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Re: header-line and mode-line leave residue with certain fonts

From: Jan D.
Subject: Re: header-line and mode-line leave residue with certain fonts
Date: Wed, 25 Feb 2004 16:37:03 +0100

Start Emacs under X11 with -q -no-site-file, then type `M-x
set-frame-font RET' and at the prompt type
`-misc-fixed-medium-r-normal--13-120-75-75-c-70-iso8859-1 RET'.  Now
type `M-x ruler-mode' twice, first to display and then hide the ruler.
You will now see a vertical line the height of the ruler in the upper
left margin, between the scroll bar and the fringe.  Similarly, typing
`M-: (setq mode-line-format nil)' leaves a vertical line the height of
the mode line in the lower left margin, between the scroll bar and the
fringe.  Further observations:

- These residues of the mode line and header line (if that's what they
  are) disappear when the frame is redisplayed (e.g. by typing `C-l').
- Unsplitting a vertically split frame also leaves such residues.
- I've also observed residues of the header lines in tabbar-mode and
  w3m-mode, but the Info header line appears to leave either a very
  faint residue or none, on my monitor with the default colors.
- The residues appear only with certain fontsets.  I haven't tried all
  the fonts on my system, but I've only observed the residues with
  fonts with a width field of 70.
- The residues appear only when the scroll bar is on the left.

Not really, I can get then on both sides.

- The residues appear whether or not there is a left fringe.
- The residues don't appear in the released Emacs 21.3.1, nor do I
  recall seeing them in CVS Emacs with the Xaw3d scroll bars
  (currently I only have the GTK build of CVS Emacs available).

This is a bad interaction between GTK and X and occur because Emacs can't
use the GTK event loop and scroll bars need to be double buffered to
avoid flicker.  It is a GTK only problem.  I have this on my todo list
(actually been there since GTK first made it into Emacs), I'll try to
give it more priority.


        Jan D.

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