 (:parent (paragraph (:begin 79 
:end 279 :contents-begin 79 :contents-end 279 :post-blank 0 :post-affiliated 79 
:parent (section (:begin 79 :end 279 :contents-begin 79 :contents-end 279 
:post-blank 0 :post-affiliated 79 :parent ...) #4)) #("f=@(t,y)[-t*y" 0 13 
(:parent #4)) (superscript (:begin 92 :end 94 :use-brackets-p nil 
:contents-begin 93 :contents-end 94 :post-blank 0 :parent #4) #("2" 0 1 
(:parent #5))) #("];\n[t,y]=ode45(f,[0 
1],1);\nt=[t(1),t(end)];\ny=[y(1),y(end)];\ndisp('" 0 67 (:parent #4)) 
(latex-fragment (:value "\\begin{align*}" :begin 161 :end 175 :post-blank 0 
:parent #4)) #("')\nfprintf('t = [%g  \\" 0 22 (:parent #4)) (latex-fragment 
(:value "\\quad" :begin 197 :end 203 :post-blank 1 :parent #4)) #("%g]  
\\\\\\\\" 0 9 (:parent #4)) (latex-fragment (:value "\\n" :begin 212 :end 214 
:post-blank 0 :parent #4)) #("', t)\nfprintf('y = [%g  \\" 0 25 (:parent #4)) 
(latex-fragment (:value "\\qquad" :begin 239 :end 246 :post-blank 1 :parent 
#4)) #("%g] " 0 4 (:parent #4)) (latex-fragment (:value "\\n" :begin 250 :end 
252 :post-blank 0 :parent #4)) #("', y)\ndisp('" 0 12 (:parent #4)) 
(latex-fragment (:value "\\end{align*}" :begin 264 :end 276 :post-blank 0 
:parent #4)) #("')\n" 0 3 (:parent #4))))) ...)) :input-buffer " *temp*" 
:input-file nil :html-doctype "xhtml-strict" :html-container "div" :description 
nil :keywords nil :html-html5-fancy nil :html-link-use-abs-url nil 
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:html-allow-name-attribute-in-anchors nil :html-divs ((preamble "div" 
"preamble") (content "div" "content") (postamble "div" "postamble")) 
:html-checkbox-type ascii ...))
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  org-export-string-as(#("#+OPTIONS: latex:t toc:nil H:3\n(setq 
org-html-with-latex nil)\n\n* Matlab code \nf=@(t,y)[-t*y^2];\n[t,y]=ode45(f,[0 
= [%g  \\\\quad %g]  \\\\\\\\\\n', t)\nfprintf('y = [%g  \\\\qquad %g] \\n', 
y)\ndisp('\\end{align*}')\n" 31 37 (fontified t) 37 62 (fontified t) 62 63 
(fontified t) 63 77 (fontified t) 77 78 (fontified t) 78 87 
(font-lock-fontified t src-block t fontified t) 87 88 (font-lock-fontified t 
src-block t fontified t) 88 89 (font-lock-fontified t src-block t fontified t) 
89 90 (font-lock-fontified t src-block t fontified t) 90 91 
(font-lock-fontified t src-block t fontified t) 91 92 (org-dwidth t 
org-dwidth-n 1 font-lock-fontified t src-block t fontified t) 92 93 
(font-lock-fontified t src-block t fontified t) 93 96 (font-lock-fontified t 
src-block t fontified t) 96 159 (font-lock-fontified t src-block t fontified t) 
159 175 (font-lock-fontified t src-block t fontified t) 175 185 
(font-lock-fontified t src-block t fontified t) 185 214 (font-lock-fontified t 
src-block t fontified t) 214 227 (font-lock-fontified t src-block t fontified 
t) 227 252 (font-lock-fontified t src-block t fontified t) 252 262 
(font-lock-fontified t src-block t fontified t) 262 276 (font-lock-fontified t 
src-block t fontified t) 276 277 (font-lock-fontified t src-block t fontified 
t) 277 278 (font-lock-fontified t src-block t rear-nonsticky t fontified t)) 
html t nil)
  org-mime--export-string(#("#+OPTIONS: latex:t toc:nil H:3\n(setq 
org-html-with-latex nil)\n\n* Matlab code \nf=@(t,y)[-t*y^2];\n[t,y]=ode45(f,[0 
= [%g  \\\\quad %g]  \\\\\\\\\\n', t)\nfprintf('y = [%g  \\\\qquad %g] \\n', 
y)\ndisp('\\end{align*}')\n" 31 37 (fontified t) 37 62 (fontified t) 62 63 
(fontified t) 63 77 (fontified t) 77 78 (fontified t) 78 87 
(font-lock-fontified t src-block t fontified t) 87 88 (font-lock-fontified t 
src-block t fontified t) 88 89 (font-lock-fontified t src-block t fontified t) 
89 90 (font-lock-fontified t src-block t fontified t) 90 91 
(font-lock-fontified t src-block t fontified t) 91 92 (org-dwidth t 
org-dwidth-n 1 font-lock-fontified t src-block t fontified t) 92 93 
(font-lock-fontified t src-block t fontified t) 93 96 (font-lock-fontified t 
src-block t fontified t) 96 159 (font-lock-fontified t src-block t fontified t) 
159 175 (font-lock-fontified t src-block t fontified t) 175 185 
(font-lock-fontified t src-block t fontified t) 185 214 (font-lock-fontified t 
src-block t fontified t) 214 227 (font-lock-fontified t src-block t fontified 
t) 227 252 (font-lock-fontified t src-block t fontified t) 252 262 
(font-lock-fontified t src-block t fontified t) 262 276 (font-lock-fontified t 
src-block t fontified t) 276 277 (font-lock-fontified t src-block t fontified 
t) 277 278 (font-lock-fontified t src-block t rear-nonsticky t fontified t)) 
html nil)
  #[(arg) "\203\306\307!\210\310 \211\203\311 
\206\212eb\210\312\n!\210`T)     \203)\313 \206*d
\f{P\314\315\316\"!\317 !\320\"\321\322\323\324\325!\205R\325 
 [org-mime-debug region-p mail-header-separator html-start html-end 
org-mime-default-header message "org-mime-htmlize called" org-region-active-p 
region-beginning search-forward region-end make-temp-name expand-file-name 
"mail" inline-css dvipng org-mime-replace-images org-mime--export-string html 
fboundp org-export--get-inbuffer-options org-mime-apply-html-hook format 
org-mime-multipart mapconcat identity "\n" body temporary-file-directory 
tmp-file org-export-htmlize-output-type org-mime-preserve-breaks 
org-export-preserve-breaks org-html-with-latex html-and-images arg html-images 
org-mime-fixedwith-wrap] 8 
("/home/oub/.emacs.d/elpa/org-mime-20170506.2244/org-mime.elc" . 6098) "P"](nil)
  ad-Advice-org-mime-htmlize(#[(arg) "\203\306\307!\210\310 \211\203\311 
\206\212eb\210\312\n!\210`T)  \203)\313 \206*d
\f{P\314\315\316\"!\317 !\320\"\321\322\323\324\325!\205R\325 
 [org-mime-debug region-p mail-header-separator html-start html-end 
org-mime-default-header message "org-mime-htmlize called" org-region-active-p 
region-beginning search-forward region-end make-temp-name expand-file-name 
"mail" inline-css dvipng org-mime-replace-images org-mime--export-string html 
fboundp org-export--get-inbuffer-options org-mime-apply-html-hook format 
org-mime-multipart mapconcat identity "\n" body temporary-file-directory 
tmp-file org-export-htmlize-output-type org-mime-preserve-breaks 
org-export-preserve-breaks org-html-with-latex html-and-images arg html-images 
org-mime-fixedwith-wrap] 8 
("/home/oub/.emacs.d/elpa/org-mime-20170506.2244/org-mime.elc" . 6098) "P"] nil)
  apply(ad-Advice-org-mime-htmlize #[(arg) "\203\306\307!\210\310 
\211\203\311 \206\212eb\210\312\n!\210`T)    \203)\313 \206*d
\f{P\314\315\316\"!\317 !\320\"\321\322\323\324\325!\205R\325 
 [org-mime-debug region-p mail-header-separator html-start html-end 
org-mime-default-header message "org-mime-htmlize called" org-region-active-p 
region-beginning search-forward region-end make-temp-name expand-file-name 
"mail" inline-css dvipng org-mime-replace-images org-mime--export-string html 
fboundp org-export--get-inbuffer-options org-mime-apply-html-hook format 
org-mime-multipart mapconcat identity "\n" body temporary-file-directory 
tmp-file org-export-htmlize-output-type org-mime-preserve-breaks 
org-export-preserve-breaks org-html-with-latex html-and-images arg html-images 
org-mime-fixedwith-wrap] 8 
("/home/oub/.emacs.d/elpa/org-mime-20170506.2244/org-mime.elc" . 6098) "P"] nil)
  funcall-interactively(org-mime-htmlize nil)
  call-interactively(org-mime-htmlize nil nil)

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